ジョヴァンニ・ボルジア Giovanni Borgia (1498年 – 1548年) はアサシン教団の一員でエデンの果実に特に受容的だったと兄弟から知られている
Nature_and_Nurture.jpgCesare training Giovanni.
ペロットは3つの掟を破ったため兄弟たちに処刑され、ジョバンニはチェーザレ・ボルジアの手に渡り彼が父であると知った。 [2]
Comeuppance_PL.jpgGiovanni using the Apple's power.
Francesco Vecellio with Giovanni.
1503年 ジョヴァンニは恐怖を背負い込んだ人生を捨てる計画をたてた。その後、差出人不明の伝書鳩からの手紙に勇気づけられた。誰にも見られずに彼は噴水のそばへ行き、指示されたように群衆から誰かを見つけ出すために「別の目」を使った。[2]
Giovanni on Cortés' ship.
1519年 ジョヴァンニは記録係と占星術師のふりをしてエルナン・コルテスの船に乗り新世界に旅立った。本当の目的はアステカの都市テノチティトランからエデンの果実を手に入れる事だった。[4]
Bombastus and Giovanni examining the Crystal Skull.
1520年 ジョヴァンニはヨーロッパに戻った。教団の一員ボンバストゥスに水晶の髑髏の目的を見つけだすために持っていった。ジョヴァンニを「これに向かって話す人」と称してボンバストゥスは、彼らがその秘密を発見すると確信していました。[4]
1542年 20年越しの研究の末、ジョヴァンニはその答えを見つけた。水晶の髑髏がかすかに光り輝くのを発見した。彼がそれを振ると外国語を喋る中国の服を着た人間が映った。彼が何を言っているのかはわからなかったが、男の意図は理解できそれを仲間に伝えるため急いだ。[4]
Giovanni and Maria researching together.
1527年In 1527, some time after accidentally reading the mysterious tome that Bombastus owned, and using it to help craft the Philosopher's Stone, Giovanni confronted Bombastus to ask him further questions. However, the Professor only proclaimed that he could help him no longer, and that the Book held no more answers as it was incomplete.[5]
Thus, Giovanni began to research a means of finding the other half of the Book, with the help of one of Bombastus' apprentices, Maria Amiel. The two found that the tome was entitled "Divine Science," and had been written by a French alchemist named Nicolas Flamel. They thus traveled together to Paris, France.[5]
They tracked a grimoire down to the nephew of Perenelle Flamel, but found that the manuscript was only a translation. However, the grimoire contained Pythagorean symbols, and notes of Hermetic practices, thus reminding Giovanni of an ancient Pythagorean temple[5] found by fellow Assassin Ezio Auditore da Firenze in 1506.[6]
On their way back to Basel, Giovanni insisted that they pass by Troyes, though he did not tell Maria why. As Maria lingered by a clothier near Troyes' cathedral, Giovanni vanished from her side, and soon after, she was approached by a man in a tunic marked with a red cross.[5]
PL-Falconers.pngGiovanni fighting off the Templars of Troyes.
As he began to ask her peculiar questions, Giovanni appeared behind him and ended his life with his Hidden Blade. Though he at first accused Maria of "conspiring with the Viper," upon seeing her tears, he realized his mistake, and the two returned their attention to their travels.[5]
Since Giovanni had discovered a report containing their descriptions, he and Maria fled Troyes. In a nearby wood, they were attacked by "Minions of the Cross," though Giovanni was able to drive them off; and afterwards, the two were able to avoid further trouble.[5]
Upon arriving in Basel, they found that Bombastus had gone mad, and had begun burning books and accusing doctors of unholy practices. Giovanni was forced to restrain him, and later, he and Maria retrieved the first half of the Book from Bombastus' laboratory.[5]
The temple of Pythagoras.
Some time after, Giovanni discovered a map to the Pythagorean temple, and asked that Maria accompany him. Though he admitted that the previous visitor to the temple had found nothing, he insisted that he knew there was something that still lay hidden within it. Trusting him, Maria agreed, and the two traveled together down into the catacombs.[5]
Giovanni opened the way for them, rearranging bricks and lighting an urn that lit the room with a trail of fire. Finally, as they entered the last chamber, it became illuminated with eerie patterns, numbers, and glyphs.[5]
At that moment, Giovanni fell unconscious, and when he woke, his face had been altered, startling Maria. He then spoke in a distant voice that was not his, but appeared to be from an entity far older; one that called itself "Consus, the Erudite God."[5]
Centuries later, Giovanni would come to be known as the Infans Romanus, or "Child of Rome."[2]
Interested in the mystery of his parentage, as well as the events of his supposedly insignificant life, Abstergo Industries would later have their recruits analyze large sections of Giovanni's memories, including the circumstances of his birth,[1] much of his childhood,[2] and his search for the Pieces of Eden.[4]
Giovanni protecting Maria in Paris.
Giovanni was a very gracious and confident nobleman, who often spoke lightheartedly, and teased his friends. Despite his cheerful nature, he also had something of a temper, once shouting at and threatening Bombastus for not answering his questions.[5]
He was also quite serious in his work as an Assassin, often becoming withdrawn and moody when concentrating on his assignments. Though protective of his allies, he once assaulted Maria, merely out of the suspicion that she had been conspiring with the Templars.[5]
From an early age, Giovanni suffered several bleeding effect-like symptoms, likely as a result of being healed by the Shroud. He would often dream of the memories of Assassins past, including those of Perotto, and Marcus Junius Brutus. Because of these hallucinations, he once almost stabbed Cesare while sleepwalking, thinking himself to be Brutus, and his uncle to be Gaius Julius Caesar. However, he was caught and subsequently punished by Micheletto.[2]
For possibly the same reasons, throughout his childhood, Giovanni would speak to a mystical being called Consus, whom no one else could see. Consus acted as his guardian, encouraging him to join the Assassins, and eventually seeming to "possess" him in the Pythagorean Temple.[2]
Giovanni and Maria in Troyes.
After meeting each other in 1527, Giovanni and Maria became inseparable, growing close over their travels to Paris and back to Basel. He protected her from brigands who once attempted to rob them, as well as Templars who attacked them as they fled Troyes.[5]
After Maria accidentally spoke with one of Giovanni's assassination targets in Troyes, he began to suspect her, holding a blade to her throat and demanding to know why she was conspiring with his enemy. When she began to cry, he realized his mistake, and after a moment, the two kissed, and admitted their feelings for one another.[5]
Several years afterwards, Giovanni married her. Though Maria only later found out about Giovanni's allegiance to the Assassin Order, she nevertheless supported him in his assignments, even accompanying him through the catacombs into the Pythagorean Temple.[5]
They remained together at least until 1542, when Maria protested against Giovanni's obsession with studying the Crystal Skull.[4]
A portrait of Giovanni.
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