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Fallout 4 ammunition

Fusion core


4 (Survival mod)



base id


フュージョンコアとは、Fallout 4に登場する弾薬の一種である。



電気を供給したり、パワーアーマーを起動したりするのに使われる。コア1個で現実時間換算でおおよそ20分間(ゲーム内時間でおおよそ10時間)使用可能。V.A.T.S.やスプリントのようなアクションポイント (AP)を消費するアクションをとったり、ジェットパックを使ったりするとより早く消耗する。一方で、歩くだけなら比較的消耗は少なく、移動していないときは消耗しない。なお、フュージョンコアの総電荷は100である。

フュージョンコアの寿命は、Repair ボブルヘッドを収集することで10%、さらにNuclear Physicistというperkを取得することで100%まで延長することが可能である。

ガトリングレーザーという武器では、フュージョンコアを弾薬として使用し、コア1個につき500発打つことが可能。Perk「Nuclear Physicist」を取得するとその弾数が1000発に増加するが、装弾数は500発のままである。さらにRepair bobbleheadも所持している場合、最終的に弾数は1100発になる。

Fusion cores can also be ejected from power armor suits if one has the highest level Nuclear Physicist perk and no other explosive devices are currently equipped. Ejected cores land a short distance behind the user where they act as a sort of timed mine with a destructive force similar to that of a Fat Man's projectile. Note that contrary to the perk description, the cores cannot be actually thrown like regular grenades.

In addition to fixed locations below, fusion cores may also spawn in groups of four in certain ammo boxes across the Commonwealth. Cores can also be spawned in other container types by means of an eyebot pod, but only one at a time.


ArcJet Systems1In the room where the Sole Survivor can restore power to the elevators
Atlantic Offices in the Glowing Sea1Atop the roof
Boston Airport1Spawns in the cargo area after Reunions
Boston mayoral shelter1In a room off the basketball court with a sign above it that reads "Restricted Area"
Cambridge Polymer Labs1One can be found in the office, either by picking the master lock or successfully finishing the laboratory's research
The Castle's armory5Including from Sarge sentry
Concord Civic Access1In a dark corner opposite the small drug cache that the mirelurk guards
Gametitle-FO4_FH.png Crashed boat1Southwest of the Harbor Grand Hotel on the shoreline there will be a crashed ship with containers arranged to the side of the boat with flames trailing behind it. On the bottom floor there will be a Fusion generator with the fusion core
Erin Combes1Might give one for finding Ashes in the quest Here Kitty, Kitty
Four Leaf fishpacking plant3Two inside (one of them behind a mag-lock door) and one on the roof of the building
Goodneighbor2On a shelf inside the train cart strongroom in during the quest The Big Dig
Greenetech Genetics3On the top floor, two behind a security door locked at master level, and one behind a door further on locked at advanced level
Gunners plaza32-3 behind a novice locked door in a room on the opposite side of the elevator on the roof. One other one can be found on the center of the roof behind a door with a generator, running the fusion core
Near Jamaica Plain1On the floor in a house on the outskirts of Jamaica Plain, on the floor next to a dead feral ghoul
Kendall Hospital1In the basement
Longneck Lukowski's Cannery1In the basement area after the sewer section; be careful of mines
Malden Center3All near the generator after descending in the elevator. One is one the ground in front of the generator. The other is in the cardboard box on the table to the left
Malden drainage1At the end of the canal just north of the Taffington boathouse
Milton parking garage4A part of one possible reward for completing the trap-ridden maze inside the parking garage
Mass Fusion containment shed1Behind a mag-locked door (unlocked via terminal right above it). The area is heavily irradiated
Medford Memorial Hospital1West on the second floor in a generator room.
Fallout 4 merchants1Any merchant who stocks ammo will most likely carry up to 5 at 100% charge, and may carry one or two others at lesser charge (usually 40%-90%)
Mole rat den1In a room to the right of the center room in the den
Museum of Freedom1Lowest floor behind a security door (Novice terminal). Sturges asks the player character to retrieve it during When Freedom Calls
Mystic Pines1In the basement. The door to the basement is locked (Advanced) and requires 1 point in the Locksmith perk to pick
Poseidon Reservoir1On the main road at a military checkpoint north of the reservoir, in a power armor
The Prydwen's maintenance bay2Can be stolen off suits on The Prydwen by sneaking behind them (Paladin Danse will disapprove)
Quincy church1
Railroad HQ escape tunnel1Near the exit behind a security gate that can be opened from the Expert terminal to the left of the door
Recon Bunker Theta1Can be found during The Lost Patrol
Red Rocket truck stop1Mole rat den
Revere Beach station1Obtained for returning an Overdue book at the arcade building near the the station for fifty tokens
Roadside Pines motel1Behind the motel on the west side of the building.
Robert Joseph MacCready1As an active companion, he will frequently provide fusion cores in lieu of ammunition if he is equipped with a set of Power armor.
Robotics disposal ground3In chest near the robot in the center of the room. Two more can be retrieved from the robot by enabling it and then self-destructing it
South Boston military checkpoint1In a power relay under the elevated freeway just east of the checkpoint
Starlight Drive In1In the building behind the screen, with a locked (Novice) door.
Suffolk County charter school1In a generator in the basement
Super Duper Mart1In the generator room in the back
The Switchboard1The fusion core is best accessible from the escape tunnel
USAF Satellite Station Olivia1In the main center room in with the generator and the catwalk. Generator emits a buzzing sound.
Vitale pumphouse1In the second room, requires combination "10-4-5-1" to access.
Walden Pond gift shop2In a suitcase during the mission where one fights a group of raiders to liberate a village
Waystation1When following Dogmeat during the Reunions quest
Weston water treatment plant1In the eastern hut
Wilson Atomatoys factory1Southern side
Wreck of the FMS Northern Star1Inside a generator on the ground level, near the bow of the ship
Yangtze1Inside an open footlocker in the crew quarters
The Nucleus2On the metal shelves in the first wooden shack after the Decontamination Arches
Gametitle-FO4_FH.png Glowing Grove1On one of the tables
  • Sentry bots carry 2 or more fully charged fusion cores that can be recovered after the robot has been destroyed.
  • It is possible to pickpocket fusion cores from characters equipped with a power armor such as Brotherhood of Steel members and Atom Cats.


  • The item's value is independent of its charge level, however drained cores are discarded and cannot be sold. This is a helpful way of gaining caps if remembering to transfer cores before they are discarded. The player character can use a fusion core almost completely (even so the charge reads 0/100), and sell it for roughly 120-160 caps as long as it is still in their inventory.
  • Contrary to how it was advertised prior to game launch, fusion cores are not exactly rare, as most shop keepers and trade caravan owners will have at least one or two cores for sale, and they can also be found along with other types of ammo as loot in containers.
  • While in power armor, besides the current fusion power level, the players can see how many fusion cores are available in their inventory. If 100 or more cores are available, the counter will top out at 99 as it only has two digits.
  • A suit of power armor doesn't need a fusion core in it for a companion to enter it. If a fusion core happens to be in a companion's power armor, it does not drain from use.
  • Fast Traveling does not drain energy from fusion cores while wearing power armor.
  • Using the jet pack drains the core's power much faster than any other type of armor operation.
  • Since fusion cores are used as ammunition for the Gatling laser the scrounger perk allows to find them at an increased rate.[verification overdue]
  • Fusion cores glow when they suffer critical damage and eventually erupt in a small, but powerful nuclear detonation.
  • Leaving a fusion core in a power armor parked in a settlement will very often result in a settler, companion or even an invader wearing the power armor. And while the core will not drain, there may be some very undesired consequences. Such as, power armor being destroyed in combat, named settlers not having a dialogue option to ask them to exit the armor and therefore making it not usable by the player, or the power armor being discarded somewhere in a large settlement making it hard to locate.
  • Fusion cores at different charge levels do not stack together.
  • Fusion cores have the same hit chance as the NPC's torso in V.A.T.S. (assuming player is at the backside of them).

Behind the scenes[]

情報はunverified behind the scenes informationに基いています が,Falloutの正史には含まれない情報です.
  • The fusion core is most likely powered by nuclear fusion. This possibility is strengthened by the fact that the Fallout universes machines are almost exclusively powered by either solar or nuclear energy.
  • In previous installments in the Fallout universe, power armor is said to be powered by a TX-28 microfusion pack that can power the suit for over a century. It is never explained why a brand-new pack can be exhausted within 24 hours.
50_Vault-Tec_C.E.O..pngunverified behind the scenes informationに基く最終的な情報です


  • Sometimes, putting a fusion core into the armor may send both the fusion core or armor straight down, through the floor. Reloading a previous save is the only known fix. [verified]
  • Completely draining a fusion core while in power armor and having a weapon not be fully loaded at the time may cause the game to show that the player character has no ammo for said weapon. Solution: Unequip and re-equip the weapon.[verified]
  • Icon_pc.png Having multiple fusion cores at the same level the power armor had when the Sole Survivor stepped into it may result in them all draining with the one in the power armor.[verified]


Recon bunker Theta

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Ammunition in Fallout 4
Guns.308口径弾 · .38口径弾 · .44口径弾 · .45口径弾 · .45-70口径弾 · .50口径弾 · 10mm弾 · 5.56mm弾 · フレア · レールスパイク · ショットガンシェル · シリンジャー弾薬
Big guns5mm弾 · 大砲の弾 · フュージョンコア · ミニ・ニューク · ミサイル
Energy weapons2mm EC · エイリアンブラスター・ラウンド · クライオセル · 火炎放射器燃料 · フュージョンセル · ガンマ弾 · プラズマカードリッジ

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