翻訳中途 | この項目「東風谷早苗」は途中まで翻訳されたものです。(原文:[1]) 翻訳作業に協力して下さる方を求めています。詳細はこの項目のノートや履歴、翻訳のガイドラインなどを参照してください。翻訳情報の要約欄への記入をお忘れなく。 このタグは2010年8月に貼付されました。 |
名前: | 東風谷 早苗(こちや さなえ) (♫) | |
Alternate spellings: | Sanae Kotiya | |
種族: | 人間, descendant of a goddess | |
能力: | 奇跡を起こす程度の能力Power to cause miracles to occur | |
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住んでいるところ: | ||
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テーマ曲: | {{{テーマ曲}}} |
Sanae is a human, but is also a distant descendant of a god, Suwako Moriya. Her role at the Moriya Shrine is similar to a Shrine Maiden, but with her inherited power Sanae has become more like a deity herself. When humans on the outside world began losing their faith in her and Kanako, the shrine's actual deity, Kanako decided to move the shrine to Gensokyo where at least youkai might have faith in them.
During the events of Mountain of Faith Sanae tried threatening the Hakurei Shrine in order to establish the Moriya Shrine as the dominant one, not realizing how powerful humans like Reimu and Marisa were. In response to the threats Sanae was defeated by the heroine followed shortly after by Kanako and Suwako's defeat. However, the residents of the Moriya Shrine have since come to an understanding with their new neighbors and live in peace with the other residents of Youkai Mountain.
In Undefined Fantastic Object, depending on the scenario, she is ordered either by Kanako to train her own abilities by hunting Youkai or by Suwako to find the Treasure Ship, depending on this, her secondary bullet will become a snake or a frog.
In Touhou Hisoutensoku, thinking that a gigantic robot appeared in Gensokyo, she is in pursuit of the giant figure, when she stumbles into a giant pit to the nuclear reactor run by Utsuho Reiuji and learns that Suwako is responsible for creating the robot figure, Hisoutensoku.
Sanae Kochiya MOF | ○5面ボス 祀られる風の人間 種族:人間 一子相伝の秘術を持つ人間である。 元々は、風の神様を祀る人間だったらしいのだが、秘密の多い秘術で つまり、風の神様が起こしていた奇跡を、いつの間にか人間が起こし それにより、彼女ら秘術を扱う人間は人間でありながら信仰を集め、 早苗は幼い頃から、口伝でしか伝えられていない奇跡を呼ぶ秘術をマ しかし、外の世界は大きく様変わりしていた。神徳の多い神様でさえ 早苗は別に信仰がなくても、普通の人間として生活できるから問題は 神様は信仰を失うと力も失う。神徳も出せなくなる。 神奈子は決断した。人間から信仰を集めるには限界がある。これから 早苗はその具体的な計画を聞き驚いた。我が国には昔から『幻想郷』 人間の世界との別れは恐怖であったが、それ以上に奇跡を起こす力を 彼女は幻想郷の人間を正直なめていた。唯一の博麗神社を脅せば幻想 幻想郷に住む人間は、彼女が思う以上に厄介であり、そして力を持っ ここでは、彼女は特別な存在ではない。 |
A Human of the Wind Deified Species: Human A human privy to secrets handed down through the generations. Wind Priestesses were originally a devotees of the wind god, but as they used their secret abilities to create miracles such as summoning the wind and rain, the people around them began to believe in these humans with mysterious abilities. In short, over time, people began to mistake the miracles caused by the wind god as being caused by them. In addition, as keepers of secrets, they began to accrue faith and be treated as gods, even though they were humans. They became living gods. When she was young, Sanae had mastered the secrets to call upon miracles that had been passed down through her family. A young girl that could call upon the power of miracles would certainly collect great amounts of faith --- one would expect. However, the outside world had changed a great deal. Faith in even gods with many divine virtues had been decreasing rapidly. There were few who would worship even a living god who had attained divinity during their life as a human. Though she didn't really have much faith, Sanae was able to live as a normal human without any real problems, but this would not do for the god she worshipped, Kanako. When people lose faith in gods, the gods lose their power. They can't manifest their divine virtues. This is the same as death, for a god. Kanako came to a decision. There were limits to the amount of faith that could come from humans. From now on, she would have to also look to youkai as a source of her faith. Sanae was surprised to hear the details of her plan: a world called "Gensokyo" has existed within our nation since time immemorial. It is said that this world still exists, hidden. Gensokyo has collected a number of things that have become lost - or, become fantasy - in the outside world. One could say that even people's faith in gods is in the process of moving to Gensokyo. Sanae was afraid of leaving the world of humans, but as a person with the power to call on miracles, the anticipation she felt for going to a world of miracles outweighed her terror. She did not take the humans of Gensokyo seriously. She thought that if they threatened the only shrine in Gensokyo, the Hakurei Shrine, Gensokyo itself would submit to their every wish. She went to deliver her ominous message to Reimu, and then was in turn defeated. The humans who lived in Gensokyo were more troublesome than she'd imagined, and in time she learned of the power they held, as well. Here, she was nothing special. |
○山の新人神様 種族:人間 妖怪の山にある守矢神社に住む巫女さん。妖怪退治は不慣れ。 普段は神様と妖怪達に囲まれて暮している為、人間の話し相手が欲し 神奈子に言われて妖怪退治の真似事をしてみたり……幻想郷に慣れよ | |
The Newbie Goddess of the Mountain Species: Human The Shrine Maiden living in Moriya Shrine in Youkai Mountain. She is not used to youkai hunting. She wishes to talk to humans more, because she lives with gods and youkai, but most of humans living around the foot of the mountain are youkai-like humans. She is worried about becoming like them. As may be expected of a living god, she is as strong as youkai, but she is also somewhat innocent. She tries to do something like youkai hunting on Kanako's recommendation, and... she makes an effort to get used to Gensokyo. |
SanaeHS.png | ○ 幻想郷に来てから早二年経とうとしていた。 もう、多少の事では驚かないと思っていた。 彼女は、守矢神社から見える巨大な人影を見ていた。 その人影は、彼女には昔アニメで見た巨大人型ロボットに見えた。 しかし、ロボットと言うには動きが滑らかすぎた。 その事を神奈子に報告すると、それは「ブロッケンの妖怪」だと教えてくれた。 実際何らかの気象現象かなんかであろう、 そう、アレは決して霧に映った影などではない。 |
Human of the Worshipped Wind Kotiya Sanae It had already been two years since she came to Gensokyo. At first, she was so frightened by the bizarre monsters that she simply couldn't perform the rituals of a shrine maiden, but now she had become familiar with them, and carried out her daily jobs without any discomfort. She thought that she wouldn't be surprised by some things any more. Of course, thinking like that in Gensokyo ensures that you will be surprised. That is Gensokyo's strong point, not present in the outside world. She saw the huge figure from the Moriya Shrine. The figure was far bigger than the shrine. She guessed that, to use a classical comparison, it was about as big as a ten-story building. The figure seemed to her like a giant robot from some old anime she had watched. But its movements were too smooth to be a robot's. The figure moved as if it were alive, occasionally overlooking the mountain, occasionally shooting a glare at the village. Then, it was suddenly shrouded in mist, and disappeared with an uncanny silence. When she reported it to Kanako, she told her it was the "Brocken specter."The Brocken specter is a meteorological phenomenon caused by a reflection of your own shadow on mist that seems to the observer to be a giant. In reality, be it a meteorological phenomenon or something else, thinking like that wasn't interesting. So she decided to think of that shadow as a giant robot attacking the village. Because that would make thinking about it more fun. That's right, that definitely wasn't a shadow reflected in mist. After all, the mist hadn't appeared until after the figure was already there. More than anything, though, because this was a place where nothing was too strange to happen: Gensokyo. |
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