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このページは Falloutに登場する都市 についてのものです。 ハボロジストの創始者 については、Dick Hubbell をご覧ください。 |
"A Trader's Life"
”— Vault居住者の記憶ザ・ハブ(英:The Hub) はカリフォルニア南部にある都市である。
2093年、ハブはAngusという名の男に設立された。彼は15湖に及ぶオアシスが点在する砂漠周辺やOld Town地域を拠点にした。どちらかと言えば、Great War[1]とは無縁で移住者と取引し始めていた。.
2096年、Haroldという名の男はHubでキャラバンたちの支配者まで登り詰めた。キャラバンたちは偶発的かつ不毛な攻撃に苦戦していた。にもかかわらずHaroldたち一団は生き残り、強く繁栄していった。数年後にミュータントが繁栄し始めるまでは・・・。 2102年、ミュータントによる襲撃が増える中Harold及びキャラバンたちはとうとうこれに憤慨し、彼らがどこからやってくるのか突き止めるべく探検隊を結成した。ハブでの意見交換の末、医者であるRichard Greyという名の男を含め科学者など、2人が入隊した。他にも2人加え、ミュータントが"無差別に人を襲う"手がかりを捜した。 彼らの旅はMariposa Military Baseにたどり着いた。そこではロボットからの猛襲に会い全員逸れてしまう。そして、Richard GreyとHaroldはそこでF.E.V.に晒されてしまった。数か月後、Haroldは交易人に発見され、Hubで目が覚めた。 しかし、彼はもはや人ではなく奇妙なミュータントのようなghoulに姿が変わり果てていた。彼のかつてキャラバンであった仲間や雇い人たちはその姿に怖がり、 bottle caps2枚さえもすり合わせず見捨てた。しかし、彼はすぐにHubにある小規模なgoulの集まる地域の主になった。
2126年、Hubで商人一群が給水塔を占領したためGreat Merchant Warsが始まった。彼らは水に料金を課した。2年間戦争は続き、水商人たちは町を封鎖したが、数で圧倒された。Roy Greene(Justin Greeneの祖父)という名の男は交渉によって和解し、平和をもたらした。Hubの2つのキャラバン商社からそれぞれ2名の代表者たちによってHub's central councilが形成された。どっちつかずの状態がHubで維持され支持されている。
In 2131, the Master began ordering his super mutants to gather human stock from caravans. For many years, the caravan disappearances were blamed on monsters in the desert, and even when the abductions begin to occur on Hub caravans, the blame lay on wild deathclaws. The Hub Underground was formed by a man called Decker in 2140, who quickly started pulling the strings in the town.
With the Vault Dweller's assistance, old Harold brought the ghoul population of the Hub into equality with the humans. The two sides worked together, and the Hub prospered. Old Harold is still alive, as far as anyone knows. In 2189, the Hub became one of the five founding states within the NCR. By 2281, the Hub has become much more peaceful than it once was, thanks to the annexation of the NCR. However, it is mentioned by many characters in Fallout: New Vegas that raider gangs still exist there, and many of the Powder Gangers were from gangs in the Hub, such as Dawes.
The Hub can be found one square east and thirteen squares south of Vault 13.
The Hub is divided into five districts and two outside sections.
Hub entrance | ||||
↓ | ||||
Heights | ← | Hub Downtown | → | Old Town |
↓ | ||||
Irwin's Farm | Water Merchants | Deathclaw's lair |
Welcome to the biggest traders city in the Wastes!
Fundamentally, the entrance of the Hub serves as both a landing and a jumping-off point for the countless caravans that crisscross the wastes. At any time, several caravans will be loading or offloading goods, typically accompanied by a retinue of heavily-armed mercenary guards. Apart from the staging areas for the caravans, much of this outskirts area is given over to agriculture, under the protection of the Hub police.
Heart of the city
The busiest section of the Hub, Hub Downtown is second only to the entrance in terms of foot traffic, the entrance only busier due to caravans. Downtown is host to most of the city services, including the Hub police station and library, as well as a number of commercial interests: both the Far Go Traders and Crimson Caravan hold offices in downtown, as does the Friendly Lending Company, as well as a few arms merchants. One colorful character in downtown is Iguana Bob Frazier, proprietor of a lucrative iguana-on-a-stick stand. The Maltese Falcon, the local bar and flop house, rounds out the area. The occasional homeless or drifter, such as Irwin, can also often be found here.
Have you ever danced with the devil in the pale moonlight?
The enigmatic section of town, Old Town is a combination residential and commercial district. Several important characters, including Harold and Loxley can be found in Old Town, along with a handful of arms merchants and miscellaneous Hub residents. Despite its unassuming appearance, however, a great deal of danger can be found in Old Town by the adventurous or unwary, and several miscellaneous quests have their roots here.
Vitality of the city
One of the most vital sections of the Hub, yet home to one of the most unscrupulous commercial entities in California, the water merchants section of town is home to the titular Water Merchants, a trading group specializing in the sale of potable water to various settlements in the wasteland. As "clean" water is a precious commodity, the water merchants section of town is the site of great wealth, both in coin and in water, and is therefore well-guarded. Any person wishing to do business with the water merchants must come to this section of the Hub. There is also a hospital run by the Children of the Cathedral in this area.
High society, Hub style
The Heights is the upper-class residential area of the Hub, and is home to Daren Hightower, a local and very wealthy merchant. That Hightower keeps considerable valuables in his mansion is an open secret, any merchant as rich as Hightower certainly has items of value worth taking. Hightower, however, has not made his money through foolish risk-taking, so the Heights are often patrolled by paid mercenary guards. Any visitors without a good reason - or at least a good story - for being in the area are promptly ushered out, usually at gunpoint.
Farm, Hub style
This location is only accessible during the quest "Help Irwin". It's a small farm, next to the Hub, owned by Irwin, which is now under the control of a band composed of seven raiders.
Find out about the deathclaw?
This location is only accessible during the quest "Find the missing caravans". The deathclaw's lair is a cave near the Hub, and the home of one of the fearsome deathclaws and a dying super mutant.
Several factions constantly vie for control of The Hub:
As of the arrival of the Vault Dweller, the Underground is known to have been destroyed by him (with the help of the Hub police or not), since the Hub is still here in 2241.
The Hub appears only in Fallout. However, while not appearing in-game, it is mentioned by several characters in Fallout: New Vegas, in one of Joseph B. Steyn's terminal entries and scratched into the playing area of the Caravan game. A note written by the late James Rubinek (a trader from the Hub) can also be found in the waste disposal cave on the Fallout: New Vegasadd-on Lonesome Road explaining his purpose there and his last wishes, among which were the delivery of the note to his ex-wife Anna. More is mentioned in Fallout Bible. It is also mentioned in Kellogg's memories in Fallout 4.
Although the Fallout Official Survival Guide gives the name of the old city the Hub was founded upon as Barstow; its actual location corresponds more closely with the present-day Edwards AFB, whereas Necropolis lies where Barstow would be.
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