Logo Mobile.svg | このセクションでは、限られた環境のみで利用可能な機能について説明します:Mobile |
“ | Pre-exposure Subject is aggressive to smaller prey and will fight even the largest of the Island predators if threatened. With the second-largest wingspan of the avaian creatures on the Island, the subject possesses powerful wing muscles, excellent lift spped, and incredible stamina. Subject is a carrion feeder, preferring to steal the remains from anothers kill than retrieve its own food. Post-exposureAs with prior results, the subject is much larger than its Island counterpart, and the Element has only served to enhance the subjects naturally-powerful wing muscles, giving the subject enough strength to physically move an attacker away from them with a flap of its wings. The subject is also, quite literally, ablaze. Despite the natural flammability of its feathers, exposure to the Element appears to have caused the subject to develop a natural resistance to fire and the subject is wholly unfazed by the raging inferno that coats its body. | „ | |
~ Dr. Sophia |
Beelzemorbus Pt. Note (Mobile).png | “ | Pre-exposure Not unlike the other amphibious creatures of the Island, the subject shows a strong inclination towards swampland and, typical of the species, is an insectivore. Shows no signs of aggression until needed for self-defense, preferring to wander around in search of food rather than start a fight. Post-exposureThe aggression seen in the subject rivals that of some of the largest Island predators, unlike others of its species that would only battle when provoked the subject seeks out a fight, no matter the enemy. As a result of this aggressive behavior, the subject has sustained a number of battle wounds, leaving it scarred across much of its body. Unlike the others of its species that outwardly displayed the miraculous glowing reaction to Element, the subject displays this instead on its most useful tool - it's massive, deadly tongue. | „ |
~ Dr. Sophia |
“ | Pre-exposure Subject is much like any other of its kind, while large in terms of arachnids there is nothing terribly abnormal in nature with the habits of the subject. Post-exposureSubject has increased to ten times the size of its webmates and appears to have developed a significantly more armored exoskeleton in the process. Protrusions like spikes jut from most every location on its body, and parts of the body appear to change in hue without interference from any outside source. | „ | |
~ Dr. Sophia |
Cubozoa_Multis_Pt._Note_%28Mobile%29.png | “ | Pre-exposure Typically harmless from a distance, the subject travels in small groups for the sake of protection, and does not typically show aggression unless provoked except for when in contact with human beings. The subject will specifically track down and target humans that enter its waters rather than being content to float at their leisure. Post-exposureThis is the strongest reaction to the Element that has been observed thus far. The subject has entirely adapted the miraculous glowing to affect its entire body and appears far more transparent. While the tentacles of the subject are much shorter than that of its species, the body is significantly larger. Additionally, when significantly injured the subject will divide into two of itself, and each of these will divide when threatened as well - this appears to occur exponentially until such a time as the subject becomes too weak to continue. | „ |
~ Dr. Sophia |
“ | Pre-exposure Subject is a small, nervous variety of flightless bird. Prone to waddling away in terror when attacked, shows no signs of aggression unless stimulated by an outside force such as a pheromone dart or an arrow equipped with feathers of the species. Post-exposureSubject is immeasurably larger than others of its species and has gained extreme amounts of strength and speed. Subject has developed multiple outlets for this aggression including biting attackers, forcibly sitting upon them with near-Earth-shattering force, and using its own eggs as a projectile. Subject is incredibly defensive of its nest, eggs, and others of its own species. Strangely enough the subject also has peculiar twitches like wiggling its tail feathers and something that nearly looks like dancing - perhaps the Element caused neurological to the subject, resulting in these abnormalities. | „ | |
~ Dr. Sophia |
Doedicurus_Vastus_Pt._Note_%28Mobile%29.png | “ | Pre-exposure Subject is non-aggressive unless threatened and battles until sustaining a life-threatening amount of damage before retreating into its hard exterior shell. While still able to be damaged via its shell, the subject is mostly-protected and can withstand significantly more damage in this state than when out of its shell. Post-exposureHighly aggressive and significantly more protected, the subject has developed a series of powerful protective plates akin to armor across every inch of its shell. The subject is nearly indestructible when curled into its shell, and even more deadly in this state as it rolls in a frenzy towards any threat. If that weren't enough, the subject has also developed a significantly more damaging material over its already-spikey tail, able to smash an enemy flat in mere moments. | „ |
~ Dr. Sophia |
“ | Pre-exposure Subject is non-aggressive but will fight back when provoked. Relies on animal feces as its primary source of food, and when given feces outside of regular feeding will slowly metabolize feces into various substances. Post-exposureSubject is significantly larger than it was previously - this is, by far, the most significant size difference that has been observed. Originally, this creature could be carried with two hands, but now could dwarf many creatures present on the surface. Shows a significantly more vested interest in feces than prior to exposure, even actively going after any feces that is dropped on the ground no matter what it was doing beforehand. Subject has developed a significantly armored exoskeleton and takes no damage except for its exposed backside, a far cry from the more brittle form it held prior. | „ | |
~ Dr. Sophia |
Megapithecus_Pt._Note_%28Mobile%29.png | “ | Pre-exposure Subject is moderately docile, preferring to wander about and forage rather than interact with other creatures in its proximity. Shows moderate signs of aggression when approached, but otherwise keeps to itself while enjoying the bounty of fruits that can be acquired within its habitat. Post-exposureSubject shows highly increased signs of aggression, abnormal enhancements to strength, speed, and intelligence. Subject is able to rally other creatures of its similar nature to fight alongside it in battle, urging even the smallest of the ape species to participate in a battle to the death against any intruder. | „ |
~ Dr. Sophia |
“ | Pre-exposure Subject is docile and subject to fleeing when approached to quickly, is easily frightened by aggressive behavior and loud commotion. Does not appear to willfully engage in any form of conflict, even at the cost of its own life. Post-exposureNot only has it become incredibly aggressive and no longer flees from the first sign of trouble, but the biological changes are beyond what have been observed in any other subject. The subject's entire body has gone up hundreds of degrees in temperature without adverse effects on the subjects well-being, and the heat radiates out of it like that of a wildfire. Strangely enough, the subject has an extreme aversion to light - that is, it shies away from, and even appears to fear, sources of light beyond those cast by its own body. | „ | |
~ Dr. Sophia |
Obsidioequus_Pt._Note_%28Mobile%29.png | “ | Pre-exposure Moderately docile, but becomes aggressive when approached. The subject utilizes natural landscapes and rock formations as weapons, hurling them towards any opposing threat. The subjecy becomes strangely calm when given alcoholic beverages - a reaction not typically seen in alcohol-enthusiasts. Post-exposureThere are few words that can describe the changes that have occured in the subject. To an incredible degree, the subject appears to have had a boost in its intelligence. Rather than utilizing the landscape around it, the subject now chooses its primary food source as a weapon. Hauling a large cask of beer about, it uses the barrels as a weapon to fend off intruders. Clearly, however, it has overdone itself, as the subject displays signs of heavy intoxication, including the inability to control itself when it comes to bodily functions - the stench of its breath alone would be enough to sicken anyone around it, but in the form of a deep belch it is nearly impossible to avoid being knocked silly by the putrid smell. | „ |
~ Dr. Sophia |
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