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「奕棋術」をレベルアップすることで、新たな機関と「霊妙くじ」を開放できます。 利用できる機関と「霊妙くじ」は「物資の整備」画面で確認できます。 | |
Tutorial_Theater_Mechanicus_2021-08-12_2.png | 最多2人で「布陣」に挑戦することができます。マルチプレイで「布陣」に挑戦する時、機関の配置数は布陣にいる全プレイヤーによって共有されます。また、「布陣」では各プレイヤーがそれぞれ一定の比率で「奇術点」を獲得して消費することができます。 「布陣」を始めた後、「奇術点」を消費して指定の位置に各種機関を配置することができます。敵を倒したり、機関を取り除いたりすることで、「奇術点」を獲得できます。 |
一部の機関は向きを調整することができます。 機関の向きを変えることで、異なる方向の敵に影響を与え、様々な状況に対して柔軟に対応することができます。 | |
Tutorial_Theater_Mechanicus_2021-08-12_4.png | 「奇術点」を消費することで「霊妙くじ」を引くことができます。「霊妙くじ」にはそれぞれ効果があります。「霊くじ」は機関を強化でき、「妙くじ」はプレイヤーに強化効果をもたらします。 「霊くじ」と「妙くじ」にはそれぞれレア度があります。レア度の低い順に「平運」、「祥瑞」、「貴禄」の3つの品質があります。品質が高ければ高いほど、そのくじによる強化効果も強くなります。しかし同時に、必要となる「奇術点」も増えます。 一部の霊妙くじは重複で引くことにより、重ね掛け効果を獲得できます。 |
一部の「布陣」では、一部の霊妙くじを引くことができません。 | |
Tutorial_Theater_Mechanicus_2021-08-12_6.png | 「霊くじ」と「妙くじ」の他に、襲ってくる敵を強化する「勇くじ」があります。強化された敵を倒すと、より多くの「奇術点」を獲得できます。 |
稀に、「詭くじ」に影響された「霊妙くじ」を引くこともあります。このようなくじを引いた場合、効果獲得に必要な「奇術点」は減りますが、プレイヤーには様々なマイナス効果が付与されるかもしれません。 | |
Tutorial_Theater_Mechanicus_2021-08-12_8.png | 「布陣」を始めると、敵はあらゆる方向から攻めてきます。各種装置を利用し、敵が「布陣」から逃げることを防ぐ必要があります。敵が「布陣」から逃げた時、「布陣」陣枢の「耐久値」はダメージを受けます。 |
Stage | Unlocked | Preview | Description |
First Excursion | 2021-08-12 10:00 | ||
1. Slumber Spirit's Bridge | 2021-08-12 10:00 | Theater_Mechanicus_2021-08-12_Stage_1.png | In this Stage, enemies will be coming from a single direction. If you wish to achieve victory, you must pay close attention to the Stage and the way enemies arrive. |
2. Autumnal Resplendence | 2021-08-12 10:00 | In this Stage, enemies will be coming simultaneously from two different directions. If you wish to achieve victory, you must pay close attention to the Stage and the way enemies arrive. | |
3. Springtide Advent | 2021-08-12 10:00 | Theater_Mechanicus_2021-08-12_Stage_3.png | In this Stage, enemies will be coming simultaneously from two different directions. If you wish to achieve victory, you must pay close attention to the Stage and the way enemies arrive. |
4. Dream Pavilion | 2021-08-12 10:00 | In this Stage, enemies will be coming simultaneously from two different directions. If you wish to achieve victory, you must pay close attention to the Stage and the way enemies arrive. | |
5. Twin Swallow's Arrival | 2021-08-13 04:00 | Theater_Mechanicus_2021-08-12_Stage_5.png | In this Stage, enemies will be coming simultaneously from two different directions. If you wish to achieve victory, you must pay close attention to the Stage and the way enemies arrive. |
6. Slumber Spirit's Bridge | 2021-08-13 04:00 | In this Stage, enemies will be coming simultaneously from two different directions. If you wish to achieve victory, you must pay close attention to the Stage and the way enemies arrive. | |
7. Autumnal Resplendence | 2021-08-14 04:00 | Theater_Mechanicus_2021-08-12_Stage_7.png | In this Stage, enemies will be coming simultaneously from two different directions. If you wish to achieve victory, you must pay close attention to the Stage and the way enemies arrive. |
8. Springtide Advent | 2021-08-14 04:00 | In this Stage, enemies will be coming simultaneously from three different directions. If you wish to achieve victory, you must pay close attention to the Stage and the way enemies arrive. | |
9. Dream Pavilion | 2021-08-15 04:00 | Theater_Mechanicus_2021-08-12_Stage_9.png | In this Stage, enemies will be coming simultaneously from three different directions. If you wish to achieve victory, you must pay close attention to the Stage and the way enemies arrive. |
10. Twin Swallow's Arrival | 2021-08-15 04:00 | In this Stage, enemies will be coming simultaneously from two different directions. If you wish to achieve victory, you must pay close attention to the Stage and the way enemies arrive. |
Level | EXP [total] | Terminus Integrity | Initial Veneficus Points | Wondrous Sticks | Redraws Consumed | Wondrous Hunch | Free Draws |
1 | 0 [0] | 20 | 3,500 | 3 | 50 | Mediocre Fortune | 3 |
2 | 500 [500] | 20 | 3,750 | 3 | 50 | Mediocre Fortune | 3 |
3 | 500 [1000] | 20 | 4000 | 3 | 50 | Decent Fortune | 3 |
4 | 1000 [2000] | 20 | 4250 | 3 | 50 | Decent Fortune | 3 |
5 | 1000 [3000] | 20 | 4500 | 3 | 50 | Good Fortune | 3 |
6 | 1000 [4000] | 25 | 4750 | 4 | 50 | Good Fortune | 3 |
7 | 1000 [5000] | 25 | 5000 | 4 | 50 | Great Fortune | 4 |
8 | 1000 [6000] | 25 | 5000 | 4 | 50 | Great Fortune | 4 |
9 | 1000 [7000] | 30 | 5000 | 4 | 50 | Overflowing Fortune | 4 |
10 | 1000 [8000] | 30 | 5000 | 4 | 50 | Overflowing Fortune | 5 |
After each game the player is rewarded with Mechanicus Mastery EXP based on their performance as well as handicaps or unique playstyles they may have used.
Challenge | Mechanicus Mastery EXP |
Complete this Stage | 150 |
Complete this Stage while losing no more than 15 Terminus Integrity | 60 |
Complete this Stage while losing no more than 10 Terminus Integrity | 60 |
Complete this Stage while losing no more than 5 Terminus Integrity | 60 |
Clear at least 2 Stages | 60 |
Clear at least 3 Stages | 60 |
Clear at least 4 Stages | 60 |
Successfully complete a Stage having selected 5 Ominous Sticks | 60 |
Successfully complete a Stage having selected 5 Courage Sticks | 60 |
Gain a total of 18,888 Veneficus Points in a single Stage | 60 |
Successfully complete a Stage without selecting a single Affluence Stick | 60 |
Complete the final round of a Stage within 60s | 60 |
Mission | Rewards |
Reach Mechanicus Mastery Lv. 3 | Item_Peace_Talisman.png 霊妙玉佩 ×60 |
Reach Mechanicus Mastery Lv. 6 | Item_Peace_Talisman.png 霊妙玉佩 ×120 |
Reach Mechanicus Mastery Lv. 10 | Item_Peace_Talisman.png 霊妙玉佩 ×180 |
Defeat a total of 500 opponents | Item_Peace_Talisman.png 霊妙玉佩 ×60 |
Defeat a total of 2,000 opponents | Item_Peace_Talisman.png 霊妙玉佩 ×120 |
Spend a total of 20,000 Veneficus Points | Item_Peace_Talisman.png 霊妙玉佩 ×60 |
Spend a total of 50,000 Veneficus Points | Item_Peace_Talisman.png 霊妙玉佩 ×120 |
Complete a Stage on Difficulty 5 or above without building more than 12 Mechanici | Item_Peace_Talisman.png 霊妙玉佩 ×50 |
Complete Stage 7 while losing less than 15 Terminus Integrity | Item_Peace_Talisman.png 霊妙玉佩 ×50 |
Complete Stage 9 while losing less than 15 Terminus Integrity | Item_Peace_Talisman.png 霊妙玉佩 ×50 |
Obtain at least 400 Mechanicus Mastery EXP in Stage 2 | Item_Peace_Talisman.png 霊妙玉佩 ×50 |
Obtain at least 400 Mechanicus Mastery EXP in Stage 4 | Item_Peace_Talisman.png 霊妙玉佩 ×50 |
Obtain at least 400 Mechanicus Mastery EXP in Stage 6 | Item_Peace_Talisman.png 霊妙玉佩 ×50 |
Obtain at least 400 Mechanicus Mastery EXP in Stage 8 | Item_Peace_Talisman.png 霊妙玉佩 ×50 |
Obtain at least 400 Mechanicus Mastery EXP in Stage 10 | Item_Peace_Talisman.png 霊妙玉佩 ×50 Item_Celebration_Wondrous_Calculation.png祭典・妙算 ×1 |
Base Range is measured in meters. ATK SPD is measured in one hit every certain amount of seconds.
Some of these mechanici were used in the previous version. Some additional data for these can be found in the past version Theater Mechanicus/2021-02-10.
Type | Effect | Cost | Base ATK | Base ATK SPD | Elemental Mastery | Base Range | |
Icon_Hydro_Mechanici.png | Veneficus Mechanicus: Rippling Reflections | Attacks nearby opponents with Water Cannons that deal 60% ATK as Hydro DMG. | 500 | 10000 | 4s | 0 | |
Veneficus Mechanicus: Inferno | Attacks opponents with Blazing Sparks that explode on hit, dealing 100% ATK as AoE Pyro DMG. | 500 | 10000 | 4s | 0 | ||
Icon_Electro_Mechanici.png | Veneficus Mechanicus: Furious Discharge | Attacks 1 opponent at a time with a Thunder Strike that deals 80% ATK as Electro DMG. | 500 | 10000 | 4s | 0 | |
Veneficus Mechanicus: Dust Devil | Once deployed, the orientation can be adjusted in the construction menu to attack in different directions. Deals 75% of its ATK as AoE Anemo DMG and knocks enemies back. | 500 | 10000 | 4s | 0 | ||
Icon_Cryo_Mechanici.png | Veneficus Mechanicus: Glacial Bloom | Periodically fires a Frost Bullet in a straight line. Deals 50% ATK as Cryo DMG to the first opponent it hits. | 500 | 10000 | 4s | 0 | |
Veneficus Mechanicus: Crack Shot | Periodically fires an Arrow Shot, dealing 75% ATK as Physical DMG on hit. | 500 | |||||
Icon_Ambush_Mechanici.png | Tandem Mine | When an opponent passes by, the Tandem Mine explodes, dealing 500% ATK as Pyro DMG to nearby opponents. After its effects have been triggered, this device will be destroyed. | 100 | ||||
Recovery Mechanicus: Charity | Nearby opponents have their Movement SPD decreased by 20%. When they are defeated, gain 20 extra Veneficus Points. This effect does not stack. | 250 | 8m | ||||
Icon_Mysticus_Mechanici.png | Mysticus Mechanicus: Arcanum | Buffs nearby Veneficus Mechanici, increasing their ATK by 50%. | 250 | ||||
Arcane Mechanicus: Binding | When an opponent passes by, Arcane Mechanicus: Binding explodes, imprisoning one of the opponents it hits for 3s. After its effects have been triggered, this Mechanicus will be destroyed. | 100 | 4m | ||||
Icon_Banishment_Mechanici.png | Arcane Mechanicus: Banishment | When an opponent approaches it, Arcane Mechanicus: Banishment will knock all opponents within its AoE away from itself. Once its effects have been triggered, it will go on cooldown for 6s. | 250 | 2m |
Provide various enhancements to your Mechanici.
No. | Type | Effect | Cost | |
1 | Maelstrom | Upgrades Rippling Reflection's ATK, increasing its Attack Level by 1. Every level will increase ATK by 2,000. | 300 | |
2 | Icon_Theater_Mechanicus_Fortune_Stick_Hydro.png | Surge | Upgrades Rippling Reflection's Elemental Mastery, increasing its Mastery Level by 1. Every level will increase Elemental Mastery by 75. | |
3 | Rapids | Upgrades Rippling Reflection's ATK SPD. Increases ATK SPD by 20%. | 200 | |
4 | Icon_Theater_Mechanicus_Fortune_Stick_Pyro.png | Embers | Upgrades Inferno's ATK, increasing its Attack Level by 1. Every level will increase ATK by 2,000. | 300 |
5 | Torch | Upgrades Inferno's Elemental Mastery, increasing its Mastery Level by 1. Every level will increase Elemental Mastery by 75. | ||
6 | Icon_Theater_Mechanicus_Fortune_Stick_Pyro.png | Wildfire | Upgrades Inferno's ATK SPD. Increases ATK SPD by 20%. | 200 |
7 | Beacon | Upgrades Inferno's Detection Range, allowing it to attack opponents from further away. Basic Detection Range increased by 40%. | ||
8 | Icon_Theater_Mechanicus_Fortune_Stick_Cryo.png | Frostbite | Upgrades Glacial Bloom's ATK, increasing its Attack Level by 1. Every level will increase ATK by 2,000. | 300 |
9 | Sheen | Upgrades Glacial Bloom's Elemental Mastery, increasing its Mastery Level by 1. Every level will increase Elemental Mastery by 75. | ||
10 | Icon_Theater_Mechanicus_Fortune_Stick_Cryo.png | Quickfrost | Upgrades Glacial Bloom's ATK SPD. Increases ATK SPD by 20%. | 200 |
11 | Floe | Upgrades Glacial Bloom's Detection Range, allowing it to attack opponents from further away. Basic Detection Range increased by 40%. | ||
12 | Icon_Theater_Mechanicus_Fortune_Stick_Anemo.png | Headwind | Upgrades Dust Devil's ATK, increasing its Attack Level by 1. Every level will increase ATK by 2,000. | 300 |
13 | Breeze | Upgrades Dust Devil's Elemental Mastery, increasing its Mastery Level by 1. Every level will increase Elemental Mastery by 75. | ||
14 | Icon_Theater_Mechanicus_Fortune_Stick_Anemo.png | Hurricane | Upgrades Dust Devil's ATK SPD. Increases ATK SPD by 20%. | 200 |
15 | Thunderstorm | Upgrades Furious Discharge's ATK, increasing its Attack Level by 1. Every level will increase ATK by 2,000. | 300 | |
16 | Icon_Theater_Mechanicus_Fortune_Stick_Electro.png | Thundershock | Upgrades Furious Discharge's Elemental Mastery, increasing its Mastery Level by 1. Every level will increase Elemental Mastery by 75. | |
17 | Thunderstrike | Upgrades Furious Discharge's ATK SPD. Increases ATK SPD by 20%. | 200 | |
18 | Icon_Theater_Mechanicus_Fortune_Stick_Electro.png | Blitz | Upgrades Furious Discharge's Detection Range, allowing it to attack opponents from further away. Basic Detection Range increased by 40%. | |
19 | Ballistic | Upgrades Crack Shot's ATK, increasing its Attack Level by 1. Every level will increase ATK by 2,000. | 300 | |
20 | Icon_Theater_Mechanicus_Fortune_Stick_Crack_Shot.png | Deftness | Upgrades Crack Shot's ATK SPD. Increases ATK SPD by 20%. | 200 |
21 | Arbalest | Upgrades Crack Shot's Detection Range, allowing it to attack opponents from further away. Basic Detection Range increased by 40%. | ||
22 | Icon_Theater_Mechanicus_Fortune_Stick_Other.png | Thunderbomb | Upgrades Tandem Mine's ATK, increasing its Attack Level by 1. Every level will increase ATK by 2,000. | 300 |
23 | Yearning | Upgrades Arcanum's ATK increase effect. Veneficus Mechanici affected by this Mechanicus have 10% increased ATK. | 200 | |
24 | Icon_Theater_Mechanicus_Fortune_Stick_Other.png | Transcension | Upgrades Arcanum to also increase Elemental Mastery. Veneficus Mechanici affected by this Mechanicus have 25% increased Elemental Mastery, | |
25 | Utilization | Upgrades Charity's Veneficus Points gain increase by 10. | ||
26 | Icon_Theater_Mechanicus_Fortune_Stick_Hydro.png | Cascade | Upgrades Rippling Reflection's Basic Detection Range and AoE. Basic Detection Range increased by 33%, and Attack AoE increased by 33%. | 500 |
27 | Upsurge | Rippling Reflections gains a new ability: Periodically releases a Mist Bubble that tracks opponents, imprisoning them briefly. Selecting this stick multiple times will decrease the cooldown of the Mist Bubble. Fires a Mist Bubble every 5s. When it hits, it will deal 15% of Rippling Reflection's ATK as Hydro DMG. | ||
28 | Icon_Theater_Mechanicus_Fortune_Stick_Hydro.png | Swell | Rippling Reflections gains a new ability: Periodically unleashes Torrent Rings, Applying the Wet status to opponents on hit. Unleashes the Ring every 20s. Select this stick multiple times to decrease the Torrent Ring's cooldown. | |
29 | Vaporwave | When Veneficus Mechanici trigger Vaporize, Vaporize DMG is increased by 50%. | ||
30 | Icon_Theater_Mechanicus_Fortune_Stick_Hydro.png | Inundation | Increases the DMG Rippling Reflections deals against Wet enemies by 50%. | |
31 | Scorched Earth | Upgrades Inferno's Basic ATK AoE, increasing it by 133% | 500 | |
32 | Icon_Theater_Mechanicus_Fortune_Stick_Pyro.png | Magma | Increases the effectiveness of Inferno's Basic Attack against Geo. | |
33 | Torchlight | Inferno gains a new ability: Periodically unleashes Burning Rings, applying Pyro to opponents hit. Unleashes a ring once every 20s. Select this stick multiple times to decrease the Burning Ring's cooldown. | ||
34 | Icon_Theater_Mechanicus_Fortune_Stick_Pyro.png | Defrost | When Veneficus Mechanici trigger Melt, Melt DMG is increased by 50%. | |
35 | Inflammation | Upgrades Inferno, making it decrease DEF when it deals DMG to them. Stacks up to 3 time(s). Each stack decreases DEF by 10%. Select this stick multiple times to increase the amount of DEF decreased per stack. | ||
36 | Icon_Theater_Mechanicus_Fortune_Stick_Cryo.png | Hailstorm | On hit, Glacial Bloom's Basic Attack will cause an Icy Explosion that deals AoE Cryo DMG. Select this stick multiple times to increase Icy Explosion's AoE. Icy Explosion DMG is equal to 20% of Glacial Bloom's ATK. | 500 |
37 | Snowdance | Upgrades Glacial Bloom's Basic Attack to temporarily decrease opponent's Movement SPD on hit. Movement SPD by 25% for 5s. Select this stick multiple times to decrease opponent's Movement SPD. | ||
38 | Icon_Theater_Mechanicus_Fortune_Stick_Cryo.png | Icebreaker | Glacial Bloom gains a new ability: Periodically unleashes a Bone-Chilling Ring, applying Cryo to opponents hit. Unleashes 1 Bone-Chilling Ring every 20s. Select this stick multiple times to decrease Bone-Chilling Ring cooldown. | |
39 | Uninhibited | Upgrades Glacial Bloom's Basic Attack to decrease hit opponents' Elemental RES temporarily. Elemental RES decreased by 25%. | ||
40 | Icon_Theater_Mechanicus_Fortune_Stick_Anemo.png | Vacuum | Dust Devil will continuously pull in enemies it is facing. Select this stick multiple times to increase pull strength. | 500 |
41 | Smog | Dust Devil gains a new ability: Periodically unleashes Scattering Wind, applying Anemo to opponents hit. Unleashes 1 Scattering Wind every 6s. Select this stick multiple times to decrease Scattering Wind cooldown. | ||
42 | Icon_Theater_Mechanicus_Fortune_Stick_Anemo.png | Wind's Howl | Upgrades Dust Devil's Basic Attack to decrease opponents' Anemo RES on hit, max 3 stacks. Anemo RES decreased by 10% for 10s. Select this stick multiple times to increase max stack count. | |
43 | Superstorm | Upgrades Dust Devil's Basic Attack to deal Bonus DMG to opponents with HP above 50%. DMG is increased by 25%. | ||
44 | Icon_Theater_Mechanicus_Fortune_Stick_Electro.png | Jolt | Upgrades Furious Discharge's Basic Attack to hit an additional 1 target(s). | 500 |
45 | Vengeance | Upgrades Furious Discharge's Basic Attack to gain stacks of the Stealth Strike effect, allowing it to imprison opponents after a certain number of stacks. When 8 stacks are reached, Stealth Strike is removed and the opponent is imprisoned for 0.5s. Select this stick multiple times to decrease the number of stacks required to imprison opponents. | ||
46 | Icon_Theater_Mechanicus_Fortune_Stick_Electro.png | Silent Thunder | Furious Discharge gains a new ability: Periodically releases Electrostatic Rings, applying Electro to opponents hit. Unleashes 1 Electrostatic Ring every 20s. Select this stick multiple times to decrease Electrostatic Ring cooldown. | |
47 | Bombardier | When Veneficus Mechanici trigger Overloaded and Electro-Charged, Overloaded and Electro-Charged DMG is increased by 100%. | ||
48 | Icon_Theater_Mechanicus_Fortune_Stick_Electro.png | Supercharged | Upgrades Furious Discharge's Basic Attack to gain an ATK increase for a time after hitting an opponent. ATK increased by 5% for 20s. Stacks up to 5 times. Select this stick multiple times to increase ATK gained per stack. | |
49 | Demolition | Upgrades Crack Shot's Basic Attack to trigger an explosion on hit that deals AoE DMG. Select this stick to increase the AoE of the explosion. The explosion DMG is 25% of Crack Shot's ATK. | 500 | |
50 | Icon_Theater_Mechanicus_Fortune_Stick_Crack_Shot.png | Siege | When Veneficus Mechanici trigger Superconduct, they will decrease opponent's Physical RES by an additional 40%. | |
51 | Bullseye | Upgrades Crack Shot's Basic Attacks to become stronger over time as they are in flight. Arrows gain a stack of Precision Strike per 0.5s they are in flight. Precision Strike boosts arrow DMG by 5%. Stacks up to 10 times. Select this stick multiple times to further increase the DMG boost provided by Precision Strike. | ||
52 | Icon_Theater_Mechanicus_Fortune_Stick_Other.png | Culling | Upgrades Tandem Mine's to deal Bonus DMG to opponents with HP below 50%. DMG is increased by 40%. | 500 |
53 | Dual Fuse | When a Tandem Mine's explosion defeats an opponent, an extra explosion is triggered. | ||
54 | Icon_Theater_Mechanicus_Fortune_Stick_Other.png | Continuous Carnage | Upgrades Tandem Mine's such that it will not automatically be destroyed after an explosion, but enters in a state of self-repair. Self-repair takes 15s, and function will be restored once complete. Select this stick multiple times to decrease self-repair time. | |
55 | Shackles | Upgrades Binding, causing its imprisonment time to be extended by 2s. | ||
56 | Icon_Theater_Mechanicus_Fortune_Stick_Other.png | Brambles | Upgrades Binding, causing opponents to be imprisoned by it to take more DMG. DMG taken increased by 50%. | 500 |
57 | Constancy | Upgrades Binding such that it will not automatically be destroyed after an explosion, but enters in a state of self-repair. Self-repair takes 15s, and function will be restored once complete. Select this stick multiple times to decrease self-repair time. | ||
58 | Icon_Theater_Mechanicus_Fortune_Stick_Other.png | Obscurum | Increases Arcanum's AoE by 50%. | 500 |
59 | Benevolence | Increases Charity's AoE by 25%. | 500 | |
60 | Icon_Theater_Mechanicus_Fortune_Stick_Other.png | Ingenuity | Movement SPD of opponents within Recovery Mechanicus: Charity's AoE is decreased by an additional 20%. | |
61 | Daze | Movement SPD of opponents pushed back by Arcane Mechanicus: Banishment decreased by 30% for 8s. | 500 | |
62 | Icon_Theater_Mechanicus_Fortune_Stick_Other.png | Sustenance | Upgrades Banishment, allowing it to take effect 2 more times before entering CD. | |
63 | Undercurrent | Modifies Rippling Reflections. Basic Attacks AoE is sacrificed in return for a Basic Attack that causes a Water Eruption at the opponent's position. The Water Eruption deals 125% more DMG than the initial attack type. Select this stick multiple times to increase the DMG of this upgrade. | 1500 | |
64 | Icon_Theater_Mechanicus_Fortune_Stick_Hydro.png | Flood of Sorrow | Upgrades Rippling Reflection's Basic Attack to apply the Inner Turbulence effect to them for a time, causing them to implode continuously and deal AoE Hydro DMG. Inner Turbulence lasts for 12s, dealing 75% of Rippling Reflection's ATK as Hydro DMG. Select this stick multiple times to increase the DMG dealt by Inner Turbulence. | |
65 | Pyro Orb | Modifies Inferno's Basic Attack to higher-DMG Flares that descend from the skies. The Flare deals 100% more DMG than the Normal Attack type. Select this stick multiple times to further increase the DMG of this upgrade. | 1500 | |
66 | Icon_Theater_Mechanicus_Fortune_Stick_Pyro.png | Everblazing | Upgrades Inferno's Basic Attack such that it leaves behind continuously-burning Liquid Fire on hit. Liquid Fire lasts for 5s and deals 30% of Inferno's ATK as Pyro DMG per second. Select this stick multiple times to increase the DMG dealt by Liquid Fire. | |
67 | Hailstones | Modifies Glacial Bloom's Basic Attack to Froststorm Arrows that deal greater DMG to Frozen opponents. The Basic Attack can now also attack one extra opponent. Froststorm Arrows deal 125% more DMG to Frozen opponents. Select this stick multiple times to increase the DMG dealt by Liquid Fire. | 1500 | |
68 | Icon_Theater_Mechanicus_Fortune_Stick_Cryo.png | Frozen Fog | Glacial Bloom gains a new ability: Periodically unleashes Ice Mist. Releases an Ice Mist that lasts 5s every 10s that deals 50% of Glacial Bloom's ATK as Cryo DMG to opponents within its AoE. Select this stick multiple times to increase the DMG dealt by Ice Mist. | |
69 | Spring Gust | Modifies Dust Devil's Basic Attack to a Wind Blade that pushes opponents back. Gains an ATK increase. ATK increased by 100%.Select this stick multiple times to further increase the attack gained. | 1500 | |
70 | Icon_Theater_Mechanicus_Fortune_Stick_Anemo.png | Nurturing Breeze | Upgrades Dust Devil such that it gains an ATK Bonus when it is not attacking, enhancing its next attack. When it is not attacking, its ATK increases by 225% every 5s. Stacks up to 2 times. This ATK increase will be cleared the next time Dust Devil launches a Basic Attack. Select this stick multiple times to increase the ATK gained per stack. | |
71 | Silver Lining | Furious Discharge gains a new ability: Periodically unleashes a Lightning Strike, dealing AoE Electro DMG, gaining a temporary Elemental Mastery increase based on the number of opponents hit. Lightning Strike DMG is 100% of Furious Charge's ATK. Each hit will grant 125 Elemental Mastery for 10s, maximum of 10 stacks. Select this multiple times to increase the Elemental Mastery gained per stack. | 1500 | |
72 | Icon_Theater_Mechanicus_Fortune_Stick_Electro.png | Heavenly Tumult | Modifies Furious Discharge's Basic Attack to Celestial Thunder and increasing ATK. This Basic Attack will deal increased DMG then only hitting a single target. ATK is increased by 100%. Basic ATK will deal 150% increased DMG when hitting only a single target. Select this stick multiple times to further increase the ATK gained and DMG increase. | |
73 | Marksman's Focus | Crack Shot gains a new ability: Periodically marks one nearby opponent. The marked opponent will take increased DMG and grant increased Veneficus Points upon its defeat. A mark will be released every 5s and will last 15s. Marked opponents will take 75% extra DMG and will provide 25 extra Veneficus Points upon their defeat. Select this stick to increase the DMG taken by marked opponents and the Veneficus Points gained from defeating them. | 1500 | |
74 | Icon_Theater_Mechanicus_Fortune_Stick_Crack_Shot.png | Rolling Thunder | Upgrades Crack Shot. Basic Attack is changed to Chaos Cluster that pursues opponents and deals AoE DMG on hit. Chaos Cluster increases in Movement SPD and size over time. Every 0.5s after firing, the Chaos Cluster gains 1 stack of Supernova, which increases DMG by 15%. Stacks up to 12 times. Select this stick multiple times to increase the DMG boost provided by each Supernova stack. |
Grant the player with special buffs.
No. | Type | Effect | Cost | |
1 | Mechastrength | This wave, ATK level of all Mechanici +2 | 300 | |
2 | Icon_Theater_Mechanicus_Mystic_Stick.png | Mechapower | This wave, Mastery Level of all Mechanici +2 | 200 |
3 | Mecharepair | Repairs Terminus. Restores 5 Integrity. | ||
4 | Icon_Theater_Mechanicus_Mystic_Stick.png | Switcheroo | Randomly removes 1 normal or Auspicious Fortune Stick and awards 400 Veneficus Points in return. | 0 |
5 | Downpayment | Instantly receive 2000 Veneficus Points, but receive no Veneficus Points for defeating opponents in the next wave. | ||
6 | Icon_Theater_Mechanicus_Mystic_Stick.png | Artificer | Starting this wave, earn 500 Veneficus Points at the end of each wave. | 500 |
7 | Transmutation | Increases the incidence of Auspicious Sticks and Affluent Sticks, but decreases the pool of available sticks by 2 when selecting Fortune/Mystic sticks from now on. | ||
8 | Icon_Theater_Mechanicus_Mystic_Stick.png | Chrysopoeia | Veneficus Points costs of re-selecting Wondrous Sticks -50%. | |
9 | Renovation | For every 3 unique Fortune/Mystic Sticks you have selected, raise ATK Level of all Veneficus Mechanici by 1. Max ATK that can be gained in this way is 5. | ||
10 | Icon_Theater_Mechanicus_Mystic_Stick.png | Empowerment | For every 3 unique Fortune/Mystic Sticks you have selected, raises Mastery of all Veneficus Mechanici by 1. Max Mastery Level that can be gained in this way is 5. | |
11 | Treacherous Renovation | Raises ATK level of all Veneficus Mechanici by 1 when you select an Ominous Stick. | ||
12 | Icon_Theater_Mechanicus_Mystic_Stick.png | Treacherous Empowerment | Raises Mastery level of all Veneficus Mechanici by 1 when you select an Ominous Stick. | |
13 | Magnum Opus | For every 3 time(s) you re-draw, decreases the Veneficus Points cost of 1 Wonderous Stick to zero. | 1500 | |
14 | Icon_Theater_Mechanicus_Mystic_Stick.png | Winning Strategy | If you have less than 6 Fortune Stick and Mystic Stick types, your Veneficus Mechanici will have 250% increased ATK. | |
15 | Challenger | Upon choosing this stick: After selecting 5 Courage Stick(s), Affluent Sticks will no longer cost Veneficus Points. | ||
16 | Icon_Theater_Mechanicus_Mystic_Stick.png | Builder | Raises the ATK level of all Veneficus Mechanici by 1 for every 1000 Veneficus Points owned by players in this Stage. | |
17 | Schemer | All Fortune/Mystic Stick gain an Ominous Stick effect. | 1000 |
Buff incoming opponents, but defeating them will give you more Veneficus Points in return.
No. | Type | Effect | Cost | |
1 | Icon_Theater_Mechanicus_Courage_Stick.png | Staunch Opposition | Next wave, all opponents will have 1 increased HP levels, but defeating opponents awards 10% more Veneficus Points. | 100 |
2 | Armored Swarm | Next wave, all opponents will have 20% increased DEF, but defeating opponents awards 10% more Veneficus Points. | ||
3 | Icon_Theater_Mechanicus_Courage_Stick.png | Goliath Army | Next wave, Terminus will lose an additional 1 Integrity when opponents reach it, but defeating opponents awards 10% more Veneficus Points. |
Wondrous Sticks affected by Ominous Sticks. These will cost half the Points to draw, but have all manner of unknown side effects.
No. | Type | Effect | |
1 | Extinction | Randomly destroys 1 Mechanicus | |
2 | Icon_Theater_Mechanicus_Ominous_Stick.png | Withering | Decreases Rippling Reflection's attack level by 2. The ATK value after this decreased will not be lower than this Mechanicus type's initial ATK. |
3 | Eradication | Decreases Inferno's attack level by 2. The ATK value after this decreased will not be lower than this Mechanicus type's initial ATK. | |
4 | Icon_Theater_Mechanicus_Ominous_Stick.png | Melting | Decreases Glacial Bloom's attack level by 2. The ATK value after this decreased will not be lower than this Mechanicus type's initial ATK. |
5 | Suffocation | Decreases Dust Devil's attack level by 2. The ATK value after this decreased will not be lower than this Mechanicus type's initial ATK. | |
6 | Icon_Theater_Mechanicus_Ominous_Stick.png | Outage | Decreases Furious Discharge's attack level by 2. The ATK value after this decreased will not be lower than this Mechanicus type's initial ATK. |
7 | Rust | Decreases Crack Shot's attack level by 2. The ATK value after this decreased will not be lower than this Mechanicus type's initial ATK. | |
8 | Icon_Theater_Mechanicus_Ominous_Stick.png | Fluke | No effect |
アイテム | 費用 | 在庫 | 総費用 |
Item_Primogem.png原石 ×60 | 50 | 7 | 350 |
Item_Guide_to_Transience.png「浮世」の導き | 15 | 10 | 150 |
Item_Guide_to_Elegance.png「風雅」の導き | 15 | 10 | 150 |
Item_Guide_to_Light.png「天光」の導き | 15 | 10 | 150 |
Item_Hero%27s_Wit.png大英雄の経験 | 8 | 20 | 160 |
Item_Mora.pngモラ ×10,000 | 8 | 20 | 160 |
すべてのアイテムの合計 | 1,120 |
このイベントでは、鳴神紀行に「このBP期間」の紀行任務が追加されました。これらの任務で得られる紀行経験(BP EXP)は、1週間の経験値制限である10,000紀行経験値にはカウントされない。
ミッション | Item_Battle_Pass_EXP.png紀行経験 |
[イベント] 「機関棋譚・霊妙の陣」:「奕棋術」をLv.6まで上げる | 1,200 |
[イベント] 「機関棋譚・霊妙の陣」:建造した機関数が12個以下で、ステージ5またはより高難度の「布陣」をクリアする | 2,250 |
祭典・妙算 | |
Item_Celebration_Wondrous_Calculation.png | 入手: イベント「機関棋譚・霊妙の陣」にて獲得。 |
説明: 真の棋士は千手先の局面を読むことができる。 |
言語 | 正式名称 | 直訳の意味 (英語) |
日本語 | 機関棋譚・霊妙の陣 Kikan Kitan - Reimyou no Jin[!] | Engine Chess Talk - Wonderful Battle Formation[※] |
中国語 (簡体字) | 机关棋谭・灵妙之局 Jīguān Qítán · Língmiào zhī Jú | |
中国語 (繁体字) | 機關棋譚・靈妙之局 Jīguān Qítán · Língmiào zhī Jú | |
英語 | Theater Mechanicus: Stage of Wonders | — |
韓国語 | 기관 디펜스・신묘한 국면 Gigwan Dipenseu - Sinmyohan Gukmyeon | Engine Defense - Mysterious Situation |
スペイン語 | Arena mecánica: Juego del ingenio | |
フランス語 | Théâtre mécanique - Scène des merveilles | Mechanical Theatre - Stage of Wonders |
ロシア語 | Театр Механикус: Этап чудес Teatr Mekhanikus: Etap chudes | Theater Mechanicus: Stage of Wonders |
タイ語 | Theater Mechanicus - Stage of Wonders | — |
ベトナム語 | Cờ Cơ Quan - Thế Trận Linh Diệu | |
ドイツ語 | Theater der Vorrichtungen – Bühne der Wunder | Theater of Devices - Stage of Wonders |
インドネシア語 | Theater Mechanicus: Permainan Penuh Keajaiban | Theater Mechanicus: Games Full of Magic |
ポルトガル語 | Teatro Mechanicus - Jogo Engenhoso | |
トルコ語 | Mekanikus Savunması: Harikalar Sahnesi | |
イタリア語 | Teatro meccanico: Fase delle meraviglie |
シェアボタン: このページをSNSに投稿するのに便利です。
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