
Fallout 2パワーアーマー
改良型パワーアーマー Mk.II
Fallout 3パワーアーマー
T-51bパワーアーマー (冬用)
Fallout: New VegasT-51bパワーアーマー (B.O.S.仕様)
T-45dパワーアーマー (B.O.S.仕様)
NCR サルベージ・パワーアーマー
Fallout 4パワーアーマーフレーム
レイダーパワーアーマー (テッサ・フィスト)
Fallout ShelterT-45 series (T-45a, T-45d, T-45f)
T-51 series (T-51a, T-51d, T-51f)
T-60 series (T-60a, T-60d, T-60f)
X-01 series (Mk I, Mk IV, Mk VI)
Fallout Tacticsパワーアーマー
Fallout: BoSパワーアーマー
Van Burenパワーアーマー


”— Danse, Fallout 4

パワーアーマー[1]は歩行型装甲兵器技術の最高峰であり、最初に開発したのはウェステック研究施設でした。今となっては戦前の軍隊または政府であるBrotherhood of Steelエンクレイヴといった先端技術を保持している組織だけが使用しています。そしてエンクレイヴは、より新しいパワーアーマーのモデルであるアドバンスドパワーアーマー(X-01)や、アドバンスドパワーアーマーMk.Ⅱ(X-02)を開発できる程の技術を保有していました。(Fallout 3Fallout: New Vegas)しかし、2287年までにBrotherhoodが同様の技術力を有した事を示唆する証拠が、ダンスとの会話の中に存在します。パワーアーマーは着用する前にパワーアーマー・トレーニングを受けなければなりません。




Fallout: New Vegas のDLC Honest Hearts に登場するリッキーとの会話中では、Tシリーズのパワーアーマーのアイスリットが防弾であることが明らかになっています。




パワーアーマーは個人用アーマーの中でも最先端の物でした。使用者に適合していなければならず、動かす為に内部のマイクロモーターが必要になるほど重い装備でした。通常のパワーアーマーの他に防護力が強化されたハードニング仕様も存在します。またアドンバンス パワーアーマー(X-01)は戦後に開発された完全に新しいパワーアーマーで、個人保護装備の中でも最高級品です。(テールフィンはオプションです)[2]



United States soldier in T-51b power armor

  • 2065年8月:機械部隊の機動性への需要が高まり、米軍は人間ベースの戦車の開発に集中しました。これは最終的にパワーアーマーをまとった歩兵部隊となりました
  • 2065-2067年:パワーアーマーの研究開発プロジェクトは関係会社の間で強まり、いくつかのプロトタイプが開発されました。しかし戦地では多くの物が役に立たないことがわかりました。これらのプロトタイプは、大戦争発生前の10年間の間に、材料科学、ロボティクス、核融合技術の将来的な進展の道を開きました。
2066年夏:パワーアーマープロジェクトの民間技術のスピンオフの1つである、最初の粗核マイクロフュージョンセルが発表されました。この新技術は、ロボットや自動車などのさまざまな消費財にまもなく組み込まれます。それはアメリカを悩ます恐ろしいエネルギー不足を緩和し始めます、しかし、2077年の大戦の勃発が問題を憂鬱にする前に世界のエネルギー問題を完全に緩和することができませんでした。皮肉なことに、フュージョンマイクロセルテクノロジーが米国から世界中に普及するためにより多くの時間があれば、それは世界のエネルギー問題のほとんどを解決し、ひいては人類の文明の崩壊につながる武力紛争の必要性を終わらせたでしょう。2067:T-45dパワーアーマーの最初のスーツは、アラスカの中国の占領と戦うアメリカの歩兵の間で戦闘任務のために配備されます。装甲の将来のバージョンの完全な機動性はありませんが、この初期のパワーアーマースーツは、従来の中国の戦車や歩兵に対して非常に効果的です。 1人の歩兵が重い兵器を運ぶことを可能にするその能力は、中米戦争中のさまざまな局地的な紛争の鍵となり、従来の火器またはミサイル発射装置による攻撃から着用者を危険にさらすことなく町全体を破壊する力を持っています。中国人民解放軍は急いで独自のバージョンを作成しますが、中国人はプロジェクトでの米国の作業よりも何年も遅れています。2074:アラスカを中国から取り戻すことのみを目的とする防御戦争を繰り広げるという米国の主張に反して、力の装甲を装備した機械化された歩兵師団全体がアメリカの中国侵攻に配備されますが、激しい戦闘中に行き詰まります中国本土、中米戦争でアメリカの資源と供給ラインをさらに消耗させた。2076年6月:T-51bパワーアーマーのプロトタイプがついに完成し、ヴォールトの住人がフォールアウトで発見したパワーアーマーのスーツが開発されました。この訴訟は、第一次世界大戦の勃発が何十年もの間すべての技術進歩を終える前の、パワーアーマー技術の頂点を表しています。これらの部隊の多くはアメリカ軍によって中国の前線に送られ、彼らは国家を擁護する中国軍を通じて一列に彫り始め、開始から2年間で中国の前線を定義していた行き詰まりを終わらせますアメリカの侵略の。中国の資源はT-51b装甲を使用した新しいアメリカ軍の攻撃によって限界に達し、中国が東および東南アジアに併合した国々からの供給ラインが崩壊し始めます。
  • 2077: The T-60 power armor is developed as a prototype, intended to replace the T-45 model. In the final days before the Great War, the suit sees limited deployment among military peacekeeping forces within the United States.
  • January 22, 2077: Power armor is used for the first time for domestic purposes within the United States by U.S. Army units deployed within American cities for crowd and quarantine control duties related to the growing resource shortages and outbreaks of epidemic disease. Units originally serving in China and on the Anchorage Front Line find themselves fighting fellow Americans at home as disorder grows worse across the course of this year. Food riots increase, and many civilians are killed in fights with the military and police. A growing number of soldiers desert from the American military both in Canada and the United States. These deserters are captured when possible by military policemen and are sent to various military prisons across the United States. Some of these prisoners are later used by American military scientists in illegal human experiments at the Mariposa Military Base in California where the Forced Evolutionary Virus is first tested.
  • 2198: The Enclave's scientists develop various new technologies, including the first new viable power armor variations since the Great War. None of these suits are much of an improvement over the original versions of power armor developed before 2077, and some are actually worse.
  • 2215: Under Presidential Order, the Enclave's scientists begin to work on an upgraded version of power armor that exceeds the performance of the T-51b model. Many prototypes are developed and tested.
  • October 2220: Enclave scientists finally develop a reliable version of what they call advanced power armor. The prototype's capabilities (and the various accidents/explosions/deaths involved in its creation) are classified by order of the Enclave's President Dick Richardson for the sake of the Enclave's morale.
  • During 2242: After the destruction of the Oil Rig, the Enclave finished developing a Tesla power armor based on the standard advanced power armor, which was lower in standard compared to the advanced power armor Mk II but made the operation of energy weapons by the wearer easier. This power armor is rare and almost never appears in the West due to the complete destruction of Navarro, which was the only remaining large base in the West.


T-45 power armor[]

ゲーム内情報の記事s: Fallout 3, Fallout: New Vegas, Fallout 4

The most common edition of the T-45 series was the first version of power armor to be successfully deployed in battle by the United States in 2067 during the Sino-American War. The most common model was the T-45d. The T-45d model was also used to fight against Chinese tanks.[3] The first version, the T-45a model, was powered by small energy cells and it burned through them at an alarming rate. Some later versions were either manufactured or retrofitted by the US Army with built-in microfusion packs, a technology that was developed later by West Tek.

While the T-45d armor is similar in its overall shape to the more advanced T-51b power armor, it is significantly less advanced than its later counterpart, and uses riveted steel plates instead of plastic composite materials in its construction. Various electronic and mechanical subsystems of the armor are exposed on the outside of its casing rather than sealed within as in the T-51b, making it far more susceptible to damage. In addition, a specialized body suit is required to be worn underneath the T-45d's armored shell in order to facilitate linking the armor's servos to the wearer's own motions and to make the armor more bearable because of its heat dissipation problems.

The latest known edition of the T-45 line is the T-45f model.

Pre-War variants[]
  • MP-47 prototype medic power armor - a power armor prototype that has the ability to administer Med-X, and features an on board voice module which is able to (and will) sound alerts if it detects an enemy presence. This armor was planned as an automatic medical supply dispenser, meaning troops would not have to be evacuated for medical treatment. It has the same appearance as the standard T-45d. It is also mentioned in its manual that it would administer a lethal dose of chemical substance to deserters, however this function had not been implemented in the early prototype stages.
Post-War variants[]
  • Tribal power armor (Ashur's power armor) - a suit of power armor that was repaired and maintained over the years with parts from various sources and having taken a rusty yellow color, resulting in a unique looking, patchwork suit of power armor.
  • Outcast power armor (Linden's Outcast power armor) - a suit of power armor with a black matte and rust red paint job, instead of the usual gray metallic, no other changes.
  • NCR salvaged power armor - a very damaged suit was more or less restored by NCR engineers to working order. The joint servomotors have been removed, so in practice, this is just an armored suit crafted out of power armor.
  • Scorched Sierra power armor -The Scorched Sierra power armor is a T-45d power armor that has been heavily modified by the NCR for its officers. Unlike NCR salvaged power armor, scorched Sierra power armor is still fully functional, retaining its servo-motors.

T-51 power armor[]

ゲーム内情報の記事s: Fallout, Fallout 2, Fallout 3, Fallout: New Vegas, Van Buren, Fallout 4

The T-51 series of powered infantry armor represented the peak of armored infantry technology before the Great War, developed in the laboratories of the West Tek Research Facility in California. The most common edition of the T-51 series was the T-51b model. At the end of the Anchorage Reclamation in January 2077, the armor had become standard issue for American Soldiers in the Army's Mechanized Cavalry Regiments. Now, after the catastrophic events of the Great War, only the most technologically advanced factions with ties to the pre-Great War American military or federal government, such as the Brotherhood of Steel or the Enclave, have access to this type of power armor. The T-51a model was an enhanced prototype that saw limited use pre-War.

The armor is fitted with a back-mounted TX-28 MicroFusion Pack which generates an output power of 60,000 Watts to power the HiFlo hydraulic systems built into the frame of the suit. Made of a poly-laminate composite, the outer shell of the T-51b is lightweight and capable of absorbing over 2500 Joules of kinetic impact. The 10-micron-thick silver ablative coating can reflect laser and other radiation emissions without damage to the composite subsurface. The armor usually carries enough fuel to last for one hundred years.

The latest known edition of the T-51 line is the T-51f model.

Pre-War variants[]
  • Winterized T-51b power armor - the first model of T-51b deployed on the ground. It has snow-camouflaged paint that gives it an entirely metallic color. They were used during the Anchorage Reclamation to break enemy lines and infiltrate the primary compound of the Chinese General Jingwei who was the commander of the Chinese garrison force.
Post-War variants[]
  • Hardened power armor - an improved T-51b which has undergone a special chemical hardening process for improving the defensive capability. It has the same appearance as the standard version.
  • Brotherhood T-51b power armor - the T-51b used by the Brotherhood of Steel. It has an appearance almost identical to the Winterized T-51b except that the gray color tends more towards brown and the symbol of the Brotherhood is present on the left pauldron.

T-60 power armor[]


ファイル:T-60 Fighting.png

T-60 power armor appears in Fallout 4. The only known location where T-60 models can be found is in the Commonwealth, the ruins of Massachusetts. This particular variation of power armor is much bulkier than other models while strongly resembling the T-45 power armor. This particular model of armor is favored by the East Coast Brotherhood stationed on The Prydwen

The latest known edition of the T-60 line is the T-60f model.

Raider power armor[]

ゲーム内情報の記事: Fallout 4

This armor has been salvaged and restored to fighting shape by Raiders, long after the Great War. It appears to be a hodgepodge of the T-45 and T-51 models, although it has been rebuilt mostly using scrap metal. Its jury-rigged nature means that it can't withstand as much punishment as most other varieties of power armor.

Advanced power armor[]

ゲーム内情報の記事s: Fallout 2, Fallout: New Vegas, Fallout 4

The armor was created by the Enclave's skilled team of engineers and scientists after the Great War, as a result of a research program initiated in 2198, part of a larger project to develop various technologies. In 2215 the first actually superior suit is manufactured, entering service in 2220. Various accidents/explosions/deaths involved in its creation are classified by order of the Enclave's President Dick Richardson for the sake of the morale of the Enclave's personnel.

It is composed of lightweight metal alloys, reinforced with ceramic castings at key stress points. The motion-assist servo-motors used in the armor appear to be high quality models as well, giving the wearer a heavy increase to their Strength (+4). The suit has an auto-gyro system to keep it upright and the knees can be locked in position, to prevent the wearer from falling over, if, for some reason, he loses consciousness on duty (e.g. takes a nap).[4] Additionally, like the T-51b power armor, it includes a recycling system that can convert human waste into drinkable water, enhancing the wearer's ability to survive. [5]

The latest known model in the X-01 line is the Mk VI model, which is stated to be the most advanced protection ever created by humanity.

Advanced power armor Mk II[]

ゲーム内情報の記事s: Fallout 2, Fallout 3

Like its older brother, the Mk II version is matte black with a menacing appearance, but with a few significant differences. It is composed entirely of lightweight ceramic composites rather than the usual combination of metal and ceramic plates, with a back-mounted power pack, instead of the built-in ventilated power unit of its predecessor.

Early versions used under the command of President Dick Richardson in 2241 used a similar design to the standard advanced power armor. However, following the destruction of the oil rig, the Enclave forces who made their way to the Capital Wasteland had redesigned its appearance by 2277, while keeping the "advanced power armor mk II" designation.

情報はFallout: New Vegas cut contentに基いています が,Falloutの正史には含まれない情報です.

Tesla power armor[]

ゲーム内情報の記事: Fallout: New Vegas

Unlike the pre-Great War Tesla armor, this armor is a variant of the Enclave's advanced power armor jury-rigged with a Tesla device that is capable of dispersing a large percentage of the damage done by directed-energy attacks. Additionally, the armor makes the operation of energy weapons by the wearer easier, boosting the Energy Weapons skill of the operator.

Fallout: New Vegas cut contentに基く最終的な情報です

The only known suit of this type is the Gannon family Tesla armor.

Tesla power armor Mk II[]

ゲーム内情報の記事: Fallout 3

This armor is a variant of the Enclave's advanced power armor Mk II jury-rigged with a Tesla device that is capable of dispersing a large percentage of the damage done by directed-energy attacks. Additionally, the armor makes the operation of energy weapons by the wearer easier, boosting the energy weapons skill of the operator.

Hellfire power armor[]

ファイル:Fo3BS Hellfire Power Armour.png
ゲーム内情報の記事: Broken Steel

This armor is the result of a post-War research project undertaken by the Enclave at Adams Air Force Base. It was one of several concurrent research projects, including one on duraframe eyebots and ended up being the only one to be fully completed; other projects, much to chagrin of researchers such as Whitley, were canceled in favor of the new model of power armor.

This heat-resistant type of power armor is used by specialized Enclave Hellfire troopers as well as a few regular Enclave soldiers.

Midwestern Brotherhood power armor[]

情報はFallout Tacticsに基いています いくつかの項目は、矛盾している可能性があります Falloutの正史を参照して下さい.
ゲーム内情報の記事: Fallout Tactics

This horned variant is used by the Midwestern Brotherhood of Steel, a splinter faction based in Chicago. Its origin is unclear (it is possible Chicago housed some special research facilities or had the means to produce such suits for the splinter faction).

Midwestern Brotherhood advanced power armor[]

情報はFallout Tacticsに基いています いくつかの項目は、矛盾している可能性があります Falloutの正史を参照して下さい.
ゲーム内情報の記事: Fallout Tactics

A more advanced version of the former, horned variant, composed of lightweight metal alloys, reinforced with ceramic castings at key points. Possibly upgraded by many Scribes, as there aren't many advanced power armors among the Brotherhood.

Broken power armor[]

ゲーム内情報の記事s: Fallout Tactics, Fallout: New Vegas

Damaged power armor with reduced protection.

Vault-Tec power armor[]

FOBoSLogo.png情報はFallout: Brotherhood of Steelに基いています が,Falloutの正史には含まれない情報です.
ゲーム内情報の記事: Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel

This suit of armor was probably created by Vault-Tec in order to give some valuable combat equipment to their Secret Vault thus ensuring a successful entry in the post-apocalyptic world. It closely resembles the military's T-51b power armor.

Vault-Tec advanced power armor[]

FOBoSLogo.png情報はFallout: Brotherhood of Steelに基いています が,Falloutの正史には含まれない情報です.
ゲーム内情報の記事: Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel

An improved and unique advanced variant, it used the same design as the earlier version.

Athena power armor[]

Gametitle-VB.png情報はVan Burenに基いています が,Falloutの正史には含まれない情報です.
ゲーム内情報の記事: Van Buren

An incomplete power armor project pioneered by the Enclave in conjunction with Poseidon Energy. According to initial tests, it had defensive capabilities above and beyond any other infantry armor in use before the apocalypse.


  • In Fallout 3, the Lone Wanderer must receive training at the Citadel from Paladin Gunny or complete the Operation: Anchorage add-on mission before they can equip power armor. While being given the training, the Paladin tells the Wanderer to "relax their muscles" and "let the suit do the work". In Fallout: New Vegas, either Still in the Dark or For Auld Lang Syne need to be completed.
    • A number of companions, as well as non-player characters who may follow the Lone Wanderer, can equip power armor without receiving training.
    • In Fallout: New Vegas, all humanoid non-player characters can wear power armor, only the Courier must receive special training by the Mojave wasteland BoS chapter or the Enclave remnants to wear any and all types of power armor.
  • In Fallout 3 and Fallout: New Vegas, any weapon that is holstered on a character's back is normally hanging off the right shoulder diagonally with the barrel downwards. However when wearing any form of power armor the gun is hanging diagonally off the left shoulder with the barrel pointing up. This is because power armor prevents the arm movements necessary to unholster the gun when it is in its normal position.
  • In Fallout: New Vegas, the Courier must receive Power Armor Training before they can utilize any form of the armor, except the NCR salvaged power armor, which is not really power armor in principle, as the motors were removed and replaced with a large backpack, which explains the large scale loss of Agility while wearing the bulky suits of armor.
  • People will still know the protagonist's identity even if they wear full power armor.
  • In Fallout 3 and Fallout: New Vegas, shooting at someone wearing power armor produces metal related sounds, decals and particles (a metallic *clang* and sparks instead of a flesh hit sound and blood spurts), despite still causing damage to the wearer. This is also true of the player character.
  • In Fallout: New Vegas, the sound of power armor has been changed. As opposed to Fallout 3, the servo-motors are no longer audible and there is no hydraulic fluid sounds as the player character walks. In addition, NPC voices no longer have a 'speaker' effect and just sound muffled.
  • In Fallout 4, power armor has undergone substantial changes in both size and gameplay mechanics as opposed to Fallout 3 and New Vegas; instead of being treated as a suit of armor that is equipped from the Pip-Boy, it is instead treated as a separate object, a vehicle more than a garment. In order to equip the armor, it must be entered from the outside by pressing the action button, which then causes the suit to unfold to accept an occupant, then reseals itself. Power Armor allows its wearer to not only have superior strength bonuses but its armor components have their own hit points and actively absorb a substantial percentage of incoming damage until they are destroyed. The armor allows the wearer to fall from great heights without suffering any damage (and simultaneously causes damaging shock waves to anything unfortunate enough to be close by). Unfortunately, power armor requires the use of a Fusion core in order to operate properly. In addition, power armor training is no longer a prerequisite to use one.
  • Companions in Fallout 4 who enter power armor don't require fusion cores. Also, when you become an enemy of the Brotherhood of Steel, any sets of stolen Brotherhood T-60b Power Armor sitting at your bases can be retaken by brotherhood that appear suddenly in the center of your base. They do NOT require power cores to do this.
  • Power armor increases the carrying capacity of companions much like it would the Sole Survivor, even more so if it is left bare.


Power armors appear in every Fallout game. T-51b power armor and its hardened version appear in both Fallout and Fallout 2 (and was to appear in Van Buren), while the latter also introduces the Enclave's advanced variants. In Fallout 3 the T-45d power armor is the general power armor that can be found, as most members of the Brotherhood of Steel wear it. The Enclave's variant suits of power armor are also encountered. A rusty set of T-51b power armor is located in the Fort Constantine military base (but can only be obtained by doing a specific quest), and a winterized version of the same model can be found in the Fallout 3 Operation: Anchorage add-on. Fallout: New Vegas features the T-51b and the T-45d, while also bringing back the advanced power armor Mk I from Fallout 2; it also adds a new version, the Tesla power armor Mk I. Quite inconsistently with previous games in the series, Fallout Tactics shows the T-51b model only once in the introduction of the game, and the Midwestern Brotherhood power armor is used instead in the game, including a technologically more advanced version, years before the Enclave's new model is developed. In Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel, two versions (regular and advanced) based on the T-51b with a similar appearance and a blue color appear in the Secret Vault, and are created by Vault-Tec. The power armor from the canceled Fallout d20 was a mixture of the T-51b model and the Fallout Tactics PA model.


  • Power armor specs



A United States soldier in T-51b Powered armor.
Rhombus, the head paladin of the Lost Hills BOS.
Cabbot, a scribe in training.
US soldier executing a Canadian freedom fighter.
Loading screen
T-51b power armor helmet (representing the whole armor in the game inventory).
In-game T-51b power armor.
In-game NPC wearing a piece of T-51b power armor without helmet.

Fallout 2[]

Tribal with a broken T-51b helmet
Advanced power armor
Enclave soldiers in advanced power armor
Enclave soldiers in advanced power armor in front of a pre-War poster depicting the T-51b power armor
Sergeant Arch Dornan of the Enclave at Navarro
Enclave communications officer at the Poseidon Oil Rig
Frank Horrigan's customized power armor
Concept art for the advanced power armor mark I
The advanced power armor in Fallout 2's inventory
The advanced power armor in Fallout 2

Fallout 3[]

T-45d power armor
The T-45d power armor in the Fallout 3 teaser
Brotherhood Paladin with a laser rifle
A dead person in T-45d power armor in the Paradise Falls concept art
T-51b power armor
T-51b power armor in stasis
An US soldier donned with power armor and a mechanic repairing a T-51b suit.
The US soldiers wearing the armor during the battle of Anchorage (zoomed in)
The winterized T-51b power armor from the Outcast outpost
Three Enclave soldiers wearing Enclave power armor being dropped off from a Vertibird
Winterized T-51b power armor
Brotherhood of Steel T-45d power armor
Outcast T-45d power armor
Army T-45d power armor
Tribal T-45d power armor
Tesla power armor
The 3 types of power armor icons

Fallout: New Vegas[]

Remnants power armor
4 Brotherhood of Steel paladins in power armor
NCR salvaged T-45d power armor
Scorched Sierra power armor
T-45d power armor
Brotherhood T-51b power armor
Remnants power armor
Tesla power armor Mk I

Fallout 4[]

Power armor shown in the Fallout 4 Official Trailer
Power armor shown in the Fallout 4 Official Trailer
Different types of power armor in Fallout 4

Fallout Tactics[]

T-51b power armor
T-51b power armor
Midwestern Brotherhood power armor

Fallout d20[]

T-51b power armor advertising


  1. Ccdrill.msg
  2. Fallout 2 Official Strategies & Secrets, p. 66-67
  3. Item description in Fallout Shelter.
  4. Fallout 2 Official Strategies & Secrets, p. 215
  5. NcWriChi.msg
Power armor
FalloutT-51b power armor · Hardened power armor
Fallout 2T-51b power armor · Hardened power armor · Advanced power armor · Advanced power armor Mk II
Fallout 3T-45d power armor · Advanced power armor Mk II · Tesla power armor · Prototype medic power armor · T-51b power armor · Winterized T-51b power armor · Ashur's / Tribal power armor · Enclave Hellfire armor
Fallout TacticsMidwestern Brotherhood power armor · Midwestern Brotherhood advanced power armor
Fallout: New VegasT-45d power armor · Advanced power armor Mk I · Remnants Tesla armor · Brotherhood T-45d power armor ·Brotherhood T-51b power armor · T-51b power armor · Scorched Sierra power armor · NCR salvaged power armor · Gannon family Tesla armor
Fallout 4Power armor frame · T-45 series power armor · T-51 series power armor · T-60 series power armor · X-01 series power armor · Raider modified power armor (Tessa's Fist) · Piezonucleic power armor
Fallout: Brotherhood of SteelVault-Tec power armor · Vault-Tec advanced power armor
Van BurenT-45d power armor (only in tutorial/tech demo) · T-51b power armor · ATHENA
Fallout ShelterT-45 series (T-45a, T-45d, T-45f) · T-51 series (T-51a, T-51d, T-51f) · T-60 series (T-60a, T-60d, T-60f) · X-01 series (Mk I, Mk IV, Mk VI)

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