The federal ration stockpile terminal entries are a series of entries found on terminals in the federal ration stockpile in Fallout 4.
Welcome to ROBCO Industries (TM) Termlink
連邦食糧備蓄庫 - アクセスターミナル
Federal Ration Stockpile
標準タレットのコントロール ファームウェア v8.13
状態: ERROR, All Clear
管理者: タレット防衛システム
Shutting down
Turret operation should be limited to trained professionals only.
Consumer commands are limited to activation/deactivation of the turret(s) hardlined to this terminal. For all other operations, please refer to a licensed technician.
Any tampering will void warranty and indemnify the manufacturer against potential injury and/or death caused to users or passers-by.
System Diagnostics: 2 Turrets Linked
Node | Condition | Status | Distance
0% Offline,ERROR, 9.70m
0% Offline,ERROR, 28.13m
Standardized Spotlight Control BIOS
ADMIN: Raiders
Please choose an option:
System Diagnostics: 3 Spotlights Linked
Node | Condition | Status | Distance
Spotlight Offline,ERROR, 25.18m
Spotlight Offline,ERROR, 6.51m
Spotlight Offline,ERROR, 23.51m
Welcome to ROBCO Industries (TM) Termlink
Federal Ration Stockpile - Access Terminal
Federal Ration Stockpile
In response to recent events, this facility will be operating under heightened security starting immediately. Identification must be worn at all time while on grounds. Civilians must be checked in and given temporary identification while on the premises. This includes delivery staff and vehicle operators. There will be no exceptions.
Strict inventory will be taken of federal rations, don't risk your job by taking anything home. Yes, this means you.
A group of civilians has discovered the hatch leading into the old tunnels connected to this facility. Simple surveillance of this exit point is no longer adequate. A minimum of three men will be stationed at this point until we can find a way to better secure this route or seal it up entirely.
Also, I do not want to hear any more complaining about our choice to build this federal storage facility into these tunnels or the struggles of the retrofit operation. The decision has been made within the approved budget and its done. This exit point will be handled and this facility will continue to serve its purpose.
Thank you for your cooperation.
MaxLock Security Door Control Interface
Welcome to ROBCO Industries (TM) Termlink
Federal Ration Stockpile
Sis caught a pair of Tower Tom's goons sniffing around the front entrance. Lil and I interrogated them, and it sounds like the liquid diet they've got going over at the brewery ain't working so well for them. Apparently Tower Tom's got some sort plan to fight his way in here and steal our food.
I'd like to see those drunk idiots try.
Lil's gone! Tower Tom and his boys made a run on the stockpile today and in the chaos, Lil went missing. I sent out a crew, see if anyone could find where she went, but I'm fearing the worst.
If Tom somehow got his hands on her, I'll rip out that bastard's heart and nail it to my wall.
Son of a bitch! Tower Tom's got Lil. He's making her write me letters, begging for supplies. Says he's going to cut her up if I don't.
I tried to get a crew together to go rescue her, but they talked me down. Said Tom would just kill her if we make a move. But we've got to do something.
I'll give that big fuck his food for now. But not before our mutts get a chance to mark it.
Got another letter from Lil, but something's off. She calls me Red. I hate that name and she knows it. I think something's happened.
Tom's recruiting hard now that he's got our provisions. I'm gonna send one of my boys to sign up, see if he can't figure out what's going on.
Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. The man I sent to Beantown Brewery said there was no sign of Lil anywhere in the place. Tom must've moved her somewhere. I've sent out a crew to start looking for her.
Hang in there, Lil. We're coming.
Someone cut down Tom and his boys, but there's still no sign of Lily. Thank god she got moved before it happened.
We'll find you, sis. Wherever you are.
Standardized Turret Control Firmware v8.13
ADMIN: Turret Defense System
Please exercise caution around turret. Users should always assume that turrets are loaded and capable of live-fire.
Please choose an option:
Shutting down
Turret operation should be limited to trained professionals only.
Consumer commands are limited to activation/deactivation of the turret(s) hardlined to this terminal. For all other operations, please refer to a licensed technician.
Any tampering will void warranty and indemnify the manufacturer against potential injury and/or death caused to users or passers-by.
System Diagnostics: 2 Turrets Linked
Node | Condition | Status | Distance
0% Offline,ERROR, 46.85m
0% Offline,ERROR, 46.24m
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