
  1.'s Creed: Brotherhood
  2.'s Creed
  4. 4.04.1 Assassin's Creed: The Fall - Issue #1
  5.'s Creed Encyclopedia
  6. Assassin's Creed: The Fall - Issue #3
  7. Assassin's Creed: The Fall - Issue #2
  8. Assassin's Creed: The Fall - Epilogue
  9.'s Creed II
  10.'s Creed: Revelations
  11. Assassin's Creed: Project Legacy
  12. Assassin's Creed (French comic): Vol 3, Accipiter
Desmond Miles • Lucy Stillman | Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad • Al Mualim • Malik Al-Sayf • Kadar Al-Sayf • Abbas Sofian • Rauf • Jabal • Jamal
Warren Vidic • Alan Rikkin | Tamir • Garnier de Naplouse • Talal • Abu'l Nuqoud • William of Montferrat • Majd Addin • Jubair al Hakim • Sibrand • Maria Thorpe • Robert de Sablé
Leila Marino | Masun • Richard I of England
Abstergo | Assassins • Civilians • Knights Hospitalier • Knights Templar • Knights Teutonic • Saracens
Abstergo laboratory | Solomon's Temple • Masyaf • Damascus • Acre • Jerusalem • Arsuf • Kingdom • Assassin bureau
Third Crusade (Defense of Masyaf • Hunt for the Nine • Battle of Arsuf • Retaking of Masyaf)
Terms and gameplay
Achievements • Animus • Blending • Cryptic Messages • Eagle Vision • Eavesdropping • Emails • Feathers • Flags • Genetic memory • Glitches • Horses • Informants • Interrogation • Investigation • Leap of Faith • Memories • Pickpocketing • Pieces of Eden • Ranks • Save Citizen • Scholars • Social Stealth • Synchronization • Thugs • View Points • Vigilantes
Hidden Blade • Fists • Short blades • Swords • Throwing knives

エツィオジョヴァンニ ∙ マリオ ∙ マリア ∙ フェデリコ ∙ クラウディア ∙ ペトルチオ | ドメニコ ∙ レナート
デズモンド・マイルズルーシー・スティルマンショーン・ヘイスティングス ∙ レベッカ・クライン | ニッコロ・マキャヴェリ ∙ アントニオ・デ・マギアニス ∙ パオラ ∙ テオドラ ∙ 狐 ∙ バルトロメオ・ダルヴィアーノ ∙ ダンテ・アリギエーリ | アルタイル
ロドリゴ・ボルジア ∙ ウベルト・アルベルティ ∙ ヴィエリ・デ・パッツィ ∙ フランチェスコ・デ・パッツィ ∙ アントニオ・マフェイ ∙ ステファノ・ダ・バニョーネ ∙ ベルナルド・バロンチェッリ ∙ フランチェスコ・サルヴィアーティ ∙ ヤコポ・デ・パッツィ ∙ エミリオ・バルバリーゴ ∙ カルロ・グリマルディ ∙ マルコ・バルバリーゴ ∙ シルヴィオ・バルバリーゴ ∙ ダンテ・モロ ∙ ルドヴィコ・オルシ ∙ チェッコ・オルシ ∙ ジローラモ・サヴォナローラ
被験体16号 ∙ ウォーレン・ヴィディック | アネッタ ∙ レオナルド・ダ・ヴィンチ ∙ ロレンツォ・デ・メディチ ∙ ローザ ∙ カロッタ・モロ ∙ カテリーナ・スフォルツァ ∙ クリスチーナ・ヴェスプッチ ∙ Alvise da Vilandino ∙ アゴスティーノ・バルバリーゴ | マリア・ソープ | ミネルヴァ
アサシンテンプル騎士団 ∙ 住民 ∙ 娼婦 ∙ 傭兵 ∙ 商人 ∙ 盗賊
アブスターゴ研究所 ∙ 隠れ家 | フィレンツェ ∙ モンテリジョーニ ∙ ヴィラ・アウディトーレ ∙ トスカーナ ∙ サン・ジミニャーノ ∙ アペニン山脈 ∙ ロマーニャ ∙ フォルリ ∙ ヴェネツィア ∙ ローマ
アブスターゴ ∙ 実績 ∙ アダム ∙ イヴ ∙ アニムス ∙ 美術商 ∙ 武器屋 ∙ 流入現象 ∙ ボルジアの使者 ∙ 写本 ∙ 衣装 ∙ 医者 ∙ タカの目 ∙ Economic system ∙ Fast Travel Booths ∙ Feathers ∙ Flying Machine ∙ シンボル ∙ Guards ∙ Heralds ∙ Monteriggioni Statuettes ∙ Notoriety ∙ Officials ∙ エデンの果実 ∙ Secret Locations ∙ Side Missions and Events ∙ Tailors ∙ かつて来たりし者 ∙ The Truth ∙ Uplay ∙ 宝物庫 ∙ ビューポイント ∙ Wanted posters
拳/鉄のセスタス ∙ 重武器 ∙ アサシンブレード


The Animus, a virtual device which the Animus Project was centered around.

アニムス計画(Animus Project)はテンプル騎士団のフロント企業である製薬会社アブスターゴ社が実行中のアニムスを騎士団の利益のため使う計画である。


The project mainly included the kidnapping of Assassins or their descendants via the Department of Lineage Discovery and Acquisition,[2][4] the exploration of said captives' genetic memories, and the acquisition of Pieces of Eden.[1]


Subject 4[]


Vidic experimenting on Daniel.

In 1985,[1] Subject 4 (codenamed "Daniel Cross") – an 11-year old orphaned boy – was delivered to Warren Vidic by Lineage Discovery and Acquisition.[4][5][6] From then on, Daniel was used in the Animus for his genetic memory to be explored, but also for his brain to be experimented upon using a replicated Piece of Eden.[1][6] With this, his brain was implanted with an impulse that would make him instinctively seek out the Mentor of the Assassin Order, and should the opportunity arise, kill him.[6]

After the experiments were finished,[6] Daniel was released onto the streets, though he would suffer from a severe case of the bleeding effect for most of his life.[7] Later on, he was discovered by a female Assassin by the name of Hannah Mueller, and after a series of events that led to him rising through the ranks of the Assassin Order, Daniel's subconscious forced him to kill the modern day Mentor on 6 November 2000.

He later returned to an Abstergo facility in Philadelphia, where he was again placed in the Animus under the supervision of Warren Vidic,[6] and his own memories were viewed to obtain the locations of all of the Assassin camps he had visited, along with more of his ancestor, Nikolai Orelov's memories.[6][8] Following this, Daniel later ended his Animus sessions and joined the ranks of the Templar Order.[5]

Subject 12[]

Subject 12 was forced to relive the memories of an ancestor related to the Philadelphia Project, in which the USS Eldridge briefly manifested in a future state for approximately 18 minutes, due to the usage of a Piece of Eden. Using recovered data, Abstergo was able to reconstruct the original artifact used in the experiment.[2]

Subject 15[]

During 2010,[3] the Animus Project was focusing on Subject 15, a pregnant woman who eventually started suffering from the bleeding effect. She experienced "memory-within-memory" patterns due to the memories of the fetus' father conflicting with her ancestors' memories.[1]

Eventually, in mid December 2010, Lucy Stillman noticed that Subject 15's Raphe neurons were activating at an accelerated rate, and that the Animus was somehow inducing an incomplete state of dream-sleep. When Lucy informed Vidic of Subject 15's dangerous state, Vidic concluded that they had already gathered enough material from her, and subsequently contacted Steve Gibbs to send a disposal unit to remove Subject 15.[3]

Subject 16[]


The cryptic messages in Clay's cell.

In 2012, Abstergo kidnapped Clay Kaczmarek, a member of the Assassin Order who specialized in computer hacking and engineering.[5] Dubbed Subject 16,[2] Clay was placed into the Animus at an Italian Abstergo facility for several months, in order to obtain the location of one of the Apples of Eden,[5] with some of the Animus sessions lasting for days at a time. As Clay was psychologically unable to maintain these sessions for such extended periods of time, the personalities of his ancestors began overlapping with his own.[9]

Eventually, Vidic discovered that Clay was a direct descendant of Adam, one of the first Human-First Civilization hybrids and an individual amongst the first few to rise up against the pre-existing species. Through reliving Adam's memories, Clay and Vidic obtained the secrets of the Assassins and the First Civilization,[5] though realizing his mind would soon disappear entirely, Clay hacked the Animus some time after and placed an artificially intelligent copy of his own personality inside that only his Animus successor would be able to activate,[10] as well as several hidden Glyphs and Rifts throughout the memories of another of his ancestors, Ezio Auditore da Firenze.[9] Following this, as he delved into insanity as a result of the bleeding effect, Clay wrote various cryptic messages with his blood across the Animus room and his own cell before eventually committing suicide using a knife,[2] with Lucy bearing witness.[9]

Subject 17[]


Desmond in the Animus.

In September 2012, Abstergo captured their next Subject, number 17, a bartender by the name of Desmond Miles. Prior to his capture, Desmond had ran away from his Assassin parents at the age of 16,[2][10] and was discovered to have a high concentration of First Civilization DNA in his genes.[10] At first, Desmond was directly put in the Animus and forced to relive the memories of Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad, a Levantine Assassin, and upon reaching Abstergo's target memory, a map displaying the locations of the Pieces of Eden around the world erupted from an Apple of Eden, prompting the company to have no further use for Desmond. While Vidic's superiors ordered Desmond's disposal, Lucy Stillman managed to convince them of Desmond's use to Abstergo, maintaining his life.[2] Not too long afterwards, Lucy, who was secretly an Assassin herself, escaped the Abstergo facility with Desmond and relocated to an Assassin hideout where Desmond relived the memories of Ezio Auditore da Firenze in a recreated Animus.[9]

After Desmond's escape, Vidic instead turned his attention to a new project, the Animi Training Program, which held the objective of training Abstergo recruits using several Animi and making them relive the memories of Templars and non-Assassin persons of interest, so that the recruits would be able to combat the remnants of the Assassin Order.[1] The project eventually resulted in the promotion of one Abstergo recruit to the rank of Master Templar, who was assigned to "retrieve" the Assassin leader William Miles, alongside Daniel Cross.[10] Abstergo also founded Project Legacy after Desmond's escape, which made subjects relive the memories of certain individuals using another machine known as the Data Dump Scanner, with the aim of finding out more about the Assassin Order and the Pieces of Eden.[11]


  • In the non-canonical modern day storyline of the Assassin's Creed (French comic), an Assassin named Jonathan Hawk was placed in a futuristic Animus to relive the memories of his ancestor Accipiter.[12]

References[ ∙ Improvised weapons ∙ Long weapons ∙ ポイズンブレード ∙ 短剣 ∙ Smoke bombs ∙ 剣とメイス ∙ 投げナイフ ∙ Warhammers

フォルリの戦い ∙ 虚栄のかがり火

Desmond Miles • Clay Kaczmarek • Rebecca Crane • Shaun Hastings • William Miles | Ezio Auditore da Firenze • Yusuf Tazim • Piri Reis | Ishak Pasha | Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad • Rashid ad-Din Sinan • Abbas Sofian • Maria Thorpe • Darim Ibn-La'Ahad • Swami • Niccolò Polo • Maffeo Polo
Laetitia England • Warren Vidic • Juhani Otso Berg | Ahmet • Manuel Palaiologos • Shahkulu • Leandros • Cyril of Rhodes • Damat Ali Pasha • Georgios Kostas • Lysistrata • Mirela Djuric • Odai Dunqas • Vali cel Tradat | Vlad Tepes | Haras
Sofia Sartor • Bayezid II • Selim I • Suleiman I • Tarik Barleti • Dilara • Duccio de Luca • Janos | Jupiter • Juno • Minerva
Bombardier • Brigand • Champion • Corsair • Count • Courtesan • Crusader • Deacon • Gladiator • Guardian • Knight • Ottoman Doctor • Ottoman Jester • Privateer • Renegade • Sentinel • Thespian • Trickster • Vanguard • Vizier
Assassins • Mercenaries • Mongols • Ottomans • Romanies • Templars/Byzantines • Thieves
Atlas Village • Cappadocia • Constantinople (Constantine | Bayezid | Imperial | Galata) • Masyaf
Terms and gameplay
Abstergo Files • Achievements • Animus • Animus data fragments • Assassin Dens • Black Room • Blending • Book shops • Den Defense • Eagle Sense • Ezio Auditore's letters • First Civilization • Heralds • Library of Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad • Masyaf Keys • Mediterranean Defense • Memories • Officials • Outfits • Pieces of Eden • Stalkers • Synch Nexus • Templar Tax Collectors • Ziplines
Fists • Bombs • Crossbow • Heavy weapons • Hidden Blade • Hookblade • Hidden Gun • Improvised weapons • Long weapons • Poison Blade • Poison darts • Short blades • Swords • Blunt weapons • Throwing knives
The Ancestors Character Pack • Mediterranean Traveler Map Pack • The Lost Archive


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