英訳妙法蓮華経 - あなごクンのうぃき
uddhas. All the Arhats, without outflows, And those who seek Nirvana, Have fallen into a net of doubts. "Why has the Buddha said this?" Thos
uddhas. All the Arhats, without outflows, And those who seek Nirvana, Have fallen into a net of doubts. "Why has the Buddha said this?" Thos
rahmin, is why I am awakened. ₅₆₄172 sutta nipātaDispell doubts in me,Have confidence, brahmin;This sight is hard to find,For Buddhas arise
Rudi was refusing to take the bait. At some point Maharaj asked him,‘Have you witnessed your own death?’ and Rudi replied ‘No’.ルディは黙っていました。
learned)On your journey, you have not learned to make a single dish. Have you been subsisting off of raw Slimes this whole time?(If any rec
果Gara - Mending Splintersアクティブな破片ごとに毎秒3ヘルス回復同じ効果が適用。同じ効果が適用。Hildryn - Haven最大シールド容量が500増加シールドのリチャージ速度が80%増加同じ効果が適用。以前は効果なしTrinity - Blessing
Translation Pageこのページは、本家 WoW Wiki(英語)より翻訳したものです。本家サイトのページはこちらです。 Patch 3.1.0“Secrets of Ulduar”Ulduar wallpaper.jpgOfficial Blizzard wallpa
add the final ingredients."Ancient_Chest.pngAncient Chest (shaking)- "Have I not been found worthy?"Ancient Chest (failed)- "Apologies for m
"A hungry beast is a dangerous beast."Pecked by a Smallish Tallbird- "Have patience!"Don't Starve Together[]Hatching_Tallbird_Egg.pngHatchin
ng as you're happy..."Wolfgang_Portrait.pngWolfgang[]Generic- "Hi %s! Have you been working out?"Spear.pngAttacker- "Hey %s, you look upset
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on.pngToadstool Cap (hole)- "Just a hole."Toadstool Cap (in ground)- "Have we summoned something fun?"Toadstool.pngToadstool and Misery Toad
adioactive? I hope so."Double_Light_Flower.pngLight Flower (double)- "Have they an attraction to one another?"Light Flower (triple)- "A clus
e books in the "restricted section" that Lisa mentioned...(Traveler): Have you ever wondered what sort of books might be kept in there?(Trav
登場作品:Hamlet icon.pngHamletこの記事は未完成のため加筆依頼が出されています。(理由:情報不足)編集による加筆、訂正またはコメントによる意見をお願いします。"I also know the heartbreak of losing the ability t
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gain!"Sea Hound- "Ah, a wörthy sea öppönent!"Stink_Ray.pngStink Ray- "Have yöu nö hönör, stinky önes?"Swordfish- "Önward tö Valhalla, brave
Translation Pageこのページは、本家 WoW Wiki(英語)より翻訳したものです。本家サイトのページはこちらです。 Patch 3.2.0“Call of the Crusade”Call of the Crusade.jpgOfficial wallpaper
Harp Statue.pngこの記事は未完成のため加筆依頼が出されています。(理由:情報不足)編集による加筆、訂正またはコメントによる意見をお願いします。I WIN. GOOD.“I SHALL DOMINATE ALL CREATURES”–WX-78このページはプレイヤーが
hin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/File:Vo_dialog_eqxs101_cyrus_03.ogg Cyrus: Have you done anything apart from resting all day? Come on, are your s
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基本は Rule Reference の翻訳です。シナリオ固有の用語(Alartなど)もここに記載する予定です。Glossary用語集以下は、ゲームのルール、用語、およびプレイ中に発生する可能性のある状況のエントリのアルファベット順のリストです。The following is
Since late 2012 when Don't Starve became available to the public, there have been periodical updates, which introduce new content, fix glitc
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パブリックドメインだったので。スッタニパータ全文の英語版はこちら。chapter 4The Chapter of Eights4.1 Objects, Desires and Pleasures (Kāma Sutta)If one with a desiring mindSuc
pngWindbreaker- "Can't say I approve of the color."Tar Suit- "Really! Have I sunk so far?"Particulate_Purifier.pngParticulate Purifier- "Qui
ething else?(Check the book on a nearby stone)Swimming Race That Must Have A Result Today: Archmage Megistus Versus Fischl the Prinzessin de
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on: A lake across and so far away, the castle as if a bird in a cage. Have the humans finished preparing my meal, or do they yet believe the
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