



Media:VO_Noelle Hello.ogg My name is Noelle, maid of the Knights of Favonius, and it's my pleasure to be joining you on your adventure today. Should you encounter any problems at any point throughout your journey, please do not hesitate to call me and I will be delighted to provide you with my full assistance. Yes, starting right now — what do you need?
Chat: A Favor
Media:VO_Noelle Chat - A Favor.ogg Leave it to me! All of it, whatever it is! ...What... exactly is "it"? I didn't quite catch your request...
Chat: Rest
Media:VO_Noelle Chat - Rest.ogg You seem tired. Would you like some tea? I'll brew you some. Do you take sugar? One cube, or two?
Chat: Being ReliableMedia:VO_Noelle Chat - Being Reliable.ogg Whenever you need me, I'll be there.
When It RainsMedia:VO_Noelle When It Rains.ogg Oh dear, everyone's laundry is still on the line! May I be excused to fetch it in?
When Thunder StrikesMedia:VO_Noelle When Thunder Strikes.ogg Please stay indoors until the storm passes. I will deal with any urgent outdoor business.
When the Sun Is OutMedia:VO_Noelle When the Sun Is Out.ogg Such fair weather. Why don't we do a bit of sunny work? Oh, what sort of work is that, you ask? Haha, well, anything that makes you feel bright and sunny too.
When It's WindyMedia:VO_Noelle When It's Windy.ogg Can you hear the Anemo Archon's voice on the breeze? It calms me down whenever I get flustered.
Good MorningMedia:VO_Noelle Good Morning.ogg Good morning! Breakfast is served. I will be on hand the whole time. Should you find that anything is not to your taste, please, do not hesitate to let me know.
Good AfternoonMedia:VO_Noelle Good Afternoon.ogg Ready for your tea break? Please wait here while I get it ready. Oh yes, I also made Lighter-Than-Air Pancakes! You simply must try one, it's my specialty.
(実際のボイス: Ready for your tea break? Please wait here while I get it ready. Oh yes, I also made Tea Break Pancakes! You simply must try one, it's my specialty.)
Good EveningMedia:VO_Noelle Good Evening.ogg Everyone has free time in the evening, and that is when I am busiest. Where have Amber's washed hairbands been placed? How many new eyepatches did Kaeya buy? Keeping track of all these things is a maid's responsibility.
Good Night
Item_Companionship_EXP.svg 好感度Lv. 4
Media:VO_Noelle Good Night.ogg Please get some rest, you must be tired from today's adventure. I should head back to the Knights of F— Sorry? you want me to watch over you until you fall asleep? I—I... I mean, of course, it's no problem. But, um... You're not just teasing me, are you?
About Noelle: DisciplineMedia:VO_Noelle About Noelle - Discipline.ogg In my job I do the exact same things every day — a far cry from being a true knight, that's for sure. But ultimately this is all part of my training, and when it comes to training, actions speak louder than words.
About Noelle: DisagreementMedia:VO_Noelle About Noelle - Disagreement.ogg I'm a bit useless in an argument because I can't really explain my reasoning clearly. People find that hard to understand, so instead, I try to just get on with my work in my own way. But then they call me stubborn. All I try to do is convince people with results instead of trying to talk them round... Is that really stubborn of me?
About Us: IdentitiesMedia:VO_Noelle About Us - Identities.ogg I am devoted to what I do, but make no mistake — I devote myself freely. A maid, to me, is the most liberating job there is. I'm a chef, a gardener, a warrior, a guide... I can be anything you need me to be!
About Us: RemindersMedia:VO_Noelle About Us - Reminders.ogg Even when you're too busy to eat three square meals, never eat something if you don't know where it came from, and always maintain a balance between meat and vegetables. Oh, and no swimming right after a meal. Haha, I do hope you're not thinking, "that's too much trouble I'll just leave it to Noelle," are you? ... Oh... but of course, if you are... Well then, just leave it to me.
About Us: Welcome Party
好感度Lv. 6
UI_Quest.png For a Tomorrow Without Tears
Media:VO_Noelle About Us - Welcome Party.ogg So I hear you're an Honorary Knight of Favonius? I envy you! I suppose that makes you my senior... Anyway, it's about time someone threw you a welcome party, surely? Leave it to me!
About the Vision
好感度Lv. 4
Media:VO_Noelle About the Vision.ogg To be honest, I'm feeling a little dejected. Sure, this Vision proves that the Archons think I'm worthy, but why is it a Geo Vision? I mean, Geo's the furthest thing from Anemo, and for a Knight of Favonius...
Something to ShareMedia:VO_Noelle Something to Share.ogg I actually really like the smell of wine, I'm just not of drinking age yet. There have been a few times when I could have had a little taste if I'd wanted, and no one would ever have known... but I resisted the temptation. I feel like the first time you try it is probably really magical, so I want to save it till I'm older.
Interesting ThingsMedia:VO_Noelle Interesting Things.ogg A maid is required to keep everyone's secrets. That's why my favorite flower is the rose. Here in Mondstadt, the rose represents the saying "As wine bottles are corked, so too are my lips sealed." It reminds me to— What? ...Roses represent love in your hometown? I—I had no idea the rose held such a... passionate meaning.
About Amber
Item_Companionship_EXP.svg 好感度Lv. 4
Media:VO_Noelle About Amber.ogg I really look up to Amber. Not only is she an accomplished knight, but she's a kind person too. She taught me how to make a Baron Bunny. I keep it on my person for luck, and it looks quite alright, don't you think?
(実際のボイス: I really look up to Amber. Not only is she an accomplished knight, but she's a kind person too. She taught me how to make a Baron Bunny. I keep it on my person for luck, and it looks quite alright, I think. Oh no, please do not be alarmed! There is no risk of explosion whatsoever.)
About Klee
好感度Lv. 4
Media:VO_Noelle About Klee.ogg I've always been curious as to how she managed to become a fully-fledged knight at such a young age. I actually went to ask her for tips once, but I'd barely started talking to her when she grabbed me by the hand and took me outside the Knights headquarters to play with bombs. I thought it was some kind of training exercise at first, but Jean found us, and we both ended up in a solitary confinement...
About Jean
Item_Companionship_EXP.svg 好感度Lv. 4
Media:VO_Noelle About Jean.ogg Master Jean has always been my role model, both in terms of ability and dedication. She holds herself and others to the same high standards, so if there ever comes a day when I meet with her approval, it will be the ultimate acknowledgment of all my efforts so far. Until then, there's no room for complacency!
About Varka
好感度Lv. 4
Media:VO_Noelle About Varka.ogg At first I wanted to join his expedition party and do my part as a maid. But the Grand Master said no — it would give him more peace of mind if I stayed behind to take care of things in Mondstadt. It made me so happy to hear how much he values me! ...Okay, so apparently he said the same thing to a lot of people. But that doesn't change the fact he prizes me too!
About Kaeya
Item_Companionship_EXP.svg 好感度Lv. 4
Media:VO_Noelle About Kaeya.ogg He's a mysterious character! He comes and goes like the wind, and is always occupied with important business. I like the fact that he delegates some of the smaller jobs to me sometimes, it's nice to feel like part of the team, you know... What do you mean, "errand runner"? I don't see it like that at all! Okay, well yes, technically I run errands for him. But still, I really appreciate it!
About Bennett
好感度Lv. 4
Media:VO_Noelle About Bennett.ogg He's asked me to join the Adventurers' Guild more than a few times, saying that life there would suit me better than with the Knights of Favonius. While I could help him take care of his "dads" like the other adventurers. the Knights hold a special meaning for me, and I'm not ready to give up on becoming one yet. No, I simply cannot accept his offer.
About Fischl: Tea
Item_Companionship_EXP.svg 好感度Lv. 4
Media:VO_Noelle About Fischl - Tea.ogg I think she's from another world, but I don't know the details. One thing I do know, however, is that she loves the Knights of Favonius' library. She can always be found there with her nose in a book. I bring her some refreshments whenever I go in there to clean, and she always thanks me profusely. When I say profusely, I mean she goes a bit over the top, to be honest, and... I actually don't understand half of what she's saying.
About Fischl: Background
好感度Lv. 6
Media:VO_Noelle About Fischl - Background.ogg So once when I was cleaning the library, I noticed a book on the shelf called Flowers for Princess Fischl. At the time I assumed it was just a fantasy novel... I was so surprised to find out the main character is a real person. I could hardly believe it! She must be someone incredible to have a whole book dedicated to her.
About Barbara
Item_Companionship_EXP.svg 好感度Lv. 4
Media:VO_Noelle About Barbara.ogg We take tea breaks together sometimes. Often she'll start humming a tune, saying inspiration has come to her. I'm not the right person to give useful feedback on anything musical... But I still love spending time with Barbara.
More About Noelle: IMedia:VO_Noelle More About Noelle - 01.ogg How may I be of assistance? ...Oh, you just want to chat? Okay then! Well, if that's how I can help, then please feel free to chat as long as you'd like.
More About Noelle: II
好感度Lv. 3
Media:VO_Noelle More About Noelle - 02.ogg Not a problem, I am here to serve in whatever capacity you require. You needn't be concerned about the way I feel. ...Huh? More tool than maid? I disagree! A tool might help you to complete a million tasks to a satisfactory standard, but it feels nothing. I, on the other hand, feel a strong sense of achievement every time I do something for you.
More About Noelle: III
Item_Companionship_EXP.svg 好感度Lv. 4
Media:VO_Noelle More About Noelle - 03.ogg Th—These treats are for me? Oh no, I couldn't, really. Well... Then I'll make some for you too! I'll go right now, right this instant! Half an hour... Ah, ok maybe an hour, tops. You can busy yourself with other things first, and I'll be sure to deliver them right to you, hot and fresh out of the oven!
More About Noelle: IV
好感度Lv. 5
Media:VO_Noelle More About Noelle - 04.ogg I spend all my days handling the most trivial of matters, but so long as it helps you in your adventure, or makes your life easier in some small way, I couldn't be happier. That's because each time I get a thank-you, it makes me feel like my work at least has some meaning, no matter how insignificant it seems.
More About Noelle: V
Item_Companionship_EXP.svg 好感度Lv. 6
Media:VO_Noelle More About Noelle - 05.ogg Even though I mostly work for the Knights of Favonius, I'm always looking out for ways I can help more people. These days, though, I seem to be spending more and more of my time with you... It might be a bit selfish of me... What do you think?
Noelle's HobbiesMedia:VO_Noelle Hobbies.ogg My hobby? I really like washing all sorts of things... clothes, floorboards, windows, you name it! Whenever I see something dirty I just want to give it a good old clean! It just gives me such a sense of achievement! ...Oh, you mean the things I do in my free time? Hmm... Same answer!
Noelle's TroublesMedia:VO_Noelle Troubles.ogg How to get more for your Mora? Last time I went all the way to Liyue, I visited every single shop to compare prices, and then carried everything back myself... I won't be doing that again though. I was on the road for so long that Jean was convinced I'd been gobbled up by Stormterror along the way!
Favorite FoodMedia:VO_Noelle Favorite Food.ogg My favorite is easily a Satisfying Salad. The best of Mondstadt's natural produce on one plate — highly nutritious, and a low calorie count. No, I never get sick of eating it — it's delicious! I've been eating it for ten years now.
Least Favorite FoodMedia:VO_Noelle Least Favorite Food.ogg I'm not a fussy eater. But I really don't like banquets... The reason being, as the maid I am expected to sample every single dish on the table to ensure its quality. Just one bite of each, of course, but it all adds up... Oh, the guilt...
Receiving a Gift: IMedia:VO Noelle Receiving a Gift - 01.ogg How can you make such a simple dish taste so good? My admiration towards you just keeps growing!
Receiving a Gift: IIMedia:VO Noelle Receiving a Gift - 02.ogg This tastes wonderful! Uh, would you mind teaching me how to make this? After all, it is my duty as a maid...
Receiving a Gift: IIIMedia:VO Noelle Receiving a Gift - 03.ogg Hmm... This is more than I normally eat in a whole day...
BirthdayMedia:VO_Noelle Birthday.ogg Since you're always so busy adventuring, there must be so many little things you never get round to, surely? Well, you need not worry about them adding up, because today, I am all yours — your exclusive maid for the entire day! Just leave it all to me! ...Also, I'd like to take this opportunity to wish you a very happy birthday!
Feelings About Ascension: Intro
Media:VO_Noelle Feelings About Ascension - 01.ogg What is this... new power!? Thank you! Now I can be of assistance to even more people.
Feelings About Ascension: Building Up
Icon_Character_Ascension_Unlocked.svg 突破2段階
Media:VO_Noelle Feelings About Ascension - 02.ogg I cannot rest on my laurels. After all, I'm not even formally a knight yet. Until that day, I must work even harder.
Feelings About Ascension: Climax
Media:VO_Noelle Feelings About Ascension - 03.ogg Thank you for the opportunity to accompany you on your adventures, it's taught me a lot and I believe I have improved a lot. As a maid, I should be the one serving you, but it seems you have done more for me than I could ever imagine...
Feelings About Ascension: Conclusion
Icon_Character_Ascension_Unlocked.svg 突破6段階
Media:VO_Noelle Feelings About Ascension - 04.ogg Everyone in Mondstadt is saying that I'm much more reliable now. Some even say that I'm to be made a true knight soon, but I don't think... What!? You think so too!? Oooohh, thank you! Coming from you, that is the best compliment I could ever hope for!


Elemental Skill
Media:VO Noelle Elemental Skill 1 01.ogg Steady as stone.
Media:VO Noelle Elemental Skill 1 02.ogg I must leave no stone unturned.
Media:VO Noelle Elemental Skill 1 03.ogg Leave it all to me.
Elemental Burst
Media:VO Noelle Elemental Burst 01.ogg Time to clean up.
Media:VO Noelle Elemental Burst 02.ogg As a good knight should.
Media:VO Noelle Elemental Burst 03.ogg As a dutiful maid would.
Sprint Start
Media:VO Noelle Sprint Start 01.ogg I'll catch up.
Media:VO Noelle Sprint Start 02.ogg Someone needs assistance.
Media:VO Noelle Sprint Start 03.oggMedia:VO Noelle Sprint Start 04.oggMedia:VO Noelle Sprint Start 05.ogg
Sprint End
Deploying Wind Glider
Media:VO Noelle Deploying Wind Glider 01.oggMedia:VO Noelle Deploying Wind Glider 02.oggMedia:VO Noelle Deploying Wind Glider 03.ogg
Opening Treasure Chest
Media:VO Noelle Opening Treasure Chest 01.ogg All in a day's work.
Media:VO Noelle Opening Treasure Chest 02.ogg Oh, wonderful...
Media:VO Noelle Opening Treasure Chest 03.ogg A little dusty... Best give it a spring-cleaning!
Low HP
Media:VO Noelle Low HP 01.ogg I can patch myself up.
Media:VO Noelle Low HP 02.ogg Ugh, that's going back in the wash...
Media:VO Noelle Low HP 03.ogg If at first you don't succeed...
Media:VO Noelle Fallen 01.ogg I am a disgrace... to the knights...
Media:VO Noelle Fallen 02.ogg But they still need me...
Media:VO Noelle Fallen 03.ogg It was my honor to serve you...
Light Hit Taken
Media:VO Noelle Light Hit Taken 01.oggMedia:VO Noelle Light Hit Taken 02.oggMedia:VO Noelle Light Hit Taken 03.oggMedia:VO Noelle Light Hit Taken 04.oggMedia:VO Noelle Light Hit Taken 05.oggMedia:VO Noelle Light Hit Taken 06.ogg
Heavy Hit Taken
Media:VO Noelle Heavy Hit Taken 02.ogg Ugh... I missed a spot...
Media:VO Noelle Heavy Hit Taken 01.oggMedia:VO Noelle Heavy Hit Taken 03.oggMedia:VO Noelle Heavy Hit Taken 04.oggMedia:VO Noelle Heavy Hit Taken 05.oggMedia:VO Noelle Heavy Hit Taken 06.ogg
Joining Party
Media:VO Noelle Joining Party 01.ogg Ohhh, how exciting! Ahem.
Media:VO Noelle Joining Party 02.ogg I will protect you.
Media:VO Noelle Joining Party 03.ogg As you wish.
Character Idles
Light Attack
Media:VO Noelle Light Attack 01.oggMedia:VO Noelle Light Attack 02.oggMedia:VO Noelle Light Attack 03.oggMedia:VO Noelle Light Attack 04.oggMedia:VO Noelle Light Attack 05.oggMedia:VO Noelle Light Attack 06.oggMedia:VO Noelle Light Attack 07.ogg
Mid Attack
Media:VO Noelle Mid Attack 01.oggMedia:VO Noelle Mid Attack 02.oggMedia:VO Noelle Mid Attack 03.oggMedia:VO Noelle Mid Attack 04.oggMedia:VO Noelle Mid Attack 05.ogg
Heavy Attack
Media:VO Noelle Heavy Attack 01.oggMedia:VO Noelle Heavy Attack 02.oggMedia:VO Noelle Heavy Attack 03.ogg
Media:VO Noelle Climbing 01.oggMedia:VO Noelle Climbing 02.oggMedia:VO Noelle Climbing 03.ogg
Climbing Breath
Media:VO Noelle Climbing Breath 01.oggMedia:VO Noelle Climbing Breath 02.oggMedia:VO Noelle Climbing Breath 03.oggMedia:VO Noelle Climbing Breath 04.ogg
Media:VO Noelle Jumping 01.oggMedia:VO Noelle Jumping 02.oggMedia:VO Noelle Jumping 03.oggMedia:VO Noelle Jumping 04.oggMedia:VO Noelle Jumping 05.ogg


Noelle_Icon.png ノエル
Element_Electro.pngRazor_Icon.png レザー
Diona_Icon.png ディオナ
Element_Cryo.pngRosaria_Icon.png ロサリア
Mika_Icon.png ミカ
Element_Anemo.pngVenti_Icon.png ウェンティ
Element_Pyro.pngDiluc_Icon.png ディルック
Mona_Icon.png モナ
Element_Pyro.pngKlee_Icon.png クレー
Albedo_Icon.png アルベド
Element_Cryo.pngEula_Icon.png エウルア
Ningguang_Icon.png 凝光
Element_Electro.pngBeidou_Icon.png 北斗
Xingqiu_Icon.png 行秋
Element_Cryo.pngChongyun_Icon.png 重雲
Xiangling_Icon.png 香菱
Element_Pyro.pngXinyan_Icon.png 辛炎
Yanfei_Icon.png 煙緋
Element_Geo.pngYun_Jin_Icon.png 雲菫
Yaoyao_Icon.png ヨォーヨ
Element_Cryo.pngQiqi_Icon.png 七七
Keqing_Icon.png 刻晴
Element_Geo.pngZhongli_Icon.png 鍾離
Ganyu_Icon.png 甘雨
Element_Anemo.pngXiao_Icon.png 魈
Hu_Tao_Icon.png 胡桃
Element_Cryo.pngShenhe_Icon.png 申鶴
Yelan_Icon.png 夜蘭
Element_Anemo.pngSayu_Icon.png 早柚
Kujou_Sara_Icon.png 九条裟羅
Element_Pyro.pngThoma_Icon.png トーマ
Gorou_Icon.png ゴロー
Element_Electro.pngKuki_Shinobu_Icon.png 久岐忍
Shikanoin_Heizou_Icon.png 鹿野院平蔵
Element_Anemo.pngKaedehara_Kazuha_Icon.png 楓原万葉
Kamisato_Ayaka_Icon.png 神里綾華
Element_Pyro.pngYoimiya_Icon.png 宵宮
Raiden_Shogun_Icon.png 雷電将軍
Element_Hydro.pngSangonomiya_Kokomi_Icon.png 珊瑚宮心海
Arataki_Itto_Icon.png 荒瀧一斗
Element_Electro.pngYae_Miko_Icon.png 八重神子
Kamisato_Ayato_Icon.png 神里綾人
Element_Dendro.pngCollei_Icon.png コレイ
Dori_Icon.png ドリー
Element_Hydro.pngCandace_Icon.png キャンディス
Layla_Icon.png レイラ
Element_Anemo.pngFaruzan_Icon.png ファルザン
Tighnari_Icon.png ティナリ
Element_Electro.pngCyno_Icon.png セノ
Nilou_Icon.png ニィロウ
Element_Dendro.pngNahida_Icon.png ナヒーダ
Wanderer_Icon.png 放浪者
Element_Dendro.pngAlhaitham_Icon.png アルハイゼン
Dehya_Icon.png ディシア
Element_Hydro.pngTartaglia_Icon.png タルタリヤ

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