



Likeファイル:VO Albedo Spice Like 01.ogg If flavors were colors... this one would be gold.
Neutralファイル:VO Albedo Spice Neutral 01.ogg You're willing to spend so much time on improving your cooking, and that's precisely how you're able to make it taste so good.
Dislikeファイル:VO Albedo Spice Dislike 01.ogg This is more than I can manage... maybe we could split it between us?
Likeファイル:VO Amber Spice Like 01.ogg Wow! This is delicious, you're an amazing cook!
Neutralファイル:VO Amber Spice Neutral 01.ogg I wish I was as good at cooking as you...
Dislikeファイル:VO Amber Spice Dislike 01.ogg Uh, I'm just not used to this taste, sorry! Nothing to do with you of course!
Likeファイル:VO Arataki Itto Spice Like 01.ogg Hahahahahahahaha! Mm, mm, mm! I haven't eaten somethin' this good in three whole years!
Neutralファイル:VO Arataki Itto Spice Neutral 01.ogg Fine! I'll let you treat me to a meal today, but know that the Arataki Gang always pays its debts.
Dislikeファイル:VO Arataki Itto Spice Dislike 01.ogg Hey, are you sure you ain't trying to poison me!? Ah!
Likeファイル:VO Barbara Spice Like 01.ogg It's a rare pleasure to eat food that suits my tastes so well. Today is a blessed day!
Neutralファイル:VO Barbara Spice Neutral 01.ogg Thank you for cooking these for me. This time around, you are the one healing me!
Dislikeファイル:VO Barbara Spice Dislike 01.ogg Oh, uh, oh dear...
Likeファイル:VO Beidou Spice Like 01.ogg Tastes good, I like it! Mind giving me a bowl of rice with this?
Neutralファイル:VO Beidou Spice Neutral 01.ogg Your cooking skills aren't bad at all, eating your food has me in a good mood.
Dislikeファイル:VO Beidou Spice Dislike 01.ogg You know, at the end of the day, food is food, and that's fine by me.
Likeファイル:VO Bennett Spice Like 01.ogg Whoa, lucky me! Haha... Oh wait! Does that mean I just used all of my good luck for today...?
Neutralファイル:VO Bennett Spice Neutral 01.ogg Literally everything you cook ends up tasting amazing. Ha, you're awesome!
Dislikeファイル:VO Bennett Spice Dislike 01.ogg Oh no... my stomach hurts...
Likeファイル:VO Chongyun Spice Like 01.ogg Cold dishes are just to my liking! I'll save some for after my training.
Neutralファイル:VO Chongyun Spice Neutral 01.ogg I'm sorry, I know you mean well, but I really need to wait for it to cool off before I eat it.
Dislikeファイル:VO Chongyun Spice Dislike 01.ogg Oh no! Did you put Jueyun Chilies in this?
Likeファイル:VO Diluc Spice Like 01.ogg Exquisite. Unforgettable flavors.
Neutralファイル:VO Diluc Spice Neutral 01.ogg I can see the chef put their heart into this one. A fine dish.
Dislikeファイル:VO Diluc Spice Dislike 01.ogg ...Thanks.
Likeファイル:VO Diona Spice Like 01.ogg Mmm! I just wanna ask you this... Will you bring more of it next time?
Neutralファイル:VO Diona Spice Neutral 01.ogg I'll admit, that was pretty sweet... but that doesn't mean I haven't had sweeter.
Dislikeファイル:VO Diona Spice Dislike 01.ogg Hey... What do you take me for, some sort of stray cat!?
Likeファイル:VO Eula Spice Like 01.ogg Oh? Are you putting me to the test? Challenge accepted.
Neutralファイル:VO Eula Spice Neutral 01.ogg Eh, not that great... How about you try it?
Dislikeファイル:VO Eula Spice Dislike 01.ogg The nerve on you, are you exacting revenge?
Likeファイル:VO Fischl Spice Like 01.ogg Fischl: Such an exquisite delicacy is worthy of being served in the blissful banquet grounds where the Prinzessin dines.
ファイル:VO Oz Spice Like 01.ogg Oz: Mein Fräulein says that she thoroughly enjoys your delicious cooking.
Neutralファイル:VO Fischl Spice Neutral 01.ogg Fischl: To vanquish the Beast of the World, one must first rise above mundane desires, thus weaving the path that leads to destiny.
ファイル:VO Oz Spice Neutral 01.ogg Oz: And yet, on this occasion, you appear to have eaten your fill, mein Fräulein.
Dislikeファイル:VO Fischl Spice Dislike 01.ogg Fischl: Why dost thou insist on raining down chaos and destruction in the presence of your Prinzessin?
ファイル:VO Oz Spice Dislike 01.ogg Oz: Mein Fräulein does not care a great deal for this dish. My apologies.
Likeファイル:VO Ganyu Spice Like 01.ogg Such authentic delicacies... Oh no! I think I might have eaten too much...
Neutralファイル:VO Ganyu Spice Neutral 01.ogg I'm somewhat of a picky eater, sorry you went to all this trouble...
Dislikeファイル:VO Ganyu Spice Dislike 01.ogg I appreciate the thought, but... meat's not really my thing.
Likeファイル:VO Gorou Spice Like 01.ogg Mm! I become powerless in the face of sweets!
Neutralファイル:VO Gorou Spice Neutral 01.ogg Oh, I feel invigorated! Is there anything I can help you with?
Dislikeファイル:VO Gorou Spice Dislike 01.ogg It's a little spicier than I expected... *sniff* I—I don't think I can keep going.
Likeファイル:VO Hu Tao Spice Like 01.ogg Splendid, splendid! Now, allow me to compose a poem in loving memory of this dish.
Neutralファイル:VO Hu Tao Spice Neutral 01.ogg Sure you don't want my help? C'mon, it's a great deal: cook twice the amount in the same time!
Dislikeファイル:VO Hu Tao Spice Dislike 01.ogg Ugh, I declare this dish dead, rest in peace.
Likeファイル:VO Jean Spice Like 01.ogg Not only is the taste magnificent, but you've also made sure it was healthy. You have my gratitude.
Neutralファイル:VO Jean Spice Neutral 01.ogg Hmm yes, I feel a lot more energetic now, thanks to you.
Dislikeファイル:VO Jean Spice Dislike 01.ogg Ahem... all in all, I appreciate the effort.
Likeファイル:VO Kaedehara Kazuha Spice Like 01.ogg That you can make fish taste as delicious as this is proof of your outstanding culinary prowess.
Neutralファイル:VO Kaedehara Kazuha Spice Neutral 01.ogg Your cooking not only fills the stomach, it also soothes my soul.
Dislikeファイル:VO Kaedehara Kazuha Spice Dislike 01.ogg Perhaps you should get some rest? A weary mind is a recipe for flavorless food.
Likeファイル:VO Kaeya Spice Like 01.ogg Ho! This is quite exceptional... You are full of surprises.
Neutralファイル:VO Kaeya Spice Neutral 01.ogg You should serve this with wine, it would really add the finishing touch.
Dislikeファイル:VO Kaeya Spice Dislike 01.ogg I'm just a slow eater... I'll finish it, don't worry.
Likeファイル:VO Kamisato Ayaka Spice Like 01.ogg Mmm... Yes, I am truly fortunate...
Neutralファイル:VO Kamisato Ayaka Spice Neutral 01.ogg Thank you for the opportunity to try this dish. I will always savor it.
Dislikeファイル:VO Kamisato Ayaka Spice Dislike 01.ogg Hmm... It's a bit greasy for my taste.
Likeファイル:VO Kamisato Ayato Spice Like 01.ogg Very novel indeed. Haha, it meets my requirements perfectly...
Neutralファイル:VO Kamisato Ayato Spice Neutral 01.ogg I see. So this is your take on this dish...
Dislikeファイル:VO Kamisato Ayato Spice Dislike 01.ogg Here's a suggestion: Try using this dish in the hot pot game next time you play..
Likeファイル:VO Keqing Spice Like 01.ogg Yep, that's right. My favorite.
Neutralファイル:VO Keqing Spice Neutral 01.ogg The taste is fairly standard, but I can see you worked hard at it.
Dislikeファイル:VO Keqing Spice Dislike 01.ogg It seems quite a ways off from how it's supposed to taste...
Likeファイル:VO Klee Spice Like 01.ogg Yummy, yummy! Oof, I'm so full...
Neutralファイル:VO Klee Spice Neutral 01.ogg Yay, I got to eat something tasty today. I'm so happy! Thank you!
Dislikeファイル:VO Klee Spice Dislike 01.ogg It looks yummy, but it's kinda hard work to eat... Hee-hee, how about you help me? Pretty please!
Likeファイル:VO Kujou Sara Spice Like 01.ogg So, there is a dish that tastes even better than Onigiri? Then I shall be sure to remember its name.
Neutralファイル:VO Kujou Sara Spice Neutral 01.ogg I have eaten my fill. Thank you for your hospitality.
Dislikeファイル:VO Kujou Sara Spice Dislike 01.ogg No need for dessert...
Likeファイル:VO Lisa Spice Like 01.ogg Oh aren't you just the sweetest? Thanks, cutie, you just made my day.
Neutralファイル:VO Lisa Spice Neutral 01.ogg Hehe, you've really got a knack for this, haven't you?
Dislikeファイル:VO Lisa Spice Dislike 01.ogg Oh my... This is really... hmm...
Likeファイル:VO Mona Spice Like 01.ogg Ah, so satisfied... Who would have thought knowing you would bear so many benefits.
Neutralファイル:VO Mona Spice Neutral 01.ogg Just to be clear... you're sure I don't have to pay... for any of this?
Dislikeファイル:VO Mona Spice Dislike 01.ogg I don't mean to nitpick, or anything, it's just... I haven't quite eaten enough.
Likeファイル:VO Ningguang Spice Like 01.ogg Mmm... You have surpassed my expectations, again.
Neutralファイル:VO Ningguang Spice Neutral 01.ogg With some things, if you haven't grasped the essentials, all the hard work in the world can go to waste... Know what I mean?
Dislikeファイル:VO Ningguang Spice Dislike 01.ogg Ugh... It's the thought that counts.
Likeファイル:VO Noelle Spice Like 01.ogg How can you make such a simple dish taste so good? My admiration towards you just keeps growing!
Neutralファイル:VO Noelle Spice Neutral 01.ogg This tastes wonderful! Uh, would you mind teaching me how to make this? After all, it is my duty as a maid...
Dislikeファイル:VO Noelle Spice Dislike 01.ogg Hmm... This is more than I normally eat in a whole day...
Likeファイル:VO Qiqi Spice Like 01.ogg Cold. I like it. But, no flavor...
Neutralファイル:VO Qiqi Spice Neutral 01.ogg Huh...
Dislikeファイル:VO Qiqi Spice Dislike 01.ogg It's burning my tongue...
Likeファイル:VO Raiden Shogun Spice Like 01.ogg Shogun: A familiar flavor... Acceptable.
ファイル:VO Raiden Ei Spice Like 01.ogg Ei: Delicious. I feel much better after that. Thank you.
Neutralファイル:VO Raiden Shogun Spice Neutral 01.ogg Shogun: Leave it here, and I shall sample it.
ファイル:VO Raiden Ei Spice Neutral 01.ogg Ei: Doesn't look too bad, how did you make it?
Dislikeファイル:VO Raiden Shogun Spice Dislike 01.ogg Shogun: Consuming this would be physically detrimental. Remove it from my presence.
ファイル:VO Raiden Ei Spice Dislike 01.ogg Ei: Allow me to decline.
Likeファイル:VO Razor Spice Like 01.ogg Smells good, also tastes good, I like it.
Neutralファイル:VO Razor Spice Neutral 01.ogg Eating this gives me energy, makes me happy.
Dislikeファイル:VO Razor Spice Dislike 01.ogg Eating it, bad. Not eating it, also bad. I'm a bit sad.
Likeファイル:VO Rosaria Spice Like 01.ogg It seems that our tastes are aligned when it comes to food.
Neutralファイル:VO Rosaria Spice Neutral 01.ogg At least I'll be able to eat my fill with this.
Dislikeファイル:VO Rosaria Spice Dislike 01.ogg Do you really like this food?
Likeファイル:VO Sangonomiya Kokomi Spice Like 01.ogg Yummy, this is delicious! And it seems my energy is also... Ahem, I mean... Never mind...
Neutralファイル:VO Sangonomiya Kokomi Spice Neutral 01.ogg I like to take my time and eat slowly, that way I can enjoy it for longer.
Dislikeファイル:VO Sangonomiya Kokomi Spice Dislike 01.ogg Oh, it seems we're at an impasse.
Likeファイル:VO Sayu Spice Like 01.ogg I'm soooo full, time for a nap...
Neutralファイル:VO Sayu Spice Neutral 01.ogg If you eat enough of this... it makes you really sleepy.
Dislikeファイル:VO Sayu Spice Dislike 01.ogg Uh oh... Need an escape plan.
Likeファイル:VO Shenhe Spice Like 01.ogg Mmm, this taste... Is it really meant for me?
Neutralファイル:VO Shenhe Spice Neutral 01.ogg The food you cook is indisputably delicious. I can't refuse it.
Dislikeファイル:VO Shenhe Spice Dislike 01.ogg No matter. I'm used to this kind of flavor, after all.
Likeファイル:VO Sucrose Spice Like 01.ogg So delectable! Time to finish my research now that I feel at my best!
Neutralファイル:VO Sucrose Spice Neutral 01.ogg I must admit, this tastes a lot better than my healthy meals. Time for me to make some modifications to my diet.
Dislikeファイル:VO Sucrose Spice Dislike 01.ogg Sorry, I have some... reservations about this dish.
Likeファイル:VO Tartaglia Spice Like 01.ogg Eating delicious food really has a way of taking all your cares away. Now, how should I repay you?
Neutralファイル:VO Tartaglia Spice Neutral 01.ogg Your cooking skills seem to have improved quite a lot. Does that mean you're getting stronger all the time, too?
Dislikeファイル:VO Tartaglia Spice Dislike 01.ogg Um, I'll admit the taste surprises me a little. Hmm? Okay... I'll try one more bite.
Likeファイル:VO Thoma Spice Like 01.ogg Delicious! Could I get another bowl of rice?
Neutralファイル:VO Thoma Spice Neutral 01.ogg Um, are you free right now? Would you mind sharing some of your cooking tips with me?
Dislikeファイル:VO Thoma Spice Dislike 01.ogg I don't think I've ever tasted anything like this... Oh, it's not too bad, though.
Likeファイル:VO Venti Spice Like 01.ogg Ahh, quite delightful! So... could I get the same again tomorrow? ...And maybe the day after that?
Neutralファイル:VO Venti Spice Neutral 01.ogg Oof, I'm so full... I'll have to pass on the post-meal fruits this time...
Dislikeファイル:VO Venti Spice Dislike 01.ogg I can't believe it, but I don't think I can stomach this... Oh boy... What a predicament.
Likeファイル:VO Xiangling Spice Like 01.ogg Mmm! I know this taste, it's... boom shaka-laka!
Neutralファイル:VO Xiangling Spice Neutral 01.ogg I gotta admit, you're really good at cooking. Next time, it's my turn to show you a thing or two.
Dislikeファイル:VO Xiangling Spice Dislike 01.ogg Are you sure you followed the recipe? Something is definitely off here...
Likeファイル:VO Xiao Spice Like 01.ogg Mm... Not bad... Why are you staring at me?
Neutralファイル:VO Xiao Spice Neutral 01.ogg No need.
Dislikeファイル:VO Xiao Spice Dislike 01.ogg Try something else next time.
Likeファイル:VO Xingqiu Spice Like 01.ogg I need only sample this delight but once for its aroma to remain forever in my memory.
Neutralファイル:VO Xingqiu Spice Neutral 01.ogg With cooking skills as good as yours, it'd be a waste not to open a restaurant, wouldn't you agree?
Dislikeファイル:VO Xingqiu Spice Dislike 01.ogg I couldn't possibly. But please, you eat your fill. I insist.
Likeファイル:VO Xinyan Spice Like 01.ogg Wowee, you've rocked my socks off with this one. I am moving to the groove of your awesome food! Mm-mm!
Neutralファイル:VO Xinyan Spice Neutral 01.ogg The taste ain't bad, but it's lackin' that special spark... I can help you with the presentation if you want?
Dislikeファイル:VO Xinyan Spice Dislike 01.ogg Hmm... You don't mind if I add a little something to spice things up, do ya?
Likeファイル:VO Yae Miko Spice Like 01.ogg My, my! You really know what appeals to my tastes, don't you..
Neutralファイル:VO Yae Miko Spice Neutral 01.ogg Since you've made it yourself, I guess having a little taste is the least I can do, haha...
Dislikeファイル:VO Yae Miko Spice Dislike 01.ogg How should I put this... There's so much room for improvement that the only way is up.
Likeファイル:VO Yanfei Spice Like 01.ogg Tastes pretty great! Seems like you did your homework when it comes to the unwritten Law of Tofu.
Neutralファイル:VO Yanfei Spice Neutral 01.ogg There's a saying in Liyue: "Food is life." I gotta admit, the supporting evidence is pretty compelling.
Dislikeファイル:VO Yanfei Spice Dislike 01.ogg ...I got it! I'll put it back on the fire for a bit, that'll do the trick.
Likeファイル:VO Yelan Spice Like 01.ogg Hm, not bad. Almost good enough to bribe me with.
Neutralファイル:VO Yelan Spice Neutral 01.ogg Once you get accustomed to spicy food, everything else tastes bland. That's just the way it is.
Dislikeファイル:VO Yelan Spice Dislike 01.ogg Shall we roll some dice? Whoever gets the lowest number... gets to eat it.
Likeファイル:VO Yoimiya Spice Like 01.ogg Wow, you've got a real knack for making tasty treats! You should totally set up a stall at a festival some time, oh it'd be a hit for sure!
Neutralファイル:VO Yoimiya Spice Neutral 01.ogg Good food really perks you up, and puts you in the mood to share some stories. Ooh, actually I got a good one, you've gotta hear this one...!
Dislikeファイル:VO Yoimiya Spice Dislike 01.ogg Urgh, it feels like there's a Specter swirling around in my stomach... That can't be ideal.
Likeファイル:VO Yun Jin Spice Like 01.ogg Mmm! There's no better feeling than indulging in your favorite food... It's a shame that I can only afford to have a little bite.
Neutralファイル:VO Yun Jin Spice Neutral 01.ogg Oh, what a magnificent feast! Wait a second, I'll grab us some drinks to accompany the meal.
Dislikeファイル:VO Yun Jin Spice Dislike 01.ogg I'm sorry... This meal isn't really agreeing with me.
Likeファイル:VO Zhongli Spice Like 01.ogg The finest ingredients cooked with true expertise. This is no small feat.
Neutralファイル:VO Zhongli Spice Neutral 01.ogg The art of gastronomy is a fascinating one. That it appeals to you comes as no surprise.
Dislikeファイル:VO Zhongli Spice Dislike 01.ogg Since you seem to have some time on your hands, why don't we find a quiet place and I'll share one of my stories with you.

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