「increased」を含むwiki一覧 - 1ページ

Patch_3.1.0 - World of Warcraft Wiki

these dailies as well.The number of NPCs defending fortress has been increased.Siege Engines now have Steam Pressure as a resource type (re

謎境一騎 - 原神 非公式攻略wiki

ier. When you are within the barrier, your active character deals 60% increased DMG and takes 20% increased DMG. The barrier lasts for 12s.O

Patch_3.2.0 - World of Warcraft Wiki

d rating restrictions still apply).Dalaran SewersThe entire Arena has increased in size by 25%.Mounts can now be used in this Arena.The posi

Zaw - Warframe日本語 Wiki

:Zaws now block 100% damage.Update 26.0 (10-31-2019)BallaDaggerDamage increased from 68 to 224.Range increased from 1 to 1.7.StaffDamage inc

更新履歴 - Idle Slayer Wiki

s Giant finally have 240 Souls.The Executioner Craftable Item benefit increased from +3% to +8%.Whetstone increased from +45% to +65%.Simurg

地脈異常 - 原神 非公式攻略wiki

.NameEffectElemental DMG Buff(Element) DMG dealt by all party members increased by 75%Energy BlastWhen Overloaded/Melt/Vaporize/Electro-Char

Kitgun - Warframe日本語 Wiki

t Primary Kitguns only based on feedback.CatchmoonProjectile lifetime increased from 0.3secs to .42secs.Fall Off increased from 12-24m to 20

Fallout_4_armor_mods - Fallout Wiki

ions.+2.5Armorer 300245b07Ultra-Light BuildGreatly reduced weight and increased AP bonus.+10 AP-4Armorer 300245b23BioCommMeshIncreases durat

無相の水 - 原神 非公式攻略wiki

t.gifAdditional Droplet説明The exploding droplet's shield durability is increased and even further increased in Extreme difficulty. Its explos

Fallout_76_weapons - Fallout Wiki

ngEnclave plasma gunLaser gunPipe bolt-actionPistols[]Damage dealt is increased by the Gunslinger or Guerrilla perks. {{#while: |.44 pistol

ドローンマスター (DRONEMASTER) - World War Z 日本語wiki


Fallout_4_perks - Fallout Wiki

y.0004a0d73521Heavy guns now do 60% more damage. Hip fire accuracy is increased even more.0004a0d84535Heavy guns now do 80% more damage and

Fallout_76_perks - Fallout Wiki

ds, the greater your strength! (+5 Max)00000000Rejuvenated121You gain increased benefit from being Well Fed or Well Hydrated.000000002You ga

Redeemer - Warframe日本語 Wiki

ast_b.svg 爆発ダメージ –対して有効ではない フェライトアーマーとInfested Sinew。Damage cannot be increased with 衝撃, Puncture_b.svg 貫通, or 切断 mods.Has linear damage fa

仲裁 - Warframe日本語 Wiki

mary Charger: On Melee Kill: 20% chance that Primary Weapon damage is increased by 200% for 8 seconds*Arcane Blade Charger: On Primary Weap

Glaive_Prime - Warframe日本語 Wiki

arframes. ダメージ増加 from 50 to 164.範囲増加 from 0.5 to 1.25.Critical Chance increased from 15% to 22%.スラムアタック増加 from 100 to 492.スライドアタック増加 from 25

Fallout_76_cut_content - Fallout Wiki

Vault is a lot like prison, lots of weight lifting. Your Strength is increased.000950fdPerception trainingPlaying Vault-Tech games endlessl

分裂 - Warframe日本語 Wiki

f key pickup markersLowered the minimum radius of Conduit markers and increased their attachment heightDemolysts no longer spawn at the same

Stats_(Legacy) - Lobotomy Corporation Wiki

 Experience[]Experience is a hidden value of the agents, which can be increased with the Manual Distribution Research. The agents gain exper

Fluctus - Warframe日本語 Wiki

un in Melee Only Sorties.Hotfix 24.2.4 (12-19-2018)Arch-Gun Ammo pool increased by 2x for all Arch-Guns in Atmosphere mode.Arch-Gun Deployer

Furax_Wraith - Warframe日本語 Wiki

ファイル:Furax.pngFurax, featuring both improved critical statistics and increased initial Combo Count。製作25,000Left Gauntlet1Right Gauntlet1製作:

Wolf_Sledge - Warframe日本語 Wiki

o 777.スライドアタック増加 from 260 to 518.Parry Angle set to 50.Follow Through increased from 0.2 to 0.4.Update 24.6 (04-04-2019)Added a 5m 200 Explo

Timeline - Fallout Wiki

, in the wake of successful tests on flatworms; the flatworms exhibit increased size and heightened resistance to viral contagions. Experime

Twin_Basolk - Warframe日本語 Wiki

Art - Weaponsテンプレート:SkinGallery更新履歴[]Update 26.0 (10-31-2019)マスタリーランク increased from 3 to 7.ダメージ増加 from 65 Heat to 210 (55 Impact, 15 Punctu

War - Warframe日本語 Wiki

10-31-2019)ダメージ増加 from 140 to 250.範囲増加 from 1.45 to 3.2.Status Chance increased from 20% to 26%.Critical Chance increased from 20% to 26%.Cr

Nikana_Prime - Warframe日本語 Wiki

uilt weapons will remain as is.更新履歴[]Update 26.0 (10-31-2019)マスタリーランク increased from 0 to 12.ダメージ増加 from 95 to 198.範囲増加 from 1 to 2.5.Status

Fallout_4_settlements - Fallout Wiki

ning one can have a population cap of 20 (10+10). This can be further increased by wearing charisma boosting clothing and consumables. It is