
Disambig.pngこの記事はRockwell as a bossについてです。Rockwell as a character in the loreについては、Edmund Rockwellを参照してください。
このページには、ARK:Survival Evolvedの背景ストーリーに関連したネタバレが含まれている可能性があります。

Dossier Rockwell.pngDossier_Rockwell.png

Steam.svg 275.0
12月 12, 2017
12月 12, 2017
PS.svg 518.0
12月 12, 2017

6月 11, 2020
admincheat summon Rockwell_Character_BP_C
admincheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/Aberration/Boss/Rockwell/Rockwell_Character_BP.Rockwell_Character_BP'" 500 0 0 35
Variant Gamma
admincheat summon Rockwell_Character_BP_Easy_C
admincheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/Aberration/Boss/Rockwell/Rockwell_Character_BP_Easy.Rockwell_Character_BP_Easy'" 500 0 0 35
Variant Beta
admincheat summon Rockwell_Character_BP_Medium_C
admincheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/Aberration/Boss/Rockwell/Rockwell_Character_BP_Medium.Rockwell_Character_BP_Medium'" 500 0 0 35
Variant Alpha
admincheat summon Rockwell_Character_BP_Hard_C
admincheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/Aberration/Boss/Rockwell/Rockwell_Character_BP_Hard.Rockwell_Character_BP_Hard'" 500 0 0 35
Variant RockwellTentacle
admincheat summon RockwellTentacle_Character_BP_C
admincheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/Aberration/Boss/RockwellTentacle/RockwellTentacle_Character_BP.RockwellTentacle_Character_BP'" 500 0 0 35
Variant RockwellTentacle (Gamma)
admincheat summon RockwellTentacle_Character_BP_Gamma_C
admincheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/Aberration/Boss/RockwellTentacle/RockwellTentacle_Character_BP_Gamma.RockwellTentacle_Character_BP_Gamma'" 500 0 0 35
Variant RockwellTentacle (Beta)
admincheat summon RockwellTentacle_Character_BP_Beta_C
admincheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/Aberration/Boss/RockwellTentacle/RockwellTentacle_Character_BP_Beta.RockwellTentacle_Character_BP_Beta'" 500 0 0 35
Variant RockwellTentacle (Alpha)
admincheat summon RockwellTentacle_Character_BP_Alpha_C
admincheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/Aberration/Boss/RockwellTentacle/RockwellTentacle_Character_BP_Alpha.RockwellTentacle_Character_BP_Alpha'" 500 0 0 35
X_mark.svg できない
X_mark.svg できない
12,000/* load js for calculating kill xp of creatures (MediaWiki:Killxp.js) */RLQ.push(function () { if(document.getElementById('creatureKillXP')){ mw.loader.load('/index.php?title=MediaWiki:Killxp.js&action=raw&ctype=text/javascript','text/javascript',false); }}); XP
X_mark.svg なし
AberrationターミナルとオベリスクからアクセスできるRockwell Arena

ロックウェルは、ARK: Survival EvolvedExpansion PackAberrationボスであり、ARKストーリーラインの包括的な主要な敵対者です。彼は、彼のメモからも明らかなように、エドモンジウム(村人には単にエレメントと呼ばれている)の実験で狂気の「昇天」をする前に、レシピを含むExplorer Notesを書いた数少ない探検家の1人でした。



The place to activate the teleporter to the Rockwell Arena depends on currently unknown conditions. For some players only the Terminal shows the summon icons, the survivors can see them also in the Obelisks on the surface or in loot crates.


When the survivor enters the Rockwell Arena, Rockwell's tentacles will attempt to attack them by slamming into the ground, electrocuting the ground, and shooting balls of energy at the survivor and their tames.


This former explorer is a humanoid monstrosity. He is gargantuan in size, ranking second largest in game. His limbs and hair have been replaced by many tendrils with the larger tendrils possessing wicked spikes presumably made of bone. His face is an equal atrocity with one half still resembling a human face whilst the other half is covered in element filled veins topped off with overgrown fang like teeth. His torso is more or less a guard box for his only surviving organ, his heart, that acts as a pump for his element filled veins that are present all over his body.

He stands at 142 meters tall, with his tentacles being 160 meters long on the surface, and he weighs 52,236 metric tons.


Rockwell was one of the survivors from the story of ARK. He was Helena's closest friend on the Island due to their common passion for science and tea along with their specialties helping the various tribes on the Island. When referring to his past life, he seems to be from 19th century England during the Victorian Era due to his knowledge of hunting creatures from Africa and India since areas of Africa and India were territories under British authority during the time. In the Island's tribal affairs, he settled uneasy tensions among the tribes as he was the leader of his neutral tribe that is well respected by other Island tribes. In terms of science on the Island, Rockwell doesn't hesitate to snatch unsuspecting survivors to use as test subjects for his Rockwell recipes. Also, he was the first survivor to discover an artifact and hired the Island tribes to gather the artifacts.

When Helena went to an obelisk on the Island with Mei Yin without sending Rockwell a letter of wanting to join, Rockwell's trust was shattered when he saw her in New Legion custody. When Rockwell entered the Island's Tek cave, he gained an obsession with Element. As he traveled the arks, he became more unstable until he eventually became the Overseer of the Aberration ARK by injecting himself with liquid Element, while having the desire to mercilessly give survivors a painful death. When the Aberration ARK fell onto Earth, Rockwell makes plans to gather an army by making the Genesis Simulation a factory for generating survivors that rally to his cause, he corrupt a part of the genesis ship and create his own creatures like the Shadowmane and the Noglin, his goal is to conquer a habitable planet to corrupt it like the corrupt ring of the ship.





Known Information[]


The following items are needed to open the Aberration Portal:


Uses these commands to give yourself all the items needed for tribute:

cheat giveitem "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/CoreBlueprints/Items/Artifacts/PrimalItemArtifactAB.PrimalItemArtifactAB'" 1 0 0 | cheat giveitem "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/CoreBlueprints/Items/Artifacts/PrimalItemArtifactAB_2.PrimalItemArtifactAB_2'" 1 0 0 | cheat giveitem "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/CoreBlueprints/Items/Artifacts/PrimalItemArtifactAB_3.PrimalItemArtifactAB_3'" 1 0 0
cheat giveitem "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/CoreBlueprints/Items/Artifacts/PrimalItemArtifactAB.PrimalItemArtifactAB'" 1 0 0 | cheat giveitem "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/CoreBlueprints/Items/Artifacts/PrimalItemArtifactAB_2.PrimalItemArtifactAB_2'" 1 0 0 | cheat giveitem "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/CoreBlueprints/Items/Artifacts/PrimalItemArtifactAB_3.PrimalItemArtifactAB_3'" 1 0 0 | cheat giveitem "Blueprint'/Game/Aberration/CoreBlueprints/Resources/PrimalItemResource_ApexDrop_RockDrake.PrimalItemResource_ApexDrop_RockDrake'" 7 0 0 | cheat giveitem "Blueprint'/Game/Aberration/CoreBlueprints/Resources/PrimalItemResource_XenomorphPheromoneGland.PrimalItemResource_XenomorphPheromoneGland'" 7 0 0 | cheat giveitem "Blueprint'/Game/Aberration/CoreBlueprints/Resources/PrimalItemResource_ApexDrop_Basilisk.PrimalItemResource_ApexDrop_Basilisk'" 8 0 0 | cheat giveitem "Blueprint'/Game/Aberration/CoreBlueprints/Resources/PrimalItemConsumable_NamelessVenom.PrimalItemConsumable_NamelessVenom'" 20 0 0
cheat giveitem "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/CoreBlueprints/Items/Artifacts/PrimalItemArtifactAB.PrimalItemArtifactAB'" 1 0 0 | cheat giveitem "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/CoreBlueprints/Items/Artifacts/PrimalItemArtifactAB_2.PrimalItemArtifactAB_2'" 1 0 0 | cheat giveitem "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/CoreBlueprints/Items/Artifacts/PrimalItemArtifactAB_3.PrimalItemArtifactAB_3'" 1 0 0 | cheat giveitem "Blueprint'/Game/Aberration/CoreBlueprints/Resources/PrimalItemResource_ApexDrop_CrabClaw.PrimalItemResource_ApexDrop_CrabClaw'" 1 0 0 | cheat giveitem "Blueprint'/Game/Aberration/CoreBlueprints/Resources/PrimalItemResource_ApexDrop_ReaperBarb.PrimalItemResource_ApexDrop_ReaperBarb'" 1 0 0 | cheat giveitem "Blueprint'/Game/Aberration/CoreBlueprints/Resources/PrimalItemResource_ApexDrop_Basilisk_Alpha.PrimalItemResource_ApexDrop_Basilisk_Alpha'" 1 0 0 | cheat giveitem "Blueprint'/Game/Aberration/CoreBlueprints/Resources/PrimalItemResource_ApexDrop_RockDrake.PrimalItemResource_ApexDrop_RockDrake'" 7 0 0 | cheat giveitem "Blueprint'/Game/Aberration/CoreBlueprints/Resources/PrimalItemResource_XenomorphPheromoneGland.PrimalItemResource_XenomorphPheromoneGland'" 7 0 0 | cheat giveitem "Blueprint'/Game/Aberration/CoreBlueprints/Resources/PrimalItemResource_ApexDrop_Basilisk.PrimalItemResource_ApexDrop_Basilisk'" 8 0 0 | cheat giveitem "Blueprint'/Game/Aberration/CoreBlueprints/Resources/PrimalItemConsumable_NamelessVenom.PrimalItemConsumable_NamelessVenom'" 20 0 0




  • これらは、100%の移動速度での生物の基本速度です。
  • すべての生物の速度の比較については、生物の基本速度をご覧ください。

  • これらは、100%の移動速度での生物の基本速度です。
  • すべての生物の速度の比較については、生物の基本速度をご覧ください。

  • これらは、100%の移動速度での生物の基本速度です。
  • すべての生物の速度の比較については、生物の基本速度をご覧ください。



Rockwell (Gamma)

stat-calculatorはモバイルビューでは機能しません。代替方法についてはこちらをご覧ください: Apps




Rockwell stands inside the middle of the arena with a single path to him, surrounded by both his tentacles and a pool of inaccessible pure molten Element. While his tentacles are up he can not be harmed. The arena is not irradiated, because of this, feel free to bring any armor better than hazard suits to ensure survival.


Destroy each of his tentacles before being able to attack his stunned body. Rinse and repeat until he is dead. The more mounted survivors fighting, the better the odds.

When the tentacles begin their AoE shock/dismount attack avoid it immediately and wait it out. It has a short wind-up and charge-up indicating when it's about to start. The attack can also be canceled if the tentacle is destroyed.

Nameless will begin spawning in, with a strong mount these can be dealt with.

Plant_Species_Z_Fruit_%28Aberration%29.pngPlant Species Z Fruits are not recommended as you can accidentally dismount and blind yourself with them. Charge Lantern could also work, however they are unreliable and inefficient when compared to any of the four lantern pets. You can use Meks to kill Rockwell but to get the Mek in you have to throw it out of the cryopod when you hear the whoosh of the boss fight .

With the utilization of Cactus_Broth_%28Scorched_Earth%29.pngCactus Broth you are able to do the entire boss fight on foot. Both Reapers and Nameless ignore you(unless you come too close to them) and you are able to clear the tentacles entirely with shotguns.

On gamma difficulty the fight can take less than ten minutes with two survivors(no less than 3 cactus broth each) with Pump-Action Shotgun with more then 230% damage, with 400 bullets each. You won’t use all of your ammo, but keep in mind, Reapers and Nameless may still attack if they come too close to you, so it’s best to plan for that with extra armor, bullets, and a charge pet(this won’t affect the cactus broth unless the tame is thrown down).

For higher difficulties, you could be looking at needing not only 3-4x as much ammo, but more armor and weapons as durability will be used up quickly.

Bring standard food materials and any buffs you think will help you. Medical_Brew.pngMedical Brews or healing custom foods are highly recommended as Rockwell will still attack periodically.

When you are fighting Rockwell, you can fight him from one position at his front. You can shoot all of the tentacles(on gamma taking between 3-4 shots each with 230% damage) and then shoot him in the chest. There is no need to run around the arena to shoot the tentacles as the barrier that blocks you from falling into the molten element does not affect projectiles. (You might need to run around a little bit to hit the ones behind him, so don’t except not using stamina)

This strategy can be considered cheaper than with tames as you're only risking items, which can be farmed without spending days raising Rock Drake or Reaper. Plus, you don’t have to deal with bunches of creatures chasing after you for the entire fight.

• If you wish, instead of using defensive armor, you can use a full set of Ghillie_Chestpiece.pngGhillie Armor to reduce your detection range from 12 meters(which is an effect of cactus broth) to 6 as ghillie halves your detection range. This can be used to help deal with nearby creatures if one is anxious of the such. But this does come with the added risk of less armor, but high quality ghillie might still help and have decent protection. But because of durability this is risky.


  • Light pets such as the Bulbdog, Shinehorn.pngShinehorn, Featherlight and the Glowtail.pngGlowtail will all be effective and are recommended due to helping against the Nameless and Elemental Reaper minions.
  • Due to Aberration not having rexes for Rex Rushing Aberrant Megalosaurus can be used as a substitute instead thanks to it always being night on Aberration they will always have the night buff. Pair a megalosaurus of the opposite gender with the one you are riding for the mate boost to deal its maximum damage to Rockwell.
  • A couple of Rock Drakes can also be very effective due to being able to not only compete with the arenas Elemental Reaper minions but also doing increased damage against Nameless, the ability to turn invisible, allowing the rider to fire from the saddle while mounted, allows a passenger to ride on it as well, and they can also be equipped with a Tek saddle. The Tek Saddle can allow one more passenger, allowing 3 survivors to ride one Rock Drake with. This allows 3 Rock Drakes with a Tek saddle to carry 3 survivors each, giving the final survivor the option to ride a megalosaurus for raw damage. This in turn allows the rest of the tame slots to be used for megalosaurus to damage Rockwell in his downed state, allowing maximum damage to be done in a short amount of time.
    • Given that it is the survivor's first time and the Rock Drake, Tek saddle isn't available, the Rock Drakes can carry 2 people each with their normal saddle.
  • While not nearly as mobile, Aberrant stegosauruses are often chosen as an alternative to the Rock Drake due to it's tankiness and ability to heal from Sweet_Vegetable_Cake.pngSweet Vegetable Cake.
  • Having a Reaper King can also be useful as a way to deal heavy damage once Rockwell is downed thanks to its increased stats when not around charge light making it a very strong tame.
  • If survivors are willing to put the effort into micromanaging their food, the Daeodon.pngDaeodon can also be valuable due to their healing ability, But cannot be brought to aberration on official servers.


  • Rockwell will often spew out purple energy balls at the target survivor, wounding anything around (including shoulder-mounted dinos) and inside of it with the exception of his tentacles. This includes the survivor while riding a mount, to be prepared for this bring multiple suits of armor and medical brews to increase your chances of survival. This projectile will also target camouflaged Rock Drakes. The darker the projectile color (with red being the most dangerous), the more damage it will do upon exploding.
  • Shooting the projectiles will cause them to burst. Shooting it near other projectile will cause them to explode them as well, but if any survivor or dino comes into contact, they will get hit by it.
  • He will also call out a constant wave of Nameless and a few Elemental Reaper King to defend him after he emerges from the Element pool for the second time. The last time he emerges from the Element pool, the aforementioned dinos will constantly spawn and could overwhelm every survivor and their dino, making killing Rockwell a priority to stop them from spawning.
  • After losing a certain amount of health, Rockwell's tentacles start an electrification AoE attack. This attack dismounts, hinders, and damages survivors. Watch the tentacles and stay away from this attack which will be especially deadly when other creatures are nearby. You cannot remount in the electrified area.
  • For some reason, wearing a full set of riot armor is ill-advised as you can die from hypothermia despite it being 50 degrees Fahrenheit. Be sure to wear 4 riot armor pieces and a different armor type for the 5th piece.


Edmund Rockwell has only one weakness to his health: His heart. It becomes exposed after all the tentacles are killed momentarily.

Elemental Reaper Kings are weaker than their other wild counterpart, making them very easy to kill. Despite this, to be able to kill them effectively, they must be affected by charge light.

Nameless spawns disregard presence of other enraged alphas, and transforms into them after a while. Unlike the ones outside the arena, these do not call for Subterranean Reaper King. Despite this, it's best not to underestimate them due to their swarm.

Other than his tentacles and his inability to move around, he does not possess any other weakness.

Dossier Code[]

There's an encoded message on the teaser dossier, which uses the same code as in Ascension. The message decodes to

"I am not a god. I am more than that. Infinitely more. I am everything. This world, this ARK, it is my body. "

"I can feel every bit of it, every footstep of man or beast that falls upon my skin, and every root that digs into my flesh. They are all mine. Everything in this world happens only by my will. "

"The ones who put me here have long since fled, but though I hate them, I accept their escape. It is their reward, for they placed me upon this throne. "

"Yet should anyone else challenge me, they shall receive no mercy. My wrath will be swift and terrible, and my enemies will know only pain. I am everything. "


  • In-game/Media
    • The boss was first introduced in the community crunch 111 on 2017-12-08.[2]
    • In the Genesis part 2 teaser video, Doctor Who star David Tennant voices Rockwell.
    • In another article it was stated that Tennant would be the De facto voice of Edmund Rockwell for Genesis part two
    • Rockwell is sometimes referred to as ‘the Master’ or just Master, evidence by his new role as the corrupted master controller in the Genesis DLC and the Explorer notes
    • Interestingly Rockwell is the only Corrupted Human in the entire game, it's unknown if Humans can even become naturally Corrupted as Rockwell turned into a massive abomination by experimenting on himself and despite the entire planet being taken over by the Corruption and the Titans not a single Corrupted Human was ever shown aside from Rockwell.
    • Rockwell is the largest being on Aberration.
    • Rockwell was the largest being in the game until the Extinction Expansion Pack came out with the King_Titan.pngKing Titan replacing Rockwell for that title.
    • Unlike the other bosses, Rockwell's dossier appears purple in tint (perhaps due to Aberration's color and its theme of mutation/corruption), as opposed to the turquoise color associated with normal bosses. This shares a similarity in terms of different colors with the King Titan.
    • You can summon Rockwell at an Obelisk like other bosses. However, Rockwell possesses his own terminal in the style of a Tek Cave.
    • Rockwell is one of the only 2 bosses to have a Tek cave with the other being the Overseer.pngOverseer.
    • When a Rockwell tentacle comes in contact with a dead Reaper's acid burn, he is temporarily stunned and left in a "T-pose" state until the effect wears off.
    • Rockwell remains stationary, if not invulnerable, until all his tentacles are destroyed.
    • The Dermis of Rockwell is obtainable by hitting him with a Taxidermy_Tool_%28Extinction%29.pngTaxidermy Tool from the platform where his chest is exposed as he is doing his death animation.
    • Rockwell is one of the only 2 characters the survivor meets with the other being Helena and he is the only one you fight against.
      • Interestingly neither are technically "human" anymore by the time you meet them as Rockwell had become a Corrupted Human/Overseer hybrid and Helena became a Homo Deus.
  • Lore
    • Edmund Rockwell proclaims Element as Edmundium.
    • Contrary to popular belief, Rockwell is not the creator of the Nameless and Reapers, as both were on Aberration during the time Rockwell was there as a human, and long before then. They were present during Mei-Yin's first hours on the Aberrant ARK, and she had arrived much earlier than Rockwell and Helena, almost 2 years prior to their arrival.
      • In terms of amount of time, Mei Yin arrived 1355 days or 3.6 years after Diana woke up on Aberration and Helena and Rockwell arrived on day 1898 or 5.2 years after Diana woke up on the ARK.
    • Santiago refers to the events in respective chronological order where Rockwell ascended with Element as the "Rockwell Incident" in an addendum in his Extinction explorer notes.
      1. The incident began when the Tek village was celebrating Helena's mission with Mei Yin and Santiago on managing to prevent the ARK's self-destruction by hacking into the Obelisk.pngObelisk and shutting them down while Rockwell moved undetected to gather Element samples to what he considered "enough". His right arm has grown to abnormal sizes by a self experiment with Element.
      2. Rockwell ascended by an injection of a mixture of his blood with molten, pure Element and transformed into a horrible monster of tentacles. He proceeded to attack the Tek city while a Tek villager sent a distress call to Helena, Santiago, and Mei Yin. When the trio arrived back at the village, Diana died in Mei Yin's arms with Rockwell heading into Aberration's depths.
      3. He was eventually defeated by Mei Yin and Helena and cast into the depths of Aberration. Helena wrote a letter about who Rockwell used to be out of grief in the aftermath.
    • Evidenced by the Explorer Notes, and by what happens in the boss fight, it appears that when Mei Yin and Helena banished Rockwell into the depths of Aberration, he somehow fell into the Guardian's chamber before assuming its place. This is likely how Rockwell states that he was "placed upon this throne". Since the Guardians are technically part of the ARK itself, Rockwell was connected to the programming and everything else which runs the station. This could easily explain what he means by saying the ARK is "his body".
      • Evidenced by the same as above, Rockwell may have "taken over" Aberration. Granted the ARK was already damaged beforehand.
        • Upon his defeat in the boss fight, as there is a purple dome which seems to suddenly appear around the arena, that then begins to shatter and break apart, being replaced with a blue light, while showing the player various holograms. In a sense, Rockwell's defeat seems to trigger the ARK to properly work again.
        • Since Rockwell is technically a Guardian, he becomes an autonomous part of the station. The station continues to summon him in a never-ending cycle of imprisonment, battle, and death by the survivor's hands, serving as a strangely dark, yet poetic end for a man who became so corrupt and deluded.
      • It seems that if an overseer is completely destroyed, the ARK it is operating will slowly start to crumble and ultimately self-destruct.
        • After Diana and company's Tek bomb completely destroyed the overseer, the ARK suffered a malfunction.
        • In lore, Helena, with the aid of Santiago, managed to prevent the ARK's self-destruction by hacking into the obelisks and shutting them down. Cast down into the depths of Aberration, Rockwell began to mutate into a living conductor of Element, therefore claiming his role as the new overseer, which allowed the ARK to be stable.
    • Based on his physical appearance, Rockwell isn't able to talk and only roars. His last 3 explorer notes are all written in ARK code. However, in the Genesis Simulation, Rockwell is somehow able to speak to the survivor via HLN-A and in the Arrival Protocol since the simulation coding and the mysterious ARK code could be translating what he is trying to say.
    • With the release of Genesis part 2 a new side to this version of Rockwell can be seen.
    • - This version of Rockwell lacks the ability to ‘grow’ or even vocalize as seen on the colony ship
    • - the reason for this is likely the same reason Aberration hasn’t exploded yet...
    • - as the overseer and Guardian of Aberration ,Rockwell is controlled by the station and it’s AIs left by the overseer.
    • - this greatly hampers his power and capabilities and prevents him from achieving his potential as seen is Gen Part 2
    • - It can therefore be said that Aberration acted as Rockwell’s prison and prevented him from exceeding the stations design.
    • - upon Aberrations destruction at the end of Extinction, Rockwell is freed and can finally achieve his potential.


275.0 Aberration Expansion ReleaseRockwell.pngRockwell is added to the game
276.21Rockwell projectiles can now target invisible Rock Drakes
309.4Improved localization on the Rockwell boss fight and end cutscene
313.5Elemental_Reaper_King.pngElemental Reaper Kings in the Rockwell fight are no longer tameable


  • Original Teaser Image.

  • Dossier_Rockwell.png

    Boss Dossier.

  • Rockwell Boss


  1. ARK Smart Breeding
  2. Community Crunch 111 on 2017-12-08
v · d · e生物

アロサウルス  •  Amargasaurus  •  アンキロサウルス  •  バリオニクス  •  ブロントサウルス  •  カルノタウルス  •  コンプソグナトゥス  •  デイノニクス  •  ディロフォサウルス  •  ディプロドクス  •  ガリミムス  •  ギガノトサウルス  •  イグアノドン  •  ケントロサウルス  •  メガロサウルス  •  ミクロラプトル  •  オヴィラプトル  •  パキケファロサウルス  •  パキリノサウルス  •  パラサウロロフス  •  ペゴマスタクス  •  ユタラプトル  •  ティラノサウルス  •  スピノサウルス  •  ステゴサウルス  •  テリジノサウルス  •  ティタノサウルス  •  トリケラトプス  •  トロオドン  •  ユウティラヌス
哺乳類 and 単弓類
バシロサウルス  •  カストロイデス  •  カリコテリウム  •  ダエオドン  •  ディメトロドン  •  Dinopithecus  •  ショートフェイスベア (ホッキョクグマ, ダイアホッキョクグマ, Spirit)  •  ダイアウルフ (Spirit)  •  ドエディクルス  •  エクウス  •  ギガントピテクス  •  ヒエノドン  •  人間  •  トビネズミ  •  リストロサウルス  •  マンモス  •  メガロケロス  •  メガテリウム  •  メソピテクス  •  モスコプス  •  オニコニクテリス  •  カワウソ  •  ヒツジ  •  パラケラテリウム  •  フィオミア  •  プロコプトドン  •  プルロヴィア (Polar)  •  ロールラット  •  サーベルタイガー  •  ティラコレオ  •  ケブカサイ
爬虫類 and 両生類
アストロセタス  •  アストロデルフィス  •  バジリスク  •  ブラッドストーカー  •  バルブドッグ  •  Chalk Golem  •  クリスタルワイバーン (ブラッド, エンバー, トロピカル)  •  デスワーム  •  デザート・タイタンの群れ  •  子ウナギ  •  フェザーライト  •  フェロクス ()  •  ガチャ  •  グローテール  •  グリフィン  •  Ice Golem  •  Iceworm Male  •  虫の大群  •  カルキノス  •  ラヴァエレメンタル  •  Macrophage  •  メイウィング  •  マグマサウルス  •  マナガルム  •  メガケロン  •  モレラトプス  •  ネームレス  •  ノグリン  •  パラキートの魚群  •  フェニックス  •  ラベジャー  •  リーパー (エレメンタル, キング, プリンス, クイーン, サブテラニアン, サーフェス)  •  ロックドレイク  •  ロックエレメンタル  •  ラブルゴーレム  •  シーカー  •  シャドウメイン  •  シャインホーン  •  サモナー  •  ユニコーン  •  ベロナサウルス  •  ヴォイドワーム  •  ワイバーン (ファイア, フォレスト, アイス, ライトニング, ポイズン)
シーラカンス変種  •  アフリカマイマイ変種  •  アンコウ変種  •  アンキロサウルス変種  •  アラネオモーフス変種  •  アースロプレウラ変種  •  バリオニクス変種  •  ベールゼブフォ変種  •  カルボネミス変種  •  カルノタウルス変種  •  クニダリア変種  •  ディメトロドン変種  •  ディモルフォドン変種  •  ディプロカウルス変種  •  ディプロドクス変種  •  ショートフェイスベア変種  •  ドードー変種  •  ドエディクルス変種  •  フンコロガシ変種  •  デンキウナギ変種  •  エクウス変種  •  ギガントピテクス変種  •  イグアノドン変種  •  リストロサウルス変種  •  マンタ変種  •  メガラニア変種  •  メガロサウルス変種  •  メガネウラ変種  •  モスコプス変種  •  カワウソ変種  •  ヒツジ変種  •  パラケラテリウム変種  •  パラサウロロフス変種  •  メガピラニア変種  •  プルモノスコルピウス変種  •  プルロヴィア変種  •  ユタラプトル変種  •  サーモン変種  •  サルコスクス変種  •  スピノサウルス変種  •  ステゴサウルス変種  •  ティタノボア変種  •  トリケラトプス変種  •  三葉虫変種
Tek Creatures
Corrupted and 激怒した生物
汚染されたアースロプレウラ  •  汚染されたカルノタウルス  •  汚染されたカリコテリウム  •  汚染されたディロフォサウルス  •  汚染されたディモルフォドン  •  汚染されたギガノトサウルス  •  汚染されたパラケラテリウム  •  汚染されたプテラノドン  •  汚染されたユタラプトル  •  汚染されたリーパーキング  •  汚染されたティラノサウルス  •  汚染されたロックドレイク  •  汚染されたスピノサウルス  •  汚染されたステゴサウルス  •  Corrupted Survivor  •  汚染されたトリケラトプス  •  汚染されたワイバーン  •  激怒した汚染されたティラノサウルス  •  激怒したトリケラトプス
VR Creatures
VR Allosaurus  •  VR Araneo  •  VR Argentavis  •  VR Astrodelphis  •  VR Bloodstalker  •  VR Carnotaurus  •  VR Chalicotherium  •  VR Dilophosaur  •  VR Dimorphodon  •  VR Enforcer  •  VR Ferox  •  VR Kaprosuchus  •  VR Karkinos  •  VR Lymantria  •  VR Mantis  •  VR Megalania  •  VR Megatherium  •  VR Onyc  •  VR Pachy  •  VR Pulmonoscorpius  •  VR Parasaur  •  VR Raptor  •  VR Ravager  •  VR Rex  •  VR Shadowmane  •  VR Stegosaurus  •  VR Tapejara  •  VR Terror Bird  •  VR Titanoboa  •  VR Triceratops  •  VR Velonasaur
Malfunctioned Tek Creatures
凶暴なアラネオモーフス  •  凶暴なアストロセタス  •  凶暴なバシロサウルス  •  凶暴なブラッドストーカー  •  凶暴なフェロクス  •  凶暴なファイアワイバーン  •  凶暴なリードシクティス  •  凶暴なマグマサウルス  •  Brute Malfunctioned Tek Giganotosaurus  •  Brute Malfunctioned Tek Rex  •  凶暴なマンモス  •  凶暴なメガロケロス  •  凶暴なプレシオサウルス  •  凶暴なリーパーキング  •  凶暴なサルコスクス  •  凶暴なシーカー  •  凶暴なトゥソテウティス  •  Brute X-Allosaurus  •  Brute X-Megalodon  •  Brute X-Mosasaurus  •  Brute X-Raptor  •  Brute X-Rex  •  Brute X-Rock Elemental  •  Brute X-Spino  •  Brute X-Yutyrannus  •  金縞の凶暴なメガロドン  •  負傷した凶暴なリーパーキング
ゴースト・バジリスク  •  スケルタル・ファイアワイバーン  •  ゴースト・バルブドッグ  •  バニードードー  •  バニーオヴィラプトル  •  ゴースト・ダイアウルフ  •  ドードーレックス  •  ドードーワイバーン  •  ガチャクロース  •  ゴースト・カマキリ  •  パーティードードー  •  ゴースト・ティラノサウルス  •  スケルタル・ブロントサウルス  •  スケルタル・カルノタウルス  •  スケルタル・ギガノトサウルス  •  Skeletal Jerboa  •  スケルタル・ケツァルコアトルス  •  スケルタル・ユタラプトル  •  スケルタル・ティラノサウルス  •  スケルタル・ステゴサウルス  •  スケルタル・トリケラトプス  •  ゴースト・雪フクロウ  •  スーパー七面鳥  •  ゴースト・サーフェス・リーパーキング  •  ゾンビワイバーン (ファイア, ライトニング, ポイズン)  •  ゾンビドードー
ボス and Titans
ブルードマザー (ガンマ, ベータ, アルファ)  •  汚染された支配者 (Gamma, Beta, Alpha)  •  クリスタルワイバーンクイーン (ガンマ, ベータ, アルファ)  •  デザート・タイタン  •  ドラゴン (ガンマ, ベータ, アルファ)  •  Experimental Giganotosaurus  •  フォレスト・タイタン  •  アイス・タイタン  •  コロッサル・タイタン (ガンマ, ベータ, アルファ)  •  Macro-Summoner  •  マンティコア (ガンマ, ベータ, アルファ)  •  メガピテクス (ガンマ, ベータ, アルファ)  •  深海の女王・ムーダー (Gamma, Beta, Alpha)  •  監督者 (Gamma, Beta, Alpha)  •  Obsidioequus  •  ロックウェル (ガンマ, ベータ, アルファ)  •  ロックウェル・プライム (Gamma, Beta, Alpha)

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