英語版スッタニパータ - あなごクンのうぃき
so varied,in diverse forms disturb the mind;seeing the bane of sense desiresfare singly as the rhino’s horn. ₅₀They are a plague, a blain,
so varied,in diverse forms disturb the mind;seeing the bane of sense desiresfare singly as the rhino’s horn. ₅₀They are a plague, a blain,
, now, too am also like this. Knowing that living beings have various desires to which their hearts are deeply attached, according to their
o broken boat. 777So let a mindful one avoidat every turn these sense-desires,with them abandoned, cross the flood,as boat is baled for the
g fánrén de biāozhǔn lái chuǎicè xiānrén, wǒ méiyǒu yùwàng.("Vision," desires? Hah... do not use mortal standards to consider adepti, I do n
東方神霊廟Ten Desires東方神霊廟のゲームカバー開発者ZUN発行者上海アリス幻樂団発売体験版:2011年4月15日製品版:2011年8月13日(C80)ジャンル弾幕型シューティングゲームゲームプレイ1人プレイ ストーリーモードOSWindows xp/Vista/7動作環
好感度Lv. 4Media:VO_Barbara About the Vision.ogg Everyone has their own desires. To bring together and fulfill those desires and make everyone
will refuse to take the shoes off, and will fulfill all subconscious desires. If anyone tries to take off the shoes or gets in her way, the
妄念と執念アルバム輝く星々Vol.2No.21再生キャラクター実戦紹介 雷電将軍「浄土裁断」 YouTube Spotify 前へ次へ悽愴たる夢- 妄念と執念 -Termination of Desire
t tö the great göd!"Prepared dish (does not match craving)- "The Gnaw desires... nöt this."Prepared dish (matches craving)- "This shall quen
概要ストーリーボイス服装塵歌壺メディア日本語中国語英語韓国語ストーリー[]題名と条件詳細初めまして…(Hello)Media:VO_JA_Kamisato Ayaka Hello.ogg 稲妻神里流太刀術免許皆伝——神里綾華、参ります!よろしくお願いします。世間話・長閑(Chat
y were to see me, They would become lazy and arrogant.Attached to the desires of the five senses, They would fall into the troubled states o
概要ストーリーボイス服装塵歌壺メディア日本語中国語英語韓国語Icon_Emoji_026_Qiqi_Secretly_observing.pngこの記事はあなたの編集を待っています!!編集 ボタンをクリックして、知っていることを追加しましょう!目次1 物語2 戦闘3 ナビゲーショ
登録日:2009/06/05 Fri 20:40:46更新日:2023/08/10 Thu 17:39:26NEW!所要時間:約 8 分で読めます▽タグ一覧あら、この寒い中参拝に来たのですか?うふふ。私もここでの挨拶の仕方を学びました。この幻想郷では常識に囚われてはいけないのです
登録日:2009/09/13(日) 22:29:23更新日:2023/08/17 Thu 20:05:03NEW!所要時間:約 15 分で読めます▽タグ一覧東方Projectの登場キャラクター。◯目次【概要】封獣 ぬえ(ほうじゅう ぬえ)Houjuu Nue【種族】鵺【二つ名】未
ike, they tempt that human into challenging them in any way the human desires. Should the human lose, they are abducted.The oni find these g
登録日:2009/05/27 Wed 09:40:05更新日:2023/08/09 Wed 11:51:01NEW!所要時間:約 9 分で読めます▽タグ一覧同人サークル「上海アリス幻樂団」制作のWindows用シューティングゲームを中心とした一連のシリーズ。「団」とあるが、メンバ
Harp Statue.pngこの記事は未完成のため加筆依頼が出されています。(理由:情報不足)編集による加筆、訂正またはコメントによる意見をお願いします。I WIN. GOOD.“I SHALL DOMINATE ALL CREATURES”–WX-78このページはプレイヤーが
1)"The Gnaw hungers for [欲しているもの]... [その2の文章](ノウは〇〇に飢えている…)""The Gnaw desires [欲しているもの]... [その2の文章](ノウは〇〇を望んでいる…)""The Gnaw craves [欲しているもの]
登録日:2011/04/20(水) 02:20:24更新日:2023/08/17 Thu 20:05:13NEW!所要時間:約 4 分で読めます▽タグ一覧東方Project第13弾。■ストーリー大地を凍らせた白黒の世界は終わり、幻想郷は本来の美しさを取り戻そうとしている。桜と共に
ave nothing to fear.Now you have nothing to think.Follow your selfish desires.Follow your natural instinct.After all you're just an anim
endy wants her partner, Roland, to take aninvestigate action, and she desires to communicate that she canhelp. Instead of saying something l
喧騒と煩悩から離れて分類屋内セットギフトセット品質4 Stars洞天仙力840 説明 スメール様式の内装が施された寝室。すべての器具は、シティの一般的な民家と同じものである。外景の力のおかげで、細部を損なうことなく再現ができている。どの置物も新品のように
dition: We are lost amidst the material world and consumed by worldly desires, which prevents us from achieving gnosis (divine wisdom) and t
no shinjutsu wo nozoku koto ga dekiru no desu.(Leaving behind worldly desires is a part of an astrologist's training. By leading a modest li
want Klee to grow up with a curious yet kind heart. As long as she so desires, she can do anything and go anywhere.http://genshin-impact.fan
To vanquish the Beast of the World, one must first rise above mundane desires, thus weaving the path that leads to destiny.Oz: And yet, on t
ra though.Paimon: Are you saying that Mora is more important than the desires of your lovely companion?(Traveler): ...Actually, I've already
the numerous cases, Nahida believes that someone is exploiting their desires and that they would have to see it themselves to get a better
3つの願い任務の種類魔神任務の章第二章・第一幕【鳴神不動、恒常楽土】開始の場所稲妻、稲妻城前の任務次の任務離島脱出計画無意味に待つことの意味 報酬 キャラクター 冒険経験 650 冒険経験Item_Mora.png 31,12
her mother and Tsubaki are the same person and that she had plenty of desires, but could not do so due to her responsibilities in both the c
ar and tyranny. His dream of a free world stands in opposition to the desires of his adversary, the Emperor, who wishes to control the world
Shogun Fallen 02.ogg 無念…無執…Munen... mushuu...(Detachment from worldly desires... (lit. "Non-thought, non-attachment..."))Media:VO JA Raiden
To vanquish the Beast of the World, one must first rise above mundane desires, thus weaving the path that leads to destiny.ファイル:VO Oz Spice
Can the forces holding this world together be balanced against human desires, or is everything ultimately doomed to end in destruction?Webt
aving them stranded for the Klingons to find, igniting the war Marcus desires. Kirk refuses to accept it and condemned Khan's actions. Khan
that had been recorded in I am That. I think it was about fulfilling desires.Maharaj initially didn’t seem to agree with the remarks that h
and the computers can answer at the screen.at present, to satisfy the desires of various exams, the technique of memorizing robotically rema
and the computers can answer at the screen.at present, to satisfy the desires of various exams, the technique of memorizing robotically rema
s you burned隣のメモリ番地に指し示されたのは あなたが燃やした本Stop now One by oneやめろ 1つずつYour desires convince me you've always been a humanあなたの欲望は あなたは最初から人間だったことを
s you burned隣のメモリ番地に指し示されたのは あなたが燃やした本Stop now One by oneやめろ 1つずつYour desires convince me you've always been a humanあなたの欲望は あなたは最初から人間だったことを
s you burned隣のメモリ番地に指し示されたのは あなたが燃やした本Stop now One by oneやめろ 1つずつYour desires convince me you've always been a humanあなたの欲望は あなたは最初から人間だったことを
and the computers can answer at the screen.at present, to satisfy the desires of various exams, the technique of memorizing robotically rema
eculated that Tieran was partially motivated by Kes' own subconscious desires, explaining why she never got back together with the Talaxian.
e hope to return to dust, it shall go back to the grave with all that desires to live.- AlriuneAlriune(T-04-53、アルリウネ)は背が高く、全身ピンク色で馬に似たアブノーマリ
ndy wants her partner, Roland, to take an investigate action, and she desires to communicate that she can help. Instead of saying something
登録日:2009/08/09(日) 02:14:56更新日:2023/08/10 Thu 17:39:27NEW!所要時間:約 5 分で読めます▽タグ一覧東方Projectの登場キャラクター。名前:洩矢もりや 諏訪子すわこ二つ名:土着神の頂点(風神録・非想天則・求聞口授)___|
登録日:2009/12/09(水) 02:18:10更新日:2023/08/17 Thu 20:04:57NEW!所要時間:約 3 分で読めます▽タグ一覧東方Projectの登場キャラクター。読み:むらさ・みなみつ種族:舟幽霊(ムラサ)能力:水難事故を引き起こす程度の能力二つ名:
登録日:2011/09/18 (日) 08:20:03更新日:2023/08/10 Thu 14:42:42NEW!所要時間:約 6 分で読めます▽タグ一覧東方神霊廟 ~ Ten Desires. の登場キャラクター。他、東方求聞口授、東方茨歌仙、東方心綺楼、東方深秘録、弾幕アマ
登録日:2012/05/05 Sat 22:40:12更新日:2023/11/20 Mon 12:25:34NEW!所要時間:約 3 分で読めます▽タグ一覧知、仁、勇は天下の達徳である。ならば、三者をここに集えよう。東方求聞史紀の続編にあたる東方公式資料集。この作品では東方風神録
登録日:2010/05/22(土) 00:02:44更新日:2023/08/09 Wed 11:51:03NEW!所要時間:約 6 分で読めます▽タグ一覧この項目は同人ゲーム東方Projectのキャラクター一覧項目です。ゲーム作品東方旧作(PC-98版)第1弾■東方靈異伝 ~ H