- Crew: Hold fast! She's on us!
- Edward: Can you see her?
- Crew: Man the Cannons!
- Crew: Our Helmsman's dead! Someone take the Wheel! Kenway! Take the bloody Wheel!
- Crew: Uncork the Cannons, Lad! Unload all the Shot we have! Fire on those Bastards!
- Crew: The Magazine! It's going up!
- Captain: Douse the Flames! Get in there, you Mongrel!
Edward with Caroline
- Caroline: Is it dangerous? Edward?
- Edward: Hm?
- Caroline: Privateering. Is it dangerous?
- Edward: Wouldn't pay so nice if it weren't.
- Caroline: Why not sail with the King's Navy? Earn a proper Wage. Sail under Gentlemen.
- Edward: Sod the Navy's Gentlemen. For every Shilling I'd earn, the Captain'd get six Hundred. That's no Way to earn a Fortune.
- Caroline: We don't need a Fortune.
- Edward: It's not about Need, Caroline. I want Food that don't make me sick. I want Walls that hold back the Wind. I want a decent Life.
- Caroline: H-how long would you be gone with these Privateers?
- Edward: A Year, I reckon. Two at the most.
- Caroline: All right. No more than two... promise me...
Edward woke up in the water and swam towards a beach, where another man followed him.
Edward Kenway Memory 10Edward haggling with Duncan
- Edward: Was it good for you as well?
- Duncan: Havana... I must get to Havana.
- Edward: Well, I'll just build us another Ship, will I?
- Duncan: I can pay you. Isn't that the Sound you Pirates like best? One hundred Escudos.
- Edward: Keep talking.
- Duncan: Will you or won't you!
- Edward: You don't have that Gold on you now, do you?
- Duncan: Bloody fucking Pirates!
- Edward: I am on to you, Sneaksby!
Duncan ran off into the jungle, and Edward gave chase.
- Edward: Come on Mate! We're off to a bad Start! It's a hundred Leagues or more to Havana! Will you walk that Distance?
Edward climbed onto a viewpoint and looked for the Assassin.
- Edward: Posh Git. Where's he running to?
- Duncan: Follow and I'll kill you!
- Edward: We could work together on this!
- Duncan: Keep your Distance!
Duncan shot Edward, after which Kenway chased him down and killed him. Among Duncan's possessions, he found a letter addressed from Governor of Cuba, Laureano de Torres y Ayala.
Edward_Kenway_Memory_14.pngEdward reading the letter
- Letter: (Mr. Duncan Walpole). I accept your most generous Offer, and await your Arrival with Eagerness. If you truly possess the Information we desire, we have the Means to reward you handsomely. Though I will not know your face by Sight, I believe I can recognize the Costume made infamous by your secret Order. Therefore, come to Havana in Haste... And trust that you shall be welcomed as a Brother. (Your most humble Servant, Governor Laureano Torres y Ayala.)
Edward donned Duncan's robes.
- Edward: Mr. Walpole... let's collect your Reward.
Edward heard shots in the distance, and proceeded to investigate.
- Edward: That Schooner'll do me just fine...
- Soldier: The Commodore's gone ahead to Kingston. We're to commandeer this Lubber's Ship and Follow.
- Stede: S-sorry, Kingston? No, no... our Destination is Havana. I'm just a Merchant-
- Soldier: Quiet, you bleedin' Pirate! You'll hang for the Mess you made out there.
- Stede: Sir, I had nothing to do with this Attack. My Crew and I had merely anchored to water and resupply!
Some of the crewmen attempted to escape.
- Soldier: Hold it! Stop them!
The crewmen were shot by soldiers.
- Soldier: Give me one Reason I shouldn't vent your Skull.
- Stede: Take my Sugar! Take anything you like!
Edward killed the British soldiers and rescued Stede Bonnet.
Edward_Kenway_Memory_24.pngStede thanking Edward for the rescue
- Stede: By God's Grace, sir, you saved me. A Profusion of Thanks!
- Edward: Is that yours?
- Stede: It is my Vessel, yes. But, ah... here lies its poor Captain. And I have no Art for Sailing.
- Edward: I can pilot her myself. No mind.
- Stede: You don't mean to abscond with my Ship, do you?
- Edward: I'm Duncan. What's your name, Friend?
- Stede: Stede. Stede Bonnet.
- Edward: Well Mister Bonnet, let this stay 'twixt us... but I am on a secret Errand for His Majesty the King, God save him, and I must get to Havana with Speed.
- Stede: Ah... that is a Relief, Sir. Havana is also my Destination. Our Ways lie together!
- Edward: Natural Allies then.
- Stede: Oh, you put me at Ease, Sir. To think I took you for a Pirate when you first appeared.
- Edward: Did you?
- Stede: Yes! You have an... uncommon way of handling yourself. Quick and easy, if I may say. Gave me quite a Fright! But all Things considered, I think it's turned out to be a rather fortuitous Day, hasn't it?
Edward started swimming towards the ship.
- Stede: Lacking a rowboat, I'm afraid we'll have to swim to my Ship.
- Edward: Hardly the worst thing to happen.
- Stede: Oh... Oh, this is difficult. I should have taken the Coat off!
Edward took the wheel of the ship.
- Stede: Welcome aboard, Duncan. She's a modest Schooner but well-suited to my Purpose. Trafficking Cargo from my Plantation and such.
- Edward: She'll do fine. There's a strong Wind now. Let's strike to Full, shall we?
- Stede: Ah, there's a Tug of the Wind at my Hair! I find a bracing Comfort in the Feel and Smell of the Ocean. The raw Stink of... of Possibility!
Edward_Kenway_Memory_25.pngStede complimenting Edward
Edward sailed out of the bay.
- Edward: That's a top Way of seeing it, Mate.
- Stede: We've really opened it up now, haven't we!
- Stede: You're a natural Sailor, Duncan.
- Edward: I did a decent Trick at the Helm some time ago. Two Years before the Mast as a Privateer.
- Stede: Dash my Buttons! Your Life seems a grand One, if I may say. So full of Adventure! How marvelous.
- Edward: I have seen my Share of Strangeness, aye.
Edward assumed the identity of Duncan Walpole, rescued Stede Bonnet and sailed for Havana.
| An image gallery is available for
Edward Kenway (memory) |
Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag Memories |
シークエンス1 |
エドワード・ケンウェイ |
シークエンス2 |
賑やかなハバナ - …それで、砂糖は? - 君の名は? - 賢者と呼ばれる男 - 報酬の要求 - 財宝船団 |
シークエンス3 |
T新米艦長 - 船員募集中 - 獲物と略奪 - 黒旗を掲げよ - サトウキビが生むもの - 正当防衛 - 単身突入 |
シークエンス4 |
古い入江 - 真実はなく…. - 隠された賢者の秘密 - 多勢に無勢 |
シークエンス5 |
砦 - 旅の商人 - 本当の姿 |
シークエンス6 |
沈んだ薬 - 悪魔の代弁者 - チャールズタウン封鎖 |
シークエンス7 |
交渉求む - 火薬の作戦t - 提督を消せ - 焼き討ち船 |
シークエンス8 |
派手に行こう… - 自惚れ野郎ども - 置き去り |
シークエンス9 |
想定外の事態 - 信用の獲得 |
シークエンス10 |
ブラックバードの策略 - 殺しと騒乱 - 観測所 |
シークエンス11 |
To Suffer Without Dying - Delirium - ...Everything Is Permitted |
シークエンス12 |
A Governor No Longer - Royal Misfortune - Tainted Blood - Ever a Splinter |
シークエンス13 |
The End - How Grand, Master Kenway! |
テンプル騎士狩り |
オピア・アピトー |
タイノ族のアサシン - テンプル騎士の船 - 右腕 - ルシア・マルケスの痕跡 |
ローナ・ディンスモア |
襲われた教団支部 - 市場の泥棒 - 軍拡競争 - フリントの最後 |
アントー |
マルーンのアサシン - マルーンの援軍 - 敵襲 - 指揮官の策略 |
ヴァンス・トラヴァーズ |
兄弟よ… - 兄弟の片割れ - アプトンの悲しみ - 海賊の女帝、愚者の王 |
暗殺コントラクト |
農場主 - 警備兵 - 奴隷商人 - 判事 - 武器密売人 - イギリス人船長 - 海のチンピラ - 火薬の輸送r - スペイン人司令官 - もぐりの売人 - 税よさらば - 脱走未遂 - 海賊船長 - 無法者 - 墓荒らし - 最後の乾杯 - 脱走者 - しすべき兄弟 - 密猟者 - 逃亡者 - 板挟み - 危険な海賊 - 遠征 - 奴隷王 - 奴隷商人の仕事 - 密告者 - トレジャーハンター - 下劣な商売 - 密売人の家 - 無法者の洞窟 |
海洋コントラクト |
目には目を - 海の掟 - スペインの疫病 - 流木 - 波間に浮かぶ絹 - 禁制品 - 秘密の護衛 - 闇雲な正義 - The Final Contract - 戦いの現実 - ハンター狩り - Papers, Please - 嵐を切り抜けて - Smuggler's Den - A Personal Matter |
アヴェリーン |
The Rebel Camp - The Fort - The Tower |
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