「prone」を含むwiki一覧 - 1ページ

Lucy-B091 - Halopedia日本語版

ルーシーBiographical informationSpartan TagB091Birth date2533年Physical descriptionSpecies人類Gender女性Height1.6メーター (5.2496フィート)Hair color黒色[1]Affi

Horde - World of Warcraft Wiki

efer to talk with their fists. Even the Forsaken are bloodthirsty and prone to violent rages, as well as an inherent distrust in anyone else

Mongoose - Halopedia日本語版

he only protection this vehicle provides; it is unarmored, noisy, and prone to roll-over. It demands a level of skill from its operator that

Wagstaff_quotes - Don't Starve攻略Wiki

st- "The contents are currently incombustible."Sign (burnt)- "Wood is prone to burning."Shipwrecked[]Sand_Castle.pngSand Castle- "Fascinatin

Rhinocebro - Don't Starve攻略Wiki

登場作品:Don%27t_Starve_Together_icon.pngDon't Starve TogetherRhinocebros体力~12750ダメージ200(150 Wigfrid Portrait.png)特殊能力互いに声掛けをして攻撃力を上昇させる。攻撃力上昇効果

Woodlegs_quotes - Don't Starve攻略Wiki

favorite tree fruit."Halved_Coconut.pngHalved Coconut- "Its flesh be prone fer th' takin'."Roasted Coconut- "'Tis even better cooked o'er a

Magnus - Warframe日本語 Wiki

after a shot has been released.Bugs[]The muzzle's particle emitter is prone to glitching, leaving the Magnus permanently smoking for the dur

Options - ARK: Survival Evolved Wiki

Thatch Foundation.pngこの記事はまだ完成していません。ARK: Survival Evolved Wikiを拡張することで支援できます。ARK: Survival Evolvedの多くの部分は、ゲーム内のオプションメニューで設定することができます。このメニュー

Coconut - Don't Starve攻略Wiki

y, when examining a Halved Coconut.Woodlegs_Portrait.png“Its flesh be prone fer th'takin'.”–Woodlegs, when examining a Halved Coconut.“HALF

紛争 - Memory Alpha wiki

us V; it is unclear how far this went, but it was said they were very prone to violenceThe Magnificent Ferengi (set during the Dominion War)

Agility - Fallout Wiki

Here and Now head.png翻訳が必要このページは翻訳が必要な箇所があります。「編集」からFallout Wikiを手伝うことが出来ます。固有名詞の翻訳は固有名詞一覧を、見出しなどは用語一覧を参考にしてください。Primary statisticAgilityVau

パワー訓練 - 原神 非公式攻略wiki

iki/File:Vo_noecop001_1906601_belinda_01.ogg ベリンダ: This is a rockfall-prone area. You shouldn't be stopping here without good reason.(ベリンダと会

ミカワクロアミアシイグチ - きのこWiki

ミカワクロアミアシイグチ Tylopilus sp. イグチ科ニガイグチ属 猛毒どうもイグチ科とフウセンタケ科は名前が長いな・・・(毒成分も長いという)<外見>全体的に黒っぽい。しかしちょっと赤みも含んでいる。見ての通り柄の付け根は白く、名通り絵の上部は網目があり下に行くにつれ網

Feral_ghoul - Fallout Wiki

s to indicate that non-social ghouls, or those in isolation, are more prone to the condition.It is possible that this is a gradual process,

zsex - zsex1

.With the fast pace of modern life and high work pressure, people are prone to sleep problems, such as insomnia, cervical spondylosis, etc.

保管庫11 - Dosuko Wiki

your fund transaction has finally cleared you of all the allegations, prone to several failed attempts to claim your fund. All charges have

Feral_ghoul_(Fallout_4) - Fallout Wiki

s to indicate that non-social ghouls, or those in isolation, are more prone to the condition.It is possible that this is a gradual process,

Ghoul - Fallout Wiki

s to indicate that non-social ghouls, or those in isolation, are more prone to the condition. It is also quite possible that this is a gradu

M12_Force_Application_Vehicle - Halopedia日本語版

敵の攻撃を回避するには、ワートホグの速度を利用することが不可欠だ。Due in part to its speed, the M12 is prone to roll over. It is vital that the driver can get in and out of

アニムス - ASSASSIN'S CREED wiki

1][5]副作用[]主な記事: 流入現象Use of any variation of the Animus technology was prone to cause mental instability within its users. Prolonged use caus

リニア編集 - 映画ペディア

is and early computer-controlled systems was that the audio track was prone to suffer artifacts (i.e. a short buzzing sound) because the vid

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