Here_and_Now_head.png | 翻訳が必要 |
Barter: | 51 |
Melee Weap.: | 66 |
Unarmed: | 86 |
旅の方、あなたを信じましょう・・・ 今のところは。 Shady Sandsに入ることを許しますが、一挙手一投足が監視されていることをお忘れなきように。
”Aradesh is the leader of Shady Sands in 2161, and has remained so since its founding in 2142. He is the father of Tandi, the founder and first President of the New California Republic.
Aradesh is a good man who's genuinely concerned about his people and their problems. He may be a bit suspicious of the Vault Dweller at first, and can seem a bit paranoid, but that's because he distrusts all outsiders, and it is possible to earn his trust.[1]
Aradesh was originally a Vault 15 dweller, a sister vault of Vault 13. His multicultural accent and appearance are attributed to living in Vault 15, which housed the social experiment of incorporating people of diverse cultural backgrounds. However, Aradesh left the vault with the other dwellers following a disastrous attack by raiders. Along with a few other exiled inhabitants of the vault, he ventured out into the wastes, looking for a place to begin anew.
Soon after the attack, Aradesh founded the humble community of Shady Sands using a G.E.C.K. in 2142. He then led the community with a steady, guiding hand, reinforcing the slightly xenophobic attitudes of the townsfolk, aiming to make it a completely self-sufficient community, and keep it that way. Initially, he greeted the Vault Dweller with reserve, but after he removed the radscorpion threat and later saved his daughter from the Khans, he welcomed him openly in the community. Broad horizons were opening up for the small town.
Aradesh (along with Seth and Tandi), would later start laying the foundations for the New California Republic, with him being elected as its first president. Soon after, inspired by the Vault Dweller's legacy, Aradesh and Seth began searching for Vault 13. However, during one of their expeditions they disappeared and were proclaimed dead. Afterwards, his daughter took her father's position of President, guiding the NCR to a brighter, safer future.
General | Services | Quests | ||||||||||||||||
Aradesh's Tell-Me-Abouts | |
Query | Response |
Aradesh | 私のことです。この寒村Shady Sandsの長です。 |
Claw | あーそうそう。戦争中に創られた怪物の噂ですね。 |
Dharma | Dharmaは偉大で、信仰篤い人でした。彼の言葉をしっかりと聞くことです。 |
Junktown | Junktownはここから南に行った所にあります。そこから商人が時々取引しにやってきますが、それほど頻繁ではありません。 |
Khans | うむむ、はいはい。KhansはVipersよりずっとひどい奴らだと申し上げておきましょう。この蛮人どもは南東の方角から襲って来るのです。 |
Lair | 確かなことは不明ですが、群れは北東の方から来ているようです。 |
Raiders | うむむ、うーん。どうしようもない者どもです。レイダーの集団は2つあることが分かっています。奴らはそれぞれVipers、Khansと名乗っております。 |
Razlo | んー、はいはい。Razloはこの町の医者です。病気になったら彼が治してくれますよ。この時間ならここからすぐ北に行ったところにいるはずです。 |
Scorpion, Scorpions | 厄介な生き物です、あれは。尻尾に注意することです。その毒は、手を打たないと命に関わりますよ。 |
Seth | 見所のある若者ですよ、Sethは。この町のガードの長です。ガード詰所にいるはずです。 |
Spear | VipersとKhans、どちらも槍を使います。襲われたので分かります。 |
Station, Tower | 町の前にありますよ。Sethが詰めているはずです。 |
Tandi | 私の娘です。この苦しい人生も、あの子のおかげで生きる価値があるというものです。 |
Vipers | こういう者どもには特に注意するのですよ。狂信的な賊というのは実に危険な存在たりえますから。奴らの根城を知る者はおりません。 |
服装 | 武器 | その他のアイテム | 死体 |
Robes | Spear Knife | Bottle caps x41 | empty |
Aradesh appears in Fallout as a talking head. He is mentioned by Tandi in Fallout 2, and appears on the NCR five dollar bill in Fallout: New Vegas. He is also mentioned briefly in Fallout 4 during Conrad Kellogg's memories.
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