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温もりの名残 は、ナヒーダ伝説任務、知恵の主の章の第一幕である。この任務を開放するためには、第三章・第五幕『虚空の鼓動、熾盛の劫火』をクリアし、冒険ランク40に到達している必要がある。




  1. よみがえる夢
  2. 墜落の夢
  3. 別れの夢



Walking around Sumeru City, the Traveler and Paimon run into Pedrush, who asks them if they've heard about the "A Moment of Dreams". Paimon thinks that it's a drink before Pedrush corrects her, as it is a group in which people could express their dreams now that the people of Sumeru could dream again now that the Akasha System was stopped. Pedrush states that there'll be drinks and snacks, convincing Paimon to join in, which he accepts as the group needs some dream experts.

Arriving at the meeting site, the members swarm them with questions about their dreams, which Paimon and the Traveler struggle to answer. When the Traveler thinks about Nahida, Pedrush conveniently states that they have a special guest, who is none other than Nahida herself. Nahida offers to help, but the people are initially hesitant to ask their archon questions, causing her to sulk. Paimon reassures the people that it's fine, so they ask their questions to her for her perspective.

One of the members, Ilman, remarks about his deceased wife and that he could see her every day in her dreams, something which surprises Nahida. Despite this, she suggests he think of something else, so he walks off and sulks at a nearby table. The Traveler checks up on him and offers their assistance to investigate, which he accepts alongside Nahida, who had just finished answering everyones' questions. As they head to the place he had dreamed of, Nahida tells Ilman that his circumstance is extremely rare, as dreams were much more fragile than people thought.

After clearing the monsters at the place, Ilman sees his wife, Maynar, who walks away. He tries to catch up to her, but in his dream, he nearly falls off a cliff. When he wakes up, he apologizes to the trio for causing unnecessary worry. Nahida on the other hand, is extremely concerned now and warns him not to return to the spot for the time being. Rushing back to the dream group, they warn and inform Pedrush of the situation, who immediately orders a headcount when everyone arrives. However, Ata and Kathya are gone, the latter having headed to Chatrakam Cave.


Searching for Kathya, they find her with a group of fungi and specters, defeating them. As she wakes up, she's surprised to find herself outside again and informs them of her dream; Professor Aisha, an Amurta researcher she looked up to, who was also extremely talented. She had gone to research the Abyss and gave Kathya a plant that, when bloomed, would come back regardless of the circumstances. However, despite her efforts, it never bloomed, so Nahida takes a look at it. The plant troubles her, so she and the Traveler have a private discussion. Nahida reveals that the plant is not known to the academic world and that Aisha had cultivated it through special means, although it would never bloom.

Nahida is worried about telling the truth to Kathya, but with the Traveler and Paimon, she tells her, causing her to be initially shocked. Kathya accepts the inevitability though, so Nahida informs her of what was happening and warns her not to be tempted by her dreams. Returning to the dream group, they find more people in a slumber and that people were unwilling to accept the warning, as they wanted to say goodbye if that was the case. Due to the numerous cases, Nahida believes that someone is exploiting their desires and that they would have to see it themselves to get a better understanding. Pedrush brings them to Debbi. Nahida uses her powers to put themselves in Debbi's dream, although they find themselves in another area. Fortunately, they manage to realign themselves to enter Debbi's dream.

Debbi's dream takes them to Puspa Café, where she's seen with Gaspar and Basimah. Using her powers, Nahida confirms that only Debbi is in the dream and confronts her with its reality. Debbi is surprised to see her, but when Nahida questions the authenticity, Debbi admits that it isn't, as Gaspar and Basimah were on a ship that struck a reef and sank; she never heard from them again, causing her to assume they had perished in the accident. Debbi states that the dream allows her to escape the harsh reality, which Nahida does not refute but instead tells her to be careful not to blur between dreams and reality. Debbi also tells them that she had heard a voice trying to bring her deeper into the dream, so they head there.

After navigating the realm, they find themselves in Ilmar's dream again, who introduces them to his wife Maynar and daughter Haydar. Nahida warns him that the dream is nefarious, although Ilmar expresses regret when he learns that he would be unable to see his wife again. Ilmar points them deeper into the dream, where Nahida realizes that someone might have turned the Akasha back on, as the Aranara did not have any malicious intent and humans were normally incapable of such a collective.

Once they navigate the realm again, they arrive at their final destination, where Nahida uses her powers and discovers that Moseis is the owner of the dream. After sending his wife Emira away, Nahida exposes him for his act, knowing that he gave up his ability to wake up in the real world to maintain the dream space, consisting of other dreamers and imaginary people he created. Moseis reveals that he uploaded his entire consciousness to the Akasha before Nahida had shut it off in his attempts to create a "hyper-realistic" person. As human models were complicated, Moseis used the Akasha's Jnana energy to power his dream; even a small amount was enough for him, and Emira was his first creation with it. He had grown close to Emira when they met in the Akademiya, although she perished as a result of Eleazar complications.

Using others under the pretense of treating mental health disorders, Moseis planted signaling devices into his subjects' bodies to network them so that Emira could feel their yearning, which resulted in him uploading his own consciousness into the dream to focus on his work. When Nahida shut the system off, Moseis lost access to the energy, causing him to be imprisoned in his own dream before realizing that he could use others' Jnana energy to survive. Nahida calls him out and that he had committed a cardinal sin, making the other dreamers realize they've been in the dream for too long and leave.

In retaliation, Moseis summons monsters to attack the group, which they quickly defeat. Fueled by desperation, he tries to make more powerful monsters, but this causes the dream to spiral out of control, which also turns Emira into a monster herself. After killing Emira, who transformed into a Rockfond Rifthound, Moseis becomes depressed, having lost what was precious to him and expresses an intent to die. However, Nahida refuses to let him escape accountability and harvests his consciousness into a Knowledge Capsule before leaving the dream.


Back into reality, Pedrush informs Nahida that the situation appears to be stabilized, so she tells him to prepare for an onslaught of people. She then heads to the Akademiya with the Traveler and meets with Sitt, asking about the status of Moseis (whose real name is Beynuni). When she confirms that his body is still with them, she gives her a Knowledge Capsule to give to the matra to import it back to his brain so he could face judgement. Returning to the group, Nahida apologizes for crudely interrupting their dreams, but tells them to focus on the future as there are many other people like them. The Traveler later finds her outside the Akademiya, where she remarks on the dream Beynuni made, realizing that she is growing herself and has more to learn.




    言語正式名称直訳の意味 (英語)
    Nukumori no Nagori
    Traces of Warmth
    Lingering Warmth
    英語Lingering Warmth
    韓国語남은 온기
    Nameun On'gi
    Lingering Warmth
    スペイン語Calidez incesanteUnceasing Warmth
    フランス語Chaleur persistanteLingering Warmth
    ロシア語Непрекращающееся тепло
    Neprekrashchayushcheyesya teplo
    Never-ending Warmth
    Khwam-op-un Thi Long-luea
    Remains of Warmth
    ベトナム語Hơi Ấm Quẩn QuanhLingering Warmth
    ドイツ語Bleibende WärmeRemaining Warmth
    インドネシア語Sisa KehangatanRemains of Warmth
    ポルトガル語Calor Remanescente
    トルコ語Sonsuz Sıcaklık
    イタリア語Calore persistentePersistent Warmth



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