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to erupt it would wipe out the planet.""Let's hope it doesn't, sir.""Something tells me it won't."- Pike and Kirk"Had the mission gone acco
to erupt it would wipe out the planet.""Let's hope it doesn't, sir.""Something tells me it won't."- Pike and Kirk"Had the mission gone acco
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e everyone happy — this is the purpose my Archon has bestowed upon me.Something to ShareMedia:VO_Barbara Something to Share.ogg I could neve
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ridWebber_Portrait.png“We think it says we're getting closer.”–Webber“Something tells me this is part of a bigger recipe...”–WarlyWormwood_P
べた時“It's starting...”–Wigfrid, 前兆期にスーラサイトのメダルを調べた時Webber_Portrait.png“Something's brewing.”–Webber, 前兆期にスーラサイトのメダルを調べた時“Woah! Things are rea
use this was the first thing that stingy old woman give me.)シェアしたいこと…(Something to Share)Media:VO_JA_ Mona Something to Share.ogg 「命ノ星座」って聞い
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empty.”–Wilson, examining an empty Ornate PedestalWillow_Portrait.png“Something's missing here.”–Willow, examining an empty Ornate Pedestal“
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ck_idol"“There's something trapped inside.”–WilsonWillow_Portrait.png“Something inside is calling for me.”–Willow“Special things is trapped
green markings signify.”–Wickerbottom, Sawyerを調べた時Woodie_Portrait.png“Something about that guy I like.”–Woodie, Sawyerを調べた時“Rotten to the co
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, Geo's the furthest thing from Anemo, and for a Knight of Favonius...Something to ShareMedia:VO_Noelle Something to Share.ogg I actually re
t given up on me, I guess that means I shouldn't give up on me either.Something to ShareMedia:VO_Bennett Something to Share.ogg Do you wanna
ose Good Night.ogg No need to wait up for me. Please, get some sleep. Something bothering you? Oh, don't worry about me — I'm right at the e
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believe in me. Yes, I must become the best Outrider I can possibly be!Something to ShareMedia:VO_Amber Something to Share.ogg The view from
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There were things, your own acts, from which you could never recover. Something was killed in your breast: burnt out, cauterized out.しかしもう大丈
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Here and Now head.png翻訳が必要このページは翻訳が必要な箇所があります。「編集」からFallout Wikiを手伝うことが出来ます。固有名詞の翻訳は固有名詞一覧を、見出しなどは用語一覧を参考にしてください。PublicationFallout Bible 0S
[Leon turns away and screams; in that moment the big weapon is fired, the explosion knocks him down to the floor]["The Fight (part 4: O
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["Very Special Delivery"][in their apartment; Mathilda puts on her working outfit, including Leon's glasses; waits in front of
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ck his food for now. But not before our mutts get a chance to mark it.Something's Not Right[]Transcript.pngGot another letter from Lil, but
ソース:http://www.buddhistdoor.com/OldWeb/resources/sutras/lotus/sources/contents.htm(Translated by The Buddhist Text Translation Society in US
作品アイコン-Project Legacy作品アイコン-goodこの記事は WikiProject Assassins の一環でAssassin's Creedシリーズの登場する アサシンである人物の事が書かれています。 .30px%E3%82%A6%E3%82%A3%E3%8
登場作品:Shipwrecked icon.pngShipwreckedこの記事は未完成のため加筆依頼が出されています。(理由:情報不足)編集による加筆、訂正またはコメントによる意見をお願いします。Havin' gold around soothes me soul.“Ready
had changed in some strange way. Nobody can describe it, not even me. Something was wrong. Someone whose name has been lost to history by de
ling."I've never seen anything like it!" says Matt the Beast Master. "Something is terrifying all my animals - even the cacti, who are norma
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