「him」を含むwiki一覧 - 5ページ

シーン13 - Leon the professional

screams; in that moment the big weapon is fired, the explosion knocks him down to the floor]["The Fight (part 4: One Is Alive)"]ST

死ぬのを待っている - Dosuko Wiki

he was asked about the woman who should have been sitting along side him, his wife, Crown Princess Masako.For the past six months, Princess

観測者 - ふくろづめ

もどる観測者観測者 収斂と膨張を続ける、金色の光球。 私は今日もこの部屋で、その光球をただじっと眺め続けている。 光とそれを渦巻くどす黒い雲を見つめるこの日課を、私は「観測」と呼んでいた。 観測をしていると、胸がギュッと締め付けられるような感覚に陥る。 あの光の正体を知ろうとする

シーン01 - Leon the professional

TMAN:「What's he look like?」どんなヤツだ?TONTO:「Serious.」危険です。LEON:「Tell him I'm coming up.」そっちに行くと伝えろ。TONTO:「He's coming up.」今、上へ。[sil

Rudol-ta_of_Sled_(Legacy) - Lobotomy Corporation Wiki

も、神になることを選びました。かくして、Rudol-taは生まれたのです。”- Angela"He chose to become god himself, rather than suffer from the lack of one. Thus, Rudol-ta was b

シーン09 - Leon the professional

#####[at Tont's; Mathilda and Leon sitting at a table in front of him]LEON:「I, ah, I took a hit. I need a hand now. I know she is young,

シーン07 - Leon the professional

」LEON: 「..No!」[Mathilda throws the bucket at Leon, flees, followed by him; he catches her in the bathroom, puts her into the wardrobe; the f

Wilba_quotes - Don't Starve攻略Wiki

HOU, COLD FWOOSHING?"Moggles- "A MOLE 'PON WILBA'S HEAD"Shipwrecked[]Chiminea.pngChiminea (all stages)- "FOR FWOOSHINGS O' THE SEA"Bottle La

シーン06 - Leon the professional

anks. 」ありがと。######### ここまで ######### MATHILDA: [sits down in front of him]「Leon, I want you to teach me how to be like you. I wanna be stron

シーン04 - Leon the professional

cry, just used to sit next to me and cuddle. I was more of amother to him than that goddamned pig ever was.」弟を殺したから。彼が何をしたって言うの?まだ4歳よ。泣かない(=

アイツの名は「怪鳥」 - 原神 非公式攻略wiki

アイツの名は「怪鳥」任務の種類伝説任務の章小兎の章・第一幕【風、勇気と翼】開始の場所モンド、清泉町前の任務次の任務モンド城の飛行者偵察騎士のやりかた 報酬 キャラクター 冒険経験 275 冒険経験Item_Mora.png 6

アニムス計画 - ASSASSIN'S CREED wiki

6] With this, his brain was implanted with an impulse that would make him instinctively seek out the Mentor of the Assassin Order, and shoul

シュッツ - 原神 非公式攻略wiki

hulz.シュッツ: Master's work is pure perfection. I never tire of watching him work.シュッツ: I usually help master out with odd jobs on the shop flo

須臾百夢 - 原神 非公式攻略wiki

iguu are gone. Ei then joins in, much to Kitamura's relief. She tells him that Inazuma is at peace, which he realizes that the Shogun eventu

黒田 - 原神 非公式攻略wiki

iyue before? Could it be a coincidence... Anyway, I originally wanted him to come up with a cooler pseudonym, but he refused to do that and

Fallout_Bible_2 - Fallout Wiki

he future). It's important to note that Horrigan has never considered himself a mutant; only the scientists at the Enclave would consider hi

Refuel_the_still - Fallout Wiki

 · Cornelius has lost his gold pocket watch. Find it and return it to him · Farrel wants you to find Cornelius's gold pocket watch. Find it

Intelligence - Fallout Wiki

cade Gannon, a Courier with an Intelligence of 3 or less can convince him to become their companion by stating "This place is really complic

Atomic_Shop/CAMP/Utility - Fallout Wiki

A Better Life UndergroundBrighten your day with this rooster mailbox!Whimsical DropboxN/AIcon_unused.pngUnused contentN/AWhimsical DropboxN/

ジェビル - Deltarune 非公式Wiki

is Jevil, who invites the party to play a "simple numbers game" with him: "When your HP drops to 0, you lose." After explaining the game, J

スージィ - Deltarune 非公式Wiki

new target of Susie's teasing once she joins Lancer, she opens up to him as she does to Kris, and the two eventually get along much better.

Honor_System - World of Warcraft Wiki

er runs away, then another player or group finds the player and kills him or her? Do I get any honor having damaged the player first?6.2.9 W

アサシン - ASSASSIN'S CREED wiki

ty, he held on to the Apple until the end of his life, taking it with him to his library, though he did hand over the Codex and the keys to

暫しの息抜き - 原神 非公式攻略wiki

om.com/wiki/File:Vo_noecop001_1906701_beatrice_03.ogg ベアトリーチェ: I... *whimpers* ...noticed Quinn was in a bad mood, so I wanted to call him o

Plague_Doctor - Lobotomy Corporation Wiki

med Matthew sitting at the tax collector’s booth. "Follow me,"he told him, and Matthew got up and followed him.第7使徒(使徒言行録8章9節)使徒<Name7>と名付けら