「spoken」を含むwiki一覧 - 1ページ

森/NPC - Deltarune 非公式Wiki

Along with Little Ball, it guards the chest that contains Ragger.When spoken to by the party, it begs them to take the Ragger, a hand-me-dow

未知なる星 - 原神 非公式攻略wiki

theryne_09.ogg キャサリン: Fischl, Oz, this is the Traveler of whom I have spoken to you previously.http://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/File:Vo

callcucon - kontferocのうぃき

und die Achillesverse HÖRLER Rolf royal truths reported from the spoken words of henry ward beecher 12 bar blues piano fast forward ser

WX-78_quotes - Don't Starve攻略Wiki

"LIFE FINDS A WAY, UNFORTUNATELY") is a reference to the famous quote spoken by Dr. Ian Malcolm in the movie Jurassic Park.Their inspection

Maxwell_quotes - Don't Starve攻略Wiki

me.The line is also a snowclone of "There's gold in them thar hills", spoken in the novel The Gilded Age: A Tale of Today, by Mark Twain and

Rawling - Don't Starve攻略Wiki

ast Away.While the item itself is a reference to Cast Away, the lines spoken by it are references to Canadian Heritage Minute shorts. バグ[]At

Wortox_quotes - Don't Starve攻略Wiki

dallion- "The Gnaw expelled it from its craw."Red Mark- "The Gnaw has spoken. We've earned its token."Gnaw%27s_Favor.pngGnaw's Favor- "It's

Wheeler_quotes - Don't Starve攻略Wiki

c Fragment ("This belongs in a museum.") may be a reference to a line spoken by Indiana Jones, a character from the eponymous Indiana Jones

Alad_V - Warframe日本語 Wiki

voices Captain Vor, General Sargas Ruk, and Shik Tal.Alad V's name is spoken as "Alad Vee" and not "Alad the Fifth" as it would normally be

ジェビル - Deltarune 非公式Wiki

to the line "HOW DO YOU EXPECT TO OUTRUN ME. WHEN I AM ALREADY HERE?" spoken by the character Lord English from Homestuck, a webcomic series

平原/NPC - Deltarune 非公式Wiki

ountered by Kris and Ralsei in the Field as they search for Susie. If spoken to, they tell the party that they took a nap in exhaustion afte

Durotar - World of Warcraft Wiki

Horde DurotarLevel 1-14ファイル:Durotar.jpg勢力Horde人口21,000首都Orgrimmar (14,000)統治者Warchief Thrall政府の形態Tribal chiefdom種族Orc FemaleOrc (13,650)Icon

ルナ級 - Memory Alpha wiki

f Saturn. The name of the class was finally made official when it was spoken in dialogue in LD: An Embarrassment Of Dooplers.非正史[]Sword_of_D

Sohki.Saiki - Sohki.Saiki

ring the person named Takaki Saiki.The following are the famous words spoken about Sohki.Saiki.The following is a clue as to what kind of pe

シュッツ - 原神 非公式攻略wiki

の剣 ×3を入手)Icon_Dialogue_Talk.svg About your master...シュッツ: You'll have spoken to Wagner before I'm sure? Bit curt, eh?シュッツ: I'd be hard-press

スター・トレック:BEYOND - Memory Alpha wiki

ves at his birthday party in honor of the fallen crewmembers was also spoken by his counterpart in スタートレック3:ミスター・スポックを探せ, Captain Jean-Luc P

大災害 - 原神 非公式攻略wiki

e city and move to Liyue Harbor; none of the refugees nor adepti have spoken about what happened there.[36]Inazuma[]Shortly before the Abyss

渡し守 - 原神 非公式攻略wiki

I serve the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor. Come to think of it, I haven't spoken to anyone that isn't from there in a long time.渡し守: Even when I

Codsworth/recognized_names - Fallout Wiki

apable of recognizing many of the names above and combining them when spoken. However, there are some he is not able to recognize and repeat

不思議な艦娘と怪しい提督2@2-1406 - 艦これTRPG部 Wiki

:49:司令官:「(説明)・・・という訳だ、皆早速出撃してくれ!」23:49:金剛@2-1430:「Many a true word is spoken in jest. 名目・・・の筈デシタガ、本当になったようデスネ」23:49:金剛@2-1430:「そういうことならお安いこと

東風谷早苗 - 東方Project Wiki

of UFO and Hisoutensoku, Sanae's popular image has shifted from soft spoken and demure to markedly eccentric with her knowledge of robots,

Chinese mettle - 読まねの目次録

Title: Chinese mettleAuthor: Emily Georgiana KempContentsIntroductionI The Long RoadProvinces visited: 1 Shansi, the Progressive—Railway Jou

暗号クロスワードの解き方 - 趣味とクラフトの初心者wiki

"(蜂の巣)に関連しています。同音異義語のヒントを解くには、同じ音の単語を探します。"hear"、"sounds like"、"say"、"spoken "など、音に関連する指示語に注目して、同音異義語のヒントを見つけましょう。同音異義語とは、"bow "と "beau "のよう

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