「quite」を含むwiki一覧 - 6ページ

地脈の花芽 - 原神 非公式攻略wiki

Icon_Emoji_026_Qiqi_Secretly_observing.pngこの記事はあなたの編集を待っています!!編集 ボタンをクリックして、知っていることを追加しましょう!詳細情報地脈の花芽 啓示の花

実戦訓練 - 原神 非公式攻略wiki

hear you calling my name. Luckily, we got here just in time. We were quite far away...Icon_Dialogue_Talk.svg Could you really recognize Noe

判官 - 原神 非公式攻略wiki

s out on your map. If you check those spots out, you're bound to reap quite the harvest!(地図上の近くにある鉱物が豊富な採鉱地を表示)(魔晶鉱がない場合)判官: 俺の斧をこの辺り一帯は全て歩き

伝統ゲーム - 原神 非公式攻略wiki

from this thrilling chapter of Mondstadt's history! And it used to be quite popular, too...Icon_Dialogue_Talk.svg Used to be?ガイガックス: Sadly,

フィッシュル/ボイス/英語 - 原神 非公式攻略wiki

概要ストーリーボイス服装塵歌壺メディア日本語中国語英語韓国語目次1 物語2 戦闘3 豆知識4 ナビゲーション物語[]題名と条件詳細HelloMedia:VO_Fischl Hello.ogg Fischl: I, Fischl, Prinzessin der Verurteilu

用語集 - Blender Cycles memo

Z, and W). X, Y, and Z also define an axis, and W an angle, but it is quite different from Axis Angle.Quaternion values can be interpreted g

シーン12 - Leon the professional

n manages to kill them all, but gets shot in his shoulder]MAIN SWAT: [quite clueless]「Take this.」これを持っていろ。えっと、、、Take this. 「持っていろ」誰かにちょっとだけ何

Refraction BSDF Node - Blender Cycles memo

xed with a glossy node using a Fresnel factor. Otherwise it will give quite dark results at the edges for glossy refraction.BSDF シェーダーInputs

A Parody Anthology - 読まねの目次録

A Parody Anthology by Carolyn WellsCONTENTSAfter Omar Khayyam PageThe Golfer's Rubaiyat H. W. Boynton 3An Omar for Ladies Josephine Dask

PC一覧 コサメ - mgrpgbdcampのうぃき

   プレイヤー名 ナリタ PCアバター名 コサメ PC名(匿名可) オオアシ コサメ クラス スーパー ストライカー コンダク

scriptversion1_2 - Leon the professional

uo;d better talk good, son, because, for the moment, I’ve got a quite bad opinion about you.Norman smiles.STANSFIELDI respect your bus

純血 - ハリー・ポッター 辞典Wiki

ds pretending to be pure. It’s only Muggle-borns they hate, they’d be quite happy to let you and Ron join up.”"↑ハリー・ポッターと秘密の部屋↑ 『ハ

04.Letting Off Steam I2 - VOX Machinae キャンペーンを日本語翻訳

know!パイロットさん、助けてくれて本当にありがとうございました。また何かあったら、教えてくださいね。BLUEDiesel seems quite satisfied. We should leave him be.ディーゼルはとても満足しているようです。放っておきましょう。

半純血 - ハリー・ポッター 辞典Wiki

ds pretending to be pure. It’s only Muggle-borns they hate, they’d be quite happy to let you and Ron join up.”""↑ 『ハリー・ポッターと死の秘宝』第29章 失われた髪飾

Tales of the Samurai - 読まねの目次録

the place of honour given to a garden geta?”“I caught these sparrows quite of my own accord”She filled Hachiya’s cup to the brimTerumasa to

小巻の占い - 原神 非公式攻略wiki

mens will receive their just reward.Icon_Dialogue_Talk.svg This seems quite similar to what you said before...小巻: Ah, isn't life like that?

記章 - Memory Alpha wiki

te enlisted rank.Epaulet[]Epaulets were devices worn on the shoulder, quite frequently to denote rank or grade, or perhaps honor.Lozenge[]Th

軍艦 - Memory Alpha wiki

vessels with weapons designed for defense rather than offense. It was quite a fight just to get the Defiant designated as a pure warship aro

ネビュラ級 - Memory Alpha wiki

ernbach helped with the battle damage, too. And Greg Jein contributed quite a bit of wreckage as well. The other Nebula model ended up on on

ホロデッキ - Memory Alpha wiki

ference in the types of objects leaving the holodeck, it still leaves quite a few questions about what exactly constitutes the differences.

セクション31 - Memory Alpha wiki

cessful, the Klingon Empire would stabilize. An outcome that would be quite favorable for Starfleet. Archer remained suspicious of Harris's

アメリカ合衆国 - Memory Alpha wiki

Government in 2150. Certainly, James T. Kirk was well-versed in, and quite passionate about, United States documents and customs, so much s

柊千里 - 原神 非公式攻略wiki

ogg "Hmm, who can I entrust this matter to? After all, the stakes are quite high."Icon Dialogue Idle.png I wonder if he has received it... (