I am the Master. I do not have to answer to you
”ザ・マスター( リチャード・モリュー として生まれ、 リチャード・グレイ としても知られていた)は、恐ろしく変異した脳を持つミュータントであり、2161年のカリフォルニアで生まれたスーパーミュータント軍の司令官である。彼はChildren of the Cathedralに崇拝されていた。しかしマスターは Vault Dwellerにより倒される事となる。
時に、Children of the Cathedralに対立する人々により、マスターは闇の神と呼ばれていた。逆に彼の子どもたちは、新しい神、神聖な炎、希望の父などと呼んでいた。マスターは幾人かの人間とコンピュータが混ざった恐ろしいFEV変異体である。見た目は別として、彼の一番の特徴は独特の喋り方だった。彼の声はコンピュータで生成され、文章はリアルタイムに数人の会話サンプルから作られる。
リチャード・モリューはVault 8(後に有名なVaultシティとなる)の居住者だった。彼はそこで医者として働いていた。2092年にとある殺人事件が起きた。事件についての情報は不明であるが、彼は殺人の罪でVaultから追放された。その後ハブに移住し、名前を「リチャード・グレイ」と変え、ハブの南の長となる。そこで彼はハロルド(有名なトレーダー)と会う。突然変異した生き物により攻撃されていたハロルドのキャラバンに対処すべく、2102年5月22日に協力し、核戦争の生存者を攻撃する、突然変異した生き物がどこから来るのかを調査することにした。グレイは科学者を連れて町の北西へと進んだ。2102年6月23日、グレイと彼の一行はマリポーサ軍事基地についた。そこでは、アメリカ政府による強制進化ウイルス(F.E.V.)の研究が行われていた。
While the Children appeared to be a fervent religious order - and, in fact, some of the low ranking members may not even have been privy to the more sinister reason behind the cult's existence - in reality, the Children and Morpheus were simply a front that the Master uses to advance his plan for the future of mankind: "The Unity."
In 2162, a human from Vault 13 known as the Vault Dweller destroyed the mutant army by defeating the Master and destroying the Cathedral, and then later causing an explosion in the F.E.V. vats at Mariposa.
The Master is the creator and leader of the super mutants. He is also the mastermind behind a movement called "The Unity," the aim of which is to turn every human possible into a super mutant by means of the F.E.V. He claims that those who cannot be mutated by the virus, as well as those that choose not to, will be allowed to live -- provided they submit themselves to sterilization. Those that resist the Unity outright will be executed for trying to stand in the way of the Master's "progress." In theory, the Unity is for humanity's own good, as Super-mutants are better adapted to live in a post-nuclear wasteland. Also, according to the Master, turning all living beings into one single race would finally eliminate the differences and the human fallacies that ultimately brought about nuclear war.
However, the Master's plan is odd as all Super-mutants are sterile. The Vault Dweller can help Vree, a scientist of the Brotherhood of Steel, come to this conclusion, and later use this information to convince the Master that his endeavor has no chance of success. Or if they decide to join the Unity, the ending will show the Vault Dweller being turned into a super mutant, then show the Vault 13 residents being killed by the super mutants. This ending is non-canon however, as it would undo the events of Fallout 2.
One of the main objectives in Fallout is to destroy the Master. The Vault Dweller has three options to choose from. They can either kill the Master through combat (an extremely difficult task), convince him to abandon his plan (in which case the Master commits suicide), or bypass the Master entirely by manually setting off a nuclear device, located on the fourth floor of the vault in which the Master lives. If the dweller encounters the Master, he also has the option of joining forces with the Master instead, giving a non-canonical ending.
Unless the Vault Dweller joins the Master, the end result remains the same. The Master's death would trigger the nuclear device anyway, resulting in the destruction of the Cathedral.
Returning to the Cathedral after the Nuclear Device is detonated, the Vault Dweller simply sees a gaping black crater.
Several mutants led the armies after the fall of the Master. Remnants of the Master's army, such as those led by Tabitha, were found to relocate to inhospitable regions such as Black Mountain. However, despite their lacking numbers and remote locale, they were still found to pose a threat to the populace of the Mojave Wasteland due to frequent and brutal attacks carried out against travelers.
In his attempt to become master of all humanity, the Master tried to create guardians through gene splicing, but was stopped by the Vault Dweller before he could complete his plans. However, some of his creations have outlived him and continue to roam the wasteland. These abominations include centaurs and floaters, which are often found together as though they feel some sort of kinship for one another.[1]
The Master has extremely powerful psionic abilities, able to project extremely vivid hallucinations that easily break the mind of any enemy without some form of mental protection. Besides his psionic abilities, the Master also has a genius-level intellect and incredible natural charisma, having rallied an army of sycophantically devoted human and super-mutant followers around him. He has mastered genetic engineering through his experiments with the Forced Evolutionary Virus.
The Master is also hard to kill in combat without specializing in such, due to the Master's bio-electrical integration with the Cathedral Vault's Overseer Chair, giving him access to its twin gatling lasers, providing the Master with considerable firepower, though the real danger in the fight comes from the repeatedly spawning super mutants.
If, on the other hand, with the proper equipment, such as a turbo plasma rifle, hardened power armor or Tesla armor, a few stims and high stats in Energy Weapons, Endurance, etc., then the Master is fairly easy to defeat. Aiming for the eyes while going back to cover improves the chances of success.
Because the Master is integrated into the Vault Overseer's chair, he counts as a robotic enemy and is highly vulnerable to pulse grenades (which are a viable way for non-combat oriented characters to still defeat the Master in a straight fight).
The psychic nullifier which is based on alien technology can dampen the Master's psychic attacks.
General | Services | Quests | ||||||||||||||||
The Master's death animation |
The Master's Tell-me-abouts | |
Query | Response |
Master | I am not here to answer your questions. You are here to answer mine. |
Anything else | I am the Master. I don't have to answer to you. |
服装 | 武器 | その他のアイテム | 死体 |
Gatling laser | - | empty |
The Master is the strongest enemy in Fallout. He has 500 HP, can attack twice per round, and is protected by an almost constantly respawning supply of super mutant bodyguards.
The Master appears only in Fallout as a talking head. His "male" voices are provided by Jim Cummings, and his "female" voice by Kath Soucie.
However, although he appears only in the first game of the series, the Master is mentioned in most Fallout games (with the exception of Fallout 4).
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