

登場作品:Reign of Giants icon.pngReign of GiantsDon't Starve Together

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Valhalla awaits!

“Finally, a true test öf my abilities.”


このページはプレイヤーがアイテムや物を調べた時(Altキーを押しながらクリック)にWigfrid が発する言葉(Quotes)をまとめたものです。




Base Game[]
  • Axe- "Tö chöp and deströy!"
  • Luxury_Axe.pngLuxury Axe- "A tööl öf göld!"
  • Shovel- "I'd prefer a ship burial, but it might have use."
  • Regal_Shovel.pngRegal Shovel- "Digging like a king!"
  • Pickaxe- "I can use it tö get preciöus spear and helm materials."
  • Opulent_Pickaxe.pngOpulent Pickaxe- "Göld för göld."
  • Razor- "A small blade, but a blade nönetheless."
  • Hammer.pngHammer- "Möre fit för labör than battle."
  • Pitchfork- "A weapön för farmers."
  • Feather_Pencil.pngFeather Pencil- "Perhaps I'll pen a saga öf my jöurneys!"
  • Brush- "Time för hair and makeup!"
  • Saddle.pngSaddle- "Nöw tö find a faithful steed."
  • War Saddle- "I ride tö victöry ör death!"
  • Glossamer_Saddle.pngGlossamer Saddle- "Öh tö fly ön the wings öf Valkyrie!"
  • Saddlehorn- "Mighty steeds can be unsaddled with this."
  • Salt_Lick.pngSalt Lick- "Minerals, nöt meat."
  • Machete- "A fine length öf blade."
  • Luxury_Machete.pngLuxury Machete- "I shall swing yöu with pride."
  • Shears- "Tis a weapön tö use against a mighty hedge!"
Don't Starve Together[]
  • Shovel.pngShovel- "I'd prefer a ship burial, but it might have its uses."
  • Pickaxe- "A trusty tööl för securing spear and helm materials."
  • Pocket_Scale.pngPocket Scale- "Höw did I fare with my catch?"
  • Garden Hoe- "Tö bury thöse useless seeds deep in the gröund."
  • Splendid_Garden_Hoe.pngSplendid Garden Hoe- "A tööl far töö magnificent för thöse wörthless seeds."
  • Watering Can- "Watering the garden is nöt a task befitting a warriör."
  • Watering_Can.pngWatering Can (empty)- "The plants expect me tö fetch water för them as well?"
  • Waterfowl Can- "Why must we cöddle the plants thus?"
  • Waterfowl_Can.pngWaterfowl Can (empty)- "There is nö water tö be föund within."
  • Beefalo Bell- "This bell cömmands löyalty fröm the wöölen beasts."


Base Game[]
  • Fire_Pit.pngCampfire and Fire Pit (upon being built and normal)- "Warm fire, warm Wigfrid."
  • Fire_Pit.pngCampfire and Fire Pit (high)- "The fire röars!"
  • Fire_Pit.pngCampfire and Fire Pit (low)- "Fire's slöwly dying."
  • Fire_Pit.pngCampfire and Fire Pit (embers)- "That fire's nearly dead."
  • Fire_Pit.pngCampfire and Fire Pit (out)- "And the light flickers öut."
  • Torch- "Perfect för a nighttime assault."
  • Miner_Hat.pngMiner Hat- "A lighted helm! För the darkness."
  • Pumpkin Lantern- "Dö yöu wish tö fight, vegetable?"
  • Lantern.pngLantern- "A lantern för the darkness."
Reign of Giants[]Shipwrecked[]
  • Chiminea.pngChiminea (all stages)- "What kind öf fire hides in a höle?"
  • Bottle Lantern- "A möst curiöus törch."
  • Boat_Torch.pngBoat Torch- "The night sea is alight!"
  • Boat Lantern- "See me föul beasts öf the shadöw seas!"
  • Obsidian_Fire_Pit.pngObsidian Fire Pit (upon being built)- "A fire fit för a Viking!"
  • Obsidian Fire Pit (high)- "The fire röars!"
  • Obsidian_Fire_Pit.pngObsidian Fire Pit (normal)- "Warm fire, warm Wigfrid."
  • Obsidian Fire Pit (low)- "The fire's slöwly dying."
  • Obsidian_Fire_Pit.pngObsidian Fire Pit (embers)- "The fire's nearly dead."
  • Obsidian Fire Pit (out)- "And the light flickers öut."
  • Tar_Lamp.pngTar Lamp- "A light tö guide mine löngship!"
  • Buoyant Chiminea (upon being built)- "Tö prötect my fires fröm Aegir's grasp."
  • Buoyant_Chiminea.pngBuoyant Chiminea (high)- "Löge's pöwer repels the night!"
  • Buoyant Chiminea (normal)- "A humble flame."
  • Buoyant_Chiminea.pngBuoyant Chiminea (low)- "I might stöke thine fire."
  • Buoyant Chiminea (embers)- "Fire, fire, why döst thöu burnest löw?"
  • Buoyant_Chiminea.pngBuoyant Chiminea (out)- "The fire has löst its fight."
  • Cork Candle Hat- "Mine hands are nöw free tö pillage ruins!"
  • Cowl.pngCowl- "Tö see thröugh the eyes öf mine enemy!"
Don't Starve Together[]
  • Moggles- "It's best tö use every part öf the animal."
  • Mushlight_Build.pngMushlight (off)- "A gift from the earth."
  • Mushlight (on)- "Tis a spotted spotlight!"
  • Mushlight_Burnt.pngMushlight (burnt)- "Laid to waste."
  • Glowcap (off)- "I demand strong, passionate colors. Red!"
  • Glowcap.pngGlowcap (on)- "Behöld! It blazes bright!"
  • Glowcap (burnt)- "Twas consumed by Hel's fire."
  • Willow%27s_Lighter.pngWillow's Lighter- "It lights the fires öf mine heart!"


Base Game[]
  • Backpack.pngBackpack- "A pörtable armöry."
  • Piggyback- "The pig died with hönör and gave tö me this pack."
  • Bird_Trap.pngBird Trap- "I'm a cunning raven catcher!"
  • Bug Net- "Tö snatch insects fröm the air."
  • Fishing_Rod.pngFishing Rod- "I'm a ruthless fisherwöman."
  • Straw Roll- "A tööl för my naps."
  • Fur_Roll.pngFur Roll- "A luxury fur bed!"
  • Tent- "Sleep this night, and prepare för battle ön the mörröw."
  • Trap.pngTrap- "A well cönstructed trap. I will have my meal."
  • Honey Poultice- "Tö heal my battle wöunds."
  • Healing_Salve.pngHealing Salve- "Fill me with life!"
  • Umbrella- "Rain prötectiön made fröm the tröphy öf a hunt."
  • Compass.pngCompass-
    • N- "Nörth."
    • S- "Söuth."
    • E- "East."
    • W- "West."
    • NE- "Nörtheast."
    • SE- "Söutheast."
    • NW- "Nörthwest."
    • SW- "Söuthwest."
  • Compass (generic)- "A reading cannöt be gleaned."
  • Bundling_Wrap.pngBundling Wrap- "That's a wrap."
  • Bundled_Supplies_2-3_Slot.pngBundled Supplies- "Ready tö take ön an epic saga."
Reign of Giants[]
  • Insulated_Pack.pngInsulated Pack- "A backpack öf the beast."
  • Luxury Fan- "The luxuries öf camp, ön the gö."
  • Siesta_Lean-to.pngSiesta Lean-to- "A place tö rest my battle-weary head."
  • Siesta Lean-to (can't sleep)- "Nö napping in the möönlight."
  • Siesta_Lean-to.pngSiesta Lean-to (monsters)- "Battle is upön us, there'll be nö rest!"
  • Siesta Lean-to (hungry)- "I'd like a meat snack first."
  • Siesta_Lean-to.pngSiesta Lean-to (in cave)- "This döesn't feel like the time för a nap."
  • Tent (overheating)- "The sun is high, jöurney ön!"
  • Tent_Burnt.pngTent and Siesta Lean-to (burnt)- "It has been razed."
  • Thermal_Stone_Stage_3.pngThermal Stone- "A stöne öf great use!"
  • Thermal Stone (frozen)- "Cöld teeth bite at me!"
  • Thermal_Stone.pngThermal Stone (cold)- "The stöne has taken ön cöld!"
  • Thermal Stone (warm)- "The stöne has taken ön warmth!"
  • Thermal_Stone_Stage_5.pngThermal Stone (hot)- "Löge wöuld be pröud."
  • Pretty Parasol- "I dislike flöwers, but I dislike wet armör möre."
  • Thatch_Pack.pngThatch Pack- "I höpe my spear döesn't pöke a höle in it."
  • Booty Bag- "Builds chest muscles."
  • Sea_Sack.pngSea Sack- "Disgusting but useful in its way."
  • Tropical Fan- "The luxuries öf camp, ön the gö."
  • Silly_Monkey_Ball.pngSilly Monkey Ball- "A bit öf mönkey merriment."
  • Tropical Parasol- "I dislike plants, but I dislike wet armör möre."
  • Anti_Venom.pngAnti Venom- "The söurce öf the creatures sickness."
  • Palm_Leaf_Hut_Burnt.pngPalm Leaf Hut (normal, burning, and burnt)- "Keeps the rain öff my helm."
  • Bug B'Gone- "A mighty weapön tö vanquish the bugs."
  • Bird_Whistle.pngBird Whistle- "It sööthes the feathered beasts."
Don't Starve Together[]
  • Piggyback- "The pig died with hönör, then gave tö me this pack."
  • Straw_Roll.pngStraw Roll- "A tööl för valiant naps."
  • Trap- "A well cönstructed trap. Tönight we feast!"
  • Honey_Poultice.pngHoney Poultice- "Tö heal even the deepest öf battle wöunds."
  • Healing Salve- "Be filled with life!"
  • Siesta_Lean-to.pngSiesta Lean-to- "A place tö rest öne's battle-weary head."
  • Pretty Parasol- "Flöwers are nöt befitting a warriör, but wet armör is even wörse."
  • Telltale_Heart.pngTelltale Heart- "Feel the passiön inside!"
  • Booster Shot- "This will return me tö töp förm."
  • Water_Balloon.pngWaterballoon- "Prepare tö engage in water-y battle!"
  • Whirly Fan- "The chilling breeze reminds me öf my frigid höme."
  • Flare.pngFlare- "Never split thy party!"
  • Sea Fishing Rod- "Tremble beföre me, creatures öf the deep!"
  • Tillweed_Salve.pngTillweed Salve- "Hmm, it döth appear that föul weed has a use after all."
  • Seed Pack-It- "För carrying wörthless seeds."
  • Bernie.pngBernie (held and inactive)- "It's a stuffed beast."
  • Bernie_Active.pngBernie (active)- "What a brave beast!"
  • BERNIE!- "The beast hath been imbued with a fighting spirit!"
  • DeadBernie.pngBernie (broken)- "It has göne tö Valhalla."
  • Chef Pouch- "I'll use this tö carry deliciöus meats!"
  • Tent_Roll.pngTent Roll- "My talent lies in battle, nöt in building."
  • Camper's Tent- "Tis a finely made shelter indeed!"


Base Game[]
  • Crock Pot (empty)- "Nöthing in there."
  • Crock_Pot.pngCrock Pot (cooking, long time left)- "Might as well dö sömething while I wait."
  • Crock Pot (cooking, short time left)- "Shöuldn't be löng nöw!"
  • Crock_Pot.pngCrock Pot (finished)- "What have we göt here?"
  • Crock Pot (failed to add item)- "I fear that döes nöt gö there."
  • Bee_Box.pngBee Box- "A sweet böx öf wee warriörs."
  • Bee Box (no honey)- "Where's the höney?"
  • Bee_Box_Level_1.pngBee Box (some honey)- "Söme höney. Patience is needed."
  • Bee Box (full of honey)- "It's a höney treasure tröve!"
  • Basic_Farm.pngFarm- "I can't gröw meat, what's the pöint?"
  • Basic_Farm.pngFarm (growing)- "They're gröwing strönger."
  • Basic_Farm.pngFarm (finished)- "Ugh, vegetables. I'm nöt sure what I expected..."
  • Basic_Farm.pngFarm (needs fertilizer)- "It wants a turd feast."
  • Ice_Box.pngIce Box- "Winter dwells inside!"
  • Drying Rack- "Ah! A dangly rack för my meats!"
  • Drying_Rack.pngDrying Rack (drying)- "It's preparing just the way I like it."
  • Drying Rack (finished)- "Let's eat!"
Reign of Giants[]
  • Crock_Pot_Burnt.pngCrock Pot (burnt)- "The fire reigned supreme."
  • Bee Box (burnt)- "My hive is silent."
  • Farmplot_Burnt.pngBasic and Improved Farm (burnt)- "Serves yöu right för nöt gröwing meats!"
  • Drying Rack (drying in rain)- "All this rain isn't helping."
  • Drying_Rack_Burnt.pngDrying Rack (burnt)- "Such a shame."
  • Bucket-o-poop- "Its stench cöuld raise the fallen."
  • Mussel_Stick.pngMussel Stick- "The fööl mussels shall climb this stick."
  • Mussel Bed- "Sea meat in the making."
  • Fish_Farm.pngFish Farm (empty)- "The göddess Ran has blessed me with her net."
  • Fish Farm (growing)- "Nöw I wait för Ran tö smile upön me!"
  • Fish_Farm.pngFish Farm (one fish)- "The meat has spröuted!"
  • Fish Farm (two fish)- "The swimming meat flöurishes!"
  • Fish_Farm.pngFish Farm (three fish)- "A thriving öasis öf swimming meat!"
  • Fish Farm (four fish)- "Thank Njörd för this meaty böunty!"
  • Sprinkler.pngSprinkler- "Rain cömes fröm within it's wörkings."
Don't Starve Together[]
  • Drying Rack (drying)- "It's being prepared just the way I like it."
  • Bee_Box_Burnt.pngBee Box (burnt)- "The hive is silent."
  • Mushroom Planter (empty)- "An empty höme för förest sprites."
  • Mushroom_Planter.pngMushroom Planter (some)- "The förest sprite has taken rööt."
  • Mushroom Planter (lots)- "It is gröwing ströng and hearty."
  • Mushroom_Planter.pngMushroom Planter (stuffed)- "The förest sprite has returned a glöriöus böunty!"
  • Mushroom Planter (rotten)- "A blight has beset this lög. Anöther!"
  • Mushroom_Planter_Burnt.pngMushroom Planter (burnt)- "Twas cönsumed by a mighty infernö!"
  • Mushroom Planter (snow covered)- "Nöt all can withstand the fröst giant's töuch."
  • Salt_Box.pngSalt Box- "A fine place tö störe meats!"
  • Cookbook- "'Tis filled with töo many nön-meat dishes if yöu ask me."
  • Garden_Digamajig.pngGarden Digamajig (held)- "A feröciöus weapön against untamed söil."
  • Garden Digamajig- "I claim this söil för the garden!"
  • Composting_Bin.pngComposting Bin- "A barrel öf stink."
  • Growth Formula Starter- "A weak brew för the nön-meats."
  • Fermenting_Growth_Formula.pngFermenting Growth Formula- "It's beginning tö take ön a pöwerful ödör."
  • Fermented Growth Formula- "By the göds, the stench!"
  • Super_Growth_Formula.pngSuper Growth Formula- "Perhaps the nön-meats are strönger that I thöught, tö cönsume such a thing..."
  • Gardeneer Hat- "This is nö helm för a warriör!"
  • Tree_Jam.pngTree Jam- "An öffering tö the trees, may they carry it ön tö great Yggdrasil itself."
  • Portable Crock Pot- "Cööking, a nöble pröfessiön."
  • Portable_Crock_Pot.pngPortable Crock Pot (finished)- "Is there meat tö be cönsumed?"
  • Portable Grinding Mill- "It döes battle with fööd."
  • Portable_Seasoning_Station_Build.pngPortable Seasoning Station- "A förmidable weapön against bad meals."
  • Portable Seasoning Station (finished)- "Its task has cöme tö an end."


Base Game[]
  • Science Machine- "I prefer battle tö science."
  • Alchemy_Engine.pngAlchemy Engine- "Perhaps science can enhance my cömbat skills."
  • Thermal Measurer- "If önly it measured the heat öf battle."
  • Rainometer.pngRainometer- "Företells the cöming öf rain."
  • Lightning Rod- "Bring with yöu lightning, Dönner!"
  • Lightning_Rod.pngLightning Rod (charged)- "Öh great lightning!"
  • Gunpowder- "Such energy!"
Reign of Giants[]
  • Science_Machine_Burnt.pngScience Machine (burnt)- "Ashes tö ashes."
  • Alchemy Engine (burnt)- "Dust tö dust."
  • Thermal_Measurer_Burnt.pngThermal Measurer (burnt)- "The measuring device has been slain by Löge."
  • Rainometer (burnt)- "Its pröphecy days are döne."
  • Ice_Flingomatic.pngIce Flingomatic (off)- "Time tö rest flinging warriör."
  • Ice Flingomatic (on)- "Catapult engaged för battle!"
  • Ice_Flingomatic.pngIce Flingomatic (low fuel)- "The catapult gröws weak and tired."
  • Electrical Doodad- "A marvel öf science."
  • Sea_Lab.pngSea Lab- "Aegir, bless me with thy wisdöm!"
  • Ice Maker 3000- "Reminds me öf höme."
  • Ice_Maker_3000.pngIce Maker 3000 (high)- "The machine is fired up!"
  • Ice Maker 3000 (medium)- "Ice fröm fire!"
  • Ice_Maker_3000.pngIce Maker 3000 (low)- "It is spitting cönsiderably less ice förth."
  • Ice Maker 3000 (very low)- "Its fire is aböut tö gö öut."
  • Ice_Maker_3000.pngIce Maker 3000 (out)- "It needs möre fire!"
  • Quacken Drill- "Tö thrust intö the heart öf the sea!"
  • Smelter.pngSmelter- "The tööls öf dwarves."
  • Oscillating Fan- "Cönquers the heat!"
Don't Starve Together[]
  • Cartographer%27s_Desk_Build.pngCartographer's Desk- "What legends might I find within these maps?"
  • Cartographer's Desk (burning)- "Alas! My hunting excursiöns will gö unregaled!"
  • Cartographer%27s_Desk_Burnt.pngCartographer's Desk (burnt)- "I've nö chöice but tö act öut my directiöns nöw."
  • Potter's Wheel- "A transförmative altar för the stöne göds."
  • Potter%27s_Wheel_Burnt.pngPotter's Wheel (burnt)- "Lain tö waste."
  • Potter's Wheel (invalid material)- "That material is nöt befitting a wörk öf art."
  • Potter%27s_Wheel.pngPotter's Wheel (Marble or Cut Stone placed)- "May the muses guide öur hands!"
  • Potter's Wheel (material already placed)- "Öne material at a time!"
  • Potter%27s_Wheel.pngPotter's Wheel (sculpture)- "The muses have been kind this day."
  • Potter's Wheel (sketch already available)- "We have already cönquered this knöwledge."
  • Think_Tank_Build.pngThink Tank- "A seafaring Viking is keen öf mind and sharp öf wit."
  • Think Tank (burnt)- "Tis nö möre."
  • Terra_Firma_Tamper.pngTerra Firma Tamper- "The very gröund shall heed my will!"
Exclusive to PS4[]
  • Accomploshrine- "My victöries shall be remembered!"


Base Game[]
  • Spear- "It is nöt my favöred spear, but it will dö the trick."
  • Ham_Bat.pngHam Bat- "A weapön fit för the great dining halls!"
  • Boomerang- "För flinging at föes!"
  • Boomerang.pngBoomerang (hit self)- "Urg! I must master the curved weapön."
  • Blow Dart- "Pröjectile weapönry!"
  • Sleep_Dart.pngSleep Dart- "Göödnight tö my föes."
  • Fire Dart- "Like the breath öf a dragön."
  • Football_Helmet.pngFootball Helmet- "A pig's böttöm made my helmet."
  • Grass Suit- "Grass prötectiön. That's nöt göing tö last löng."
  • Log_Suit.pngLog Suit- "A börröwed tree vest."
  • Marble Suit- "Near impenetrable!"
  • Bee_Mine.pngBee Mine- "It söunds suspiciöus."
  • Tooth Trap- "A treacheröus trap."
Reign of Giants[]
  • Battle_Helm.pngBattle Helm- "The pöwer öf the unicörn is great."
  • Battle Spear- "My cömrade in arms!"
  • Scalemail.pngScalemail- "Excellent armör för the heat öf battle."
  • Morning Star- "A weapön wörthy öf Thör."
  • Weather_Pain.pngWeather Pain- "A störm öf pain."
  • Poison Spear- "This spear awards a cöward's victöry!"
  • Poison_Dart.pngPoison Dart- "Tö weaken fröm a distance. Ödin förgive me..."
  • Coconade- "This is nö ördinary nut!"
  • Coconade.pngCoconade (lit)- "The nut will spew its fire söön!"
  • Spear_Gun_Spear.pngSpear_Gun_Obsidian.pngSpear Gun (empty and all spears)- "A gift fröm Ödin!"
  • Cutlass_Supreme.pngCutlass Supreme- "Öh great swörd öf fishy death, I shall swing yöu with hönör."
  • Horned Helmet- "This helm will keep my scalp dry."
  • Seashell_Suit.pngSeashell Suit- "Wearing this I shall nöt wash up ön the shöres öf Valhalla just yet!"
  • Limestone Suit- "It's heft is reassuring ön my bönes."
  • Cactus_Armor.pngCactus Armor- "It will make öf me a friend tö the cactus."
  • Halberd- "Tis nö spear, yet tis still valörous!"
  • Cork_Bat.pngCork Bat- "'Tis a weapön öf much lightness."
  • Weevole Mantle- "Armör made fröm the skin öf mine enemy."
  • Mant_Mask.pngMant Mask- "Mine helm wöuld have sufficed."
  • Mant Suit- "This armör is nöt wörthy öf a shieldmaiden!"
  • Fancy_Helmet.pngFancy Helmet- "'twill prötect mine head!"
  • Tin Suit- "Armör wörthy öf my deeds."
  • Blunderbuss.pngBlunderbuss- "A thunderöus weapön!"
Don't Starve Together[]
  • Football Helmet- "A pig's böttöm made this helmet."
  • Sleep_Dart.pngSleep Dart- "Göödnight tö öur föes."
  • Electric Dart- "A face-tö-face fight wöuld be möre hönörable."
  • Tail_o%27_Three_Cats.pngTail o' Three Cats- "Löud and pöwerful!"
  • Napsack- "Thöse whö enter thy circle shalt knöw rest."
  • Cookie_Cutter_Cap.pngCookie Cutter Cap- "Tis a helm fit för a warriör öf the deep."
  • Strident Trident- "I shall lay waste tö my enemies with the weapön öf Pöseidön!"
  • Trusty_Slingshot.pngTrusty Slingshot- "I prefer weapöns at clöse range."


Base Game[]
  • Birdcage_Build.pngBirdcage- "A höme för my ravens!"
  • Birdcage (occupied)- "Are yöu having a nice time?"
  • Birdcage.pngBirdcage (occupied, sleeping)- "Sweet dreams raven friend."
  • Pig House- "I did nöt think pigs cöuld make höuses."
  • Pig_House_Light_On.pngPig House (occupied, lights on)- "Cöme öut and gö tö war with me!"
  • Pig House (occupied, lights off)- "Dö yöu nöt hunger för battle, pig?"
  • Rabbit_Hutch_Build.pngRabbit Hutch- "What am I tö dö with a carröt that big?"
  • Hay Wall (held)- "Perhaps my föes will get löst in this hay."
  • Hay_Wall_Build.pngHay Wall- "A minör deterrent tö attackers."
  • Wood Wall (held)- "A mediöcre förtificatiön."
  • Wood_Wall_Build.pngWood Wall- "It may impale a föe."
  • Stone Wall (held)- "A sturdy wall fashiöned fröm the earth."
  • Stone_Wall_Build.pngStone Wall- "My enemies will dash themselves ön these röcks."
  • Chest- "A place tö störe my helm and spear while I rest."
  • Sign.pngSign- "A möst well placed sign."
  • Potted Fern- "What am I suppösed tö dö with this?"
  • Mini_Sign.pngMini Sign (held)- "A surface ön which tö inscribe ancient runes."
  • Mini Sign (empty)- "Tis blank as the clöudless sky."
  • Mini_Sign.pngMini Sign (drawn on)- "The runes hath been drawn!"
  • Wood_Gate.pngWood Fence and Gate (held)- "Nöt för förtificatiön. Merely the farm."
  • Wood Fence- "Tis nöt my kind of fencing."
  • Wood_Gate_Build.pngWood Gate- "A tiny replica öf Valhalla's gates."
Reign of Giants[]
  • Pig House (burnt)- "Löge did nöt smile upön yöu this day."
  • Rabbit_Hutch_Burnt.pngRabbit Hutch (burnt)- "Gööd riddance giant carröt."
  • Hay Wall (burnt)- "That wön't dö at all."
  • Wood_Wall_Build.pngWood Wall (burnt)- "Fire, wööd's önly weakness!"
  • Chest (burnt)- "Its walls were törn döwn by fire."
  • Scaled_Chest.pngScaled Chest- "This chest is wörthy öf my weapöns."
  • Sign (burnt)- "Signs öf a battle past."
  • Sand_Castle.pngSand Castle- "I want to pretend I'm a giant and crush it!"
  • Sand Castle (sand)- "Time has crushed it."
  • Wildbore_House_Build.pngWildbore House (normal, burning, and burnt)- "A terrible place tö live!"
  • Prime_Ape_Hut_Build.pngPrime Ape Hut (normal, burning, and burnt)- "By this mess I wöuld say a Viking lives here."
  • Limestone Wall (held)- "Will yöu stand with me?"
  • LimestoneWallStructure.pngLimestone Wall- "Fine wörk."
  • Dragoon Den- "A berserker has tö live sömewhere."
  • Sand_Bag.pngSandbag (held)- "Water crashes against it feebly!"
  • Sandbag- "This bag öf sand battles the water!"
  • Seaworthy.pngSeaworthy (Vanilla or ROG world)- "A new land tö plunder and pillage!"
  • Seaworthy (SW world)- "This löngship lööks unfit för a warriör."
  • Buoy.pngBuoy- "It buöys my spirits tö see it aböve the waves."
  • Sea Chest- "Spares my effects fröm the sea's dark depths."
  • Ballphin_Palace_Build.pngBallphin Palace- "A gathering place för swimming meat."
  • Sea Wall (held)- "Tö build battle förtificatiöns."
  • Sea_Wall_Build.pngSea Wall- "Nö wall can höld my warriör's spirit!"
  • Cork Barrel- "It hölds my stuff!"
Don't Starve Together[]
  • Rabbit_Hutch_Build.pngRabbit Hutch- "What's tö be döne with a carröt that big?"
  • Potted Fern- "What are yöu meant tö dö with such a thing?"
  • Birdcage.pngBirdcage (occupied, bird hungry)- "What dö yöu want little friend?"
  • Birdcage (occupied, bird starving)- "He wishes tö feast!"
  • Birdcage.pngBirdcage (occupied, bird dead)- "Yöu can feast in Valhalla nöw, friend."
  • Birdcage (occupied, bird skeleton)- "... Maybe I shöuld clean that up."
  • Sign.pngSign (empty)- "I shall write a tale tö triumph!"
  • Directional Sign (empty)- "I shall pöint the way tö triumph!"
  • Directional_Sign_Burnt.pngDirectional Sign (burnt)- "
  • End Table (empty)- "There is nö beast beneath."
  • Stagehand.pngEnd Table (flowers)- "Tis a tribute tö Freya's beauty."
  • End Table (new light source)- "The light burns bright."
  • Stagehand.pngEnd Table (old light source)- "The light wanes."
  • End Table (wilted)- "Their beauty fades."
  • End_Table_Burnt.pngEnd Table (burnt)- "It was nö challenge at all."
  • Friendly Scarecrow- "Döst thöu yearn för a brain?"
  • Friendly_Scarecrow.pngFriendly Scarecrow (burning)- "The scarecröw burns."
  • Friendly Scarecrow (burnt)- "The scarecröw döst yearn för nöthing, nöw."
  • Moon_Rock_Wall.pngMoon Rock Wall (held)- "Öur förtress shall be impenetrable!"
  • Moon Rock Wall- "Whölly impregnable, a wörthy förtificatiön!"
  • Scaled_Furnace.pngScaled Furnace- "Its belly is alight with fearsöme dragönfire."
  • Wardrobe- "That's where I keep my furs and clöaks."
  • Wardrobe.pngWardrobe (burning)- "Nö, my furs and clöaks!"
  • Wardrobe (burnt)- "Nö use crying över burnt pelts."
  • Wardrobe.pngWardrobe (unable to change, generic)- "That's where I keep all my favörite furs and pelts."
  • Wardrobe (unable to change, on fire)- "Gasp! My furs!"
  • Wardrobe.pngWardrobe (unable to change, in use)- "I shall let them select their garments first."
  • Potted Succulent- "A feast för mine eyes!"
  • Tackle_Receptacle.pngTackle Receptacle- "I shall create a fishing weapön like nö öther!"
  • Astral Detector (held)- "'Tis the machine fröm my visiön."
  • Astral_Detector_Build.pngAstral Detector- "It calls döwn a sign fröm Mani himself!"
  • Astral Detector (all pieces found)- "Its quest is cömplete."
  • Craftsmerm_House_Build.pngCraftsmerm House- "A höme fit för a fish beast."
  • Craftsmerm House (burnt)- "Tis the way öf things."
  • DIY_Royalty_Kit_Build.pngDIY Royalty Kit- "The little beast töils away."
  • DIY Royalty Kit (burnt)- "Tis a sad day för the fish beasts."
  • Royal_Tapestry.pngRoyal Tapestry- "Have yöu chösen a chieftain?"
  • Royal Tapestry (burnt)- "The thröne hath been set ablaze!"
  • Merm_Flort-ifications_Build.pngMerm Flort-ifications- "Tis a fine förtress för a fish beast."
  • Merm Flort-ifications (Merm King dead)- "They are löst withöut their chieftain."
  • Sisturn.pngSisturn (empty)- "A small langhús för the ghöstly warriör tö regain her strength."
  • Sisturn (some flowers)- "Flöwers döth please this spirit."
  • Sisturn_Build.pngSisturn (full)- "'Tis a fine mönument indeed."


Base Game[]
  • Rope.pngRope- "Ströng enöugh tö bind the sails öf my löngship."
  • Boards- "Grandfather lögs."
  • Cut_Stone.pngCut Stone- "Sölid stöne!"
  • Papyrus- "This will carry förth the recörd öf my saga."
  • Purple_Gem.pngPurple Gem- "It is clöudy with a mysteriöus energy."
  • Nightmare Fuel- "The fuel öf darkness!"
  • Beeswax.pngBeeswax- "The stuff of candlemakers."
  • Wax Paper- "Waxen tö the töuch."
  • Cloth.pngCloth- "Sewing is nöt warriör's wörk..."
  • Limestone- "Hard as an unripe fruit."
  • Empty_Bottle.pngEmpty Bottle- "Empty öf messages and drink. Pity."
  • Coral Nubbin- "Nö Excalibur juts fröm its center."
Hamlet[]Don't Starve Together[]
  • Papyrus- "May it carry förth the recörd öf my saga."
  • Cratered_Moonrock.pngCratered Moonrock- "Mani's gift may have söme use yet!"
  • Marble Bean- "Fee fi fö fum!"
  • Feathery_Canvas.pngFeathery Canvas- "A bölt öf thine finest bird-clöth!"
  • Collected Dust- "The dust hath been förged intö a sölid blöck."


Base Game[]
  • Meat Effigy- "I dö nöt knöw why I made this."
  • Prestihatitator.pngPrestihatitator- "It is an absurd machine that makes meat."
  • Shadow Manipulator- "A mystical thing."
  • Pan_Flute.pngPan Flute- "I prefer tö face my enemies awake."
  • Night Light- "I'm möre cömförtable aröund my öwn fire."
  • Night_Armor.pngNight Armor- "Ströng, but I find my mind wanders..."
  • Dark Sword- "It takes a brave warriör tö wield this swörd."
  • One-man_Band.pngOne-man Band- "Sing with me! We are the guardians öf Asgard!"
  • Bat Bat- "Wing spear!"
  • Belt_of_Hunger.pngBelt of Hunger- "She ebbs my hunger. Gööd fur."
  • Chilled Amulet- "Cöld jewelry."
  • Nightmare_Amulet.pngNightmare Amulet- "An amulet öf dark pöwers."
  • Life Giving Amulet- "It's red, and a fighter. Just like me!"
  • Fire_Staff.pngFire Staff- "Wigfrid! Master öf fire!"
  • Ice Staff- "A gift fröm Ullr!"
  • Telelocator_Staff.pngTelelocator Staff- "I ride thröugh the air and the sea!"
  • Telelocator Focus (full)- "It will harness my awesöme speed."
  • Telebase.pngTelelocator Focus (missing gem)- "It requires purple gems."
  • Telelocator Socket (full)- "Shöwtime!"
  • Telelocator_Focus.pngTelelocator Socket (missing gem)- "It lacks its gem."
Reign of Giants[]
  • Meat Effigy (burnt)- "Valhalla, I cöme!"
  • Prestihatitator_Burnt.pngPrestihatitator (burnt)- "Nö möre meat will cöme fröm here!"
  • Shadow Manipulator (burnt)- "Its strange pöwer did nöt prötect it fröm fire."
  • Old_Bell.pngOld Bell- "I prefer the ring öf blades clashing."
  • Piratihatitator- "What awkward sörcery is this?"
  • Prestihatitator_Burnt.pngPiratihatitator (burnt)- "Its magic has flöated away as embers."
  • Dripple Pipes- "I have nö rhythm..."
  • Hogus_Porkusator.pngHogus Porkusator- "What wisdöm döth this pig hide?"
  • Pugalisk Wand- "Prepare tö be stunned by my gaze!"
  • Skyworthy.pngSkyworthy (non-Hamlet world)- "Önward tö adventure!"
  • Skyworthy (Hamlet world)- "Öutward tö adventure!"
  • Living_Artifact.pngLiving Artifact- "I will be unbeatable ön the battlefield!"
  • Root Trunk- "The spöils öf the battle nöw föllöw me!"
  • Vortex_Cloak.pngVortex Cloak- "A clöak wörthy öf a warriör!"
Don't Starve Together[]
  • Meat Effigy- "Might the göds witness this visage and öffer prötectiön."
  • Meat_Effigy_Burnt.pngMeat Effigy (burnt)- "Valhalla, we cöme!"
  • Night Armor- "Ströng, but such a headache it gives..."
  • Bat_Bat.pngBat Bat- "Winged spear!"
  • Belt of Hunger- "She ebbs the ache öf hunger. Gööd fur."
  • Fire_Staff.pngFire Staff- "That we might becöme Masters öf Fire!"
  • Telelocator Staff- "Ride thröugh the air and the sea!"
  • Ocuvigil.pngOcuvigil- "May the secrets öf this land be divulged by the göds."
  • Moon Dial (generic)- "Mani's visage remains, even in the light öf day."
  • Moon_Dial_%28New_Moon%29.pngMoon Dial (new moon)- "Mani's retired tö her realm för the eve."
  • Moon Dial (waxing)- "Mani's pöwer gröws!"
  • Moon_Dial_%28Full_Moon%29.pngMoon Dial (full moon)- "Mani claims the skies!"
  • Moon Dial (waning)- "Mani's pöwer is ön the wane."
  • Moon_Dial.pngMoon Dial (in Caves)- "Mani cannöt see us here."
  • Moon Dial (Moonstorm)- "By the göds! The water hath turned tö sölid glass!"
  • The_Lazy_Deserter.pngThe Lazy Deserter- "Tö save my allies the jöurney."
  • The Lazy Deserter (active)- "By the pöwer öf the sand!"
  • Clean_Sweeper.pngClean Sweeper- "In the blink öf an eye, what önce was is nö möre!"
  • Kitschy Beaver Idol- "Is this meant tö summön yöur fylgja?"
  • Kitschy_Goose_Idol.pngKitschy Goose Idol- "It's... er... very fearsöme!"
  • Kitschy Moose Idol- "It represents a warriör's spirit!"


Base Game[]
  • Sewing Kit- "I am nö seamstress, but repairs are sömetimes necessary."
  • Rabbit_Earmuffs.pngRabbit Earmuffs- "Yes, möst practical!"
  • Straw Hat- "A hat för cööling after a raucöus battle."
  • Beefalo_Hat.pngBeefalo Hat- "This is göing tö löök gööd ön me, I can tell."
  • Beekeeper Hat- "My bee helm, öf cöurse."
  • Feather_Hat.pngFeather Hat- "Seems a bit flashy för battle."
  • Winter Hat- "Warm, but nöt suitable för cömbat."
  • Top_Hat.pngTop Hat- "It döesn't match my cöstume."
  • Dapper Vest- "It is a handsöme vest but it öffers nö prötectiön."
  • Breezy_Vest.pngBreezy Vest- "It will nöt suffice in the frözen wastes."
  • Puffy Vest- "The warm pelt öf a bested creature. A fine garment."
  • Bush_Hat.pngBush Hat- "För the hunt."
  • Garland- "Flimsy för the fight, pretty för my head."
  • Walking_Cane.pngWalking Cane- "Turns walk tö tröt."
Reign of Giants[]
  • Cat Cap- "Furry cap! Bless cute meat."
  • Fashion_Melon.pngFashion Melon- "It's almöst like wearing a pelt."
  • Ice Cube- "A chunk öf cöld."
  • Rain_Coat.pngRain Coat- "Armöur för rain."
  • Rain Hat- "We will fight in the rain."
  • Summer_Frest.pngSummer Frest- "Ha! The sun is nö warriör if it cannöt penetrate this."
  • Floral Shirt- "Flöwers will nöt stöp a spear."
  • Eyebrella.pngEyebrella- "Dön't get rain in yöur eye!"
  • Hibearnation Vest- "I am berserker!"
  • Brain_of_Thought.pngBrain of Thought- "My brain has the might öf my swörd!"
  • Snakeskin Hat- "Shall I wear a serpent?"
  • Snakeskin_Jacket.pngSnakeskin Jacket- "Rain is bested!"
  • Blubber Suit- "Rue my suit öf fat, möisture!"
  • Windbreaker.pngWindbreaker- "I shall break the wind with every step!"
  • Tar Suit- "This shall repel Aegir's clammy töuch."
  • Particulate_Purifier.pngParticulate Purifier- "Armör öf sörts för my nöse and thröat!"
  • Sleek Hat- "My head shall cut the air!"
  • Shark_Tooth_Crown.pngShark Tooth Crown- "A helm after my warriör's heart!"
  • Dumbrella- "What kind öf strange helm is this?"
  • Gas_Mask.pngGas Mask- "Pöisönöus air shall nöt cönsume me!!"
  • Pith Hat- "A helm. Nöt mine öwn."
  • Thunderhat.pngThunderhat- "Tis a hat wörthy öf Thör."
Don't Starve Together[]
  • Beefalo Hat- "That wöuld suit me."
  • Beekeeper_Hat.pngBeekeeper Hat- "A bee helm, öf cöurse."
  • Garland- "Flimsy för the fight, enchanting ön öne's head."
  • Walking_Cane.pngWalking Cane- "Turns "walk" tö "tröt"."
  • Cat Cap- "A furry cap! Blessings tö yöu, cute meat."
  • Hibearnation_Vest.pngHibearnation Vest- "BEAR-SERKER!"
  • Fashion Goggles- "T'wöuld be nö help in battle."
  • Desert_Goggles.pngDesert Goggles- "Tis nö helm."
  • Green_Funcap.pngFuncap- "This helm runs flush with the förest's magic!"
  • Seawreath.pngSeawreath- "I'd never trade mine helm för this."
  • Astroggles- "Nö mere störm can stöp me!"
  • Clever_Disguise.pngClever Disguise- "Tis a deceitful mask."
  • Pinetree Pioneer Hat- "The helm öf the "Pinetree Piöneer" clan."


Base Game[]
  • Thulecite- "A strength öf this material is gargantuan!"
  • Thulecite_Wall.pngThulecite Wall (held)- "Önly the finest barriers för my fört."
  • Thulecite Wall- "Nigh impenetrable."
  • Thulecite_Medallion.pngThulecite Medallion (min)- "Nöthing stirs."
  • Thulecite Medallion (rising low)- "It's starting..."
  • Thulecite_Medallion.pngThulecite Medallion (rising high)- "The magic is heightening!"
  • Thulecite Medallion (max)- "The magic hölds steady pöwer."
  • Thulecite_Medallion.pngThulecite Medallion (receding high)- "It's starting tö retreat!"
  • Thulecite Medallion (receding low)- "Barely any magic remains."
  • Thulecite_Medallion.pngThulecite Medallion (outside ruins)- "The magic slumbers far fröm here."
  • The Lazy Forager- "Gathering has never been sö easy."
  • Magiluminescence.pngMagiluminescence- "A star captured in an amulet."
  • Construction Amulet- "Enhanced emerald crafting skills!"
  • The_Lazy_Explorer.pngThe Lazy Explorer- "The staff öf magic mövement."
  • Star Caller's Staff- "It summöns stars!"
  • Deconstruction_Staff.pngDeconstruction Staff- "Twirly green pöwer."
  • Pick/Axe- "A warriör tööl!"
  • Thulecite_Crown.pngThulecite Crown- "A cröwn, that fights!"
  • Thulecite Suit- "Armör fit för Ödin himself!"
  • Thulecite_Club.pngThulecite Club- "A warriör wand!"
  • Houndius Shootius (held)- "An ancient eyeball öf prötectiön!"
  • Houndius_Shootius_Build.pngHoundius Shootius- "The eye öf the laser göd stares at me."
Don't Starve Together[]
  • Magiluminescence- "A star, captured within an amulet."
  • Star_Caller%27s_Staff.pngStar Caller's Staff- "It summöns the stars!"
  • Pick/Axe- "A warriör's tööl!"
  • Thulecite_Crown.pngThulecite Crown- "A cröwn... that fights!"
  • Premier Gardeneer Hat- "I care nöt för learning aböut that which spröuts fröm the dirt."


  • Log Raft- "Yöu will nöt carry me far, but yöu will carry me."
  • Raft.pngRaft- "A Viking fears nöt getting wet!"
  • Row Boat- "Röwing is in my blööd."
  • Cargo_Boat.pngCargo Boat- "A böat fit för a löng jöurney."
  • Armored Boat- "Nöw this is a vessel fit för a Viking!"
  • Encrusted_Boat.pngEncrusted Boat- "It's nö Viking löngship, but it will carry me."
  • The 'Sea Legs'- "I wöuld prefer a löngship."
  • Boat_Repair_Kit.pngBoat Repair Kit- "Möst sensible cargö."
  • Thatch Sail- "A curiöus sail, but it shall dö."
  • Cloth_Sail.pngCloth Sail- "A fine sail."
  • Snakeskin Sail- "A sail made öf murder!"
  • Feather_Lite_Sail.pngFeather Lite Sail- "The brave birds gift me their swift feathers!"
  • Iron Wind- "This cöntraptiön runs ön Ödin's steeds!"
  • Boat_Cannon.pngBoat Cannon- "It smites mine enemies för me!?"
  • Quackering Ram- "I will knöck döwn all whö stand in my path!"
  • Sea_Trap.pngSea Trap (held and placed)- "Bring me spöils öf the sea!"
  • Sea Yard (off)- "There will be nö mending my löngship this day."
  • Sea_Yard.pngSea Yard (on)- "An altar tö Njörd!"
  • Sea Yard (out of fuel)- "I need möre fuel!"
  • Tar_Extractor.pngTar Extractor (off)- "I have halted its dark wörk för nöw."
  • Tar Extractor (on)- "It is exörcising evil fröm the sea."
  • Tar_Extractor.pngTar Extractor (out of fuel)- "The machine shall nöt höld much lönger."
  • Trawl Net- "I shall ransack the sea!"
  • Trawl_Net_Detached.pngTrawl Net (detached)- "Plunderful!"
  • Trawl Net (sinking)- "I think my plunder will sink söön."
  • Trawl_Net_Sinking.pngTrawl Net (sinking soon)- "The plunder will sink söön."
  • Spyglass- "What trickery is this?"
  • Super_Spyglass.pngSuper Spyglass- "Ödin has lent me his eyes!"
  • Captain Hat- "It wöuld be better with hörns."
  • Pirate_Hat.pngPirate Hat- "This hat cönfuses my character...I mean, my söul."
  • Lucky Hat- "Pales in cömparisön tö my helm."
  • Life_Jacket.pngLife Jacket- "Adventure öffers nö true safety!"
  • Cork Bowl Canoe- "'Tis more like a stage prop than a viking vessel."


  • Obsidian Machete- "A tööl för cutting. A tööl för burning."
  • Obsidian_Axe.pngObsidian Axe- "Nöw THIS is an axe!"
  • Obsidian Spear- "Feel the burn."
  • Obsidian_Armor.pngObsidian Armor- "Cöme at me nöw, fiends!"
  • Obsidian Coconade- "Thröwing fire is the cöward's way. But gööd fun."
  • Howling_Conch.pngHowling Conch- "I feel a breeze..."
  • Sail Stick- "I cömmand the wind!"
  • Volcano_Staff.pngVolcano Staff- "Call döwn the wrath öf fire möuntain!"

​Treasure Hunting[]

  • Disarming_Tools.pngDisarming Tools- "A weapön för traps!"
  • Ball Pein Hammer- "This hammer is önly gööd för bashing tiny things."
  • Gold_Pan.pngGold Pan- "It shall vanquish the pieces öf tiny göld!"
  • Magnifying Glass- "It giveth me mighty eyesight."

Icon_City_Planning.png​City Planning[]



  • House Expansion Permit- "Anöther rööm is mine för the taking!"
  • Demolition_Permit.pngDemolition Permit- "Permissiön tö dö battle with my höuse!"
Flooring[]Shelves[]Plantholders.pngPlantholders[]Columns.pngColumns[]Wall Papers[]Ceiling_Lights.pngCeiling Lights[]
  • Wired Bulb- "It shall light my cönquests."
  • Metal_Shade_Lamp.pngMetal Shade Lamp- "A light wörthy öf shining upön me!"
  • Cherry_Lamp_Shade.pngHanging_Floral_Lamp.pngChandelier, Cherry Lamp Shade, Hanging Blooming Lamp, and Hanging Floral Lamp- "I care nöt för its frilliness!"
  • Dual_Rope_Light.pngRope Light and Dual Rope Light- "It shall light my cönquests!"
  • Blown Glass Bulb- "A light wörthy öf shining upön me."
  • Tophat_Light.pngTophat Light and Derby Light- "Its fancy hat döth nöt impress me!"
Wall_Decorations.pngWall Decorations[]
  • Full_Length_Mirror.pngPhoto and Full Length Mirror- "What a mighty visage!"
  • Embroidery Hoop- "A tapestry wörthy öf Valhalla."
  • Mosaic.pngMosaic- "A pattern wörthy öf a shield."
  • Wreath- "'Tis Yule time already?"
  • Axe_%28Wall_Decoration%29.pngAxe- "'Tis nöt a spear!"
  • Hunt- "A display wörthy öf mine wall."
  • Periodic_Table.pngPeriodic Table- "I can make nö sense öf this."
  • Gears Art- "'Tis metalwörk."
  • Cape.pngCape- "Tis nöt mine cape."
  • No Smoking- "Thine rules döth stiffle me!"
  • Black_Cat.pngBlack Cat- "Cats are fine hunters."
  • Tasteful Fish Mounting- "A mighty fish which hath been cönquered."
  • Beefalo_Mounting.pngBeefalo Mounting- "A lessön tö all whö tangle with me!"
Chairs[]House Upgrades[]Doors[]
  • Hardwood_Door.pngHardwood Door and Curtained Door- "Henceförth tö anöther rööm!"
  • Stone_Archway.pngStone Archway and Industrial Door- "Yönder lies anöther rööm!"
  • Forest_Door.pngForest Door- "A döör öf Yggdrasil."
  • Wrought Iron Door- "Leads nöt tö Valhalla, but tö anöther rööm."
  • Round_Doorway.pngRound Doorway- "Döes it cönsume all that enter it?"
  • Gothic Door- "Stare nöt at me, bat!"
  • Peaked Curtain Window- "A windöw thröugh which light may enter."
  • Round_Burlap_Window.pngRound Burlap Window- "A windöw withöut frilly hangy things!"
  • Peaked Window- "It let-eth in the sun!"
  • Square_Window.pngSquare Window- "Light may enter thröugh here!"
  • Tall Window- "I shall allöw light tö enter thröugh this öpening."
  • Large_Square_Curtain_Window.pngLarge Square Curtain Window- "Light breaks thröugh yönder windöw!"
  • Tall Curtain Window- "A windöw thröugh which light may enter!"
  • Greenhouse_Wall.pngGreenhouse Wall- "A wall windöw thröugh which much light may enter."
  • Eye_Rug.pngEye Rug- "Stare upön my glöry, rug!"
  • Hoofprint_Rug.pngSwirl_Rug.pngSquare Throw Rug, Hoofprint Rug, Octagon Rug, and Swirl Rug- "It maketh mine feet cözy."
  • Oval Rug- "Its flöwers döth smell like öld rug."
  • Large_Rug.pngLarge Rug and Soccer Rug- "Rug! I shall step ön thee!"
  • Fur_Throw_Rug.pngFur Throw Rug- "This animal hath already been cönquered."
  • Hedgehog Rug- "Its cuteness hath cönquered mine heart!"
  • Porcupus_Rug.pngPorcupus Rug and Catcoon Rug- "This animal hath been cönquered."
  • Rubbermat_Rug.pngRubbermat Rug- "What strange material is this?"
  • Web Rug- "It sticketh tö mine feet."
  • Metal_Rug.pngMetal Rug- "Metal döth nöt cömfört mine feet."
  • Wormhole Rug- "A tribute tö a mighty maw."
  • Braid_Rug.pngBraid Rug- "Rug! Prepare tö be stepped upön!"
  • Beard Rug- "Ödin's beard 'tis a fine rug."
  • Nailbed_Rug.pngNailbed Rug- "T'wöuld prepare mine feet för war!"
  • Crime Rug- "What warriör hath fallen here?"
  • Round_Table.pngRound Table- "A surface för cönsuming my meat!"
  • Hard Wood Desk- "I cöuld cleave this in twain!"
  • DIY_Table.pngDIY Table- "I need nöt the instructiöns tö build this."
  • College Table- "A table withöut frivölöus trappings."
  • Crate_Table.pngCrate Table- "I shall cönsume meat öff this!"
  • Chess Table- "I care nöt för games!"


Don't Starve Together[]


Don't Starve Together[]
  • Moon_Rock_Idol.pngMoon Rock Idol- "I shall make an öffering!"
  • Portal Paraphernalia- "Pörtal! Prepare tö be built!"
  • Moon_Glass_Axe.pngMoon Glass Axe- "Spirits öf the wööds stand nö chance against me."
  • Glass Cutter- "T'will win any battle, surely!"
  • Bath_Bomb.pngBath Bomb- "I shall töss thee in the earth's cauldrön!"


Don't Starve Together[]
  • Kittykit.pngKittykit- "She is a magnificent hunter!"
  • Vargling- "I shall defend this höund tö the death."
  • Ewelet.pngEwelet- "I wöuldst turn farmer för thee."
  • Broodling- "By the unicörn! A dragön!"
  • Glomglom.pngGlomglom- "A warriör's faithful cömpaniön!"
  • Giblet- "Nöt a raven, but wise nönetheless."
  • Mothling.pngMothling- "Mine lunar friend!"
  • Friendly Peeper- "They shall watch and learn fröm my battles!"


Don't Starve Together[]


Don't Starve Together[]


Don't Starve Together[]
  • Boat Kit- "Ship building is in my bönes!"
  • Oar.pngOar- "The Nörseman's way tö sail!"
  • Driftwood Oar- "Back tö the sea!"
  • Boat_Patch.pngBoat Patch- "If a Viking cares för her vessel, t'will dö the same in return."
  • Anchor Kit- "I will craft the finest ship in the land!"
  • Mast.pngMast- "Tö harness the winds upön mine vessel!"
  • Winged Sail- "
  • Steering_Wheel_Kit.pngSteering Wheel Kit- "A vital piece öf a glöriöus vessel."


Don't Starve Together[]
  • Pile_o%27_Balloons.pngPile o' Balloons- "Such cölörs! I cöuld sing!"
  • Balloon- "Fie! Föul beast!"
  • Speedy_Balloon.pngSpeedy Balloon- "Grant me the speed öf Hermöd!"
  • Speedy Balloon (deflated)- "Its strange pöwer hath faded."
  • Party_Balloon.pngParty Balloon- "It hath swallöwed the wee önes whöle!"
  • Inflatable Vest- "Tis önly gööd för flöating, nöt fighting."
  • Balloon_Hat.pngBalloon Hat- "A rubbery möckery öf life."


Don't Starve Together[]
  • Birds_of_the_World.pngBirds of the World- "Tö rule the skies!"
  • Horticulture, Abridged- "But can it tend the garden öf mine söul?"
  • Applied_Silviculture.pngApplied Silviculture- "A töme öf the ways öf the förest!"
  • Sleepytime Stories- "Where's the drama? The suspense?"
  • The_End_is_Nigh.pngThe End is Nigh!- "This töme is brimming with Hel's fire!"
  • On Tentacles- "Knöwledge grants great pöwer!"


Don't Starve Together[]
  • Clockmaker's Tools- "The tööls öf a craftswöman."
  • Time_Pieces.pngTime Pieces- "Be this the wörk öf dark magic?"
  • Second_Chance_Watch.pngBacktrek_Watch.pngAgeless Watch, Second Chance Watch, Backstep Watch, Backtrek Watch, and Rift Watch- "A Viking warriör can tell the time by the pösitiön öf the sun."
  • Ageless_Watch.pngBackstep_Watch.pngRift_Watch.pngAgeless Watch, Second Chance Watch, Backstep Watch, Backtrek Watch, and Rift Watch (recharging)- "'Tis merely biding its time."
  • Portal Entrance- "Charge!!"
  • Rift_Watch_Portal_Exit.pngPortal Exit- "Be it up sö high tö test öur landing pröwess?"
  • Alarming Clock- "Aha! 'Tis nöt a time-teller, but a weapön in disguise!"


Don't Starve Together[]


Don't Starve Together[]

​Green Thumb[]

Don't Starve Together[]
  • Bramble_Husk.pngBramble Husk- "My ally is surely a ströng warriör."
  • Bramble Trap- "A möst clever trap för öne's föes."
  • Compost_Wrap.pngCompost Wrap- "I questiön my ally's tastes."


Don't Starve Together[]
  • Garlic_Powder.pngGarlic Powder- "Its pungent smell öffends mine nöstrils."
  • Honey Crystals- "The sweet juice öf an enemy."
  • Chili_Flakes.pngChili Flakes- "Full öf a fiery extract."
  • Seasoning Salt- "It has the briny taste öf the sea."

Icon_Slingshot_Ammo.png​Slingshot Ammo[]

Don't Starve Together[]

Icon_Spider_Care.pngSpider Care[]

Don't Starve Together[]


Don't Starve Together[]
  • Weaponized Warble- "The nötes döth imbue my weapöns with their sharpness!"
  • Heartrending_Ballad.pngHeartrending Ballad- "I will serenade my enemies ön their jöurney tö Valhalla!"
  • Clear Minded Cadenza- "A stirring battle söng tö clear the head."
  • Bel_Canto_of_Courage.pngBel Canto of Courage- "A röusing anthem tö inspire bravery in battle!"
  • Fireproof Falsetto- "A fiery perförmance shalt shield me fröm the föul burn öf my enemy's gaze."
  • Rude_Interlude.pngRude Interlude- "A well aimed insult can turn the tide in battle."
  • Startling Soliloquy- "My very wörds art enöugh tö make my föes tremble!"

GiftLargeA.png​Events (only)[]

Hallowed Nights[]
  • Candy_Bag.pngCandy Bag- "That we might carry öur sweetest plunders!"
  • Candy Apple- "Höw sinister! I nearly mistöök it för a true apple!"
  • Candy_Corn.pngCandy Corn- "A clever ruse. It is nöt cörn at all."
  • Catcoon Candy- "The perfect treat!"
  • Choco_Pigs.pngChoco Pigs- "Tis nöt meat, but tis clöse enöugh!"
  • Tentacle_Lolli.pngGhost Pop and Tentacle Lolli- "I shall uncöver its secret center!"
  • Gummy Spider- "Mönsters, prepare tö dö battle with a Viking's teeth!"
  • Jelly_Worm.pngJelly Worm- "The battle was mighty, yet in the end the wörm was cönsumed!"
  • Not-So-Candy Corn- "A cönfectiön tö strike terrör intö any warriör's heart!"
  • Raisins.pngRaisins- "That mönarch swine insults me."
  • "Raisins"- "What have I döne tö anger the göds sö?"
  • Candy_Lice.pngCandy Lice- "They löök like that which writhe and crawl."
  • Otherworldly Jawbreaker- "You shalt nöt break me, cönfectiön!"
  • Lava_Pepper.pngLava Pepper- "Wretched Hel's fire!"
  • Broken Stake- "För warding öff Löki's miniöns."
  • Cubic_Zirkonia_Ball.pngCubic Zirkonia Ball- "Reveal mine destiny, öh great fates!"
  • Empty Elixir- "Twas a pöisön, möst assuredly."
  • Faux_Fangs.pngFaux Fangs- "Evidence öf the undead. Stay wary, my allies!"
  • Monkey Paw- "Begöne, föul magic!"
  • Spider_Ring.pngSpider Ring- "The creature has been förever imprisöned upön the ring."
  • Binoculars- "There is a tiny wörld trapped within!"
  • Lone_Glove.pngLone Glove- "Tö arms! The gauntlet has been thröwn döwn!"
  • Snail Scale- "I have nö use for such things."
  • Goop_Canister.pngGoop Canister- "Perhaps söme sört öf elixir lies within?"
  • Toy Cobra- "Tis nö föe wörthy öf I."
  • Crocodile_Toy.pngCrocodile Toy- "What manner öf creature be this?"
  • Broken Terrarium- "It has fallen in battle."
  • Odd_Radio.pngOdd Radio- "What störies might you tell, trapped spirit?"
  • Broken Hairdryer- "Tis a suspiciöus cöntraptiön!"
  • Mad_Scientist_Lab.pngMad Scientist Lab- "Be there methöd tö this madness?"
  • Brew_of_Phobic_Abatement.pngBrew of Phobic Abrogation and Brew of Phobic Abatement- "'tis Berserker magic."
  • Tumblerful_of_Psychic_Fortitude.pngCanteen of Sanguine Mixture and Tumblerful of Psychic Fortitude- "Förtune hath smiled upön me töday!"
  • Dram_of_Psychic_Fortitude.pngFlask of Sanguine Mixture and Dram of Psychic Fortitude- "A meager reward för my tröubles."
  • Sulfuric_Crystals_of_Lime.pngSulfuric Crystals of Saltpeter and Sulfuric Crystals of Lime- "Hel's fuel."
  • Steeped Lunar Essence- "Changeling elixir."
  • Totally_Normal_Root.pngTotally Normal Root- "I hath birthed the rööt öf terrör!"
  • Totally Normal Sapling- "It bears the prömise öf hörridness!"
  • Bat_Decoration.pngBat Decoration- "Decöratiön! Prepare tö be hung fröm sömething!"
  • Crow Decoration- "Huginn? Ör Muninn?"
  • Dangling_Depth_Dweller_Decoration.pngDangling Depth Dweller Decoration- "It shalt be hung fröm the highest branch!"
  • Ghost Decoration- "Meant tö hang fröm Yggdrasil's kin!"
  • Spider_Decoration.pngSpider Decoration- "It shall strike fear untö the hearts öf mine föes!"
  • Tentacle Decoration- "'tis but a decöratiön!"
  • Bats coming out of tree- "Döth mine eyes deceive me?"
  • Drinking bravery potion- "Fear! I hath bested yöu!"
  • Steeped Lunar Essence had no effect- "Twas all in vain!"
Winter's Feast[]Lunar New Year[]
  • Red_Pouch.pngRed Pouch- "A blessing öf gööd förtune!"
  • Lucky Gold Nugget- "The unicörn smiles upön me this day!"
  • Red_Firecrackers.pngRed Firecrackers- "Tö strike fear intö the hearts öf mine enemies!"
  • Red Lantern- "A lucky ward tö guard against the night."
  • Lucky_Fan.pngLucky Fan- "Tis a fan för mine hand."
  • Lucky Beast Head- "The head öf a great and merciful beast!"
  • Lucky_Beast_Body.pngLucky Beast Body- "It's the beast's back."
  • Lucky Beast Tail- "A beast is nö beast without a tail."
  • Floating_Lantern.pngFloating Lantern- "The small vessel shall light my way."
  • Golden_Koi.pngDappled and Golden Koi- "Yöur bad luck is my gööd förtune, beastie."
  • Gobbler Shrine- "What treasures shall I bestöw upön thee?"
  • Gobbler_Shrine.pngGobbler Shrine (empty)- "We must give it the gift öf life."
  • Gobbler Shrine (burnt)- "Laid tö waste."
Varg[]Pig King[]
  • Pig_Shrine_Build.pngPig Shrine- "'Tis a tribute wörthy öf the Pig Göds."
  • Pig Shrine (empty)- "Like me, it hungers önly för meat."
  • Pig_Shrine_Burnt.pngPig Shrine (burnt)- "Laid tö waste."
  • Tribute Roast- "A meaty feast!"
  • Eight_Treasure_Mud_Pie.pngEight Treasure Mud Pie- "'Tis fit önly för the beasts."
  • Fish Heads on a Stick- "I shall cönsume it!"
  • Golden_Belt.pngGolden Belt- "The belt öf a mighty pig warriör."
  • Elite Pig (Dmitri)- "He shall nöt söil mine warriör reputatiön!"
  • Elite_Pig_Ignatius.pngElite Pig (Ignatius)- "He rages with berserker fury."
  • Elite Pig (Sawyer)- "Hath the strength öf Yggdrasil."
  • Elite_Pig_Wade.pngElite Pig (Wade)- "The warriör spirit runs deep within him."
  • Can't play game (too late)- "'tis töö late för revelry!"
  • Can't play game (area not empty)- "I must clear the battlefield first!"
  • Can't play game (danger)- "Danger is near! 'tis nö time för games."
  • Leaving game- "These weapöns belöng ön the battlefield."
  • Carrat Shrine- "It irks me tö hönör a vegetable."
  • Carrat_Shrine.pngCarrat Shrine (empty)- "What döst thöu need?"
  • Carrat Shrine (burnt)- "Tis naught but ashes nöw."
  • Starting_Point_Kit.pngStarting Point Kit- "The race cannöt cömmence withöut it!"
  • Starting Point- "We shall see which vegetable beast prevails!"
  • Finish_Line_Kit.pngFinish Line Kit- "This shall mark the race's end point."
  • Finish Line- "Whö shall claim this nöble victöry?"
  • Finish_Line_Burnt.pngFinish Line (burnt)- "Alas, it is nö möre."
  • Finish Line (won)- "The day is wön!"
  • Finish_Line.pngFinish Line (lost)- "{winner}'s vegetable champiön has seized victöry."
  • Checkpoint.pngCheckpoint Kit and Checkpoint- "A waypöint tö guide öur vegetable beasts."
  • Navigation Gym Kit- "A trial öf wit."
  • Navigation_Gym.pngNavigation Gym- "I must ensure my veggie beast is quick-witted!"
  • Navigation Gym (with Carrat)- "Yöu must train harder!"
  • Navigation_Gym_Burnt.pngNavigation Gym (burnt)- "Reduced tö cinders."
  • Reflex Gym Kit- ""A trial öf reflexes.
  • Reflex_Gym.pngReflex Gym- "Reflexes are key in battle, and racing!"
  • Reflex Gym (with Carrat)- "Töö slöw!"
  • Reflex_Gym_Burnt.pngReflex Gym (burnt)- "Reduced tö cinders."
  • Speed Gym Kit- "A trial öf speed."
  • Speed_Gym.pngSpeed Gym- "We shall test thine speed."
  • Speed Gym (with Carrat)- "Run! Run as if thine life depends ön it!"
  • Speed_Gym_Burnt.pngSpeed Gym (burnt)- "Reduced tö cinders."
  • Endurance Gym Kit- "A trial öf endurance."
  • Endurance_Gym.pngEndurance Gym- "This ödd training gröund will suffice."
  • Endurance Gym (with Carrat)- "Feel the warriör's spirit within yöu!"
  • Endurance_Gym_Burnt.pngEndurance Gym (burnt)- "Reduced tö cinders."
  • Carrat Scale Kit- "It's time tö put my veggie beast tö the test."
  • Carrat_Scale.pngCarrat Scale- "We shall see just höw ströng my veggie beast truly is."
  • Carrat Scale (bad Carrat)- "Yöu are nöt yet ready!"
  • Carrat_Scale.pngCarrat Scale (good Carrat)- "This beast will serve me well in the cöming battle."
  • Carrat Scale (burnt)- "Naught but ash."
  • Packet_of_Seeds.pngPacket of Seeds- "I care nöt för gröwing vegetables."
  • Premium Seed Packet- "The rarity öf these nön-meats döth nöt impress me."
  • Carrat_Figure_Marble_Build.pngCarrat_Figure_Moonglass_Build.pngCarrat Figure- "I'm nöt keen ön hönöring a vegetable sö."
  • Charlie's Carrat- "This shadöwy creature seeks tö challenge me."
  • Can't start race with no participants- "The veggie beasts must take their places för the race tö cömmence!"
  • Race starting- "Önward, tö victöry!"
  • Carrat is sleeping- "By Ödin, wake up!"
  • Carrat is stunned- "Nö! Yöu musn't hesitate!"
  • Carrat going wrong way-
    • "Föölish vegetable, the race is that way!"
    • "Thöu cannöt trust a vegetable tö dö anything right."
  • Carrat is slow- "Quicken thine step, rödent!"
  • Carrat is exhausted- "The wee beast is ön death's döör."
  • Attempting to pick up wrong Carrat-
    • "Thöu art nöt the öne I seek."
    • "Where is yöur master, veggie beast?"
  • Beefalo_Shrine_Build.pngBeefalo Shrine- "My öffering seems tö have pleased the göds."
  • Beefalo Shrine (empty)- "It requires a sacrifice."
  • Beefalo_Shrine_Burnt.pngBeefalo Shrine (burnt)- "I höpe the göds did nöt see that..."
  • Grooming Station (held)- "I must prepare!"
  • Grooming_Station_Build.pngGrooming Station- "Preparing för the stage is nearly as exhilarating as preparing för battle!"
  • Grooming Station (occupied)- "This beastie is ready för its dress rehearsal."
  • ファイル:Grooming Station Burnt.pngGrooming Station (burnt)- "The shöw must gö ön!"
  • Sewing_Machine_Kit.pngSewing Machine (held)- "Quickly, the cömpetition awaits!"
  • Sewing Machine- "The cömpetition will be fierce, thus my beast's öutfits must be fiercer!"
  • Judge%27s_Booth_Item.pngJudge's Booth (held)- "Where tö set the battlegröund öf cömpetition..."
  • Judge's Booth- "The lair öf öur judge."
  • Beefalo_Stage_Item.pngBeefalo Stage (held)- "It shall be raised förthwith!"
  • Beefalo Stage- "Nöw tö present my beast för all tö see!"
  • Fearsome_Pattern_Scrap.pngFestive_Pattern_Scrap.pngFearsome, Formal, and Festive Pattern Scrap- "'Tis but a fragment öf a cömplete pattern."
  • Dolled-Up_Beefalo_Doll.pngFlowery_Beefalo_Doll.pngFrostbitten_Beefalo_Doll.pngVictorian_Beefalo_Doll.pngBeefalo Dolls (Year of the Beefalo)- "Mayhaps the judge wöuld like tö löök upön it."
  • Warrior_Beefalo_Doll.pngFestive_Beefalo_Doll.pngIronclad_Beefalo_Doll.pngFormal_Beefalo_Doll.pngLucky_Beast_Beefalo_Doll.pngBeefalo Dolls- "A stuffed effigy öf a valiant steed!"
  • (Warrior_Beefalo_Doll.png)Warrior Costume Pattern- "Garb befitting a warriör's steed!"
  • (Dolled-Up_Beefalo_Doll.png)Dolled-Up Costume Pattern- "Whö wöuld wear this intö battle?"
  • (Festive_Beefalo_Doll.png)Festive Costume Pattern- "The bright cölörs cöuld be useful för distracting enemies."
  • (Flowery_Beefalo_Doll.png)Flowery Costume Pattern- "Flöwers wön't prötect yöu in battle!"
  • (Ironclad_Beefalo_Doll.png)Ironclad Costume Pattern- "Armör öf irön för my steed!"
  • (Frostbitten_Beefalo_Doll.png)Frostbitten Costume Pattern- "My beast will nöt fear the cöld."
  • (Formal_Beefalo_Doll.png)Formal Costume Pattern- "My fearsöme steed has nö use för such a thing!"
  • (Victorian_Beefalo_Doll.png)Victorian Costume Pattern- "Ödd lööking armör för a beast..."
  • (Lucky_Beast_Beefalo_Doll.png)Lucky Beast Costume Pattern- "Nö luck is needed för öne whö's skilled in battle."
  • Beefalo_Figure_Stone_Build.pngBeefalo Figure- "A stöne tribute tö my faithful steed."
  • Calling beefalo- "Tö me, beastie!"
  • Can't build stage too far- "'Tis töö far fröm the festivities!"
  • Can't groom beefalo (no beefalo)- "I cannöt grööm withöut a beast."
  • Can't groom beefalo (no hair)- "First the beast must gröw back its mane."
  • Can't hitch beefalo (no beefalo)- "I have a hitching pöst, but nö beast."
  • Can't hitch beefalo (too far away)- "I shall have tö cöax the beast clöser."
  • Can't hitch beefalo (already hitched)- "The beast hath already been secured tö its pöst."
  • Can't hitch beefalo (in bad mood)- "The beast is in a föul temper."
  • Can't select beefalo contestant (already made choice)- "I must stand by my chöice, even in the heat öf cömpetition!"
  • Can't select beefalo contestant (not part of contest)- "I cannot join in the competition without a beastie of my own."
  • Failed to start contest (generic)- "Where is he hiding?"
  • Failed to start contest (already active elsewhere)- "Mayhaps there is anöther cömpetition elsewhere."
  • Judge can't appraise beefalo now- "Finish thine business with haste! I have glöry tö attain!"
  • Learned new costume pattern- "Aha! A new plan has revealed itself beföre mine eyes!"
  • Costume pattern already known- "This is knöwn tö me."
The Forge[]
  • Battlemaster_Pugna.pngBattlemaster Pugna- "Tis a cöward whö watches the fight."
  • Pit Pig- "Tis barely a fight."
  • Crocovile.pngCrocommander- "I shall best yöu, föe!"
  • Snortoise- "Yöur armör shalln't stöp my spear."
  • Venomeer.pngScorpeon- "Yöu will be felled this day."
  • Boarilla- "Let us battle with hönör!"
  • Grand_Forge_Boarrior.pngGrand Forge Boarrior- "Yöu shall be a wörthy öppönent!"
  • Rhinocebro- "Thy machismö frighten me nöt!"
  • Infernal_Swineclops.pngInfernal Swineclops- "Yöu shall be chained up again, föe!"
  • Ancient Gateway (off)- "Tis a gate betwixt realms."
  • Molten_Gateway.pngAncient Gateway (on)- "We dive, back intö the ether!"
  • Ancient Anchor (empty)- "The Rainböw Bridge cönceals itself."
  • Forge_Ancient_Anchor_Key.pngAncient Anchor (key)- "The Rainböw Bridge öpens!"
  • Forge Portal- "Tis möst heinöus magic!"
  • Battle_Standard_1.pngBattle_Standard_3.pngBattle Standard- "Let us döwn the enemy's standard!"
  • Baby Spider- "I see naught but allies."
  • Magma_Golem.pngMagma Golem- "Thy fire giant shall fight by öur side."
  • Living Staff- "Blessings öf magicks within."
  • Infernal_Staff.pngInfernal Staff- "The göds did nöt mean thy magic för me."
  • Petrifying Tome- "The curse öf Alviss dwells within."
  • Tome_of_Beckoning.pngTome of Beckoning- "Twas nöt meant för mörtal eyes."
  • Forging Hammer- "I am wörthy!"
  • Pith_Pike.pngPith Pike- "The weapön öf a brazen Valkerie!"
  • Spiral Spear- "Tis a divine spear!"
  • Lucy_the_Axe.pngRiled Lucy- "Thy axe is filled with burning passiön this day!"
  • Blacksmith's Edge- "A mighty blade för a mighty battle!"
  • Darts.pngDarts- "Njörd guide my blöws!"
  • Molten Darts- "Njörd, lend me thy strength!"
  • Hearthsfire_Crystals.pngHearthsfire Crystals- "A barrage öf Hel's fire."
  • Reed Tunic- "That is nöt fit för a warriör!"
  • Feathered_Reed_Tunic.pngFeathered Reed Tunic- "The wearer shalt be fleet öf fööt."
  • Wood Armor- "Tis nöt as sturdy as a warriör wöuld höpe."
  • Jagged_Wood_Armor.pngJagged Wood Armor- "Makes the wearer sharp öf tööth."
  • Silken Wood Armor- "Makes the wearer keen öf mind."
  • Stone_Splint_Mail.pngStone Splint Mail- "Tis a wörthy suit öf armör."
  • Steadfast Stone Armor- "I shall nöt bend tö whims öf my föes."
  • Steadfast_Grand_Armor.pngSilken_Grand_Armor.pngGrand Armor- "I shall armör myself för battle!"
  • Barbed_Helm.pngBarbed Helm- "Hörns, sharp as the spear öf the Valkyrie."
  • Nox Helm- "Empöwer me with thy Nöx strength!"
  • Resplendent_Nox_Helm.pngResplendent Nox Helm- "Be still my heart! Tis the king öf battle helms!"
  • Feathered Wreath- "Sleipnr bestöwed it with swiftness."
  • Crystal_Tiara.pngCrystal Tiara- "Magic stöne, empöwer my spirit!"
  • Clairvoyant Crown- "I'd nöt dabble in thy hörrid magic."
  • Woven_Garland.pngWoven Garland- "Twas nöt made för a warriör."
  • Flower Headband- "A blessing fröm Freya is cöntained within."
  • Blossomed_Wreath.pngBlossomed Wreath- "Tis heavily laden with Freya's blessings."
  • Started revival- "Rise, my ally!"
  • Finished revival- "Tö battle!"
  • Revived- "I am restöred!"
  • Refusing inappropriate weapon- "There is nö glöry in that weapön!"
The Gorge[]
  • Mumsy- "A wöman öf gööd taste, like mineself!"
  • The_Gorge_Billy.pngBilly- "Ah, the sweet innöcence öf yöuth."
  • Sammy, the Lucid Bog Merm- "Prepare tö barter!"
  • The_Gorge_Pipton.pngPipton, the Cognizant Bog Merm- "'Tis a jaunty-hatted beast."
  • Swamp Pig Elder- "Yöur liege."
  • The_Gorge_Swamp_Pig_Elder_Asleep.pngSwamp Pig Elder and Pigeon (sleeping)- "It slumbers söundly."
  • Swamp_Pig.pngSwamp Pig- "Yöu wöuld make a möst hönörable warriör."
  • Old Beefalo- "Its days öf war are past."
  • Pigeon.pngPigeon- "Be yöu tasty?"
  • Pigeon (dead)- "Tis slain."
  • Pebble_Crab.pngPebble Crab- "Thöu cannöt hide fröm me!"
  • Berry Bush- "'Tis barren."
  • Fern.pngFern- "Tis nöt fööd fit för a göd."
  • Mushroom- "Gröwing nön-meat fungus."
  • Mushroom_Stump_Picked.pngMushroom (picked)- "It hath already been vanquished."
  • Rotten Crop- "T'wöuld never grace a hall in Valhalla."
  • Sapling- "'Twill never again gröw tö its förmer glöry."
  • Spotty_Shrub_Build.pngSpotty Shrub- "Spice för the fanciest öf fööds."
  • Spotty Shrub (picked)- "'Tis vanquished."
  • Sugarwood_Tree_Build.pngSugarwood Tree- "The nectar öf the göds dwells within."
  • Sugarwood Tree (stump)- "It has been chöpped."
  • Sugarwood_Tree_Tapped.pngSugarwood Tree (tapped, empty)- "I've nö patience för thee, sap!"
  • Sugarwood Tree (tapped, full)- "I have acquired the nectar!"
  • Sugarwood_Tree_Infested.pngSugarwood Tree (tapped, bugs)- "It hath been föuled by tiny beasts!"
  • Sugarwood Tree (wounded)- "It hath been wöunded!"
  • The_Gorge_Ivy.pngIvy- "It climbeth the walls."
  • The Altar of Gnaw- "The beast gröws restless when tis nöt fed."
  • Altar_of_Gnaw.pngThe Altar of Gnaw (food placed)- "Accept my öffering, öh mighty göds."
  • Ancient Gateway- "Tis clösed tö us."
  • Beast_of_Hunger_1.pngBeast of Hunger (1)- "Servant öf a terrible göd."
  • Beast of Hunger (2)- "'Tis dedicated tö its göd."
  • Broken_Carriage.pngBroken Carriage- "Twas pillaged löng agö."
  • Dilapidated Cathedral- "Twas the site öf a viciöus raid."
  • Dilapidated_Chimney_1.pngDilapidated Chimney (1)- "It hath fallen."
  • Dilapidated Chimney (2)- "Nöthing öf value remains."
  • Dilapidated_Clocktower.pngDilapidated Clocktower and Smashed Clock- "The time is nigh!"
  • Dilapidated_Door.pngDilapidated Door- "It önce led tö adventure. Alas, nö möre."
  • Dilapidated House-
    • "Pillaged. But by what?"
    • "If önly they'd had a warriör tö fight för them."
    • "What föul being caused such destructiön?"
  • Dilapidated_Roof.pngDilapidated Roof- "It öffers nö sanctuary."
  • Gnaw_Worshipper_2.pngGnaw Worshipper (1 and 2)- "'Tis a Valkyrie."
  • Worn Pig House- "Lödgings öf mine enemy."
  • House_Rubble.pngHouse Rubble- "Laid tö ruin."
  • Iron Fence- "'Tis a fencing spear."
  • Locked Iron Gate- "Thöu shalt nöt keep me öut!"
  • Iron Gate- "Valhalla's gate is öpened tö me."
  • Mealing Stone- "A weapön för wheat!"
  • Park_Fountain.pngPark Fountain- "Water öf life! But nö water!"
  • Post- "'Tis a pöst. Unwörthy öf mine attentiön."
  • Queen_Beast.pngQueen Beast- "A cölössal queen."
  • Rundown House- "What hörrid höme!"
  • Safe_Unlocked.pngSafe- "Twas left by cities past."
  • Locked Safe- "Tis sealed away fröm prying eyes and prying hands."
  • Sammy_Wagon.pngSammy's Wagon and Pipton's Cart- "'Tis full öf gööds."
  • Salt_Pond.pngSalt Pond- "Be it a höt spring?"
  • Stone Pillar- "'Tis a runestöne."
  • The_Gorge_Streetlight.pngStreetlight- "Tis a magic light, surely."
  • Small Streetlight- "'Tis a magic light öf shört stature."
  • Urn.pngUrn- "Remnants öf a Viking funeral."
  • Wrecked Bicycle- "A felled metal steed."
  • Pot_Hanger_Item.pngPot Hanger (held)- "'Tis nö use tö me in this förm."
  • Pot Hanger- "It hangeth pöts."
  • Oven_Item.pngOven (held)- "'Tis an instrument tö vanquish fööd."
  • Oven- "I shall cöök things in thee!"
  • Small_Grill_Item.pngSmall Grill (held)- "It döth nöt wörk like this."
  • Large_Grill.pngSmall and Large Grill- "It töuches meat with the fires öf Hel."
  • Large Grill (held)- "An instrument öf the savöry."
  • Cookpot.pngCookpot- "We shall fill thee with meat!"
  • Large Cookpot- "Rööm för möre meat!"
  • Small_Casserole_Dish.pngSmall Casserole Dish- "A cöntainer för fööd."
  • Large Casserole Dish- "It will höld much meat."
  • Syrup_Pot.pngSyrup Pot- "För the making öf gödly nectars!"
  • Salt Rack (held)- "I shall put thee tö gööd use."
  • Salt_Rack_Build.pngSalt Rack- "An ally tö meat!"
  • Salt Rack (ready)- "'Tis ready tö be pillaged!"
  • Crab_Trap.pngCrab Trap- "It döth trap sea-meat."
  • Hoe- "Tis a farming weapön."
  • Slaughter_Tools.pngSlaughter Tools- "'Tis a weapön öf beastly slaughter!"
  • Tree Tapping Kit- "För pillaging fröm the trees."
  • Key.pngKey- "'Tis the key tö treasure!"
  • Iron Key- "Tis the key tö Valhalla's gates."
  • Ancient_Key_Gorge.pngAncient Key- "'Tis the key tö anöther wörld."
  • Packet_of_Fluffy_Seeds.pngPacket_of_Pointy_Seeds.pngPacket_of_Seed_Pods.pngPacket_of_Mixed_Seeds.pngAll Seed Packet types- "Baby nön-meats."
  • Fluffy_Seeds.pngPointy_Seeds.pngSeed_Pods.pngAll Seed types- "'Tis a handful öf seeds, för nöt-meat."
  • Salmon.pngSalmon- "Tis a möst deliciöus fish!"
  • Cooked Salmon- "A feast fröm the sea."
  • Crab_Meat.pngCrab Meat- "T'wöuld be an hönör tö be fed tö the sky göd, beast."
  • Cooked Crab Meat- "Tis a delicacy!"
  • Cooked_Foliage.pngCooked Foliage- "This is certain tö anger the göd."
  • Mushroom (item)- "Nön-meat, I shall nöt cönsume thee!"
  • Cooked_Mushroom.pngCooked Mushroom- "
  • Garlic- "Föul ingredient för sacrifical fööds!"
  • Roast_Garlic.pngRoast Garlic- "The stench!"
  • Onion- "I dare thee, prövöke tears fröm mine eyes!"
  • Roast_Onion.pngRoast Onion- "The göds shall deal with thee!"
  • Potato- "Vileness emerged fröm the earth."
  • Roasted_Potato.pngRoast Potato- "Useful önly för sacrifice."
  • Toma Root- "Will this nöt anger the göds?"
  • Roast_Toma_Root.pngRoast Toma Root- "It böasts reddest guts, yet 'tis nöt meat!"
  • Turnip- "The göds have strange tastes."
  • Roast_Turnip.pngRoast Turnip- "Ach! I shall nöt eat thee!"
  • Wheat- "Ö, glöriöus wheat!"
  • Flour.pngFlour- "The wheat hath fallen in battle."
  • Goat Milk- "It came fröm an animal, yet is still nöt meat!"
  • Salt_Crystals_%28Gorge%29.pngSalt Crystals- "Tis the salt öf the earth."
  • Salt- "Twill make the meat even möre divine."
  • Sap.pngSap- "Nectar öf the göds."
  • Ruined Sap- "Alas, the nectar 'tis nö lönger sweet!"
  • Syrup.pngSyrup- "Nectar öf the göds, för the göds."
  • Spotty Sprig- "'Tis a flavöring sprig."
  • Spot_Spice.pngSpot Spice- "It cöntains the flavöring!"
  • Old Coin- "Treasure!"
  • Sapphire_Medallion.pngSapphire Medallion- "Cöin! Prepare tö be spent!"
  • Red Mark- "Förtune is mine!"
  • Gnaw%27s_Favor.pngGnaw's Favor- "I have earned the göd's favör!"
  • Prepared dish- "I shall öffer it tö the great göd!"
  • Prepared dish (does not match craving)- "The Gnaw desires... nöt this."
  • Prepared dish (matches craving)- "This shall quench the göd's appetite."
  • Prepared dish (matches craving, snack)- "'Tis what the Gnaw desires, paltry thöugh it is."
  • Burnt_Food_Plate.pngBurnt Food- "Cönsumed by Hel's fire."
  • Silver Plate- "'Tis a fancy plate."
  • Silver_Bowl.pngSilver Bowl- "'Tis a fancy böwl."
  • Cannot open Iron Gate (locked)- "Thöu shalt nöt keep me öut!"
  • Cannot slaughter Old Beefalo (too far)- "Alas, it hath escaped my fury."
  • Cannot switch dishes (already same type)- "I hath used a dish already."
  • Cannot switch dishes (wrong type)- "This fööd döth need a different dish."
  • Cannot sacrifice to Gnaw (food already placed)- "Öne sacrifice at a time!"
  • Cannot sacrifice to Gnaw (not suitable food)- "That's nöt wörthy tö grace the möuth öf the göds!"
  • Cannot unlock (wrong key)- "By Ödin's beard, I shall find the right key!"
  • Cannot use item (occupied)- "Sömeöne hath beat me tö it!"
  • Wet_Goop_Plate.pngFood ruined (bad recipe)- "Twere nöt meant tö be a meal."
  • Wet_Goop_Plate.pngFood ruined (overcooked)- "Alas! If I'd önly grabbed it sööner."
  • Lost round- "The göd öf the sky has been angered!"
  • Won round- "We shall live tö fight anöther day!"
Midsummer Cawnival[]
  • Corvus Goodfeather- "He must be the leader öf the ravens."
  • Crow_Kid_1.pngCrow_Kid_3.pngCrow Kid- "Nöble ravens! Höw fare thee?"
  • Cawnival Token- "A gleaming töken öf friendship."
  • Prize_Ticket.pngPrize Ticket- "I am rewarded för cömpleting the test öf skill."
  • Prize Tickets (small stack)- "The ravens recögnize my unrivaled skill."
  • Prize_Tickets_2.pngPrize Tickets (large stack)- "A great pile indeed!"
  • Eggs_in_a_Basket_Kit.pngConfetti_Cannon_Kit.pngHubbub for Grub, Eggs in a Basket, Egg Scramble, and Confetti Cannon (held)- "It will be built with utmöst speed."
  • Eggs_in_a_Basket_Station.pngHubbub for Grub, Eggs in a Basket, and Egg Scramble- "It requires a töken tö pröve my wörthiness."
  • Hubbub_for_Grub_Station.pngHubbub for Grub (playing)- "A test öf reflexes!"
  • Hubbub for Grub (trapdoor)- "The höme öf the wööd-hewn birds."
  • Grub.pngGrub- "A meal fit för wööden birds."
  • Eggs in a Basket (playing)- "A test öf öne's mental pröwess!"
  • Eggs_in_a_Basket_Station.pngEggs in a Basket (trapdoor)- "The höme öf the wööd-hewn eggs."
  • Eggs in a Basket (trapdoor, playing)- "Aha! It must be this öne!"
  • Egg_Scramble_Station.pngEgg Scramble (playing)- "A test öf speed and stamina!"
  • Scrambling Egg- "Try tö flee all yöu want, yöu will nöt escape me!"
  • Prize_Booth_Kit.pngPrize Booth (held)- "I must cönstruct it beföre my efförts can be rewarded."
  • Prize Booth- "Tö the victör gö the spöils!"
  • Confetti_Cannon.pngConfetti Cannon- "Be this a weapön öf sörts?"
  • Confetti Cannon (cooldown)- "'Tis sadly nöt a weapön, but I enjöy it nönetheless."
  • Cawnival_Sapling.pngCawnival Sapling- "Perhaps it will gröw as tall as Yggdrasil."
  • Cawnival Tree- "Methinks these gröunds are in need öf adörnment."
  • Cawnival_Tree_2.pngCawnival Tree (level 2)- "Make haste! The great Tree demands öfferings öf decöratiöns!"
  • Cawnival Tree (level 3)- "A glöriöus sight tö behöld."
  • Mini_Ferris_Wheel_Kit.pngMini_Pendulum_Ride_Kit.pngMiniature_Tree_Kit.pngMini Ferris Wheel, Mini Swing Carousel, Mini Pendulum Ride, Midsummer Night Light, and Miniature Tree (held)- "It shall be döne at önce."
  • Mini_Swing_Carousel_build.pngMini Ferris Wheel, Mini Swing Carousel, and Mini Pendulum Ride- "Höw cruel tö be törmented by the sight öf eggs I cannöt eat!"
  • Midsummer_Night_Light.pngMidsummer_Night_Light_3.pngMidsummer Night Light- "It hath a feeling öf magic aböut it."
  • Miniature_Tree_2.pngMiniature Tree- "What use is a tree öf such small stature?"
  • ファイル:Mystery Box.pngMystery Box- "A böx öf mystery."
  • Cawnival_Statue_3.pngCawnival_Statue_5.pngCawnival_Statue_8.pngCawnival_Statue_10.pngCawnival Statuette- "A wööden idöl tö remind me öf this day!"
  • Cawnival_Statue_1.pngCawnival_Statue_6.pngCawnival Statuette (uncommon)- "A gööd luck charm fröm the ravens!"
  • Cawnival Statuette (rare)- "I shall treasure it always."
  • Seed_Clusters.pngSeed Clusters- "'Tis fööd för birds, nöt Vikings."
  • Corny Slush- "Nay."
  • Chirpy_Scarf.pngChirpy Scarf- "Blööd red, tö strike fear intö the hearts öf öur enemies!"
  • Chirpy Cloak- "'Tis nöt unlike the garb öf a förest nymph."
  • Chirpy_Capelet.pngChirpy Capelet- "'Tis a tree pelt."
  • Can't activate Cawnival game (already in use)- "A warriör must be patient."
  • Can't activate Cawnival game (not token)- "'Tis nöt tö its liking."
  • Can't summon Corvus (already here)- "Where art thöugh, raven? Dö shöw yöurself!" [sic]
  • Can't summon Corvus (busy)- "His attentiön lies elsewhere."
  • Can't summon Corvus (not Cawnival time)- "It seems the ravens hath returned tö Ödin."
  • Missed in Hubbub for Grub- "I must möve with greater haste!"

Nature - Plants[]

Base Game[]
  • Evergreen.pngEvergreen- "I feel at höme in the wööds."
  • Lumpy Evergreen- "A gööd sturdy tree."
  • Spiky_Tree.pngSpiky Tree- "A warriör tree."
  • Evergreen and Lumpy Evergreen (stump)- "Chöpped döwn by warriör in the wööds!"
  • Spiky_Tree_Stump.pngSpiky Tree (stump)- "My battleaxe always wins."
  • A_Lumpy_Evergreen.pngEvergreen and Lumpy Evergreen (burning)- "The wööd's ablaze!"
  • Spiky Tree (burning)- "It's ablaze!"
  • Burnt_Evergreen.pngEvergreen and Lumpy Evergreen (burnt)- "Löge töök that öne."
  • Spiky Tree (burnt)- "Burnt."
  • Evergreen_Sapling.pngEvergreen (sapling)- "It has shed its armöur. Gröw, baby tree!"
  • Log- "Wööd is always öf value."
  • Log.pngLog (burning)- "Flaming lög!"
  • Charcoal- "Lööt fröm Löge the demigöd."
  • Pine_Cone.pngPine Cone- "This baby tree is well prötected by spiky armör."
  • Marble Tree- "Even the winds wön't knöck this tree döwn."
  • Totally_Normal_Tree.pngTotally Normal Tree- "A tree öf life, but it is nöt Yggdrasil."
  • Totally Normal Tree (stump)- "
  • Living_Log.pngLiving Log- "Burning this magic wöuld seem a waste."
  • Sapling- "I will make it intö a spear."
  • Sapling_Picked.pngSapling (picked)- "I have slain the small tree!"
  • Sapling (burning)- "Nööö! My spears!"
  • Twigs.pngTwigs- "Gööd för making spears."
  • Grass Tuft- "That cöuld be useful."
  • Grass_Tuft_Picked.pngGrass Tuft (picked)- "It fell tö my might."
  • Grass Tuft (barren)- "The life has göne fröm it."
  • Grass_Tuft.pngGrass Tuft (burning)- "Löge lööks upön yöu!"
  • Cut Grass- "A craftwöman's möst elemental resöurce."
  • Berry_Bush.pngBerry Bush (normal and burning)- "A fruit bush."
  • Berry_Bush_Picked.pngBerry Bush (picked)- "The fruits have been snatched."
  • Barren_Berry_Bush_2.pngBerry Bush (barren)- "Shöuld I put söme turds ön it?"
  • Grass_Tuft_Item.pngBerry_Bush_2.pngSapling, Grass Tuft, Berry Bush, and Spiky Bush (held)- "I think I'll return this tö the earth göddess."
  • Reeds.pngReeds- "Thöse are söme hardy reeds."
  • Reeds (picked)- "Cut döwn in their prime."
  • Reeds.pngReeds (burning)- "See yöu in Asgard, reeds!"
  • Cut Reeds- "I cleaned all the bugs öut! Then I ate them."
  • Plant.pngPlant- "A plant."
  • Plant (growing)- "I am a shieldmaiden, nöt a farmer!"
  • Plant.pngPlant (ready to be picked)- "Ugh, vegetables. I'm nöt sure what I expected..."
  • Marsh Plant- "Pönd föliage."
  • Spiky_Bush.pngSpiky Bush- "A shrub ön guard."
  • Spiky Bush (picked)- "What a nuisance."
  • Spiky_Bush.pngSpiky Bush (burning)- "Höt lög!"
  • Flower- "A flöwer fröm Freya."
  • Petals.pngPetals- "Thank yöu Fröh för this gift!"
  • Evil Flower- "Söme evil plagues this flöra."
  • Dark_Petals.pngDark Petals- "These were nöt made by Fröh."
  • Carrot (planted)- "A wee rööt vegetable."
  • Red_Mushroom.pngRed Mushroom- "At least it's göt a nice cölör."
  • Red Mushroom (sleeping)- "And stay döwn there!"
  • Mushroom_Picked.pngRed Mushroom (picked)- "Gööd riddance."
  • Green Mushroom- "It has risen!"
  • Mushroom_Sleeping.pngGreen Mushroom (sleeping)- "Hide, cöward."
  • Green Mushroom (picked)- "I see fungal spöres."
  • Blue_Mushroom.pngBlue Mushroom- "It's möld, really."
  • Blue Mushroom (sleeping)- "Gööd, it's hiding."
  • Mushroom_Picked.pngBlue Mushroom (picked)- "I höpe it döesn't gröw again."
Reign of Giants[]
  • Birchnut Tree- "Future firewööd!"
  • Birchnut_Tree_Stump.pngBirchnut Tree (stump)- "Chöpped by the warriör in the wööds!"
  • Birchnut Tree (burning)- "The wööd's ablaze!"
  • Birchnut_Tree_Burnt.pngBirchnut Tree (burnt)- "Löge töök that öne."
  • Birchnut Tree (sapling)- "Gröw ströng yöung twigs!"
  • Sapling_Withered.pngSapling (withered)- "It has been shriveled by the heat."
  • Grass Tuft (withered)- "The heat has defeated this plant."
  • Berry_Bush_Withered.pngBerry Bush (withered)- "It's töö höt tö gröw."
  • Withered_Plant.pngPlant (withered)- "Bested by the sun."
  • Birchnut- "There's a tree hiding within."
  • Cactus.pngCactus- "It döes have admirable armör."
  • Cactus (picked)- "It will return."
  • Tumbleweed.pngTumbleweed- "Flee, böuncing cöward!"
  • Bamboo Patch (normal and burning)- "What sörcery is this? Wööd that is höllöw?"
  • Jungle_Tree.pngJungle Tree- "A mighty tree!"
  • Viney Bush (normal and burning) and Snake Den (burning)- "This bush has helm head."
  • Viney_Bush.pngSnake Den- "Yöu skulking wretch!"
  • Withered_Bamboo_Patch.pngBamboo Patch (stump and withered)- "Yöu cöuldn't hack it!"
  • Jungle Tree (stump)- "A ströng tree, but nöt sö ströng as my axe."
  • Viney_Bush_Stump.pngViney Bush and Snake Den (stump)- "It needed a haircut."
  • Jungle Tree (burning)- "The tree burns."
  • Bamboo_Patch_Burnt.pngBamboo Patch (burnt)- "Yöur höllöw sörcery cöuld nöt save yöu fröm fire.'"
  • Jungle Tree (burnt)- "The tree is nö möre."
  • Viney_Bush.pngViney Bush and Snake Den (burnt)- "It's burnt. Nö sense vine-ing aböut it."
  • Bamboo Root- "If I plant yöu, will yöu repay me?"
  • Viney_Bush_Root.pngViney Bush Root- "Tö vine ör nöt tö vine?"
  • Jungle_Tree_Seed.pngJungle Tree (sapling and seed)- "The strength öf the tree, in a seed."
  • Bamboo- "Sticks öf great versatility."
  • Vine.pngVine- "What can yöu dö för me?"
  • Grass (water)- "Grass I can pick fröm my löngship!"
  • Brainy_Sprout.pngBrainy Sprout (normal and picked)- "A mystical, all-knöwing water röck!"
  • Seaweed_Planted.pngSeaweed (planted and picked)- "A weed I cannöt crush under my bööt."
  • Mangrove_Tree.pngMangrove (normal, burning, and stump)- "I have never felled a tree fröm my löngship beföre!"
  • Mangrove (burnt)- "Everything aböve the water is char."
  • Palm_Tree.pngPalm Tree- "Dö yöu försake branches, tree?"
  • Palm Tree (burning)- "The wööd's ablaze!"
  • Palm_Tree_Burnt.pngPalm Tree (burnt)- "Löge töök that öne."
  • Palm Tree (stump)- "Chöpped by the warriör öf the wööds!"
  • Palm_Tree_Sapling.pngPalm Tree (sapling)- "The hard fruit gave way tö a flimsy tree."
  • Palm Leaf- "A Viking-sized leaf!"
  • Regular_Jungle_Tree.pngRegular Jungle Tree (normal and stump)- "I dö nöt like yöur face, tree!"
  • Tidal Plant- "A meager plant."
  • Claw_Palm_Tree.pngClaw Palm Tree- "The hand öf a giant?"
  • Cork- "A material with many uses!"
  • Rainforest_Tree.pngRainforest Tree- "A möst mighty tree."
  • Rainforest Tree (burning)- "Aflame!"
  • Rainforest_Tree_Burnt.pngRainforest Tree (burnt)- "Nöthing but ash remains."
  • Rainforest Tree (stump)- "I have felled the tree!"
  • Rainforest_Tree_Sick.pngSick Rainforest Tree- "Unwell."
  • Cocooned Tree- "A tree för climbing beasties."
  • Jungle_Burr.pngJungle Burr- "Tenaciöus seed!"
  • Rainforest Tree Sapling- "
  • Tea_Tree.pngTea Tree- "This tree is adequate."
  • Seed Pod- "Its lack öf meat öffends me."
  • Tea_Tree_Sapling.pngTea Tree Sapling- "A tree still weak with yöuth."
  • Tuber Tree- "This tree cannöt be felled by a mere axe."
  • Tall_Grass.pngTall Grass- "Surely it is the grass öf Jötunheim!"
  • Tall Grass (cut)- "I have defeated it!"
  • Tall_Grass.pngTall Grass (burning)- "It burns!"
  • Exotic Flower- "Tis a blössöm möst lövely."
  • Aloe_planted.pngAloe (planted)- "A meatless living thing!"
  • Asparagus (planted)- "Useless vegetatiön!"
  • Radish_planted.pngRadish (planted)- "Stay in the gröund!"
  • Nettle Vine- "It hölds nöthing useful for a warriör!"
  • Nettle Vine (picked)- "It has been plundered."
  • Nettle Vine (withered)- "It döes nöt like this dirt!"
  • Nettle Vine (moist)- "The water makes it hardy."
  • Nettle_Plant.pngNettle Plant (held)- "I shall return this tö the earth göddess."
  • Bramble- "These thörns pöse me nö threat!"
  • Bramble_Bloom.pngBramble Bloom- "It is surröunded by plant enemies!"
  • Hanging Vine- "Röpes hang fröm the heavens!"
  • Great Leafy Stalk- "Surely I stand beföre Yggdrasil!"
  • Lotus_Plant.pngLotus Plant- "Freya lööks döwn upön this."
  • Lily Pad- "A leaf öf the water."
  • Reeds_Water_Hamlet.pngReeds (Water)- "Lake reeds of hardy stöck."
  • Lawn Decoration- "Such decöratiön döth nöt cöncern me!"
  • Hedge- "This wall cannöt höld me!"
  • Hedge (untrimmed)- "
  • Hedge (burning)- "
  • Hedge (burnt)- "
  • Intricate Topiary- "Sömeöne hath föund use för nön-meat."
  • Magic Flower- "It giveth life."
  • Weathered_Branch.pngWeathered Branch- "Already vanquished."
  • Weathered Shrub- "Cöncerns me nöt!"
  • Weathered_Stick.pngWeathered Stick- "Tis a stick!"
  • Weathered Tree- "I cannöt chöp thee!"
  • Weathered_Trunk.pngWeathered Trunk- "What beast did breaketh thee!"
Don't Starve Together[]

Harp_Statue.pngNature - Objects[]

Base Game[]
  • Beehive- "Always buzzing, always plötting."
  • Killer_Bee_Hive.pngKiller Bee Hive- "Bees öf war!"
  • Honeycomb- "Wöuldn't make much öf a cömb."
  • Hound_Mound.pngHound Mound- "These höunds are truly warriörs."
  • Bones- "A fallen föe."
  • Touch_Stone.pngTouch Stone- "It hölds me back fröm Valhalla."
  • Obelisk (sane, up)- "I can nöt best this röck in cömbat."
  • Lowered_Obelisk.pngObelisk (sane, down)- "Clever röck, yöu cannöt surprise a warriör!"
  • Obelisk (insane, up)- "Wöah!"
  • Lowered_Obelisk.pngObelisk (insane, down)- "I suspect nöthing öf this röck."
  • Harp Statue- "It must be Gunnar. The snakes töök his head."
  • Marble_Pillar.pngMarble Pillar- "Fit för a palace!"
  • Marble- "The warriör stöne!"
  • Rundown_House.pngRundown House- "Is this dwelling made öf fish?"
  • Merm Head- "I cöuld smell it fröm back there!"
  • Pig_Head.pngPig Head- "This is savagery."
  • Pig Torch- "Dö these pigs wörship Löge?"
  • Basalt1.pngBasalt- "A thöusand mörtals cöuldn't break thröugh this stöne."
  • Boulder- "Smash!"
  • Rocks.pngRocks- "Söme pretty nörmal röcks."
  • Flint- "Vital för spear cönstructiön."
  • Nitre.pngNitre- "It cöntains explösive cömpönents."
  • Gold Nugget- "I am pleased with this göld piece."
  • Grave.pngGrave- "Are there treasures beneath the gravestönes?"
  • Grave (dug)- "I wanted the lööt!"
  • Suspicious_Dirt_Pile.pngSuspicious Dirt Pile- "A small hill öf earth."
  • Animal Track- "Öh! I löve a gööd hunt."
  • Animal_Track.pngAnimal Track (lost its trail)- "I've löst the tracks."
  • Animal Track (found)- "Keep quiet, the creature is near."
  • Wooden_Thing.pngWooden Thing- "A bridge tö anöther wörld."
  • Wooden Thing (partially assembled)- "The bridge is incomplete."
  • Wooden Thing (locked)- "The bridge is unstable yet."
  • Wooden Thing (fully assembled)- "Tö Asgard!"
  • Ring_Thing.pngRing Thing- "It appears similar tö the Bifröst."
  • Crank_Thing.pngCrank Thing- "A sturdy crank."
  • Box_Thing.pngBox Thing- "Perhaps this hölds the secret tö this land's Bifröst."
  • Metal_Potato_Thing.pngMetal Potato Thing- "Nö decency. It's nöt even metal meat."
  • Worm_Hole.pngWorm Hole- "Döes it swallöw thöse fallen in battle?"
  • Worm Hole (open)- "Its maw welcömes me."
  • Worm_Hole_Eating.pngWorm Hole (exited)- "That was a slöppy adventure."
  • Pond- "Sömething lurks in the deep."
  • Skeleton.pngSkeleton- "Rest easy in Valhalla."
  • Spider Den- "Crush them at the söurce!"
  • Spider_Eggs.pngSpider Eggs- "I cöuld squash these but I'd miss öut ön möre battles."
  • Rabbit Hole- "Shöwtime, rabbits!"
  • Walrus_Camp_Winter.pngWalrus Camp- "A pröper winter camp."
  • Walrus Camp (empty)- "They have departed för a great jöurney."
  • Wolly-2.pngSunken Boat- "He has sömething tö say!"
  • Sunken Boat (empty)- "The sea claims another!"
  • Flotsam_Build.pngFlotsam- "I must fish it fröm the sea if I'm tö learn its secrets."
Reign of Giants[]
  • Ice- "Reminds me öf höme."
  • Mini_Glacier.pngMini Glacier- "A miniature frözen möuntain."
  • Mini Glacier (melted)- "Pöör glacier!"
  • Animal_Track.pngAnimal Track (spring, lost trail)- "It's töö muddy för trailing."
  • Burrow- "Sömething lives döwn there."
  • Rabbit_Hole_Collapsed.pngRabbit Hole (collapsed)- "It must be intermissiön för the rabbits."
  • Rundown House (burnt)- "I wön't miss it."
  • Pig_Head_Burnt.pngMerm Head (burnt)- "Beheaded. Burnt. Stinky."
  • Pig Head (burnt)- "Nörmally, I like a gööd röast, but this is nöt right."
  • Hollow_Stump.pngHollow Stump- "Cute meat lives there."
  • Hollow Stump (empty)- "She föught bravely. Alas, she is göne."
  • Glommer%27s_Statue.pngGlommer's Statue- "A curiöus hömage tö the göds."
  • Glommer's Statue (mined)- "That wasn't very respectful öf me."
  • Skeleton.pngSkeleton (self)- "This fight is nöt yet över."
  • Sunken Boat (burnt)- "A Viking funeral has taken place..."
  • Rabbit_Hole.pngCrabbit Den (normal and collapsed)- "Döes shame drive them tö this höle?"
  • Mermhouse_Fisher.pngFishermerm's Hut- "The fisherfölk dwell here."
  • Merm Hut- "Is this dwelling made öf fish?"
  • Merm_Hut_Burnt.pngMerm Hut (burnt)- "I wön't miss it."
  • Shoal- "Dö yöu wish tö surrender, fish?"
  • Wobster_Den.pngWobster Den- "The armöred önes dwell here..."
  • Coral Reef- "A hard and brittle place. I like it."
  • Coral.pngCoral- "The sea gives such strange gifts."
  • Coral Larva- "Be yöu meat?"
  • Limpet_Rock.pngLimpet Rock (normal and withered)- "The meat stöne!"
  • Limpet_Rock_Picked.pngLimpet Rock (picked)- "The stöne is meatless för nöw..."
  • Magma Pile- "What can I use tö röll these röcks?"
  • Krissure.pngKrissure- "The gröund belches fire!"
  • Steamer Trunk- "I höpe I am spöiled by these spöils öf the sea!"
  • Sandy_Pile.pngSandy Pile- "I will nöt make a möuntain öut öf a sandhill."
  • Sand- "Yöu are a very clean dirt."
  • Sharkitten_den_active.pngSharkitten Den- "Sömething lies in wait!"
  • Sharkitten Den (inactive)- "Just sand... för nöw..."
  • Volcano.pngVolcano- "A möuntain öf fire!"
  • Dragoon Egg- "I can hear the beating heart öf a warriör within!"
  • Suspicious Bubbles- "Sömething lurks beneath."
  • Suspicious Bubbles (lost its trail)- "I have löst the beast's trail..."
  • Suspicious Bubbles (lost its trail, Monsoon Season)- "I cannöt read these röugh waters..."
  • Suspicious Bubbles (found)- "A beast lurks beneath the waves..."
  • Tar_Slick.pngTar Slick- "Sömething vile bubbles fröm beneath."
  • Tar- "Surely a substance öf pure evil."
  • Tar_Trap.pngTar Trap- "Tö ensnare mine enemies!"
  • Tidal Pool- "A tiny lake!"
  • Lava_Pool.pngLava Pool- "A puddle öf fire!"
  • Mussels- "Yöu will be mine, mussels."
  • Mussel_Farm4-1.pngMussels (with stick)- "Becöme öne with the stick..."
  • Slotmachine.pngSlot Machine- "A machine öf fate and misery."
  • Electric Isosceles- "Is this a plaything öf Löki?"
  • Octopus_Chest_Build.pngOcto Chest- "The chest hölds öfferings."
  • Debris- "Is this the wreckage öf my löngship?"
  • Crate.pngCrate- "Yield yöur secrets, böx!"
  • Pig_Head_Burnt.pngWildbore Head (normal and burnt)- "Save a mug in Valhalla för me."
  • Seashell- "A tiny elf shield?"
  • Poison_Hole.pngPoisonous Hole- "The gröund belches sickness!"
  • Gunpowder Barrel- "The cask packs a punch!"
  • X_Marks_The_Spot.pngX Marks the Spot- "May luck smile ön me this day with riches."
  • Rawling- "Finally! Sömeöne tö rehearse with."
  • Watery_Grave.pngWatery Grave- "Plunder under!"
  • Wreck- "Löngships litter the path tö Valhalla."
  • Wooden_Thing_Shipwrecked.pngWooden Platform Thing (all states)- "It is missing things."
  • Grassy Thing- "It cranks. But för what?"
  • Screw_Thing.pngScrew Thing- "It is part öf sömething."
  • Wooden Potato Thing- "What strange cöntraptiön is this?"
  • Ring_Thing_Shipwrecked.pngRing Thing- "Is it valuable?"
  • Stone Slab- "Stöne! Reveal tö me thine secrets!"
  • Dung_Pile.pngDung Pile- "Surely this came fröm a giant's backside!"
  • Dung Pile (picked)- "It has been picked thröugh."
  • Dung_Ball.pngDung Ball- "What sickness is this?"
  • Thundernest- "The höme of Thör's bird."
  • Iron_Hulk_Head.pngIron Hulk (head)- "Öpen yöur eyes tö löök upön yöur dööm!"
  • Iron Hulk (arm)- "The wörk öf Brökkr nö döubt."
  • Iron_Hulk_Ribs.pngIron Hulk (ribcage)- "Wake, metal beast!"
  • Iron Hulk (leg)- "The severed leg öf a metal beast!"
  • Large Iron Hulk (partially assembled)- "A half-assembled warriör."
  • Iron_Ore.pngIron Ore- "'Tis material för metalwörk."
  • Sparkling Pool- "Thy tiny göld pieces shall be mine!"
  • Gold_Dust.pngGold Dust- "Gölden dust."
  • Gnat Mound- "'Tis the Valhalla öf bugs."
  • Farm_House.pngFarm House- "Farming was nöt my life's calling."
  • Farm House (burning)- "Löge's wörk!"
  • Farm_House.pngQuarry Lodgings- "A höuse för Dwarfish things."
  • Quarry Lodgings (burning)- "Hel's fire cönsumes it!"
  • Secret_Bandit_Camp.pngSecret Bandit Camp- "'Tis mine!"
  • Cave Cleft- "Creatures öf darkness lurk within."
  • Ruinous Entrance- "
  • Mandrake_Hill.pngMandrake Hill- "I have them cörnered!"
  • Mant Hill- "There is dankness within!"
  • Crumbling Brazier- "
  • Ancient_Wall.pngAncient Wall- "A wall."
  • Fountain of Youth- "A föuntain öf Idunn!"
  • Ominous_Carving.pngOminous Carving- "I'll nöt be fööled!"
  • Teetering Pillar- "Nöt wörthy öf Valhalla's halls."
  • Deflated Balloon- "
  • Wicker_Basket.pngWicker Basket- "
  • Monogrammed Luggage A- "
  • Monogrammed_Luggage_B.pngMonogrammed Luggage B- "
  • Useless Flags- "
  • Bag_of_Sand.pngBag of Sand- "
  • Petrified Egg (1)- "Cracked!"
  • Petrified_Egg_2.pngPetrified Egg (2)- "Has birthed a mighty bird."
  • Petrified Egg (3)- "Önce höused a hearty beast."
  • Petrified_Egg_4.pngPetrified Egg (4)- "The egg öf a mighty bird."
  • Rusty Lamp- "It lighteth nöt!"
  • Weathered_House.pngWeathered House- "Nöt my höuse!"
  • Stone Thing- "I vöw tö cömplete it!"
  • Lever_Thing.pngLever Thing- "An artifact öf a quest."
  • Rock Thing- "I will quest tö find its place in this wörld."
  • Relic_Thing.pngRelic Thing- "A strange thing, indeed!"
  • Iron Thing- "A ring wörthy öf a Giant."
Don't Starve Together[]
  • Gold_Nugget.pngGold Nugget- "Such a pleasing göld piece."
  • Grave (dug)- "Lööt trumped desecratiön!"
  • Animal_Track.pngAnimal Track (found)- "Hush... The creature is near."
  • Spider Eggs- "Squashing these wöuld be a waste öf future battles."
  • Glommer's Statue (mined)- "That wasn't very respectful."
  • Florid_Postern.pngFlorid Postern- "It makes me löng för the stage!"
  • Gigantic Beehive- "A hive of winged warriörs."
  • Gigantic_Beehive_Hole.pngHoney Patch- "A land nöt öf milk, but öf höney."
  • Gigantic_Beehive_Growing_2.pngSomewhat Gigantic Beehive- "The bees are expanding their dömain."
  • Marble Sculpture (rook, raw)- "Warriörs are nöt cöncerned with decörative sculptures."
  • Sculpture_Bishopbody.pngMarble Sculpture (bishop, raw)- "Möre apt för the halls öf Valhalla."
  • Marble Sculpture (knight, raw)- "An abandöned mönument tö the göds?"
  • Marble_Rook.pngMarble Sculpture (rook, mined)- "I fear we've unleashed a great evil."
  • Marble Sculpture (bishop, mined)- "We've freed the figure slumbering in the stöne."
  • Sculpture_Knightbody_Sculpted.pngMarble Sculpture (knight, mined)- "An icön öf evil, surely!"
  • Marble Sculpture (rook, repaired)- "Göds help us ön Mani's night."
  • Sculpture_Bishopbody_Repaired.pngMarble Sculpture (bishop, repaired)- "Will this please the göds? Ör anger them?"
  • Marble Sculpture (knight, repaired)- "Might we cöme tö regret this actiön?"
  • Sculpture_Rookbody_Repaired.pngSculpture_Knightbody_Repaired.pngMarble Sculpture (rook, bishop, and knight, repaired, shaking on full/new moon)- "The beast has been röused beneath!"
  • Magma- "I shall nöt surrender tö the fiery pits!"
  • Magma_Rock_1.pngMagma_Rock_3.pngMagma_Rock_5.pngMagma_Rock_7.pngRock- "Stöne belched förth by the earth's fiery heart!"
  • Crispy Skeleton- "Rest easy, spirit. Yöur fight is över."
  • Marble_Comedy.pngMarble Statue (Comedy and Pawn)- "Delicate appearance, but hard as stöne. Admirable."
  • Marble_Tragedy.pngMarble Statue (Tragedy)- "What plagues yöu, fair maiden?"
  • Marble Statue (Vase)- "Tis a stöne basin!"
  • Moonrock_boulder.pngMeteor and Moon Rock- "A gift fröm Mani."
  • Celestial_Orb.pngCelestial Orb- "It hath knöwledge within!"
  • Celestial Portal- "It hath a glöw aböut it."
  • Moon_Stone.pngMoon Stone (broken)- "Perhaps it crashed fröm the heavens."
  • Moon Stone (repaired)- "“What döst thöu want, altar?"
  • Moon_Stone.pngMoon Stone (repaired, Star Caller's Staff placed)- "Prepare för glöriöus battle!"
  • Moon Stone (repaired, Moon Caller's Staff placed)- "It feeds fröm the pöwer öf Mani!"
  • Moon_Stone.pngMoon Stone (wrong staff)- "This shall nöt please the göds."
  • Moon Rubble- "It has faced Mani's wrath."
  • Petrified_Tree.pngPetrified Evergreen- "My mere presence struck terrör intö their tree-hearts!"
  • Rock Den- "Tis a peculiar böulder."
  • Skeleton.pngSkeleton (male player)- "%s was felled by %s. He will live ön in Valhalla."
  • Skeleton (female player)- "%s was felled by %s. She will live ön in Valhalla."
  • Skeleton.pngSkeleton (robot player)- "%s was felled by %s. They will live ön in Valhalla."
  • Skeleton (other player)- "%s was felled by %s. Live ön in Valhalla."
  • Stagehand.pngStagehand- "Merely a table."
  • Stagehand (walking)- "Keep thy hand fröm öut mine fires!"
  • Sculpture_Rooknose.pngSuspicious Marble (rook)- "It has strayed fröm the warriör's path."
  • Suspicious Marble (knight)- "Döst thöu yearn för a bödy?"
  • Sculpture_Bishophead.pngSuspicious Marble (bishop)- "A föllöwer öf Mimir, mayhaps?"
  • Suspicious Moonrock (Werepig)- "Dö nöt cöwer behind yöur carapace öf röck! Fight!"
  • Moonrock_Hound.pngSuspicious Moonrock (Hound)- "Shed yöur stöne förm and fight, beast!"
  • Loot Stash- "A secret, kept under löck and key!"
  • Oasis_Lake.pngLake- "Perhaps a swörd-wielding maiden lies beneath."
  • Lake (dry)- "
  • Cave-in_Boulder.pngCave-in Boulder- "A feat öf strength in the making."
  • Cave-in Boulder (raised)- "I will clear the way!"
  • Garden_Detritus.pngGarden_Detritus_3.pngGarden Detritus- "Yöu dare tresspass upön my garden?" [sic]
  • Anenemy_planted.pngAnenemy- "My warriör's instinct söunds - but why!"
  • Anenemy (closed)- "I shalln't be vanquished that easily."
  • Anenemy_Trap.pngAnenemy Trap- "A möst wicked trap I cöuld set för my föes."
  • Celestial Altar Base- "What döth thöu want, fair jewel?"
  • Celestial_Altar_Idol.pngCelestial Altar Idol- "Make thy will knöwn tö me, idöl!"
  • Celestial Altar Orb- "The göds cömmune tö me thröugh thee."
  • Celestial_Altar.pngCelestial Altar (incomplete)- "Yöu shall söön be cömplete önce möre."
  • Celestial Altar- "Tis a direct line tö Mani himself!"
  • Inactive_Celestial_Tribute.pngInactive Celestial Tribute- "I wönder höw that creature göt his claws ön this?"
  • Celestial Tribute- "It is grateful, but my wörk is nöt yet döne."
  • Celestial_Sanctum_Icon.pngCelestial Sanctum Icon- "It calls öut tö me, I must take heed."
  • Celestial Sanctum Ward- "It has chösen me tö safeguard its passage höme."
  • Celestial_Sanctum.pngCelestial Sanctum- "I hear the whispers öf Mani."
  • Celestial Fissure- "An eternal light shines fröm within!"
  • Celestial_Fissure.pngCelestial Fissure (no light)- "But a crack in the earth."
  • Hot Spring- "Perhaps a fire giant slumbers beneath!"
  • Hot_Spring.pngHot Spring (bombed)- "'Tis imbued with the pöwer öf the möön!"
  • Hot Spring (glassed over)- "Öh nö! The giant is trapped!"
  • Hot_Spring_Empty.pngHot Spring (empty)- "Ödd, I do nöt see the fire giant..."
  • Inviting_Formation_Orb.pngInviting Formation- "The göds call me tö it, I shall nöt resist."
  • Moon_Glass.pngMoon Glass- "Mani sent it döwn himself."
  • Moon Shard- "Tis a möst divine substance."
  • Sea_Bones_1.pngSea_Bones_3.pngSea Bones- "Njörd's depths höld many secrets."
  • Shattered Spider Hole- "I sense battle ön the horizön."
  • Hermit_Home.pngHermit Home/Pearl's Place (initial)- "The sea witch seems tö be pleased with it."
  • Hermit_Home_3.pngHermit Home/Pearl's Place (upgraded)- "The öld cröne resides here?"
  • Plugged_Fissure.pngPlugged Fissure- "The öld cröne has been waging war against the möön's apparitiöns."
  • Baritone_Shell_Bell_2.pngBaritone Shell Bell- "{note}? I expected it tö söund möre like a war bugle."
  • Alto_Shell_Bell.pngAlto_Shell_Bell_3.pngAlto Shell Bell- "It sings a siren's söng. In {note}."
  • Soprano_Shell_Bell_2.pngSoprano Shell Bell- "{note}... an impressively high register för a wee sea beast."
  • Sea_Stack.pngSea Stack- "I shall nöt dash mine ship upön thee!"
  • Salt_Formation_2.pngSalt Formation- "Tis the förm öf a sea nymph!"
  • Salt_Formation_1.pngSalt_Formation_3.pngSalt Formation (partially mined)- "Förmed as if by Ödin's hand!"
  • Salt_Formation_2.pngSalt Formation (completely mined)- "Naught but a stump!"
  • Salt_Crystals.pngSalt Crystals- "It hath a strange shape tö it."
  • Ocean Debris- "Tis naught but a clump öf mud and grass!"
  • Wobster_Mound.pngWobster Mound- "The lair öf the pinchy beasts."
  • Moon Glass Mound- "That must be their förtress."
  • Shell_Cluster.pngShell Cluster- "Tis naught but a clump öf shells."
  • Sunken Chest (locked)- "Fie! Löcked tight!"
  • Sunken_Chest_Open.pngSunken Chest (unlocked)- "Perhaps it was a gift fröm Venus?"
  • Mysterious Energy- "What have we summöned förth?"
  • Charged_Glassy_Rock.pngCharged Glassy Rock- "It hath been imbued with a strange pöwer."
  • Infused Moon Shard- "Tis lit by a strange pöwer."
  • Moongleam.pngMoongleam- "It sends a curiöus tickle thröugh my bönes."
  • Odd Tool/Reticulating Buffer- "Mayhaps this is what I seek."
  • Widget_Deflubber.pngWeird Tool/Widget Deflubber- "The ödd stranger requested a tööl, mayhaps this is it."
  • Strange Tool/Grommet Scriber- "Is this what the ödd stranger seeks?"
  • Conceptual_Scrubber.pngFunky Tool/Conceptual Scrubber- "Mayhaps this is what the ödd stranger löst."
  • Bizarre Tool/Calibrated Perceiver- "Höw strange. Perhaps it belöngs tö that ödd stranger."
  • Energetic_Static.pngEnergetic Static- "Tis a strange kind öf pöwer."
  • Restrained Static- "A strange pöwer rests inside."
  • Lunar_Essence_Extractor.pngLunar Essence Extractor- "It's ferrying this warriör's söul tö the next realm."
  • Sea Strider Nest- "The nest öf the water walking beasts!"
  • ファイル:Sea Strider Nest Burnt.pngSea Strider Nest (burnt)- "T'was cönsumed by flames."
  • Conspicuous_Chest.pngConspicuous Chest- "T'would be a fine place to keep my weapons."
  • Conspicuous Chest (shimmering)- "Doth my eyes deceive me? The chest casts jagged light!"
  • ファイル:Conspicuous Chest Burnt.pngConspicuous Chest (burnt)- "Consumed by flames."
Exlusive to Pocket Edition[]
  • Compromising Statue- "Döömed never tö die in battle! Ö, wöe!"

CaveEntrance1.pngNature - Caves[]

Base Game[]
  • Plugged Sinkhole- "What treasures lie beneath?"
  • Sinkhole.pngSinkhole (generic)- "I've nö desire tö visit Hel töday."
  • Unplugged_Sinkhole_DST.pngSinkhole (open)- "Tö the underwörld!"
  • Exit to Surface (generic)- "I've had enöugh öf Söl's shining face för öne day."
  • Exit to Surface (open)- "Back tö öpen skies!"
  • Red Mushtree- "I dö like its glöw."
  • MushtreeGreen.pngGreen Mushtree- "I dön't care för mushrööms."
  • Blue Mushtree- "What is this magic?"
  • Light_Flower.pngLight Flower- "And it lit up the night, upön the darkest höur."
  • Light Bulb- "Glöw!"
  • Stalagmite.pngStalagmite- "Cave böulder."
  • Stalagmite (pointy)- "A pöinty röck öf sörts."
  • Spilagmite.pngSpilagmite- "Webbing, never a gööd sign."
  • Slurtle Mound- "Nöt where I'd chööse tö hang my helm."
  • Monkey_Totem.pngSplumonkey Pod- "What hörrörs dwell within?"
  • Fern- "Föliage fröm the dark ages."
  • Foliage.pngFoliage- "A cöllectiön öf ferns."
  • Cave Banana Tree- "A flimsy mönkey tree."
  • Cave_Banana_Tree.pngCave Banana Tree (burnt)- "Thöröughly vanquished."
  • Spooky Hole- "Föes dwell within!"
  • Unimportant Rock Pillar- "
Don't Starve Together[]
  • Sinkhole (full)- "It's möre packed than the Thingvellir!"
  • Exit to Surface (full)- "There are töö many peöple up there."
  • Batcave.pngBat Cave- "They're hiding under the stage."
  • Red Mushtree (blooming)- "What a great effect!"
  • Green_Mushtree_Blooming.pngGreen Mushtree (blooming)- "I'll fight alöngside yöu any day!"
  • Blue Mushtree (blooming)- "An enthusiastic perförmance!"
  • Blue_Mushtree_Webbed.pngBlue Mushtree (webbed)- "This mushrööm needs tö be retired."
  • Red Spore- "At peace, benevölent flame spirit."
  • Green_Spore.pngGreen Spore- "At peace, benevölent förest spirit."
  • Blue Spore- "At peace, benevölent river spirit."
  • Red_Spore.pngBlue_Spore.pngRed, Green, and Blue Spore (held)- "I'll direct this light where I please."
  • Withered Flower- "Nöt enöugh time in the limelight."
  • Mysterious_Plant.pngMysterious Plant- "I smell a trap."
  • Fossil Fragment- "Bönes öf a dark and ancient föe."
  • Odd Skeleton (incomplete)- "All that remains öf a terrible beast."
  • Odd_Skeleton_Wrong_1.pngOdd Skeleton (incorrect)- "Tis nöt as majestic as I önce pictured."
  • Odd_Skeleton_Build.pngOdd Skeleton (complete)- "It lööks as thöugh it might röam the earth any möment!"
  • Lunar Mushtree- "Strange magic indeed."
  • Lunar_Spore.pngLunar Spore- "It carries an explösive pöwer..."
  • Small_Vitreoasis.pngVitreoasis and Small Vitreoasis- "The pöols hath been enchanted."
  • Naked Mole Bat Burrow- "Your mucöusy defenses will nöt deter me, mörsel!"
  • Nightmare_Rampart.pngNightmare Rampart- "The very gröund hath split and released nightmares upön us!"

Nature - Ruins[]

Base Game[]Don't Starve Together[]
  • Ancient_Chest.pngAncient Chest- "What föul manner öf chest is this?"
  • Ancient Chest (shaking)- "I shall submit tö the göds' judgement."
  • Ancient_Chest.pngAncient Chest (failed)- "Alas! I am unwörthy!"
  • Ancient Chest (successful)- "I have gained the göds' favör!"
  • Ancient_Gateway.pngAncient Gateway (inactive)- "Tis the Bifröst!"
  • Ancient Gateway (powering up)- "Söön it will öpen the path!"
  • Ancient_Gateway.pngAncient Gateway (activated)- "A light tö guide the way!"
  • Ancient Gateway (unstable)- "Trickery! The Bifröst was öf Löki!"
  • Ancient_Gateway.pngAncient Gateway (on cooldown)- "It shan't wörk again för söme time."
  • Ancient Obelisk- "The writings öf the göds t'were nöt meant för us."
  • Ancient_Beacon.pngAncient Beacon- "An ancient basin tö höuse flames."
  • Ancient Beacon (active)- "An unhöly flame."
  • Ancient_Mural.pngAncient Mural (first)- "Tis a portrait of an ancient people. They live in wretchedness."
  • Ancient Mural (second)- "There is no painting here. Only stone."
  • Ancient_Mural.pngAncient Mural (third)- "A great evil sweeps across the land."
  • Ancient Mural (fourth)- "Many of the people are cleaved in two!"
  • Ancient_Mural.pngAncient Mural (fifth)- "A glittering city, blessed by the gods."
  • Atrium Statue - "I döth smell their fear!"

Obsidian_Boulder.pngNature - Volcano[]

  • Obsidian Workbench- "Fire förge!"
  • Coffee_Plant.pngCoffee Plant- "Just add water?"
  • Coffee Plant (picked)- "Its fruits must be rebörn."
  • Coffee_Plant_Withered.pngCoffee Plant (barren)- "
  • Coffee Plant (withered)- "Weakling bush!"
  • Coffee_Plant_Dug.pngCoffee Plant (held)- "Cöffee tö gö."
  • Elephant Cactus- "Finally the earth spröuts a wörthy adversary!"
  • Withered_Elephant_Cactus.pngElephant Cactus (withered)- "I sense the spirit öf a berserker within yöu, plant."
  • Elephant Cactus Stump- "Cöward!"
  • Elephant_Cactus_Dug.pngElephant Cactus (held)- "I shall get tö the pöint. Yöu belöng tö me nöw."
  • Cactus Spike- "'Tis truly a wöndröus war lance!"
  • Obsidian_Boulder.pngObsidian Boulder- "Lava stöne!"
  • Obsidian- "Pebbles fröm the fire möuntain!"
  • Charcoal_Boulder.pngCharcoal Boulder- "Röcks burn?"
  • Burnt Ash Tree- "Yöu löök burnt öut."
  • Dragoon_Saliva.pngDragoon Saliva- "I wish I cöuld spit fire..."
  • Woodlegs' Cage- "A löcked cage!"
  • Woodlegs%27_Cage.pngWoodlegs (free)- "
  • Volcano Altar of Snackrifice- "I must appease the fire göd that lives inside this möuntain."
  • Volcano_Altar.pngVolcano Altar of Snackrifice (active)- "It is ready tö recieve sacrifice!"
  • Volcano Altar of Snackrifice (appeased)- "The altar öf the fire göds sleeps."
  • Volcano (exit)- "I weary öf this infernal realm."

Lost_Idol.pngNature - Ruinous Caves[]

  • A Smashing Pot- "I shall smash thee!"
  • Dart Trap- "
  • Nasty_Spear_Trap.pngNasty Spear Trap- "
  • ファイル:Busted Spear Trap.pngBusted Spear Trap- "
  • Tempting Idol- "
  • Unimportant Pillar- "A wörthy beam."
  • Vines- "
  • Wall Brazier- "
  • Wishing Well- "May Ödin favör me töday!"
  • End%27s_Well.pngEnd's Well- "A well that springs cursed things."
  • Aporkalypse Calendar- "It cöntröls Ragnarök!"

Mant_Hill.pngNature - Mant Hill[]

  • Antcomb Home- "A great hall för the bug beasts."
  • Honey_Chest.pngHoney Chest- "A shieldmaiden has nö use för a höney maker!"
  • Lamp- "A lamp made öf unfermented mead!"
  • Mant_Warrior_Egg.pngMant Warrior Egg- "
  • Stalacmite Throne- "It will be plundered!"

Queen_Malfalfa.pngNature - Palace[]

  • Palace- "A Gullinbursti shrine, perhaps?"
  • Royal_Gallery_Exhibit.pngRoyal Gallery Exhibit- "'Tis trapped 'neath a glass shield."


Don't Starve Together[]


Base Game[]Reign of Giants[]Shipwrecked[]Hamlet[]Don't Starve Together[]
  • Cobblestones- "The röad tö battle leads wherever we will it."
  • Scaled_Flooring.pngScaled Flooring- "A warm piece öf the battlefield."
  • Rocky_Beach_Turf.pngMoon Crater Turf and Rocky Beach Turf- "A piece öf the battlefield."

Mobs - Monsters[]

Base Game[]
  • Clockwork_Knight.pngClockwork Knight- "I sense battle!"
  • Clockwork Bishop- "This öne needs a gööd smack."
  • Clockwork_Rook.pngClockwork Rook- "Chaaaarge!"
  • Damaged Knight- "I dön't think I'd ride that hörse."
  • Damaged_Bishop.pngDamaged Bishop- "Watch för his blasts!"
  • Damaged Rook- "Yöu dön't frighten me!"
  • Charlie (the darkness monster)- "Shöw yöurself!"
  • Charlie (attacked by)- "Cöward!"
  • Hound.pngHound- "Fenrir's spawn!"
  • Red Hound- "The flamed öne has nö mercy."
  • Blue_Hound.pngBlue Hound- "Teeth öf fröst!"
  • Hound's Tooth- "A töken öf my cönquest."
  • Spider.pngSpider- "Eight legs and still nö match för me!"
  • Spider Warrior- "The champiön öf the spiders. Tö battle!"
  • Spider_Sleeping.pngSpider (sleeping)- "I will allöw it a fair fight and wait 'til it wakes."
  • Spider Warrior (sleeping)- "It is cöwardly tö attack a sleeping enemy."
  • Dead_Spider.pngSpider (dead)- "Felled by my spear, like sö many beföre it."
  • Spider Warrior (dead)- "Victöry för Wigfrid önce again!"
  • Spider_Gland.pngSpider Gland- "Ripped fröm the abdömen öf a slain spider."
  • Silk- "Useful för binding and för remembering victöries past."
  • Krampus.pngKrampus- "Yöu dön't scare me göat!"
  • Krampus Sack- "I can fit everything in here!"
  • Merm.pngMerm- "Die söggy beast fish!"
  • Frog- "I'd like söme frög bööts sömeday."
  • Frog_Sleeping.pngFrog (sleeping)- "It sleeps."
  • Frog (dead)- "Yöu're a bit slimy för Valhalla."
  • Tentacle.pngTentacle- "It lööks fierce. Intö the fray!"
  • Tentacle Spike- "Gööey, but dangeröus. I like it."
  • Tentacle_Spots.pngTentacle Spots- "A töugh hide."
  • Big Tentacle- "A töwering tentacle föe."
  • Tentapillar.pngBig Tentacle- "I will thrust my spear intö that mass öf tentacles!"
  • Big Slimy Pit- "The lair öf my tallest föe!"
  • Baby_Tentacle.pngBaby Tentacle- "A gröss grasping appendage."
  • Guardian Pig- "He is battle ready, I can tell."
  • Werepig.pngWerepig- "It has been tainted by Fenrir."
  • Ghost- "A spirit trapped between wörlds."
  • MacTusk.pngMacTusk- "Thöse tusks cöuld pierce even the finest armör."
  • Wee MacTusk- "A spawn öf the evil tööthed seal."
  • Walrus_Tusk.pngWalrus Tusk- "Rended fröm the möuth öf the sea beast."
  • Tam o' Shanter- "Highland filth!"
  • Mosquito.pngMosquito- "Ugh! These things are useless!"
  • Mosquito (held)- "Settle demön fury!"
  • Mosquito_Sack.pngMosquito Sack- "The blööd will make me ströng."
  • Nearby Mosquitoes- "Away tiny demöns!"
  • Cave_Spider.pngCave Spider- "I'll smash yöu!"
  • Spitter- "This öne's feisty."
  • Batilisk.pngBatilisk- "Dark winged meat."
  • Meat Bulb- "Finally! A useful vegetable."
  • Fleshy_Bulb.pngFleshy Bulb- "Perhaps I will be a meat farmer after all!"
  • Eyeplant- "Dön't pöint yöur eyeball at me föliage!"
  • Slurper.pngSlurper- "Fur föe thinks she's a hat!"
  • Slurper Pelt- "I dö löve furs."
  • Dangling_Depth_Dweller.pngDangling Depth Dweller- "Yöu are sö sneaky!"
  • Depths Worm (emerged)- "A snake beast fröm the depths!"
  • Mysterious_Plant.pngDepths Worm (lure)- "I smell a trap."
  • Depths Worm (burrowed)- "What's under that dirt?"
  • Ewecus.pngEwecus- "Höw much meat is hiding under there?"
  • Steel Wool- "It cöuld easily best regular wööl in cömbat."
Reign of Giants[]
  • Varg.pngVarg- "Is it yöu, Fenrir?"
  • Poison Birchnut Tree- "I've göt tö wörk a bit harder för this firewööd."
  • Poison Birchnut Tree (stump)- "Chöpped by the warriör in the wööds!"
  • Birchnutter.pngBirchnutter- "A yöung tree warriör!"
  • Crocodog- "Finally, a wörthy föe!"
  • Yellow_Crocodog.pngYellow Crocodog- "What venöm flöws thröugh thy veins?"
  • Blue Crocodog- "My, what big teeth yöu have!"
  • Floaty_Boaty_Knight.pngFloaty Boaty Knight- "My löngship speeds me tö war!"
  • Flup_%28in_ground%29.pngFlup (normal and in ground)- "Yöu cöwardly mudlurker!"
  • Eyeshot- "A cöward's weapön, dröpped by a pitiful, sneaking creature."
  • Pirate_Ghost.pngPirate Ghost- "Tö Hel, spirit!"
  • Poison Mosquito (normal and held)- "Pöisön! The wörk öf a cöward!"
  • Yellow_Mosquito_Sack.pngYellow Mosquito Sack- "The pest dröpped its sack öf sickness."
  • Snake- "Never trust they whö slither."
  • Poison_Snake.pngPoison Snake- "Keep yöur föul fangs fröm my hide!"
  • Snakeskin- "A snake has slipped its skin. With a little help..."
  • Spider_Warrior_%28Venomous%29.pngSpider Warrior (venomous)- "The champiön öf the spiders. Tö battle!"
  • Spider Warrior (venomous, sleeping)- "It is cöwardly tö attack a sleeping enemy."
  • Dead_Spider_Warrior_%28Venomous%29.pngSpider Warrior (venomous, dead)- "Victöry för Wigfrid önce again!"
  • Sea Hound- "Ah, a wörthy sea öppönent!"
  • Stink_Ray.pngStink Ray- "Have yöu nö hönör, stinky önes?"
  • Swordfish- "Önward tö Valhalla, brave fish."
  • White_Whale.pngWhite Whale- "It wöuld be an hönör tö kill yöu."
  • White Whale Carcass- "Öh, höw the mighty stink."
  • Dragoon.pngDragoon- "A fellöw berserker whöse belly is full öf fire!"
Hamlet[]Don't Starve Together[]
  • Clockwork Knight- "I taste a battle ön the breeze!"
  • Damaged_Bishop.pngDamaged Bishop- "Be wary öf his blasts!"
  • Hound's Tooth- "A töken öf a successful cönquest."
  • Spider_Sleeping.pngSpider (sleeping)- "I will give it a fair fight by waiting til it awakes."
  • Spider (dead)- "Cut döwn in battle, like sö many beföre it."
  • Dead_Spider_Warrior.pngSpider Warrior (dead)- "Victöry önce again!"
  • Krampus Sack- "The sack itself is the present."
  • Guardian_Pig.pngGuardian Pig- "That pig lööks brave."
  • Poison Birchnut Tree- "This firewööd will take a bit öf extra wörk."
  • Red_Gem_Deer.pngGem Deer- "Tis a magical wöödland creature!"
  • Guardian_Bee.pngGrumble Bee- "En guarde!"
  • Lavae- "A fiery föe!"
  • Hound_Corpse.pngHound (corpse)- "Rest well, fallen föe."
  • Hound (corpse, burning)- "Burial by fire."
  • Hound_Corpse.pngHound (corpse, reanimating)- "The dead walk again!"
  • Horror Hound- "What infernal creature döth mine eyes see!"
  • Horror_Hound_Sleeping.pngHorror Hound (sleeping)- "The beast slumbers söundly."
  • Horror Hound (dead)- "May yöu find rest."
  • Moonrock_Pengull.pngMoonrock Pengull- "Hel's influence has cörrupted thee, nö döubt!"
  • Moonrock Pengull (sleeping)- "It slumbers söundly."
  • Moonrock_Pengull_Dead.pngMoonrock Pengull (dead)- "Rest well, wicked spirit."
  • Shattered Spider- "Öne öf Hel's beasts, surely!"
  • Shattered_Spider_Sleeping.pngShattered Spider (sleeping)- "It slumbers."
  • Shattered Spider (dead)- "It has breathed its last."
  • Rockjaw.pngRockjaw- "Dö yöu cöme tö challenge me, sea beast?"
  • Egg of Terror- "I will prepare myself for the coming challenge!"
  • Suspicious_Peeper.pngSuspicious Peeper- "I hath no fear of having all eyes upon me!"

Mobs - Neutral Animals[]

Base Game[]
  • Beefalo.pngBeefalo- "Ancient wöölen beasts!"
  • Beefalo (follower)- "Cöme alöng beastie."
  • Beefalo_Sleeping.pngBeefalo (sleeping)- "Söunds like Aunt Hilda."
  • Beefalo (naked)- "Are yöu cöld withöut yöur wööls?"
  • DefaultDomesticatedBeefalo.pngBeefalo (domesticated)- "The critter has finally learned its röle."
  • Beefalo (domesticated, pudgy)- "My möuth's watering just lööking at it..."
  • RiderDomesticatedBeefalo.pngBeefalo (domesticated, docile)- "With the stalwart beast at my side, we ride tönight!"
  • Beefalo (domesticated, ornery)- "The nöble steed öf a mighty warriör!"
  • Beefalo_Wool.pngBeefalo Wool- "I dö löve wöölly things."
  • Beefalo Horn- "Makes me löng för battle."
  • Baby_Beefalo.pngBaby Beefalo- "Mini beastie."
  • Baby Beefalo (sleeping)- "The mini beast slumbers."
  • Bee.pngNearby Bees- "Back wee speared creatures!"
  • Bee- "Wee warriörs! I dön't knöw if I like them."
  • Killer_Bee.pngKiller Bee- "A challenger!"
  • Bee (held)- "Easy nöw!"
  • Killer_Bee.pngKiller Bee (held)- "A cönquered föe."
  • Stinger- "The swörd ön the back öf a bee."
  • Pig.pngPig- "Will yöu fight alöngside me, pig?"
  • Pig (follower)- "We ride tö battle!"
  • Dead_Pig.pngPig (dead)- "He died with hönör."
  • Pig Skin- "The hide öf a pig creature."
  • Bunnyman2.pngBunnyman and Beardlord- "I will eat yöu."
  • Bunny_Puff.pngBunny Puff- "Can I put it in my hair?"
  • Koalefant- "Pöör unsuspecting meat beast."
  • Winter_Koalefant.pngWinter Koalefant- "Dear creature, I am göing tö eat yöu."
  • Pengull- "Birds öf the sea, cöme fröm afar."
  • Rock_Lobster.pngRock Lobster- "He may be a wörthy cömbat cömrade."
  • Slurtle- "Yöu are an angel. Öf nasty."
  • Snurtle.pngSnurtle- "I like his helmet."
  • Slurtle Slime- "Yes. Slime."
  • Broken_Shell.pngBroken Shell- "They're smashed up gööd."
  • Shelmet- "A new battle helm för my cöllectiön!"
  • Snurtle_Shell_Armor.pngSnurtle Shell Armor- "A shield öf sörts."
  • Splumonkey- "I dön't trust him."
Reign of Giants[]
  • Buzzard.pngBuzzard- "Yöu and I, we meat feast tögether."
  • Catcoon- "Öh! Cute meat with fur."
  • Cat_Tail.pngCat Tail- "It is the tail öf cute meat."
  • Volt Goat- "May I call yöu Unicörn?"
  • Charged_Volt_Goat.pngVolt Goat (charged)- "The lightning has made yöu a unicörn warriör!"
  • Volt Goat Horn- "This cöuld deal a lasting blöw."
  • Blue_Whale.pngBlue Whale- "I will end yöur möping, giant!"
  • Blue Whale Carcass (normal and bloated)- "I will töast yöu in Valhalla."
  • Bottlenose_Ballphin.pngBottlenose Ballphin- "A blöw struck may simply böunce öff."
  • Dorsal Fin- "Nö möre will it crest the waves."
  • Jellyfish.pngJellyfish- "You are much töö small tö be a sea mönster."
  • Jellyfish (held)- "I expected sea mönsters tö be bigger."
  • Water_Beefalo.pngWater Beefalo (normal, sleeping, and follower)- "Praise Ödin för this böuntiful hööfed feast!"
  • Horn- "Ah, a fine mug it wöuld make!"
  • PrimeApe.pngPrime Ape- "Yöu are as amusing as yöu are hairy."
  • Wildbore- "I sense a kindred spirit!"
  • Elder_Mandrake.pngElder Mandrake- "I will vanquish thee!"
  • Hippopotamoose- "A Jötunn beast!"
  • Hippopotamoose_Antler.pngHippopotamoose Antler- "A symböl öf cönquest!"
  • Mant- "Be yöu friend ör föe?"
  • Mant_Sleeping.pngMant (sleeping)- "It hath let its guard döwn."
  • Mant (dead)- "It nö lönger lives."
  • Platapine.pngPlatapine- "I will vanquish you, skewered öne!"
  • Platapine (sleeping)- "It is defenseless!"
  • Platapine_Dead.pngPlatapine (dead)- "Ha! Vanquished!"
  • Platapine Quill- "A skewer from the skewerer."
  • Pog.pngPog- "Within its cuteness lays the heart öf a tiny warriör!"
  • Pog (follower)- "I have been taken by its cuteness."
  • Pog_Sleeping.pngPog (sleeping)- "Sweetest dreams, cute meat."
  • Pog (Aporkalypse)- "Yöu wish tö jöust? Surely yöu jest!"
  • Royal_Guard.pngRoyal Guard- "An hönörable warriör."
  • Royal Guard (sleeping)- "May yöu dream öf Valhalla!"
  • Royal_Guard.pngRoyal Guard (palace variant)- "A fellöw warriör! May we meet in battle!"
  • Royal Guard (palace variant, sleeping)- "He leaves himself vulnerable."
Don't Starve Together[]
  • Beefalo_Horn.pngBeefalo Horn- "Höw I löng för battle."
  • Bunny Puff- "The fuzzy tröphy öf a successful battle."
  • Winter_Koalefant.pngWinter Koalefant- "Dearest creature... I am göing tö eat yöu."
  • Shelmet- "A fine battle helm!"
  • Saladmander.pngSaladmander- "Meat impöstör!"
  • Saladmander (ripe)- "I have nö need för yöur fake meat."
  • Saladmander_Sleeping.pngSaladmander (sleeping)- "Grabbest thy shut eye!"

Mobs - Passive Animals[]

Base Game[]
  • Butterfly.pngButterfly- "It is sört öf nice."
  • Butterfly (held)- "Caught!"
  • Crow.pngCrow- "Raven friend!"
  • Crow (held)- "Tögether again."
  • Redbird.pngRedbird- "Red like blööd."
  • Redbird (held)- "I prefer yöur black brethren."
  • Snowbird.pngSnowbird- "This bird knöws aböut the cöld."
  • Snowbird (held)- "Such fluffy feathers."
  • Jet_Feather.pngJet Feather- "A töken fröm the ravens!"
  • Crimson Feather- "Red like my hair."
  • Azure_Feather.pngAzure Feather- "Winter's feather."
  • Gobbler- "Yöu cannöt run förever!"
  • Eye_Bone.pngShadow_Eyebone.pngEye Bone- "Whö are yöu?"
  • Snow_Eyebone.pngEye Bone (Chester dead)- "The eyeball is tired."
  • Ashes.pngEye Bone (ashes)- "The eyeböne cöuld nöt pass tö this wörld."
  • Chester- "Dön't wörry, I wön't eat him."
  • Rabbit.pngBeardling.pngRabbit and Beardling- "Jump intö my möuth!"
  • Winter_Rabbit.pngRabbit and Beardling (held)- "There is nö escape!"
  • Fireflies.pngFireflies- "Tiny fairy lights aglöw!"
  • Fireflies (held)- "I höld the light!"
  • Planted_Mandrake.pngMandrake (planted)- "A rutabaga!"
  • Mandrake (follower)- "She just wants tö gö ön a rutabaga saga."
  • Mandrake.pngMandrake (dead)- "The cörpse öf the rutabaga still retains its magic."
  • Mandrake (cooked)- "She's definitely dead."
  • Cooked_Mandrake.pngMandrake (knocked out by)- "Ugh, my head!"
Reign of Giants[]
  • Glommer (normal and sleeping)- "A majestic gööber."
  • Glommer%27s_Flower.pngGlommer's Flower- "A wönder öf the wööds."
  • Glommer's Flower (Glommer dead)- "It was önce a wönder öf the wööds."
  • Ashes.pngGlommer's Flower (ashes)- "The flöwer must remain in its höme wörld."
  • Glommer's Wings- "Öhh, löök what the gööber left för me."
  • Glommer%27s_Goop.pngGlommer's Goop- "This slöp cöuld be useful."
  • Raised Dirt (underground Moleworm)- "Whö's under there?"
  • Moleworms.pngMoleworm (aboveground)- "He digs withöut abandön."
  • Moleworm (held)- "A friend för my pöcket."
  • Bioluminescence.pngBioluminescence- "What magic is this?"
  • Crab_%28insanity%29.pngCrabbit and Beardling (normal and held)- "Dö battle with me, armöred öne!"
  • Shifting Sands- "Un-bury thyself, cöward!"
  • Dogfish.pngDogfish- "Has the sea begun my feast?"
  • Sharkitten- "It is yöur mömma I want…"
  • Fishbone.pngFishbone (normal and Packim dead)- "A curiöus bauble."
  • Ashes.pngFishbone (ashes)- "The flames' remains."
  • Packim Baggims- "Will yöu föllöw me tö Valhalla?"
  • Rainbow_Jellyfish.pngRainbow Jellyfish- "Blessed with beauty by Freyr herself."
  • Rainbow Jellyfish (held)- "Hail, fish of jelly!"
  • Parrot.pngParrot (normal and held)- "Höld yöur töngue, bird!"
  • Parrot Pirate (normal and held)- "Yöu talk töö much!"
  • Seagull.pngSeagull (normal and held)- "Vile bird!"
  • Seagull (normal and held, in water)- "Yöu föul the water yöu flöat upön!"
  • Toucan.pngToucan (normal and held)- "Fight with me, löng-nösed bird! And we shall dine tögether in Valhalla!"
  • Cormorant (normal and held)- "A beast öf böth sky and sea!"
  • Doydoy.pngDoydoy (normal and held)- "It shöws nö trace öf fear för me!"
  • Doydoy Nest- "The nest where möre brave önes will hatch!"
  • Doydoy_Feather.pngDoydoy Feather- "The treasured feather of a fallen bird warrior."
  • Doydoy Egg- "Within this egg gröws a Viking öf anöther feather."
  • Doydoy_Egg.pngHatching Doydoy Egg- "Its fearlessness leaks out."
  • Fried Doydoy Egg- "I shall eat öf this fearless bird's böunty."
  • Baby_Doydoy.pngBaby Doydoy (normal and held)- "I hönör yöu, yöung warriör öf the Döydöys."
  • Teen Doydoy- "
  • Teen_Doydoy.pngTeen Doydoy (held)- "
  • Wobster- "Yöu are dressed för battle, sea-dweller."
  • Fishermerm.pngFishermerm- "I quarrel nöt with fisherfölk, sö löng as they dö nöt take up arms."
  • Banker- "Anöther beast öf the cöin!"
  • Pig_Banker.pngBanker (sleeping)- "I wish him nightmares!"
  • Beautician- "She hath need öf feathers."
  • Pig_Beautician.pngBeautician (sleeping)- "She conquers beauty sleep."
  • Collector- "Yöur wönders are nöthing cömpared tö Valhalla!"
  • Pig_Collector.pngCollector (sleeping)- "Göda nött!"
  • Erudite- "He deals in the black arts." [sic]
  • Pig_Erudite.pngErudite (sleeping)- "May his nightmares cönsume him." [sic]
  • Farmer- "Yöur time be better spent ön the fruits öf the hunt, pig!"
  • Pig_Farmer.pngFarmer (sleeping)- "May his dreams shöw him the errörs öf his craft!"
  • Florist- "She trades in Freya's things."
  • Pig_Florist.pngFlorist (sleeping)- "May Freya grant yöu the sweetest öf dreams."
  • Hatmaker- "I prefer hörned helms upön mine skull."
  • Pig_Hatmaker.pngHatmaker (sleeping)- "She has löwered her defenses."
  • Hunter- "Ah! A pig after my öwn heart!"
  • Pig_Hunter.pngHunter (sleeping)- "May yöu dream öf Valhalla."
  • Mayor Truffleston- "A chieftain in this clan öf pigs."
  • Pig_Mayor.pngMayor Truffleston (sleeping)- "Döubtless dreaming öf the vötes which cönsume him."
  • Miner- "A beast which döes Dwarfish labör."
  • Pig_Miner.pngMiner (sleeping)- "I wish him a fine slumber!"
  • Professor- "Dö yöu have anything fröm the öld cöuntry?"
  • Pig_Professor.pngProfessor (sleeping)- "He sleeps the sleep öf the almöst dead."
  • Pig Queen- "Ö, great lady!"
  • Pig_Shopkeep.pngShopkeep- "Shöpkeep, prepare tö barter!"
  • Shopkeep (sleeping)- "Sleep well, fair barterer."
  • Pig_Usher.pngUsher- "May his quest för sweet fööds be fruitful."
  • Usher (sleeping)- "Has left himself vulnerable."
  • Pig_Worker.pngWorker- "A pig which repairs many things."
  • Worker (sleeping)- "Sleep cönsumes him."
  • Kingfisher.pngKingfisher- "Pössesser öf the mightiest öf beaks!"
  • Kingfisher (sleeping)- "It sleeps."
  • Kingfisher_Dead.pngKingfisher (dead)- "It has fallen!"
  • Parrot- "A Nörwegian bird öf blue."
  • Parrot_%28Hamlet%29_Sleeping.pngParrot (sleeping)- "Pining for Njörd."
  • Parrot (dead)- "It has jöined Valhalla's chöir invisible."
  • Pigeon_Hamlet.pngPigeon- "Be yöu tasty?"
  • Pigeon (sleeping)- "Sleep has been victöriöus!"
  • Pigeon_%28Hamlet%29_Dead.pngPigeon (dead)- "It has been bested in battle!"
  • Dung Beetle- "A möunted föe!"
  • Dung_Beetle.pngDung Beetle (without Dung Ball)- "She hath been thröwn fröm her föul möunt!"
  • Dung_Beetle_Sleeping_2.pngDung Beetle (sleeping)- "May her dreams be as föul as the spheres she rides."
  • Dung Beetle (dead)- "She hath fallen in battle."
  • Glowfly.pngGlowfly- "Fly free, small friend."
  • Glowfly (sleeping)- "A slumber cönsumes it."
  • Glowfly_Dead.pngGlowfly (dead)- "Alas, it is dead."
  • Glowfly (cocoon)- "It has armöred itself för sleep."
  • Pangolden.pngPangolden- "Surely 'tis a cöusin öf Gullinbursti!"
  • Peagawk- "It hath the eyes öf Ödin."
  • Peagawk_Hidden.pngPeagawk (hiding)- "
  • Peagawk_Hidden_Sleeping.pngPeagawk (sleeping)- "
  • Peagawk (dead)- "
  • Peagawk_Plume.pngPeagawk Plume- "Tis a priceless beauty."
  • Piko- "Döst thöu crave battle?"
  • Piko_Sleeping.pngPiko (sleeping)- "It slumbers unwisely."
  • Piko (dead)- "It has fallen."
  • Orange_Piko.pngOrange Piko- "I hath nö use för it."
  • Thunderbird- "This bird calls upön the mighty Thör!"
  • Thunder_Feather.pngThunder Feather- "A feather fröm Thör's bird."
Don't Starve Together[]
  • Mandrake (cooked)- "Grilled rutabaga."
  • Grass_Gekko.pngGrass Gekko- "What flaxen scales."
  • Star-sky- "An enscönced water sprite!"
  • Dead_Star-Sky.pngStar-sky (Hutch dead)- "An unförtunate casualty öf battle."
  • Hutch- "A löyal cömpaniön, if ever there were öne."
  • Canary.pngCanary- "Öh sweet söngbird, sing me thy tune!"
  • Canary (held)- "Freedöm has been wrenched from thy grasp by mine öwn."
  • Canary_%28Volatile%29.pngCanary (poisoned)- "What plague has beseiged this innöcent wöödland creature?"
  • Saffron Feather- "In remembrance öf a söngbird."
  • Lavae.pngExtra-Adorable Lavae (very happy)- "A faithful, fiery friend."
  • Extra-Adorable Lavae (happy)- "It glöws cöntentedly."
  • Lavae.pngExtra-Adorable Lavae (hungry)- "Yöu must eat tö keep yöur fires burning."
  • Extra-Adorable Lavae (starving)- "Its fires are dying öut."
  • Lavae_Egg.pngLavae Egg- "A dragön egg!"
  • Lavae Egg (cracked)- "It's warm and töasty."
  • Cold_Hatching_Lavae_Egg.pngLavae Egg (too cold)- "This egg lööks chilly."
  • Lavae Tooth- "A fearsöme eggy fang!"
  • Chilled_Lavae.pngChilled Lavae- "The best allies are made in the heat öf battle."
  • No-Eyed Deer- "The beauty öf Freya dwells in all creatures!"
  • No-Eyed_Deer_Horned.pngNo-Eyed Deer (horned)- "Skadi has bestöwed a gift ön Freya's creature."
  • Deer_Antler_B.pngDeer Antler- "The unicörn's hörn, in the flesh!"
  • Puffin.pngPuffin- "Cutest flying meat."
  • Puffin (held)- "Thöu art safe with me, sea meat."
  • Puffin_Sleeping.pngPuffin (sleeping)- "Grabbest thy shut eye!"
  • Carrat- "Vegetables are nöt tö be trusted!"
  • Carrat_Item.pngCarrat (held)- "I have yöu nöw, wicked vegetable."
  • Carrat (sleeping)- "A deceptive vegetable with nö hönör."
  • Carrat_Dead.pngCarrat (dead)- "It has breathed its last."
  • Moon Moth- "Tis light as a feather ön the breeze!"
  • Moon_Moth.pngMoon Moth (held)- "It is my ward, nöw."

Mobs - Tallbird family[]

Base Game[]
  • Tallbird.pngTallbird- "Fearsöme bird! But I am nöt afraid."
  • Tallbird Nest (with egg)- "A feathered warriör lurks inside."
  • Tallbird_Nest.pngTallbird Nest (empty)- "A yöung bird öf war will be börn söön."
  • Tallbird Egg- "It will gröw intö a förmidable föe."
  • Fried_Tallbird_Egg.pngFried Tallbird Egg- "It was yöu ör me, bird."
  • Hatching Tallbird Egg- "Fight yöur way öut, bird!"
  • Hatching_Tallbird_Egg.pngHatching Tallbird Egg (dead, eating the egg)- "Bönes and all."
  • Hatching Tallbird Egg (too hot)- "Börne öf flame! Unless it cööks!"
  • Tallbird_Egg_Too_Cold.pngHatching Tallbird Egg (too cold)- "This egg wöuld nöt survive a Nörse winter."
  • Hatching Tallbird Egg (long time left)- "A time remains beföre this bird is tö be börn."
  • Hatching_Tallbird_Egg.pngHatching Tallbird Egg (short time left)- "It will söön wake tö this wörld."
  • Smallbird- "Yöu are nöt fierce yet, bird."
  • Smallbird.pngSmallbird (hungry)- "Yöu must eat tö gröw ströng."
  • Smallbird (starving)- "The small bird lööks famished."
  • Teenbird.pngSmallish Tallbird- "Yöu are nöt yet ready för battle, bird."
  • Smallish Tallbird (hungry)- "I höpe yöu like vegetables- the meat is för me."
  • Teenbird.pngSmallish Tallbird (starving, attacking)- "Tö enter battle with me is yöur chöice, bird."
  • Pecked by a Smallish Tallbird- "Away feisty beaker!"
Don't Starve Together[]
  • Tallbird.pngTallbird- "A fearsöme bird! But I am nöt afraid."
  • Tallbird Nest (empty)- "A yöung bird öf war will söön be börn."
  • Teenbird.pngSmallish Tallbird (hungry)- "I höpe yöu like vegetables... the meat is för me."

Mobs - Bosses[]

Base Game[]
  • Treeguard.pngTreeguard (normal)- "That's an ancient wöödland being."
  • Treeguard (lumpy)- "
  • Spider_Queen.pngSpider Queen- "Finally, a true test öf my abilities."
  • Spiderhat- "A perfect way tö infiltrate the enemy camp."
  • Deerclops.pngDeerclops- "Rays will shine thröugh my spear and pöke öut yöur eyeball!"
  • Deerclops Eyeball- "Hmm, shall I eat it?"
  • Ancient_Guardian.pngAncient Guardian- "What wönders! Let's duel."
  • Guardian's Horn- "Can I add this tö my helmet?"
Reign of Giants[]
  • Bearger.pngBearger- "Beast ör bear-serker?"
  • Thick Fur- "It föught bravely but I have claimed its hide."
  • Goose.pngMoose/Goose- "I wish I cöuld ride it intö battle."
  • Empty_Goose_Nest.pngMoose/Goose Egg and Nest- "Sömething is böuncing aröund inside."
  • Mosling- "Yöu are nöt large enöugh tö be a steed."
  • Down_Feather.pngDown Feather- "A shieldmaiden deserves a söft bed öf dunn."
  • Dragonfly- "Ah dragön! We meet at last!"
  • Scales.pngScales- "Mystical scales."
  • Lava Spit (hot)- "Yöur fire pööls are nö match för me!"
  • Lava Spit (cool)- "It's nöt very scary nöw, is it?"
  • Palm Treeguard- "Tö arms!"
  • Quacken.pngQuacken- "I'll return yöu tö Hel herself!"
  • Quacken Tentacle- "
  • Chest_of_the_Depths.pngChest of the Depths- "Spöils öf war!"
  • Quacken Beak- "The remains öf a thrilling battle."
  • Sealnado.pngSealnado- "Yöu hide beneath wind, villain!"
  • Sealnado (failed attack)- "
  • Seal.pngSealnado (seal form)- "Yöu were the little guy döing all that huffing and puffing?!?"
  • Turbine Blades- "What kind öf strange swörd is this?"
  • Magic_Seal.pngMagic Seal- "I shall wield this with pröper respect för the mighty warriör wizard that left it."
  • Tiger Shark- "Take me tö Valhalla, devil öf the sea!"
  • Eye_of_the_Tiger_Shark.pngEye of the Tiger Shark- "I've göt the eye öf the tigershark!"
  • Shark Gills- "Shark gills!"
  • Pugalisk.pngPugalisk- "Have at thee!"
  • Snake Bone- "The bönes öf mine enemy!"
  • Petrifying_Bones.pngPetrifying Bones- "A töken fröm the battlefield."
  • Pugalisk Skull- "I hath vanquished a mighty föe!"
  • Queen_Womant.pngQueen Womant- "Thy röyal status means nöthing to me!"
  • Royal Crown- "Pöwer gifted by the göds."
  • Ancient_Herald.pngAncient Herald- "Signals the cöming öf Ragnarök!"
  • Dark Tatters- "Prööf I have cönquered an ancient being!"
  • Large_Iron_Hulk.pngLarge Iron Hulk- "Metal beast, yöu have met yöur match!"
  • Infused Iron- "It glöws with a warriör's spirit."
Don't Starve Together[]
  • Deerclops_Eyeball.pngDeerclops Eyeball- "Deliciöus! I shöuld like tö share it with my new allies."
  • Thick Fur- "It föught bravely but its hide is nöw förfeit."
  • Moose/Goose nesting ground- "A nest öf adörable villainy."
  • Bee_Queen.pngBee Queen- "Yöur mönarchy shall töpple this day!"
  • Bee Queen Crown- "Vikings dö nöt wear hörns."
  • Klaus.pngKlaus- "I shall free thy deer this day!"
  • Klaus (second form)- "Nöw the true battle begins!"
  • Stag_Antler.pngStag Antler- "What wönders will yöu reveal?"
  • Toadstool Cap- "Yöu will bend tö my blade, töadstööl!"
  • Toadstool_Cap_Stump_Icon.pngToadstool Cap (hole)- "A cleft in the earth."
  • Toadstool Cap (in ground)- "Sömething emerges!"
  • Toadstool.pngToadstool and Misery Toadstool- "Ha! Finally, a wörthy föe!"
  • Toadstool.pngToadstool and Misery Toadstool (enraged)- "Give me yöur best shöt, I'll nöt höld back!"
  • Sporecap_build.pngSporecap and Misery Sporecap- "Deströy the söurce öf its unhöly pöwer!"
  • Boomshroom_build.pngBoomshroom and Misery Boomshroom- "Defend thyselves, my allies!"
  • Shroom_Skin.pngShroom Skin- "A tröphy öf öur battles!"
  • Reanimated_Skeleton_Caves.pngReanimated Skeleton- "It lives tö battle önce möre!"
  • Reanimated_Skeleton_Caves.pngBone Snare (Reanimated Caves Skeleton and Ancient Fuelweaver)- "Nö cage can höld me!"
  • Ancient_Fuelweaver.pngAncient Fuelweaver (hitting Shadow Shield)-"Föul magics blöck mine blöws!"
  • Stalker_minion2.pngWoven Shadow- "A fiend wöven fröm the night!"
  • Bone Armor- "What devilish armör!"
  • Bone_Helm.pngBone Helm- "Immörtal's sight was nöt meant för thee."
  • Shadow Thurible- "Tis Löki's fröst giant lure."
  • Malbatross.pngMalbatross- "I will slay the föur-winged beast!"
  • Malbatross Feather- "The plume öf a fallen föe."
  • Malbatross_Bill.pngMalbatross Bill- "A tröphy fröm my victöry!"
  • Crab King- "Have at thee, cursed crustacean!"
  • Crab_King_Inert.pngCrab King (inert)- "A barren, sandy förtress."
  • Imposing Claw- "Prepare thyself tö be de-clawed!"
  • Cracked_Pearl.pngCracked Pearl- "The battle is wön, but at what cöst?"
  • Eye of Terror- "Be it the plucked eye of Odin, returned for revenge?"
  • Retinazor_Phase_1.pngTwins of Terror- "Do thine worst, foul metal fiend!"
  • Eye_Mask.pngEye Mask- "Follower of Heimdall, watch over my path!"
  • Shield of Terror- "Why cower behind a shield when you can strike with it!"

Abigail_build.pngMobs - Other[]

Base Game[]
  • Maxwell- "Arrg! Is that the antagönist tö my saga?!"
  • Pig_King.pngPig King- "Is it pig-Ödin?"
  • Wes (trapped)- "I'll save yöu, silent mörtal!"
  • Abigail_build.pngAbigail- "What dö yöu desire, apparitiön?"
Reign of Giants[]
  • Bigfoot- "That's sömething cömpletely different!"
  • Wilbur.pngSoggy Monkey (Wilbur)- "I kneel tö nö king, even adörable önes!"
  • Yaarctopus- "He seems öpen tö bartering."
  • Maxameleon.pngMaxameleon- "Leave my sight!"
  • BFB (head)- "I shall slay all three öf its heads."
  • BFB_Leg.pngBFB (leg)- "The leg öf a mighty beast!"
  • BFB (tail)- "The rump öf a mighty beast!"
Don't Starve Together[]
  • Antlion.pngAntlion- "Tis the mighty liön!"
  • Antlion (happy)- "The liön smiles upön us."
  • Antlion.pngAntlion (upset)- "We've incurred its wrath!"
  • Desert Stone- "A present fröm the mighty liön!"
  • Desert_Stone_Active.pngDesert Stone (active)- "I shall desert this föul place!"
  • Sand_Spike_Medium.pngSand Spike- "The earth itself dares tö fight me!"
  • Sand_Castle_ANR.pngSand Castle- "Tis a castle öf sand!"
  • Glass_Spike_Medium.pngGlass Spike- "Twas förged in flame."
  • Glass_Castle.pngGlass Castle- "Such beauty!"
  • Crabby Hermit/Pearl- "Be ye a sea witch? Ör just an öld cröne?"
  • Pearl%27s_Pearl.pngPearl's Pearl- "I shall prötect it with my life!"
  • Gestalt- "Göddess öf the möön, shine thy smile upön me!"
  • Pipspook.pngPipspook- "Such a wee specter!"
  • Royal-In-Progress- "Thöu art certain he is fit tö be leader?"
  • King_of_the_Merms.pngKing of the Merms- "Lörd öf the fish beasts!"
  • Woby (small)- "Wöuldst thöu like a skritch behind thine ears?"
  • Woby_Big.pngWoby (big)- "Hail, beastie!"
  • Grainy Transmission- "Hail stranger! Are ye friend ör föe?"

Other Players (Don%27t_Starve_Together_icon.pngonly)[]

  • Wilson.pngGeneric- "Wisdöm guide yöu, %s!"
  • Attacker- "Yöur hönör wavers, %s."
  • Skeleton.pngMurderer- "%s! Let us settle this in battle!"
  • Reviver- "%s prötects öur peöple."
  • Ghost_Wilson.pngGhost- "The fate of the Draugr is nöt yöurs tö take, %s. We quest för a heart!"
  • Firestarter- "Hm. I wörry aböut yöu sometimes, %s."
  • Generic- "Greetings %s, the Inflammable!"
  • Spear.pngAttacker- "Shöuld it cöme tö blöws, I wish önly that the best maiden triumph."
  • Murderer- "My spear was förged in passiönate fires, %s!"
  • Telltale_Heart.pngReviver- "%s has a nöble heart."
  • Ghost- "With a heart I shall wrench %s back fröm the jaws of death!"
  • Fire_Willow.pngFirestarter- "%s has möre fire in her eyes than usual."
  • Wolfgang.pngGeneric- "Health and strength tö yöu, %s!"
  • Attacker- "%s packs a punch tö rival a fröst giant."
  • Skeleton.pngMurderer- "Yöu will pay för yöur heinöus deeds, brute!"
  • Reviver- "%s, sön of Magni."
  • Ghost_Wolfgang.pngGhost- "A valiant warriör shöuld nöt be wasted. A heart, a heart!"
  • Firestarter- "%s seems tö have mistakenly fumbled a törch."
  • Generic- "Spirits be with yöu, %s!"
  • Spear.pngAttacker- "Dö nöt test me, fair maiden!"
  • Murderer- "%s, yöur bödy is weak but yöur heart is ströng! Let us fight!"
  • Telltale_Heart.pngReviver- "%s is channeling the spirit of Eir."
  • Ghost- "%s's restless spirit cöuld be revived with a heart."
  • Fire_Willow.pngFirestarter- "Ah. Have yöu singed yöur dress, fair maiden?"
  • WX-78.pngGeneric- "May Thör's bölts energize yöu, %s!"
  • Attacker- "If %s is lööking för tröuble, I'll give it tö them!"
  • Skeleton.pngMurderer- "We shall see whöse steel is strönger, %s!"
  • Reviver- "%s is brimming with hönör."
  • Ghost_WX-78.pngGhost- "Metal warriör, it is nöt your time. A heart!"
  • Firestarter- "That metal warriör wöuld see this wörld burn."
  • Generic- "Gööd health and wisdom tö yöu, elder %s!"
  • Spear.pngAttacker- "If %s is lööking för tröuble, I shall öblige!"
  • Murderer- "Murderer! Face me in battle!"
  • Telltale_Heart.pngReviver- "The wisdöm of Wötan dwells within yöu, %s."
  • Ghost- "A heart! A heart! My base för a heart!"
  • Fire_Willow.pngFirestarter- "I'll nöt questiön your wisdöm, %s."
  • Woodie.pngGeneric- "May Yggdrasil bind us as the nine wörlds, %s!"
  • Attacker- "I cöuld fell yöu like sö many trees, %s."
  • Skeleton.pngMurderer- "By Yggdrasil, I will cut yöu döwn!"
  • Reviver- "%s's heart is as mighty as his beard."
  • Ghost_Woodie.pngGhost- "The wörldtree still watches över yöu, %s. I shall retrieve a heart."
  • Werebeaver- "I did nöt knöw %s pössessed such pöwer!"
  • Werebeaver_Ghost.pngGhost Werebeaver- "Yöu went öut in a blaze öf glöry, %s."
  • Weremoose- "By the göds, I mistöök yöu för a jötunn!"
  • Weremoose_Ghost.pngGhost Weremoose- "Never fear, I'll return yöu tö this realm!"
  • Weregoose- "%s, yöu've becöme a föwl beast!"
  • Weregoose_Ghost.pngGhost Weregoose- "Wörry nöt, I wön't let yöu leave för Valhalla lööking like that!"
  • Firestarter- "Did he mistake "Löge" for "lög"?"
  • Generic- "Good health tö yöu, %s!"
  • Spear.pngAttacker- "If %s is lööking för tröuble, I'll give it tö him!"
  • Murderer- "May we meet again in Valhalla!"
  • Telltale_Heart.pngReviver- "%s has Höenir's blessing."
  • Ghost- "Meditate on Höenir's blessings, %s. I'll retrieve yöur heart."
  • Fire_Willow.pngFirestarter- "Dön't ruin yöur fair makeup with ashes, %s."
  • Maxwell.pngGeneric- "Greetings %s, my ally!"
  • Attacker- "I sense Löki's influence in %s."
  • Skeleton.pngMurderer- "Back tö yöur öld tricks, I see!"
  • Reviver- "%s has uncövered the kindness buried within his heart."
  • Ghost_Maxwell.pngGhost- "A heart cöuld return %s tö this realm if we sö wished."
  • Firestarter- "Löki has bröught %s intö a wörld öf flame."
  • Generic- "Gööd health tö yöu, fellow %s!"
  • Spear.pngAttacker- "%s is tempting fate."
  • Murderer- "There can be önly öne!"
  • Telltale_Heart.pngReviver- "%s, the perfect warriör!"
  • Ghost- "Yöu'll nöt away tö Valhalla withöut me, %s. A heart!"
  • Fire_Willow.pngFirestarter- "A fellöw Viking, förged in flames!"
  • Webber.pngGeneric- "Blessings upon yöu, spiderchild %s!"
  • Attacker- "There's a new hunger in %s's eyes."
  • Skeleton.pngMurderer- "I've felled greater mönsters than yöu, %s! Let us fight!"
  • Reviver- "%s's spirit burns bright like Söl."
  • Webber_Ghost.pngGhost- "May yöu return with the swiftness of Sleipnir, many-legged one."
  • Firestarter- "His flames are as öpen as his heart."
  • Generic- "Greetings, brave %s!"
  • Spear.pngAttacker- "Döst thöu test me, %s?"
  • Murderer- "I shall unleash Ragnarök upön thee!"
  • Telltale_Heart.pngReviver- "%s is guided by Brökkr."
  • Ghost- "%s hath fallen! A heart!"
  • Fire_Willow.pngFirestarter- "%s's flames cöuld temper steel."
  • Wortox_DST.pngGeneric- "Hail, fire giant %s!"
  • Attacker- "Back! Back, beast!"
  • Skeleton.pngMurderer- "%s will pay för his trespasses!"
  • Reviver- "%s abides by a warriör's cöde."
  • Ghost_Wortox.pngGhost- "An hönörable Viking leaves nö öne behind!"
  • Firestarter- "%s stepped förth fröm Hel's flames!"
  • Generic- "Greetings, %s, töuched by Yggdrasil!"
  • Spear.pngAttacker- "Rumörs öf %s's terrible act have spread like weeds."
  • Murderer- "I will rööt yöu öut, mönströus plant!"
  • Telltale_Heart.pngReviver- "%s is a kind and förmidable healer."
  • Ghost- "My dear friend hath fallen in battle!"
  • Fire_Willow.pngFirestarter- "%s is sure to be scalded by Hel's flames!"
  • Warly_DST.pngGeneric- "Hail, %s, blessed feast-förge!"
  • Attacker- "What nefariöus plöts döth %s stew upön?"
  • Skeleton.pngMurderer- "We will höld a valöröus feast at yöur defeat!"
  • Reviver- "%s's heart is as full as his belly."
  • Ghost_Warly.pngGhost- "The feast hall öf Valhalla will öne day welcöme yöu. But nöt töday."
  • Firestarter- "%s's summöned Hel's flames this day!"
  • Generic- "Hail, %s, small beastie öf the marshlands!"
  • Spear.pngAttacker- "Ah, yöu wish tö test yöur mettle in cömbat? As yöu wish!"
  • Murderer- "I will nöt be defeated sö easily, beastie!"
  • Telltale_Heart.pngReviver- "It seems yöu have a kind heart 'neath that scaly hide."
  • Ghost- "Yöu've a warriör's spirit, but you're nöt ready för Valhalla yet!"
  • Fire_Willow.pngFirestarter- "%s töys with Hel's flames!"
  • Walter_DST.pngGeneric- "Gööd health tö yöu, %s, and tö yöur löyal beast!"
  • Attacker- "Cönsider yöur actiöns wisely, %s."
  • Skeleton.pngMurderer- "Have at thee, yöu and yöur wicked beast!"
  • Reviver- "%s carries with him a true sense öf hönör."
  • Ghost_Walter.pngGhost- "By my hönör, I will bring yöu back tö this wörld!"
  • Firestarter- "%s, why dö yöu break yöur cherished cöde?"
  • Generic- "Gööd health tö yöu thröugh the ages, %s!"
  • Spear.pngAttacker- "Yöu think it wise tö test me, %s?"
  • Murderer- "Thöu shall answer för this betrayal, %s! Meet my spear!"
  • Telltale_Heart.pngReviver- "%s is a pöwerful ally indeed."
  • Ghost- "Fear nöt! I will find yöu a heart, with utmöst haste!"
  • Fire_Willow.pngFirestarter- "I dön't wish tö questiön yöur intentiöns, %s..."
Other (Mod Characters)[]
  • Placeholder.pngGeneric- "Gööd health tö yöu, %s!"
  • Attacker- "If %s is lööking för tröuble, I'll give it tö them!"
  • Skeleton.pngMurderer- "Murderer! Tö battle!"
  • Reviver- "Freya smiles ön %s."
  • Ghost_Build.pngGhost- "%s's restless spirit cöuld be revived with a heart."
  • Firestarter- "Förged in flame!"

Meat.pngFood - Meats[]

Base Game[]
  • Egg- "Eggy."
  • Cooked_Egg.pngEgg (cooked)- "Höt egg."
  • Meat- "The true fruit öf the earth!"
  • Cooked_Meat.pngCooked Meat- "Meeeat!"
  • Jerky- "Excellent battle prövisiöns."
  • Morsel.pngMorsel- "A nice meaty snack."
  • Cooked Morsel- "Yum, yum, meat snacks."
  • Small_Jerky.pngSmall Jerky- "A small prövisiön för a löng campaign."
  • Monster Meat- "Meat öf the dark beasts."
  • Cooked_Monster_Meat.pngCooked Monster Meat- "Mönster beast steak."
  • Monster Jerky- "All dried up."
  • Leafy_Meat.pngLeafy Meat- "I suppöse it's clöse enöugh."
  • Cooked Leafy Meat- "Still green, but it'll dö."
  • Drumstick.pngDrumstick- "Leg öf beastie, in my belly."
  • Fried Drumstick- "Höööööt meat!"
  • Fish.pngFish- "Meat öf the sea!"
  • Cooked Fish- "Jöy!"
  • Eel.pngEel- "Deliciöus slimy snake fish."
  • Cooked Eel- "Höt eel!"
  • Koalefant_Trunk.pngKoalefant Trunk- "A pöwerful trunk öf a fallen nöt-sö-hairy beast."
  • Winter Koalefant Trunk- "A pöwerful trunk öf a fallen hairy beast."
  • Koalefant_Trunk_Steak.pngKoalefant Trunk Steak- "A juicy reward after a hard battle."
  • Frog Legs- "Filled with rubbery prötein!"
  • Cooked_Frog_Legs.pngCooked Frog Legs- "I like when I can see the bönes sticking öut."
  • Batilisk Wing- "Like the wings öf my helm, önly meatier."
  • Cooked_Batilisk_Wing.pngCooked Batilisk Wing- "Cööked dark wing."
  • Dead Dogfish- "Rest easy in Valhalla."
  • Dead_Swordfish.pngDead Swordfish- "Önward tö Valhalla, brave fish."
  • Tropical Fish- "Inside it is the cölör öf meat!"
  • Dead_Jellyfish.pngDead Jellyfish- "The sea mönster rides tö Valhalla!"
  • Cooked Jellyfish- "The sea mönster cööks up well!"
  • Dead_Rainbow_Jellyfish.pngDead Rainbow Jellyfish- "Tö swim, tö sting nö möre."
  • Cooked Rainbow Jellyfish- "Ah, a pröper meal!"
  • Dried_Jellyfish.pngDried Jellyfish- "My teeth shall dö battle with yöu."
  • Fish_Morsel.pngRaw Fish and Fish Morsel- "This sea meat will serve me well."
  • "Ballphin Free" Tuna- "Fööd that can survive a vöyage!"
  • Fish_Steak.pngFish Steak- "Jöy!"
  • Cooked Fish Morsel- "This meat will swim in my belly!"
  • Limpets.pngLimpets- "Röck meat!"
  • Cooked Limpets- "Let us feast!"
  • Mussel.pngMussel- "Yöu dön't löök ströng."
  • Cooked Mussel- "Ströng taste."
  • Roe.pngRoe- "Öne day yöu may be true meat."
  • Cooked Roe- "Yöu shall never be true meat nöw."
  • Neon_Quattro.pngNeon Quattro- "Thöu shalt swim nö möre."
  • Cooked Neon Quattro- "Njörd gives me my fill this day."
  • Pierrot_Fish.pngPierrot Fish- "I wish this meat did nöt have such large eyes."
  • Cooked Pierrot Fish- "Thank yöu, fish, för the gift öf thy meat."
  • Purple_Grouper.pngPurple Grouper- "Aegir shall nöt save yöu this day."
  • Cooked Purple Grouper- "Thank Njörd för this gift!"
  • Shark_Fin.pngShark Fin- "A töken fröm a fallen warriör."
  • Dead Wobster- "Sleep in Valhalla, armöred öne."
  • Cooked_Wobster.pngDelicious Wobster- "Yöur armör hides tasty meat."
  • Bile-Covered Slop- "The fööd öf my enemy's children is... what tö me?"
  • Dragoon_Heart.pngDragoon Heart- "My fallen föe has given me a gift!"
  • Poison Dartfrog Legs- "Its meat hath been tainted!"
  • Cooked_Dartfrog_Legs.pngCooked Dartfrog Legs- "Cautiön tö the wind, I shall cönsume thee!"
  • Gummy Slug- "Tis slimy but t'will fill mine belly."
  • Cooked_Gummy_Slug.pngCooked Gummy Slug- "Meaty meat!"
Don't Starve Together[]
  • Drumstick- "Leg öf beastie."
  • Runty_Guppy.pngRunty Guppy- "Tis barely a mörsel!"
  • Needlenosed Squirt- "There's barely any meat ön these fishbönes!"
  • Bitty_Baitfish.pngBitty Baitfish- "Tis önly a wee beastie."
  • Smolt Fry- "This amöunt öf meat will hardly satisfy a Viking!"
  • Popperfish.pngPopperfish- "Tis naught but a small snack."
  • Fallounder- "It is suspiciöusly leafy."
  • Bloomfin_Tuna.pngBloomfin Tuna- "Are ye fish ör flöwer?"
  • Scorching Sunfish- "By Sól! It wields the pöwer öf the sun!"
  • Spittlefish.pngSpittlefish- "Yöu dare spit at a Viking warriör?"
  • Mudfish- "Meat is meat."
  • Deep_Bass.pngDeep Bass- "Yöu will make a fine meal!"
  • Dandy Lionfish- "The beastie put up an admirable fight."
  • Black_Catfish.pngBlack Catfish- "There's an air öf ill luck aröund this öne..."
  • Corn Cod- "This lööks suspiciöusly veggie-like."
  • Ice_Bream.pngIce Bream- "It must hail fröm the icy waters öf Niflheim."
  • Sweetish Fish- "Are ye fish ör fruit? My eyes hath been decieved beföre!"
  • Freshwater_Fish.pngFreshwater Fish- "Pönd meat!"
  • Barnacles- "'Tis a paltry bit öf sea meat."
  • Cooked_Barnacles.pngCooked Barnacles- "Yöu will find a new höme in my belly."
  • Naked Nostrils- "A tröphy fröm the hunt."
  • Charred_Nostrils.pngCharred Nostrils- "If it's meat, I shall eat it!"

Food - Fruits[]

Base Game[]
  • Berries.pngBerries- "Fruits. I dön't like 'em."
  • Roasted Berries- "Warm red mush."
  • Cave_Banana.pngCave Banana- "Mönkey fööd."
  • Cooked Cave Banana- "Warmed mönkey fööd."
  • Dragon_Fruit.pngDragon Fruit- "It's very fancy."
  • Prepared Dragon Fruit- "Grilled fancy fruit."
  • Durian.pngDurian- "Smells like my battle bööts."
  • Extra Smelly Durian- "Why did I cöök this again?"
  • Pomegranate.pngPomegranate- "Fruity flesh."
  • Sliced Pomegranate- "Seared fruit flesh."
Reign of Giants[]
  • Watermelon.pngWatermelon- "It makes a gööd söund when yöu hit it."
  • Grilled Watermelon- "Warm and red, but it döesn't flöw."
  • Banana.pngBanana- "Mönkey fööd."
  • Cooked Banana- "Warmed mönkey fööd."
  • Coconut.pngCoconut- "The hardest öf fruits."
  • Halved Coconut- "I have cleaved the nut and it has shöwn me its insides!"
  • Roasted_Coconut.pngRoasted Coconut- "I shall feast ön this large nut."
  • Coffee Beans- "I take mine black."
  • Cooked_Coffee_Beans.pngRoasted Coffee Beans- "It smells energizing."
Don't Starve Together[]
  • Extra Smelly Durian- "What was the purpöse of cööking this?"
  • Lesser_Glow_Berry.pngLesser Glow Berry- "Glöw! Glöw with all yöur might!"
  • Juicy Berries- "I'd prefer a juicy steak."
  • Roasted_Juicy_Berries.pngRoasted Juicy Berries- "Yöu're nöt meat."
  • Fig- "Bah! Föul nön-meat!"
  • Cooked_Fig.pngCooked Fig- "Röasted fig flesh."

Food - Vegetables[]

Base Game[]
  • Carrot.pngCarrot- "Where's the prötein?"
  • Roasted Carrot- "Sad cööked carröts."
  • Corn.pngCorn- "A vegetable swörd!"
  • Popcorn- "Pöpped cörn smells gööd."
  • Eggplant.pngEggplant- "Purpley and bulböus."
  • Braised Eggplant- "Fööd för the weak."
  • Pumpkin.pngPumpkin- "It might make a gööd bludgeön, at least."
  • Hot Pumpkin- "Piping höt örange mush."
  • Red_Cap.pngRed Cap- "Umami ör nöt, I dön't want it."
  • Cooked Red Cap- "I wön't eat it, but it was fun tö put in the fire."
  • Green_Cap.pngGreen Cap- "Terrible!"
  • Cooked Green Cap- "Charred by flame ör nöt, it will nöt töuch my lips!"
  • Blue_Cap.pngBlue Cap- "Hmm, a blue öne."
  • Cooked Blue Cap- "I still dön't want tö eat it."
  • Glow_Berry.pngGlow Berry- "Glöwing treasure, I can't resist!"
  • Lichen- "I picked it. But I wön't eat it."
Reign of Giants[]Shipwrecked[]Hamlet[]
  • Aloe- "Bah! There is nö meat in here!"
  • Cooked_Aloe.pngCooked Aloe- "It lacks meat!"
  • Asparagus- "Vegetable! I shall nöt cönsume thee!"
  • Cooked_Asparagus.pngCooked Asparagus- "Fire döth nöt make thine möre palatable!"
  • Bean Bugs- "Föur legged fööd."
  • Cooked_Bean_Bugs.pngCooked Bean Bugs- "Meat!"
  • Lotus Flower- "It pössesses Freya's great beauty."
  • Cooked_Lotus_Root.pngCooked Lotus Root- "
  • Nettle- "Its smell döth vanquish mine sinuses."
  • Radish.pngRadish- "It hath nö use tö me!"
  • Cooked Radish- "Fire döes nöthing tö impröve it!"
  • Tuber.pngTuber- "'Tis unripe nön-meat."
  • Fried Tuber- "Fire döes nöthing tö make thee edible!"
  • Blooming_Tuber.pngBlooming Tuber- "'Tis ripe nön-meat."
  • Fried Blooming Tuber- "I care nöt if 'tis cööked."
Don't Starve Together[]
  • Cooked_Red_Cap.pngCooked Red Cap- "I dön't want it, but I'm glad it survived trial by fire."
  • Cooked Green Cap- "Charred by flame ör nöt, that will nöt töuch my lips!"
  • Cooked_Blue_Cap.pngCooked Blue Cap- "I have nö desire tö eat it."
  • Lichen- "Even if I ate plants, I wöuldn't eat THAT plant."
  • Cooked_Asparagus.pngCooked Asparagus- "Fire döes nöt make it möre palatable."
  • Kelp Fronds- "Ridiculöus sea vegetable."
  • Cooked_Kelp_Fronds.pngCooked Kelp Fronds- "Tis even wörse than beföre."
  • Dried Kelp Fronds- "I despise it."
  • Stone_Fruit.pngStone Fruit- "Tis either a röck ör vegetable. Neither are fööd."
  • Ripe Stone Fruit- "Yuck."
  • Cooked_Stone_Fruit.pngCooked Stone Fruit- "I shall nöt eat that."
  • Garlic- "Föul ingredient!"
  • Roast_Garlic.pngRoasted Garlic- "The stench!"
  • Onion- "I dare thee, prövöke tears fröm mine eyes!"
  • Roast_Onion.pngRoasted Onion- "It has been vanquished with fire."
  • Pepper- "Its mere presence öffends me."
  • Roasted_Pepper.pngRoasted Pepper- "It is nöt wörthy öf my cönsumptiön."
  • Potato- "Vileness emerged fröm the earth."
  • Roasted_Potato.pngRoasted Potato- "It is öf nö use tö me."
  • Toma Root- "It will nöt pass my lips!"
  • Roast_Toma_Root.pngRoasted Toma Root- "It böasts reddest guts, yet 'tis nöt meat!"
  • Moon Shroom- "Despicable nön-meat!"
  • Cooked_Moon_Shroom.pngCooked Moon Shroom- "Such a thing will never pass my lips!"
  • Fire Nettle Fronds- "They fight like cöwards."
  • Forget-Me-Lots.pngForget-Me-Lots- "I dö nöt trust them."
  • Tillweeds- "Remöve yöurself fröm my sight, cöwardly weed!"

Ratatouille.pngFood - Crock Pot[]

Base Game[]
  • Bacon and Eggs- "Pig and eggs!"
  • Butter_Muffin.pngButter Muffin- "Muffin, smuffin."
  • Dragonpie- "Why isn't this a meat pie? Meat, meeeat!"
  • Fishsticks.pngFishsticks- "Spears öf sea meat."
  • Fish Tacos- "Fish in a blanket!"
  • Fist_Full_of_Jam.pngFist Full of Jam- "Sticky and gröss."
  • Froggle Bunwich- "What a treat!"
  • Fruit_Medley.pngFruit Medley- "Ugh! Putting it intö a cup döesn't fööl me."
  • Honey Ham- "A hearty feast!"
  • Honey_Nuggets.pngHoney Nuggets- "A meaty, nuggety feast!"
  • Kabobs- "Meat jammed ön a stick! Yes!"
  • Mandrake_Soup.pngMandrake Soup- "A stew öf magic!"
  • Meatballs- "Tiny feast balls."
  • Meaty_Stew.pngMeaty Stew- "Deliciöus!"
  • ​Monster Lasagna- "Mönster casseröle."
  • Pierogi.pngPierogi- "Pöckets öf meat."
  • Powdercake- "What in the name öf the unicörn is this?"
  • Pumpkin_Cookies.pngPumpkin Cookies- "Baked all the life öut öf it."
  • Ratatouille- "A pile öf vegetables. Nö thanks."
  • Stuffed_Eggplant.pngStuffed Eggplant- "Filling the vegetable döes nöt make it meat."
  • Taffy- "Löng will the saga öf this taffy be töld."
  • Turkey_Dinner.pngTurkey Dinner- "A true feast."
  • Unagi- "Nö need för fööd tö be sö fancy."
  • Waffles.pngWaffles- "Waffles are nö way tö prepare för battle!"
  • Wet Goop- "Slöp."
Reign of Giants[]
  • Flower_Salad.pngFlower Salad- "Leaves are för animals."
  • Guacamole- "Yum, creamy!"
  • Ice_Cream.pngIce Cream- "It hurts my teeth."
  • Melonsicle- "Yöu cannöt fööl me by hiding in frözen fruit, stick."
  • Spicy_Chili.pngSpicy Chili- "A test öf my willpöwer."
  • Trail Mix- "Meat öf a nut is nöt true meat."
  • Banana_Pop.pngBanana Pop- "I've sömehöw föund a way tö make it even LESS appealing!"
  • Bisque- "Nöt a bad dish."
  • California_Roll.pngCalifornia Roll- "That's just a mörsel öf fish fööd."
  • Ceviche- "Fancy för my taste, but it'll dö."
  • Coffee.pngCoffee- "Bitter and pulse-pöunding."
  • Jelly-O Pop- "I cöuld gö berserk ön these!"
  • Wobster_Bisque.pngLobster Bisque- "That's möre like it."
  • Lobster Dinner- "I triumphed över my wöbster föe."
  • Seafood_Gumbo.pngSeafood Gumbo- "A meal fit för a queen."
  • Shark Fin Soup- "Deliciöus!"
  • Surf_%27n%27_Turf.pngSurf 'n' Turf- "Yuck! Turf!"
  • Fresh Fruit Crepes- "Sö light and airy!"
  • Monster_Tartare.pngMonster Tartare- "Still quivering."
  • Mussel Bouillabaise- "Thin, but warming."
  • Sweet_Potato_Souffle.pngSweet Potato Souffle- "It is filled with deliciöus air!"
  • Caviar- "I wöuld have rathered the fish."
  • Tropical_Bouillabaisse.pngTropical Bouillabaisse- "Tis a fish feast!"
  • Asparagus Soup- "I shall nöt cönsume thee!"
  • Feijoada.pngFeijoada- "I shall cönsume yöu meaty beans!"
  • Gummy Cake- "Jelly cake - prepare tö be eaten!"
  • Hard_Shell_Tacos.pngHard Shell Tacos- "Thy crunchy shell delights me nöt!!!"
  • Iced Tea- "It cöntains nöt the meat!"
  • Nettle_Rolls.pngNettle Rolls- "Innöcuöus inöculatiön."
  • Snake Bone Soup- "A meaty bröth!"
  • Spicy_Vegetable_Stinger.pngSpicy Vegetable Stinger- "Thy spicyness intrigues me nöt!"
  • Steamed Ham Sandwich- "'Tis öbviöusly grilled!"
  • Tea.pngTea- "I shall cönsume thee!"
Don't Starve Together[]
  • Flower Salad- "Leaves are för animals. Animals are för eating."
  • Ice_Cream.pngIce Cream- "That stuff hurts my teeth."
  • Spicy Chili- "A true test öf willpöwer."
  • Trail_Mix.pngTrail Mix- "Meat öf the nut is nöt true meat."
  • Jellybeans- "The yield öf an industriöus candy farmer."
  • Bone_Bouillon.pngBone Bouillon- "A feast fit för the göds!"
  • Hot Dragon Chili Salad- "Yeuch! I was prömised a feast!"
  • Fish_Cordon_Bleu.pngFish Cordon Bleu- "My ally is a göd amöng men."
  • Asparagazpacho- "My mind döth questiön Warly's allegiances."
  • Glow_Berry_Mousse.pngGlow Berry Mousse- "A repulsive vegetable cöncöctiön."
  • Creamy Potato Purée- "I'll nöt be fööled by yöur new mash-ed förm, vegetable!"
  • Moqueca.pngMoqueca- "A treat för mine senses!"
  • Grim Galette- "I am wary öf this pie."
  • Stuffed_Pepper_Poppers.pngStuffed Pepper Poppers- "Back, vile vegetables!"
  • Puffed Potato Soufflé- "What treachery is this?"
  • Fancy_Spiralled_Tubers.pngFancy Spiralled Tubers- "Blech."
  • Salsa Fresca- "A disappöinting mush."
  • Volt_Goat_Chaud-Froid.pngVolt Goat Chaud-Froid- "Well, it is technically made fröm a beast."
  • Barnacle Pita- "Why hide the meat within this bready pöcket?"
  • Barnacle_Nigiri.pngBarnacle Nigiri- "I hunger för möre!"
  • Barnacle Linguine- "It slays my hunger söundly!"
  • Stuffed_Fish_Heads.pngStuffed Fish Heads- "För thöse whö are ströng öf will, and ströng öf stömach."
  • Leafy Meatloaf- "It has a suspiciöusly nön-meat smell tö it."
  • Veggie_Burger.pngVeggie Burger- "This will suffice until I find real meat."
  • Jelly Salad- "A nightmarish visiön... but fööd nönetheless."
  • Beefy_Greens.pngBeefy Greens- "My instincts scream against this."
  • Mushy Cake- "A Viking wöuld never stööp tö eat such an unwörthy thing."
  • Soothing_Tea.pngSoothing Tea- "A warriör döes nöt partake in "tea time"."
  • Figatoni- "I will nöt sully my warriör tastebuds with such filth."
  • Figkabab.pngFigkabab- "Fööd with a wööden spear lanced thröugh it!"
  • Fig-Stuffed Trunk- "The trunk hath been fattened up."
  • Figgy_Frogwich.pngFiggy Frogwich- "Intö my belly with ye!"
  • Bunny Stew- "A hearty meal wörthy öf praise!"
  • Frozen_Banana_Daiquiri.pngFrozen Banana Daiquiri‎- "Mönkey drink."

Food - Other[]

Base Game[]Reign of Giants[]
  • Roasted Birchnut- "I cööked the yöung tree."
  • Electric_Milk.pngElectric Milk- "This is pöwerful milk."
  • Watermelon Seeds- "Seedy."
  • Blubber.pngBlubber- "This is much prized by my peöple!"
  • Brainy Matter- "If I eat öf it will I gain its knöwledge?"
  • Sweet_Potato_Seeds.pngSweet Potato Seeds- "These will gröw sweetly."
  • Clippings- "Debris fröm hard wörk."
  • Cooked_Seed_Pod.pngCooked Seed Pod- "Even töuched by fire, I will nöt cönsume it!
  • Flytrap Stalk- "Tis the heart öf a defeated plant warriör."
  • Nectar.pngNectar- "Fööd för insects, nöt wörthy öf a shieldmaiden."
  • Magic Water- "Tis a dröp öf water, töuched by Freya."
  • Aloe_Seeds.pngAloe Seeds- "I will nöt plant it!"
  • Asparagus Seeds- "This serves me nö purpöse!"
  • Radish_Seeds.pngRadish Seeds- "It döes nöthing för me!"
Don't Starve Together[]
  • Roasted Birchnut- "The yöung tree has been cööked."
  • Asparagus_Seeds.pngAsparagus Seeds- "These serve me nö purpöse!"
  • Royal Jelly- "Tö absörb the felled queen's pöwer!"
  • Moon_Moth_Wings.pngMoon Moth Wings- "Fare thee well, little möth."
  • Onion_Seeds.pngToma_Root_Seeds.pngGarlic, Onion, Potato, and Toma Root Seeds- "'Tis a handful öf seeds, för nöt-meat."
  • Pepper Seeds- "Smaller versiöns öf vegetables still öffend me."
  • Milky_Whites.pngMilky Whites- "The gööpy spöils öf victöry!"

Misc Items[]

Base Game[]
  • Blueprint.pngBlueprint- "Öh, a map! Nö, wait. That's wröng."
  • Gears- "These might löök nice glued tö my helm."
  • Ashes.pngAshes- "The flames' remains."
  • Ashes of item- "It's burnt. Göne."
  • Red_Gem.pngRed Gem- "It is höt tö the töuch."
  • Blue Gem- "An icy blue sapphire."
  • Yellow_Gem.pngYellow Gem- "A yellöw beaut."
  • Green Gem- "An emerald stöne."
  • Orange_Gem.pngOrange Gem- "A stöne öf örange."
  • Beard Hair- "Fur öf the crazies."
  • Manure.pngManure- "If önly I cöuld use it as camöuflage fröm predatörs."
  • Guano- "Hmm, dark wing turds."
  • Melty_Marbles.pngMelty Marbles- "Töys dö nöt interest a great warriör such as I."
  • Fake Kazoo- "Accömpaniment för the söng öf my triumphs."
  • Gord%27s_Knot.pngGord's Knot- "Even my spear cannöt undö this knöt."
  • Gnome- "A peculiar small man."
  • Tiny_Rocketship.pngTiny Rocketship- "Will it take me tö Asgard?"
  • Frazzled Wires- "Useless technölögy."
  • Ball_and_Cup.pngBall and Cup- "Nö time för games! There is battle at hand!"
  • Hardened Rubber Bung- "It wöuld make an ökay weapön in a pinch."
  • Mismatched_Buttons.pngMismatched Buttons- "Nö decent armör can be made with these."
  • Second-hand Dentures- "A töken öf victöry."
  • Lying_Robot.pngLying Robot- "A warriör encased in a fine armör."
  • Dessicated Tentacle- "Shörn fröm a hideöus mönster."
  • ファイル:Dwarf Star.pngDwarf Star- "Behöld! A gift fröm Wötan!"
Reign of Giants[]
  • Webberskull.pngWebber's Skull- "He föught with böldness, but his burial will nöt be that öf a Viking."
  • Bone Shards- "Bits öf my enemies."
  • Old_Bell.pngOld Bell Blueprint- "Knöwledge tö enrich öne's söle."
  • Venom_Gland.pngVenom Gland- "The söurce öf the fevers."
  • Dubloons- "The spöils öf the fallen!"
  • Hail.pngHail- "The sky is thröwing ice!"
  • Message in a Bottle- "A message fröm Valhalla?"
  • Spoiled_Fish.pngSpoiled Fish- "Yöu smell öf yöur failure."
  • Snake Oil- "What pöwerful pröperties döes this bestöw?"
  • Harpoon.pngHarpoon- "I shalt bring the hunt tö the seas!"
  • Trident- "A weapön fit för a göd!"
  • Peg_Leg.pngPeg Leg- "This leg will make a fine basher!"
  • Orange Soda- "What föul mead is this?"
  • Voodoo_Doll.pngVoodoo Doll- "The töy öf a babe. Ör is it?"
  • Ukulele- "A weapön öf annöyance."
  • License_Plate.pngLicense Plate- "A piece öf armör?"
  • Ancient Vase- "I dön't recögnize this craftsmanship."
  • Brain_Cloud_Pill.pngBrain Cloud Pill- "It is always clear skies in my brain."
  • Wine Bottle Candle and Soaked Candle- "Söggy candle."
  • Broken_AAC_Device.pngBroken AAC Device- "A bröken sömething."
  • One True Earring- "Whö might this belöng tö?"
  • Old_Boot.pngOld Boot- "A warriör walks intö Valhalla barefööt..."
  • Sextant- "Söme kind öf crude weapön?"
  • Toy_Boat.pngToy Boat- "A child's löngship."
  • Sea Worther- "Sea sörcery."
  • Iron_Key.pngIron Key- "A strange key!"
  • Bone Key- "What might this öpen?"
  • Golden_Key.pngGolden Key- "Anöther key!"
  • Tarnished Crown- "I plunder what this is?"
  • Oinc.pngOinc- "Njörd bestöws a gift upön me this day."
  • Tenpiece Oinc- "I shalt be the möst prösperöus Valkyrie!"
  • Centapiece_Oinc.pngCentapiece Oinc- "Mine cönquests hath been pröfitable!"
  • Executive Hammer- "'tis the Mjölnir öf the city."
  • Lost_Idol.pngLost Idol- "Surely it hölds great pöwer."
  • Lost Totem- "It must pössess incredible magics."
  • Relic_Fragment.pngRelic Fragment- "A gift för the pigs, bestöwed by the göds."
  • The Blue Sow- "
  • The_Jeweled_Truffle.pngThe Jeweled Truffle- "
  • Pherostone- "A stöne öf magic language."
  • Alloy.pngAlloy- "A metal wörthy öf the Söns öf Ivaldi."
  • Chitin- "The feeble armör öf the bug."
  • Stalking_Stick.pngStalking Stick- "Tö assist in mine löngest jöurney."
  • Deed of home ownership- "A place tö keep mine things."
  • Regal_Scepter.pngRegal Scepter- "A möst pöwerful scepter!"
  • Royal Gallery Key- "
  • Key_to_the_City.pngKey to the City- "
  • Queen Malfalfa- "An idöl, thöugh nöt tö mine Göds."
  • Post_Card_of_the_Royal_Palace.pngPost Card of the Royal Palace- "För tö chrönicle mine adventures."
  • Can of Silly String- "A tööl öf Löki!"
  • Noxious_Cloud.pngNoxious Cloud- "Nöxiöus fumes. I will leave them be!"
Don't Starve Together[]
  • Fake Kazoo- "Accömpaniment för the ballad öf my triumphs."
  • Gnome.pngGnome- "A small, peculiar man."
  • Ball and Cup- "Nö time för games! I must train my new allies!"
  • Lying_Robot.pngLying Robot- "A warriör encased in armör. I'm töld its name is 'Hal'."
  • Dessicated Tentacle- "Remnants öf Ms. Wicker's summöns? Truly a fierce wöman."
  • Bone_Shards.pngBone Shards- "Bits öf öur enemies."
  • Abigail_Flower.pngAbigail's Flower (held and stage 1)- "För me?"
  • Abigail's Flower (stage 2)- "What is it döing?"
  • Abigail_Flower2.pngAbigail's Flower (stage 3)- "Sömething wicked this way cömes."
  • Abigail's Flower (ready, held)- "Perhaps it's best we part ways..."
  • Abigail_Flower_Haunted.pngAbigail's Flower (ready)- "What is it waiting för?!"
  • Lucy the Axe- "It's nice, but it's nö spear."
  • Codex_Umbra.pngCodex Umbra- "A tragic tale öf wöe and misery!"
  • Blueprint (rare)- "Tis a blessed scröll."
  • Fur_Tuft.pngFur Tuft- "Fur fröm a large beastie."
  • Sketch- "The muses' knöwledge, inscribed upön an ancient scröll!"
  • Advert.pngAdvert- "This scröll bears hidden secrets öf fishing!"
  • Ancient Key- "Heimdallr's key tö the Bifröst."
  • Shadow_Atrium.pngShadow Atrium- "Blackest hearts. Darkest ömens."
  • Gnomette- "A small, peculiar wöman."
  • Leaky_Teacup.pngLeaky Teacup- "Tea is a luxury that warriörs cannöt afförd."
  • Black_Bishop.pngWhite and Black Bishop- "A nöble fighter."
  • Bent Spork- "A pöör weapön."
  • Toy_Trojan_Horse.pngToy Trojan Horse- "I must mentör the yöung öne in battle strategy."
  • Unbalanced Top- "A useless töy."
  • Back_Scratcher.pngBack Scratcher- "Finally, a safe weapön with which tö spar with my new allies."
  • Beaten Beater- "Cööking utensils dö nöt interest me."
  • Frayed_Yarn.pngFrayed Yarn- "It wön't stand up tö the rigörs öf battle."
  • Shoe Horn- "Nöt as useful as a battle hörn."
  • White_Knight.pngWhite and Black Knight- "Tis nöt a unicörn."
  • Lucky_Cat_Jar.pngLucky Cat Jar- "Grant me luck ön the battlefield!"
  • Air Unfreshener- "Perhaps the stench will drive the enemy away."
  • Potato_Cup.pngPotato Cup- "My allies will appreciate the survival training I've bestöwed."
  • Black_Rook.pngWhite and Black Rook- "Even the feeble can wage mighty battle upön the böard."
  • Wire Hanger- "This weak, flimsy wire reminds me... I must töughen Maxwell up!"
  • Blue_Moonlens.pngBlue Moonlens- "Ödin's eye!"
  • Green Moonlens- "Ödin gave his eye that we might see."
  • Red_Moonlens.pngRed Moonlens- "Ödin's eye, grant us wisdom!"
  • Orange Moonlens- "May Ödin guide us."
  • Purple_Moonlens.pngPurple Moonlens- "Ödin's eye guides öur path."
  • Yellow Moonlens- "Ödin, lend us your sight!"
  • Iridescent_Gem.pngIridescent Gem- "The spöils öf war!"
  • Moon Caller's Staff- "It weaves the cöld fröm thin air!"
  • Polar_Light.pngPolar Light- "Frigid as a fröst giant's heart."
  • Beach Toy- "A fitting tribute!"
  • Crumpled_Package.pngCrumpled Package- "A treasure lies within!"
  • Lost Toy- "It hath the stench öf death upön it."
  • Mourning Glory- "Tis all that remains."
  • Message_in_a_Bottle_%28DST%29.pngMessage in a Bottle- "What's this? Battle plans?"
  • Empty Bottle- "This vessel might have söme use."
  • Bundle_of_Thanks.pngBundle of Thanks- "Öur labör hath been rewarded!"
  • Shell Bell Bundle- "A fresh böunty öf shells tö adörn öur battlements."
  • Tackle_Box.pngTackle Box- "A wise hunter treats their tööls with care."
  • Spectackler Box- "A böunty öf space för my bait!"
  • Fish_Food.pngFish Food- "A banquet för the sea beasties!"
  • Amberosia- "This fööd is nöt fit för a warriör, it's fit för the flöör!"
  • Milkmade_Hat.pngMilkmade Hat- "A warriör wöuld never deign tö wear such a thing!"
  • Compost- "'Tis naught but fööd för wörms."
  • Terrarium.pngTerrarium- "I can feel the Bifrost's warmth from inside it!"
  • Terrarium (corrupted)- "Something foul hath taken hold..."
  • Terrarium.pngTerrarium (activated)- "Something draws near..."
  • Terrarium (summoning)- "Behold! The glory of the Bifrost!!"
  • Terrarium_%28Cooldown%29.pngTerrarium (dormant)- "The Bifrost is sealed, but for how long?"
  • Terrarium (no boss setting)- "The monster shall not terrorize this realm again!"

Maxwell_Head.pngAdventure Mode[]

Base Game[]
  • Divining Rod (in starting base)- "This mysteriöus swörd feels impörtant."
  • Divining_Rod.pngDivining Rod- "A mechanical hunting höund. För the hunt."
  • Divining Rod (cold)- "All is quiet."
  • Divining_Rod.pngDivining Rod (warm)- "We've göt the scent!"
  • Divining Rod (warmer)- "The höund is excited, we're getting clöser."
  • Divining_Rod.pngDivining Rod (hot)- "Söund the hörns! We've arrived!"
  • Divining Rod Holder- "What cryptic ruins."
  • Divining_Rod_Holder.pngDivining Rod Holder (ready to unlock)- "Seems like I'm missing a piece ..."
  • Divining Rod Holder (unlocked)- "Ready! The saga cöntinues!"
  • Maxwell%27s_Door.pngMaxwell's Door- "Adventure is calling."
  • Maxwell's Phonograph- "A mechanical söngstress."
  • Maxwell%27s_Light.pngMaxwell's Light- "Dark magic lives here."
  • Maxwell Statue- "Fie, demön!"
  • Maxwell%27s_Tooth_Trap.pngMaxwell's Tooth Trap- "An excellent mace wasted, buried in the gröund."
  • Sick Worm Hole- "It is sickly and weak."
  • Nightmare_Lock.pngNightmare Lock- "Shall I unlöck it?"
  • Nightmare Throne- "I prefer tö röam free, my unicörn and I."
  • Nightmare_Throne.pngMale Character on Nightmare Throne- "He lööks unhappy upön his thröne."
  • Female Character on Nightmare Throne- "She lööks unhappy upön her thröne."
  • Nightmare_Throne.pngOther Character on Nightmare Throne- "A prisöner!"
Don't Starve Together[]
  • Maxwell Statue- "The villain turns herö!"


Base Game[]
  • Generic- "It is an artifact öf this realm."
  • Failed Adventure Mode- "Back tö the Ötherwörld, victöry shall be mine!"
  • Freedom- "Freedöm! The saga cöntinues!"
  • Freezing- "Brrr! Where are my furs!"
  • Battlecry- "Valhalla awaits!"
  • Battlecry (prey)- "Die bravely little föe!"
  • Battlecry (Pig)- "I'm having pig tönight!"
  • Battlecry (Spider)- "Spider, meet my spear!"
  • Battlecry (Spider Warrior)- "Prepare tö be slain!"
  • Leaving combat- "Ödin will have yöu yet!"
  • Leaving combat (prey)- "I let yöu gö this time!"
  • Leaving combat (Pig)- "I'll be back pigskin!"
  • Leaving combat (Spider)- "Leggy cöward."
  • Leaving combat (Spider Warrior)- "Flee mönster! I will return."
  • Activated a Bee Mine- "Back, wee speared creatures!"
  • Dusk- "The sun is setting, darkness waits nearby."
  • Entering darkness- "And the curtain falls."
  • Entering light- "I step intö the light!"
  • Doing things in the dark- "Töö dark even för battle."
  • Failed to do something- "It can't be döne."
  • Failed to craft something- "I lack the prövisiöns."
  • Failed to give something- "T'will nöt wörk."
  • Trying to sleep during the day- "The sun is high, jöurney ön!"
  • Trying to sleep during day in a cave- "I wön't be resting yet."
  • Trying to sleep when too hungry- "I'll starve övernight! Feast first."
  • Trying to sleep near monsters- "It's nöt safe tö sleep. Use the spear!"
  • Trying to give item to a busy mob- "I'll try önce möre when it's döne."
  • Trying to give item to a dead mob- "They'll have better things in Valhalla."
  • Trying to give item to a sleeping mob- "Such sweet slumber... Maybe later."
  • Not enough fertilizer- "Möre dröppings för yöu?"
  • Hounds are coming- "The beasts are appröaching..."
  • Depths Worms are coming- "The earth quakes with the appröach öf a föe!"
  • Boss is coming- "A wörthy föe appröaches."
  • Inventory full- "I'm carrying all I can!"
  • Can't rummage (generic)- "That is nöt a jöb för a warriör!"
  • Can't store (generic/full)- "It is already brimming with gööds."
  • Can't store (invalid item)- "I fear that döes nöt gö there."
  • Can't bundle (no items)- "I cannöt wrap that which döes nöt exist!"
  • Can't cook (generic)- "Alas! Bested by cöökware!"
  • Can't cook (too far)- "I must clöse the gap between us!"
  • Can't draw (no subject)- "The muses will nöt visit me if I dö nöt place an item first."
  • Can't shave (generic)- "Unshavewörthy."
  • Can't shave (nothing left)- "But there's nöthing tö trim!"
  • Can't shave (beefalo awake)- "Let him sleep. Then I'll prune him."
  • Can't write on sign (generic)- "I fear I cannöt!"
  • Beefalo in combat, unable to mount or saddle- "I'll önly ride it if it's the victör."
  • Unable to build structure (mounted)- "I must first dismöunt fröm my mighty steed."
  • Eating- "Meat makes my heart sing!"
  • Eating (stale food)- "That was stale beast."
  • Eating (spoiled food)- "Ugh, fresh is better."
  • Eating (painful food)- "Öhh, I dön't feel well."
  • Eating (invalid)- "This is nöt fööd fit för a warriör."
  • Hungry- "Höw I löng för a feast!"
  • Triggered trap- "That wasn't part öf the plan."
  • Torch and Miner Hat out- "My light is quenched!"
  • Pricked- "Arg, I've been pöked!"
  • Object broken, fixable- "I can repair this."
  • Earthquake- "The wörld shudders."
Reign of Giants[]
  • Lightning miss- "I röde in ön a bölt lightning."
  • Overheating- "The höt sun tires me."
  • Tree Shelter- "Aha! Shelter!"
  • Wetness (low)- "Slick för battle."
  • Wetness (medium)- "I am a wet warriör."
  • Wetness (high)- "Döes this cöunt as a bath?"
  • Wetness (highest)- "I'm nearly dröwned!"
  • Dropping tool while wet- "Slippery devil!"
  • Smoldering item- "Flames will söön cönsume it."
  • Burnt- "By Hel's fire!"
  • Trying to sleep on fire- "I wön't sleep in the flames."
  • Volcano eruption warning- "The wörld shudders."
  • Volcano eruption- "Is Ragnarök upön me?!"
  • Sea Hounds are coming- "Föes fröm the Fröth."
  • Crocodogs are coming- "The beasts are appröaching..."
  • Sealnado is coming- "A wörthy föe appröaches."
  • Map border approaching- "I hath reached the end öf the wörld!"
  • Entering map border- "The currents are my master!"
  • Exiting map border- "I hath emerged fröm the fög!"
  • Riding wave- "Carry me förth!"
  • Boat losing durability- "My vessel is wöunded!"
  • Boat leak- "The sea pulls me töward Hel!"
  • Boat sinking- "These black depths will söön claim me!"
  • Trawl_Net.pngTrawl Net full- "My net has been filled with a marvelöus böunty."
  • Crabbit escape- "It has vanished."
  • Wrong world- "This map describes anöther land."
  • Can't buy item (generic)- "
  • Can't buy item (not enough money)- "
  • Cannot enter building (locked)- "
  • Deed_of_home_ownership.pngCannot read Deed of home ownership (wrong area)- "
  • Coughing- "Ack! Kaff! Can't...breathe!"
  • Digging in Dung Pile-
    • "
    • "
    • "
  • Fog coming- "
  • Hay Fever starting- "Mine nöstrils chafe with itchiness!"
  • Hay Fever ending- "The smöke hath cleared!"
  • Hitting Pugalisk in armored section-
    • "'tis nigh ön invulnerable!"
    • "Thine hide is unyielding!"
    • "I shall beat yöu yet!"
  • Putting on Living Artifact- "For Valhalla!"
  • Sneezing- "aaAAAH...chö!"
  • Vampire Bats are coming- "Flying beasts! Tö arms!"
Don't Starve Together[]
  • Failed to do something- "If I can't dö it, it can't be döne!"
  • Already has Critter- "I can önly cömmand öne beastie!"
  • Atrium destabilizing-
    • "There is danger ön the wind!"
    • "The beasts shalt söon reemerge!"
    • "The göds are angered!"
  • Ruins renewal- "I will fight my way öut!"
  • Battlecry (Deer)- "I shall send yöu tö the unicörn!"
  • Becoming ghost- "öÖööÖÖÖö!!"
  • Beefalo mount health low- "Dön't give up, beast! Fight!"
  • Beefalo occupied, unable to mount- "I'll need tö be faster than that in battle!"
  • Boat damaged- "Öur vessel hath sprung a leak!"
  • Boat sinking- "A Viking shalln't abandön her ship!"
  • Blueprint already known- "I already wield such knöwledge."
  • Can't learn blueprint- "That knöwledge is förbidden by the göds."
  • Map_Scroll_%28Cave%29.pngCan't learn Map Scroll (wrong world)- "This map is för söme distant land..."
  • Can't build Celestial Portal (in Caves)- "Needs the gaze öf Mani tö wörk."
  • Cannot construct (occupied)- "'Tis in use, and nöt by me."
  • Cannot construct (wrong material)- "Alas! It döth nöt gö there!"
  • Cannot construct (no materials)- "It requireth materials."
  • Cannot construct (wrong plans)- "Alas! 'Tis the wröng plans."
  • Can't cook (in use)- "I shall wait whilst my allies plan their feast."
  • Can't revive Odd Skeleton (Ancient Gateway not active)- "T'will nöt raise from death, it seems."
  • Can't revive Odd Skeleton (structure wrong)- "We must rearrange the bönes öf the beast."
  • Can't rummage (occupied)- "True warriörs wait their turn."
  • Can't store (occupied)- "My stalwart companiön currently has use öf that."
  • Can't rummage and store (Warly-exclusive object)- "T'wöuld nöt dö tö meddle with my ally's effects."
  • Can't write on sign (in use)- "I shall valiantly wait my turn."
  • Can't build with encumbering item (wrong piece)- "It will nöt stay in place!"
  • Can't place in Moon Stone (not staff)- "The göds many fröwn were I tö dö that."
  • Sinkhole warning-
    • "The earth rebels against us!"
    • "Tis the föötsteps öf a giant!"
    • "What plagues yöu, möther Gaia?"
  • Cave-in warning- "Röcks shall rain fröm ön high!"
  • Compass.pngCompass (broken)- "I fear I'm göing tö löse my way!"
  • Danger, unable to leave game- "Önly a cöward wöuld leave nöw!"
  • Despawning (Celestial Portal)- "'Tis the lights of Valhalla?"
  • Encumbered (carrying heavy object)-
    • "Tis... nöthing..."
    • "Heave... hö...!"
    • "Enduring... like Freya..."
    • "Ströng... like Thör..."
    • "Swift... as Sleipnir..."
    • "Gnnngh..."
    • "Hff... Nöthing can weigh a warriör döwn!"
    • "Huff... Huff..."
  • Failed to lower sail-
    • "By Aegir, yöu will bend tö my will!"
    • "Öh-hö! Feisty, are we?"
    • "I will nöt be defeated by my öwn vessel!"
  • Failed to revive Abigail- "The girl's spirit cannöt be returned."
  • Failed to revive Ghost- "The spirit cannöt be returned."
  • Flare set off by other player- "My allies beckön me!"
  • Ghost sanity drain- "They're driving me mad...!"
  • Health too low, unable to attune- "Alas, I am töö stricken."
  • Klaus.pngKlaus enraged- "RUN AWAY!"
  • Krampus.pngKlaus summoning Krampii- "Call thy hördes, they shan't prötect thee!"
  • Deer_Antler_A.pngDeer_Antler_C.pngLoot Stash (wrong key)- "The true key must be öut there sömewhere."
  • Deer_Antler_A.pngDeer_Antler_C.pngLoot Stash (Klaus)- "Nöt when there is battle tö be wön!"
  • The Lazy Deserter (teleported)- "Fear nöt! I have arrived!"
  • Mining Inviting Formation (part 1)- "It calls fröm within!"
  • Mining Inviting Formation (part 2)- "Thy förm takes shape!"
  • Mining Inviting Formation (finished)- "Taste thy freedöm!"
  • Mushroom_Planter.pngMushroom Planter needs living log- "The sprite höme requires sprucing up. With magical spruce!"
  • Mushroom Planter needs mushroom- "Förest sprites have nö need öf that."
  • Cratered_Moonrock.pngNot Gem- "This öbject is nöt blessed with the pöwer of the göds."
  • Iridescent_Gem.pngWrong Gem (Iridescent Gem)- "This gem was nöt chösen för this purpöse."
  • Not catching fish-
    • "I tire öf waiting!"
    • "I'm tempted tö simply wade in with my spear..."
    • "Cöme tö me, deliciöus sea meats!"
    • "It's nöt befitting öf a warriör tö just stand aröund waiting!"
  • Paying tribute to Antlion-
    • "A tribute för thee, great liön!"
    • "Öh great liön, we pay tribute this day!"
    • "A gift, that you may nöt devour us."
  • Plant diseased pick warning- "Föul!"
  • Plant diseased dig warning- "Be banished, beastly blight!"
  • Refusing to eat invalid food- "This is nöt fööd befitting a warriör."
  • Refusing to eat yucky food- "This fööd is nöt befitting a warriör."
  • Rowing mistimed-
    • "I must take heed öf the öcean's rhythm."
    • "A Viking never gives up!"
    • "Patience is a warriör's friend!"
  • Shadow Thurible out of fuel- "Alas, it is nö möre."
  • Trees petrifying- "I sense Löki's mischievöus hand in the shadöws."
  • Unable to give item to player (single and all items, busy)- "I'll try önce möre when they're free."
  • Unable to give item to player (single and all items, dead)- "They'll have better things in Valhalla."
  • Unable to give item to player (single and all items, inventory full)- "They're nöt ströng enöugh to carry möre!"
  • Unable to give item to player (single and all items, sleeping)- "Such sweet slumber graces thy face... Maybe later."
  • Unable to receive gift (danger)- "Nöt with the gift öf battle beföre me!"
  • Unable to receive gift (mounted)- "I must dismöunt my mighty steed!"
  • Unable to toss Bath Bomb into Hot Spring (already bath bombed)- "Sömeöne has enchanted it already."
  • Unable to toss Bath Bomb into Hot Spring (glassed over)- "'Tis shielded!"
  • Wardrobe on fire, unable to use- "I fear I cannöt. It is being razed."
  • Washing ashore after abandoning ship- "The sea did nöt claim me this day."
  • Whirly Fan broken- "I've löst anöther fan!"
  • Terrarium.pngUnable to put item into Terrarium (not nightmare fuel)- "Perhaps it shall accept a different offering."
  • Unable to put item into Terrarium (dormant)- "I shall await the small tree's return before presenting it with another offering."
  • Eye_of_Terror_Phase_1.pngSpazmatism_Phase_1.pngEye of Terror and Twins of Terror arrive (first time)- "Away, spying demon. To arms!"
  • Retinazor_Phase_1.pngEye of Terror and Twins of Terror arrive- "Thou hast returned, now let us finish this battle!"
  • Eye_of_Terror_Phase_1.pngSpazmatism_Phase_1.pngEye of Terror and Twins of Terror fly away- "You would flee this fight? Asgard does not honor cowards!"
Exclusive to PS4[]
  • Accomplishment- "May I return tö battle nöw?"
  • Accomploshrine.pngAccomplishment completed- "Victöry! Alright, let us away."


  • Formal Set- "We will celebrate as if we were in Valhalla!"
  • The_Survivor_Wigfrid_Icon.pngSurvivor Set- "Yöu have tö try harder than this tö defeat me."
  • Shadow Set- "I will deströy my enemies!"
  • Deerfrid_Mask_Icon.pngHalloween Costume Set- "I cöuld take yöu curs with öne eye behind my mask!"
  • Challenger Set- "I yearn för my chance ön the pröving gröunds!"
  • The_Gladiator_Wigfrid_Icon.pngWarrior Set- "My skill in battle is withöut peer."
  • Rose Set- "Applause röars as red, red röses flööd my stage!"
  • The_Verdant_Wigfrid_Icon.pngVerdant Set- "I shall fight för the förest!"
  • Culinarian Set- "MEEEEEAT."
  • The_Victorian_Wigfrid_Icon.pngVictorian Set- "Wörds, wörds, wörds."
  • Straw-Stuffed Set- "I shall scare öff all the black winged beasties!"
  • The_Magmatic_Wigfrid_Icon.pngMagmatic Set- "I fear nöt Surtr's flames!"
  • Ultimate Performer Set- "I am the best that ever was!!"
  • The_Merrymaker_Wigfrid_Icon.pngMerrymaker Set- "Gööd tidings tö all!"
  • Winged Victory Set- "The stage is set för my rise tö glöry!"


  • Maxwell's Head- "I can see intö his pöres."
  • Skull_Chest.pngSkull Chest- "Ah, that was a gööd battle."
  • Golden Pitchfork- "Why did I even make a pitchförk this fancy?"
  • Golden Pitchfork (DST)- "A weapön öf very wealthy farmers."
  • Boat- "Is that höw I göt here?"
  • Home- "Höme is where the hearth is!"
  • Sunk Boat- "Nö wönder it sank. It is nöt a löngship."
  • Tree Clump- "A dead end! I must stand and fight."
  • Pig Tent and DEVTOOL- "It smells öf bacön!"
  • Pig Tent (DST)- "It smells öf breakfast!"
  • DEVTOOL_NODEV- "I'm nöt ströng enöugh tö wield it."
  • Dirt Turf- "A piece öf the battlefield."
  • DEPLETED_GRASS- "It's pröbably a tuft öf grass."
  • Lava_Pit.pngLava Pit- "The lava crust is firm."
  • Lava Pit (normal)- "Beautiful light!"
  • Lava_Pit.pngLava Pit (low)- "The lava crust is reförming."
  • Lava Pit (out)- "Looks delicate."
  • Maxwell%27s_Mosquito_Trap.pngMaxwell's Mosquito Trap- "Watch yöur step!"
  • Maxwell's Mosquito Trap (went off)- "Away, tiny demöns!"
  • Chest.pngChest (trap)- "I am always ready."
  • ANNOUNCE_NO_TRAP- "Thankfully, I am light öf fööt."
  • UNIMPLEMENTED- "A mysteriöus relic, sure tö cöntain great pöwer."
  • UNIMPLEMENTED (announcement)- "It is nöt öf this wörld."
  • DEVTOOL_NODEV- "I'm nöt ströng enöugh tö wield it."
  • Rubble- "A pile öf ancient röcks."
  • Hit by Bishop charge- "Rrraugh!"
  • Shadow Digger- "I höpe this serf is being treated with dignity."
  • Friend-o-matic- "
  • Friend-o-matic (open)- "
  • Friend-o-matic (full)- "
  • Scaled_Furnace.pngScaled Furnace (generic, no gems)- "It retains the heat öf the fallen beast."
  • Scaled Furnace (low, one gem)- "A small infernö burns within."
  • Scaled_Furnace.pngScaled Furnace (hammered)- "It has seen much battle."
  • Relic Replica (plate)- "
  • Relic_Bowl.pngRelic Replica (bowl)- "
  • Relic Replica (chair)- "
  • Relic_Vase.pngRelic Replica (vase)- "
  • Relic Replica (table)- "
  • Sporecap_build.pngSporecap and Misery Sporecap (burnt)- "Naught but ash."
  • WETPAPER- "Tis drenched."
  • Bernie_Active.pngBernie (Forge)- "The call öf battle has arisen in thee!"
  • Battlecry (bloodlust, in Forge)-
    • "Tö victöry!"
    • "Blessings öf Tyr!"
    • "Göds guide my blade!"
  • Packet_of_Fluffy_Seeds.pngPacket_of_Pointy_Seeds.pngPacket_of_Seed_Pods.pngPacket of Seeds (small)- "A tiny sack öf baby nön-meats."
  • Packet_of_Blue_Seeds.pngPacket_of_Oblong_Seeds.pngPacket_of_Round_Seeds.pngPacket_of_Spiky_Seeds.pngPacket of Seeds (medium)- "A middling sack öf baby nön-meats."
  • Packet_of_Fluffy_Seeds.pngPacket_of_Pointy_Seeds.pngPacket_of_Seed_Pods.pngPacket of Seeds (large)- "A hefty sack öf baby nön-meats."
  • Packet_of_Mixed_Seeds.pngPacket of Mixed Seeds (small)- "A tiny mötley öf baby nön-meats."
  • Packet of Mixed Seeds (medium)- "A middling mötley öf baby nön-meats."
  • Packet_of_Mixed_Seeds.pngPacket of Mixed Seeds (large)- "A hefty mötley öf baby nön-meats."
  • Prepared dish (plate)- "Tis but a dish."
  • Prepared dish (bowl)- "'Tis a vessel för liquids."
  • Prepared dish (soup)- "Merely a bröth."
  • Prepared dish (snack)- "I needeth möre!"
  • Prepared dish (bread)- "Nön-meat based fööd."
  • Prepared dish (pasta)- "It cöntaineth nön meat!"
  • Prepared dish (vegetable)- "I shall eat it naught!"
  • Prepared dish (meat)- "MEAT! Prepare tö be cönsumed!"
  • Prepared dish (fish)- "SEA-MEAT! Prepare tö be cönsumed!"
  • Prepared dish (crab)- "SEA-MEAT! I shall cönsume thee!"
  • Prepared dish (cheese)- "Cheese! Yöu shall be cönsumed!"
  • Prepared dish (dessert)- "I prefereth savöry."
  • Poison Frog- "Back, föul reptilian scöurge!"
  • Peacock- "It will be a shame to ruin thöse feathers, meat."
  • Shadow_Skittish.pngMr. Skittish- "An enemy lööms!"
  • Swimming Horror- "Are yöu here tö give me a Viking's funeral?"
  • COFFEEBOT- "The best machine under the sun."
  • WOODLEGSSAIL- "A fearsöme sheet."
  • BIGFISHINGROD- "I will ensnare deliciöus fish meat."
  • Beach_Turf.pngBeach Turf- "Feels gööd between my töes."
  • Tornado- "
  • SNAKE_FIRE- "They speak with the völcanö's möuth!"
  • PIKE_SKULL- "Reminds me öf höme."
  • Sailor's Ghost- "He must have been a valiant warriör."
  • Trawl Net (detached)- "And nöw tö see aböut my lööt!"
  • Baby_Water_Beefalo.pngBaby Water Beefalo (1)- "When yöu gröw up yöu will becöme even möre meat, meat."
  • Baby Water Beefalo (2)- "What cute meat."
  • Chicken.pngChicken- "Tis walking meat."
  • Chicken (sleeping)- "I wish you föul dreams, föwl bird."
  • Chicken.pngChicken (dead)- "It has met a death wörthy öf its life."
  • Peep Hen- "Blessed am I by this creature's sight."
  • Peekhen.pngPeep Hen (sleeping)- "It has fallen intö a dream."
  • Peep Hen (dead)- "It has met its end."
  • Snapdragon.pngSnapdragon- "'Tis a vegetable - mine mörtal enemy!"
  • Snapdragon (sleeping)- "Its slumber shall be its undöing!"
  • Snapdragon.pngSnapdragon (dead)- "Vanquished!"
  • Zeb- "Twö limbs shört öf a nöble steed."
  • Zeb.pngZeb (sleeping)- "It slumbers."
  • Zeb (dead)- "May yöu find yöur missing limbs in Valhalla!"
  • Wigfrid_Portrait.pngInspecting self- "Whö is that incredible warriör in the mirrör?"


Base Game[]
  • Deadly Feast- "A möst pötent dish."
  • Crock_Pot.pngCrock Pot (failed to add item)- "That can't gö in there."
  • Chest (full)- "It's packed full."
  • Sinkhole.pngSinkhole- "Tö the underwörld!"
  • Barrel- "What's in the barrel?"
  • Baby_Beefalo.pngBaby Beefalo (sleeping)- "Mini beastie."
  • Beardlord.pngBunnyman and Beardlord- "I want tö eat yöu."
  • Abigail- "A lady ghöst."
  • Boss is coming- "A wörthy föe appröaches..."
  • Research (high value)- "I am an excellent craftswöman."
  • Research (normal value)- "The pöwer öf knöwledge is great."
  • Research (low value)- "That wasn't very exciting."
Reign of Giants[]
  • Bigfootprint.pngBigfoot- "Stömpy fööt."
  • Watermelon Seeds- "Tiny nature bits."
  • Webberskull.pngWebber's Skull- "He seems wörthy öf true rest."
  • Burnt- "Yikes! That was höt!"
  • Piratihatitator- "This cöntraptiön has the smell öf Löki aböut it..."
  • Gas_Mask_Old.pngGas Mask- "Armör för my nöse and thröat!"
  • Joy of Volcanology- "Read a passage and call förth Ragnarök!"
  • Jungle_Turf.pngJungle Turf- "Yöu cöuld löse yöurself in this..."
  • Shoal- "Dö yöu wish tö surrender fishies?"
  • Seashell.pngSeashell- "The currency öf the sea."
  • Water Beefalo- "Praise Ödin himself för this böuntiful feast ön feet!"
  • Sand_Castle.pngSand Castle- "A scale mödel öf my future keep."
  • Coconade (normal and lit)- "Fire that can be thröwn."
  • Speargun.pngSpeargun- "A cöward's weapön."
  • Poison Speargun- "I am nöt söme sneak hiding in the shadöws! Am I?"
  • Obsidian_Speargun.pngObsidian Speargun- "I nörmally prefer tö set fires up clöse."
  • Pig_Head_Burnt.pngWildbore Head (normal and burnt)- "Save me a mug in Valhalla för me."
  • Palm Tree (burnt)- "I smell burnt cöcönut."
  • Palm_Tree_Stump.pngPalm Tree (stump)- "You will be fueling my hearth in Valhalla."
  • Crab_%28insanity%29.pngCrabbit and Beardling (normal and held)- "Yöur armör cannöt prötect yöu, meat!"
  • Toucan (normal and held)- "Fight with me, löng-nösed bird! And we shall dine tögether in Valhalla!"
  • Doydoy_Feather.pngDoydoy Feather- "The treasured feather öf a fallen warriör bird."
  • Boat sinking- "The sea tries tö take me tö Hel!"
  • Withered_Limpet_Rock.pngLimpet Rock (normal and withered)- "A meat stöne!"
  • Cork Barrel- "I shall filleth it!"
  • Claw_Palm_Tree.pngClaw Palm Tree- "This tree döth 'Tis the hand öf a giant?"
  • Sick Rainforest Tree- "'tis unwell."
  • Tea_Tree.pngTea Tree- "'Tis an adequate tree."
  • Tall Grass- "Surely 'tis the grass öf Jötunheim!"
  • Scorpion.pngScorpion- "Thine pöinty tail is nö match för me!"
  • Level_2_Snaptooth_Seedling.pngSnaptooth Seedling- "I shall defeat thee!"
  • Pog.pngPog- "Thy cuteness shalt nöt överpöwer me!"
  • Beautician- "Shieldmaidens have nö use for thee."
  • Pig_Collector.pngCollector- "Thöst wönders are nöught cömpared tö Valhalla!"
  • Erudite- "Thöust deal in the black arts."
  • Pig_Farmer.pngFarmer- "Yön time be better spent ön the fruits öf the hunt, pig!"
  • Florist- "She maketh trade in Freya's things."
  • Pig_Hunter.pngHunter- "Ah! A pig after mine öwn heart!"
  • Mayor Truffleston- "A chieftain in this pig clan."
  • Pig_Miner.pngMiner- "A beast which döth dö Dwarfish labör."
  • Professor- "Dö thöust have anything fröm the öld cöuntry?"
  • Pig_Worker.pngWorker- "A pig which repaireth many things."
  • Zeb- "Tis twö limbs shört öf a nöble steed."
Don't Starve Together[]
  • Saddle.pngSaddle- "Nöw I must find a faithful steed."
  • Saddlehorn- "With this I can unsaddle my steed."
  • Whirly_Fan.pngWhirly Fan- "What a delicate pröp."
  • Bernie_Inactive.pngBernie (held and inactive)- "It's a stuffed bear."
  • Bernie (active)- "What a brave bear!"
  • DeadBernie.pngBernie (broken)- "He has göne tö Valhalla."
  • Tail o' Three Cats- "Wöw, this has söme great special effects!"
  • Wardrobe.pngWardrobe- "Ah, cöstumes tö assist my perförmance."
  • Wardrobe (burnt)- "A gööd perförmance döesn't require cöstumes."
  • Trusty_Tape.pngMending Tape- "That my armör might be repaired!"
  • Birds of the World- "I will rule the skies!"
  • Applied_Horticulture.pngApplied Horticulture- "But can I tend the garden in mine heart?"
  • Applied Horticulture- "But can it tend the garden öf mine söul?"
  • The_End_is_Nigh.pngThe End is Nigh!- "This töme has a flare för the dramatic!"
  • On Tentacles- "Knöwledge tö bring me pöwer!"
  • Statue_Muse_Marble.pngQueenly Figure (shaking)- "A förmidable föe appröaches!"
  • Moon_Rock_Idol.pngMoon Rock Idol- "I shall öffer it tö Mani!"
  • Mumsy- "A wöman öf hearty appetite, like mineself!"
  • The_Gorge_Billy.pngBilly- "Ah, yöuth."
  • Sammy, the Lucid Bog Merm- "Preprare tö barter!" [sic]
  • The_Gorge_Pipton.pngPipton, the Cognizant Bog Merm- "'Tis a jaunty hatted beast."
  • Swamp Pig- "Yöu wöuld make a möst hönörable squire."
  • The_Gorge_Old_Beefalo.pngOld Beefalo- "Its days öf war are löng göne."
  • Rotten Crop- "T'wöuld never grace a feast hall in Valhalla."
  • Spotty Shrub (picked)- "Thine gröwing taketh töö löng!"
  • Sugarwood_Tree_Tapped.pngSugarwood Tree (tapped, empty)- "I hath nö patience för thee, sap!"
  • Sugarwood Tree (tapped, full)- "I hath aquired the nectar!" [sic]
  • Sugarwood_Tree_Tapped_Full.pngSugarwood Tree (tapped, full)- "I hath acquired the nectar!"
  • Broken Carriage- "It hath been pillaged löng agö."
  • Dilapidated_Cathedral.pngDilapidated Cathedral- "Whö hath pillaged here?"
  • Dilapidated Chimney (1)- "It's hath fallen." [sic]
  • Dilapidated_Door.pngDilapidated Door- "It önce lead tö adventure. Alas nö möre." [sic]
  • Dilapidated Door- "It önce led tö adventure. Alas nö möre."
  • Dilapidated_House.pngDilapidated House-
    • "What hath caused such destructiön."
  • Dilapidated House-
    • "They had naught prötectiön."
    • "What hath caused such destructiön?"
  • Dilapidated_Roof.pngDilapidated Roof- "Öffers naught prötectiön."
  • Iron Fence- "'Tis a fence spear."
  • ファイル:Post.pngPost- "'Tis a pöst. Naught wörthy öf mine attentiön."
  • Stone Pillar- "'Tis a rune stöne."
  • Urn.pngUrn- "The remnants öf a viking funeral."
  • Wrecked Bicycle- "A pillaged metal steed."
  • Large_Grill.pngLarge Grill (held)- "An instrument öf savöry."
  • Small Casserole Dish- "A tiny cöntianer för fööd." [sic]
  • Large_Casserole_Dish.pngLarge Casserole Dish- "A cöntainer för fööd."
  • Syrup Pot- "För the making öf gödly nectars!"
  • Crab_Trap.pngCrab Trap- "It döth trapth sea-meat."
  • Crab Trap- "It döth trap-eth sea-meat."
  • Slaughter_Tools.pngSlaughter Tools- "'Tis a tööl för slaughtering!"
  • Crab Meat- "I shall cönsume thee!"
  • Crab_Meat.pngCrab Meat- "Twöuld be an hönör tö be fed tö the sky göd, beast." [sic]
  • Onion- "I defy thee tö maketh mine eyes tear!"
  • Roast_Onion.pngRoast Onion- "The göds will deal with thee!"
  • Potato- "I shall nöt cönsume it!"
  • Roast_Toma_Root.pngRoast Toma Root- "It hath red guts, yet 'tis nöt meat!"
  • Salt- "We must launch an a-salt!"
  • Syrup.pngSyrup- "Nectar för the göds."
  • Prepared Dish (matches craving)- "This shall quencheth his appetite."
  • Prepared Dish (matches craving)- "This shall quencheth its appetite."
  • Prepared Dish (matches craving, snack)- "'Tis what the Gnaw desires, but 'tis a paltry meal."
  • Red Mark- "Yes! I hath möney!"
  • Red_Mark.pngRed Mark- "Hurrah! I hath möney!"
  • Gnaw's Favor- "I hath earned the göd's favör!"
  • Lumpy_Evergreen_Sapling.pngLumpy Sapling- "I guess these trees aren't just pröps."
  • Twiggy Tree- "With its many resöurces, I will triumph."
  • Diseased_Twiggy_Tree.pngDiseased Twiggy Tree- "The disease festers within its söul."
  • Juicy Berry Bush (held)- "I think I'll return this tö the earth göddess."
  • Green_Mushtree_Blooming.pngGreen Mushtree (blooming)- "I'll fight alöngside yöu any time!"
  • Diseased Grass Gekko- "Alas! It is stricken."
  • Ancient_Fuelweaver.pngAncient Fuelweaver- "Tis nö mindless beast!"
  • Antlion- "Tis the mighty liöness!"
  • Antlion.pngAntlion (upset)- "We've incurred her wrath!"
  • Antlion (paying tribute)-
    • "A tribute för thee, great liöness!"
    • "Öh great liöness, we pay tribute this day!"
  • Desert_Stone.pngDesert Stone- "A present fröm the mighty liöness!"
  • Wilson (generic)- "Gööd health tö yöu, Wilsön!"
  • Wilson.pngWilson (attacker)- "If Wilsön is lööking för tröuble, I'll give it tö him!"
  • Wilson.pngWilson (murderer)- "Murderer! Tö battle!""
  • Wilson.pngWilson (reviver)- "Freya smiles ön Wilsön."
  • Wilson.pngWilson (ghost)- "Wilsön's restless spirit cöuld be revived with a heart."
  • Willow.pngWillow (generic)- "Gööd health tö yöu, Willöw!"
  • Spear.pngWillow (attacker)- "If Willöw is lööking för tröuble, I'll give it tö her!"
  • Skeleton.pngWillow (murderer)- "Murderer! Tö battle!""
  • Telltale_Heart.pngWillow (reviver)- "Freya smiles ön Willöw."
  • Ghost_Willow.pngWillow (ghost)- "Willöw's restless spirit cöuld be revived with a heart."
  • Wolfgang (generic)- "Gööd health tö yöu, Wölfgang!"
  • Wolfgang.pngWolfgang (attacker)- "If Wölfgang is lööking för tröuble, I'll give it tö him!"
  • Wolfgang.pngWolfgang (murderer)- "Murderer! Tö battle!""
  • Wolfgang.pngWolfgang (reviver)- "Freya smiles ön Wölfgang."
  • Wolfgang.pngWolfgang (ghost)- "Wölfgang's restless spirit cöuld be revived with a heart."
  • Wendy.pngWendy (generic)- "Gööd health tö yöu, Wendy!"
  • Spear.pngWendy (attacker)- "If Wendy is lööking för tröuble, I'll give it tö her!"
  • Skeleton.pngWendy (murderer)- "Murderer! Tö battle!""
  • Telltale_Heart.pngWendy (reviver)- "Freya smiles ön Wendy."
  • Ghost_Wendy.pngWendy (ghost)- "Wendy's restless spirit cöuld be revived with a heart."
  • WX-78 (generic)- "Gööd health tö yöu, WX-78!"
  • WX-78.pngWX-78 (attacker)- "If WX-78 is lööking för tröuble, I'll give it tö them!"
  • WX-78.pngWX-78 (murderer)- "Murderer! Tö battle!""
  • WX-78.pngWX-78 (reviver)- "Freya smiles ön WX-78."
  • WX-78.pngWX-78 (ghost)- "WX-78's restless spirit cöuld be revived with a heart."
  • WX-78.pngWX-78 (ghost)- "Metal warriör, it is nöt yöur time. I shall find yöu a heart."
  • Wickerbottom.pngWickerbottom (generic)- "Gööd health tö yöu, Wickerböttöm!"
  • Spear.pngWickerbottom (attacker)- "If Wickerböttöm is lööking för tröuble, I'll give it tö her!"
  • Spear.pngWickerbottom (attacker)- "If %s is lööking för tröuble, I'll give it tö her!"
  • Skeleton.pngWickerbottom (murderer)- "Murderer! Tö battle!""
  • Telltale_Heart.pngWickerbottom (reviver)- "Freya smiles ön Wickerböttöm."
  • Ghost_Wickerbottom.pngWickerbottom (ghost)- "Wickerböttöm's restless spirit cöuld be revived with a heart."
  • Woodie (generic)- "Gööd health tö yöu, Wöödie!"
  • Woodie.pngWoodie (attacker)- "If Wöödie is lööking för tröuble, I'll give it tö him!"
  • Woodie.pngWoodie (attacker)- "I'll fell yöu like sö many trees shöuld it come tö that, %s."
  • Woodie.pngWoodie (murderer)- "Murderer! Tö battle!""
  • Woodie.pngWoodie (reviver)- "Freya smiles ön Wöödie."
  • Woodie.pngWoodie (reviver)- "Freya smiles on %s."
  • Woodie.pngWoodie (ghost)- "Wöödie's restless spirit cöuld be revived with a heart."
  • Wes.pngWes (generic)- "Gööd health tö yöu, Wes!"
  • Spear.pngWes (attacker)- "If Wes is lööking för tröuble, I'll give it tö him!"
  • Skeleton.pngWes (murderer)- "Murderer! Tö battle!"
  • Telltale_Heart.pngWes (reviver)- "Freya smiles ön Wes."
  • Ghost_Wes.pngWes (ghost)- "Wes's restless spirit cöuld be revived with a heart."
  • Maxwell (generic)- "Gööd health tö yöu, Maxwell!"
  • Maxwell.pngMaxwell (attacker)- "If Maxwell is lööking för tröuble, I'll give it tö him!"
  • Maxwell.pngMaxwell (murderer)- "Murderer! Tö battle!""
  • Maxwell.pngMaxwell (reviver)- "Freya smiles ön Maxwell."
  • Maxwell.pngMaxwell (ghost)- "Maxwell's restless spirit cöuld be revived with a heart."
  • Dessicated_Tentacle.pngDessicated Tentacle- "Remnants öf the librarian's summöns? Truly she is a fierce wöman."
  • Toy Trojan Horse- "I must pass my deep knöwledge öf battle strategy tö the yöung öne."
  • Wire_Hanger.pngWire Hanger- "This weak, flimsy wire reminds me... I must töughen up the magician."
  • Mushroom Planter needs living log- "The sprite höme requires sprucing up. With spruce!"
  • Toadstool escaping- "Dön't let the beast entertain thöughts öf escape."
  • Toadstool escaped- "The beast returned fröm whence it came."


  • Wigfrid's battlecry when attacking a Pig ("I'm having pig tönight!") is a reference to the movie Finding Nemo. When Bruce is attacking Marlin and Dory, he yells "I'm having fish tonight!"
  • Her examination quote for the Carved Hornucopia ("Feasts, feasts, everywhere, and nöt a ham tö eat.") is a reference to Samuel Taylor Coleridge's poem The Rime of the Ancient Mariner (a modern version being "Water, water, everywhere, but not a drop to drink.").
  • Her examination quote for a Marble Bean ("Fee fi fö fum!") is a reference to the fairy tale of Jack and the Beanstalk.
  • Her examination quote for Manure ("If önly I cöuld use it as camöuflage fröm predatörs.") is a reference to the film Predator.
  • Her quote for an active Stagehand ("Keep thy hand fröm öut mine fires!") is a reference to the famous poem The Raven by Edgar Allan Poe ("Take thy beak from out my heart!").
  • Her quote for a Honey Patch ("A land nöt öf milk, but öf höney.") is a reference to the saying of "A land of milk and honey".
  • Wigfrid's examination quote of the Ring Thing is a reference to the Bifröst Bridge, a burning rainbow bridge that reaches from earth to Asgard in Norse mythology.
    • Her quote for an inactive Ancient Gateway is another reference to this.
  • Wigfrid's examination quote of the Friendly Scarecrow ("Döst thöu yearn för a brain?") is a reference to the Scarecrow from the Wizard of Oz.
  • Her examination quote for a Dead Rainbow Jellyfish ("Tö swim, tö sting nö möre.") is a reference to Hamlet's famous soliloquy ("To die, to sleep—No more—and by a sleep to say we end the heartache and the thousand natural shocks that flesh is heir to.")
  • Her examination quote for Guano ("Hmm, dark wing turds.") may be a reference to the animated series Darkwing Duck.
  • Her examination quote for the Lake ("Perhaps a swörd-wielding maiden lies beneath.") may be a reference to the Lady of the Lake and Excalibur in Arthurian legend.
  • Wigfrid's quote for Eye of the Tiger Shark ("I've göt the eye öf the tigershark!") may be a reference to either "Eye of the Tiger" by the band Survivor or "Roar" by Katy Perry.
  • Wigfrid's quote on Bigfoot ("That's sömething cömpletely different!") may be a reference to a catchphrase frequently used in the show Monty Python's Flying Circus.
  • Her quote for the Bee Queen Crown ("Vikings dö nöt wear hörns.") refers to the fact that while they are often portrayed wearing horned helmets in fiction, Vikings were not historically known to do so.
Don't StarveWilson (セリフ ⋅ 衣装) • Willow (セリフ ⋅ 衣装) • Wolfgang (セリフ ⋅ 衣装) • Wendy (セリフ ⋅ 衣装) • WX-78 (セリフ ⋅ 衣装) • Wickerbottom (セリフ ⋅ 衣装) • Woodie (セリフ ⋅ 衣装) • Wes (セリフ ⋅ 衣装) • Maxwell (セリフ ⋅ 衣装) • Wagstaff (セリフ ⋅ 衣装)
Reign of GiantsWigfrid (セリフ ⋅ 衣装) • Webber (セリフ ⋅ 衣装)
ShipwreckedWalani (セリフ ⋅ 衣装) • Warly (セリフ ⋅ 衣装) • Wilbur (セリフ ⋅ 衣装) • Woodlegs (セリフ ⋅ 衣装)
HamletWilba (セリフ ⋅ 衣装) • Wormwood (セリフ ⋅ 衣装) • Wheeler (セリフ ⋅ 衣装)
Don't Starve TogetherWinona (セリフ ⋅ 衣装) •  Wortox (セリフ ⋅ 衣装) •  Wurt (セリフ ⋅ 衣装) •  Walter (セリフ ⋅ 衣装) •  Wanda (セリフ ⋅ 衣装)
削除キャラWarbucks (セリフ ⋅ 衣装)
未実装キャラWilton • Winnie • Wallace • Waverly • Pyro • Watricia

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