凶暴なXロックエレメンタルはARK: Survival Evolvedの拡張パックGenesis: Part 1の凶暴な生物です。
Brute X-Rock Elemental appear similar to the normal X-Rock Elemental but are larger.
このセクションでは、Brute X-Rock Elementalの自然な色と領域が表示されます。デモンストレーションのために、以下の領域はアルビノのBrute X-Rock Elementalの上に赤色で表示されています。各領域の説明の下に表示される色付きの四角形は、自然な配色の全体的な範囲を提供するためにBrute X-Rock Elementalがランダムに生成する色です。色の上にカーソルを置くと、その色の名前とIDが表示されます。
この情報を使用して、チートコンソールにcheat SetTargetDinoColor
Region 1はこの生物には
Region 2はこの生物には
Region 3はこの生物には
Region 4はこの生物には
能力値 | 基準値 | レベルアップ |
野性生物 | ||
Health.png体力 | 2100 | +36.75 |
スタミナ | 450 | +45 |
Oxygen.png酸素量 | 300 | +30 |
食料 | 7500 | +750 |
Weight.png重量 | 880 | +17.6 |
近接攻撃力 | 136 | +6.8 |
Movement_Speed.png移動速度 | 100% | N/A |
気絶値 | 6500 | +130 |
Melee Attack | スタミナ消費量 | 攻撃範囲 | 説明 | ||||||||||
基本 | 最小 | Activation | |||||||||||
25 | 825 | 0 | |||||||||||
攻撃タイプ | ダメージ | 発射物の値 | 気絶値の数値 | 状態効果: スタミナ | 状態効果: 気絶値 | ||||||||
寿命 | Impulse | 半径 | 基本 | Mult | 持続時間 | Damage Mult | 量 | 持続時間 | Damage Mult | 量 | |||
Melee | 136 |
ThrowRock | スタミナ消費量 | 攻撃範囲 | 説明 | ||||||||||
基本 | 最小 | Activation | |||||||||||
75 | 1800 | 0 | |||||||||||
攻撃タイプ | ダメージ | 発射物の値 | 気絶値の数値 | 状態効果: スタミナ | 状態効果: 気絶値 | ||||||||
寿命 | Impulse | 半径 | 基本 | Mult | 持続時間 | Damage Mult | 量 | 持続時間 | Damage Mult | 量 | |||
Melee | 136 |
Swipe | スタミナ消費量 | 攻撃範囲 | 説明 | ||||||||||
基本 | 最小 | Activation | |||||||||||
25 | 900 | 0 | |||||||||||
攻撃タイプ | ダメージ | 発射物の値 | 気絶値の数値 | 状態効果: スタミナ | 状態効果: 気絶値 | ||||||||
寿命 | Impulse | 半径 | 基本 | Mult | 持続時間 | Damage Mult | 量 | 持続時間 | Damage Mult | 量 | |||
Melee | 96 |
stat-calculatorはモバイルビューでは機能しません。代替方法についてはこちらをご覧ください: Apps
This section describes how to fight against the Brute X-Rock Elemental.
The Brute X-Rock Elemental is found on the mission We Will Rock You in the Volcano Biome on Genesis: Part One. While it appears to just be a larger X-Rock Elemental there are a few key differences. First and foremost, the rock that it throws is a flaming rock that explodes after a short delay which deals immense damage. On the off-hand, it actually has less health than a standard X-Rock Elemental, averaging around 10,000 HP. It still has the built-in resistances to most creature attacks and weapons but this makes it easily defeated by weapons that deal full damage to it such as Rocket_Propelled_Grenade.pngrockets and the Tek Rifle. In the last phase of the hunt it is accompanied by a few Scorpion.pngPulmonoscorpius and a Basilisk.
Avoid its rock throw at all costs, no matter what strategy you intend to employ. Try to keep damage to a minimal and kite around the rock elemental and pelt it with explosives. Consider a durable mount that you can use weapons from the back of, such as a Trike.pngTrike, Sabertooth, Chalicotherium.pngChalicotherium, or Procoptodon. The Bloodstalker.pngBloodstalker and Direwolf can also be considered but their lack of saddle means they will take more damage.
If you're on an unofficial server that allows the Tek suit to be fully functional, you can hover over it with a Tek_Chestpiece.pngTek Chestpiece and strafe around while pelting it with rockets or the Tek Rifle.
Explosives such as rockets and the Tek Rifle can make quick work of the Brute X-Rock Elemental. Alternatively a Giganotosaurus and Velonasaur.pngVelonasaur can deal full damage to it and make the fight trivial, if cross-transfers are allowed. (Note: Do not use Gigas against the alpha difficulty as the rock throw and its explosion can make them immediately enrage, unless you bring another dino to tank the hit.)
The Brute X-Rock Elemental deals a large amount of damage, especially on beta and alpha difficulty. Its rock throw is absolutely devastating and can kill some tames immediately. Do your best to avoid this and try to stay out of its melee range. If you don't have the proper weaponry then this fight can definitely ramp up in difficulty.
The Brute X-Rock Elemental is slow with a fairly long cooldown between rock throws, making it vulnerable to being kited. Moreover, the right weaponry will shred its health very quickly, and it has a lot less health compare to other Brutes, making Giganotosaurus a better option to fight it.
資源 | 効率 |
Raw Meat | ? |
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