メニュー Halo ユニバース キャラクター 組織 場所 武器 乗り物 テクノロジー掲示板雑談・質問・相談掲示板更新履歴最近のコメントカウンターサイト全体:今日:昨日:その他 トップページ ページの編...
M274 Ultra-Light All-Terrain Vehicle[1][2][3] (略称M274 ULATV又はマングースとして知られる) はUNSCの軽地上輸送車両の一つでAMGトランスポート・ダイナミクスが生産している。この車両には固有装備は無い。同乗者が運転手の後ろに乗り込み手持ちの火器を使うしかない。
A wire frame profile of the M274 Mongoose ULATV.
M274 マングース ULATVはUNSC海兵隊の正式装備の一つで、高速で歩兵1名を輸送することができる、地上車両だ。偵察、輸送、迅速な戦術汎用性から見て素晴らしい車両だ。M831 TT ワートホグよりも小型な為に非常に輸送可能な人員は少ない。どちらの車両にもいえるが武装を有していないので歩兵が保有する装備で自衛するしかなかった。Halo 3では、M12 LRV ワートホグの方が実は早かった。(これは色々と理由があったが・・・。主にカメラアングルなどが原因だったようだ)
この兵器はペリカン降下艇とヘビーモス-級兵員装甲車 (エレファント)で輸送、展開される。AV-14 VTOLは機体で牽引できそうな感じがするが、ゲーム内部で実際に輸送しているのは見たことが無い。
Halo 3のマングース
The Mongoose is operated by a single driver, situated in the middle of the vehicle. Once a driver is in place on the seat, the ULATV accelerates rapidly, and can reach a top speed of 60 MPH. The high acceleration and high top speed available on the vehicle proves a vital advantage while trying to "splatter" enemies. However, the Mongoose's excessive maneuverability often makes it quite difficult to splatter enemies: A head-on, full-velocity impact on a shielded enemy is needed to deliver sufficient force to kill.
The lack of weaponry mounted on the Mongoose makes the presence of an armed passenger often essential in combat zones. Engagements with enemy infantry or vehicles are often inadvisable in the absence of a passenger armed with heavy weaponry; the Mongoose's extreme speed and maneuverability makes it the best choice to zoom through enemy lines. The Mongoose's speed and acceleration makes it almost impossible to hijack.[4]
The Mongoose's lack of personnel-protective armor, however, makes the driver, and especially the passenger, vulnerable to enemy fire, especially from medium-long range weapons such as the BR55HB SR Battle Rifle. Although the Mongoose's maneuverability makes it difficult to destroy with heavy weapons such as the M41 Rocket Launcher, the Mongoose is vulnerable to the Spartan Laser; despite the Mongoose's high speeds it is extremely easy to track with the Spartan Laser since the Mongoose cannot reach speeds to make tracking difficult. The Brute Shot is also very effective, if you hit the Mongoose, it will send it about two of three meters flying the direction you shot at. Furthermore, in close-range engagements against a Mongoose, it is easy to stick or melee the operators. A slightly interesting trait is that if a player on a Mongoose attempts to ram another player who is wielding an Energy Sword, the sword-wielding player can actually lunge over the low windscreen of the Mongoose and kill the driver, provided their timing is right.
Despite the Mongoose's acute vulnerabilities, its light mass and small profile give it interesting applications: it is possible to launch the Mongoose safely off of a man cannon (albeit with mixed results), and the Mongoose can allow a driver to "lowride" in one; to drive by balancing on the back two wheels.[5][6]
Unfortunately, this light weight can also be the player's downfall. Explosives as weak as the splash damage from a fusion coil detonation are strong enough to flip it, and when fighting Flood Infection Forms, the Mongoose isn't heavy enough to pop them (the Mongoose will simply drive over the Infection Forms, leading to a bumpy ride that usually flips the player, and commonly leads to a quick death, perhaps to the Infection forms on higher difficulties).
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メニュー Halo ユニバース キャラクター 組織 場所 武器 乗り物 テクノロジー掲示板雑談・質問・相談掲示板更新履歴最近のコメントカウンターサイト全体:今日:昨日:その他 トップページ ページの編...
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