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Fallout 2 side quest
Rescue Amanda's husband, Joshua
Vault City Servant Allocation Center
ロケーションVault City

I...well,'s my husband Joshua. into some trouble in...the bar. He accidentally struck a Citizen and was arrested. He didn't mean to, but he'd been drinking, and...

”— Amanda

Rescue Amanda's husband, Joshua(Amandaの夫Joshuaを救出する)はFallout 2のクエストです。

Amanda is a woman who lives in the eastern corner of the Vault City courtyard. She will ask you to rescue her husband, Joshua, who is currently in the Servant Allocation Center in the inner city.


Quick walkthrough[]

サイドクエスト: Amandaの夫Joshuaを救出する
Servant Allocation Center(奴隷配置センター)に行きBarkusと話す
報酬: 500 XP, $32 もしくは -10 Karma


By talking to Barkus you can arrange Joshua's release in one of several ways:

  • Convince the guard that Joshua has contracted the (insert Chosen One's name)'s Syndrome (Speech 80% or Doctor 75%).
  • Offer a bribe (from $250 to $1000 depending on your Barter skill).
  • Citizens can tell Barkus that Joshua is a troublesome individual and should be kicked out before he causes others to act up as well or that he may be infected (Speech 75%).
  • A Captain of the Guard can just order his release.
  • Do it by force; not recommended because it starts hostility with Vault City.

In either case 500 XP if he is set free. Go to his tent in the Courtyard and talk to his wife for an added reward of $32.


  • Slavers, Childkillers, または Karmaが 0 (中立)以下だとクエストを受けられません。
  • After collecting the reward, Joshua and his family will leave after exiting the map, therefore get the wrench from Curtis first.
  • 男性はAmandaにお金の代わりに身体を要求することが出来るが-10カルマとなる。

External links[]

  • Per Jorner's The Nearly Ultimate Fallout 2 Guide
Quests in Fallout 2
Arroyo · Broken Hills · The Den
ArroyoFinish Temple of Trials · Kill the evil plants that infest Hakunin's garden · Obtain flint to have Mynoc sharpen your spear · Fix the well for Feargus · Rescue Nagor's dog, Smoke, from the wilds · Retrieve the GECK for Arroyo · Find Vic the Trader · Stop the Enclave
Broken HillsFix the mine's air purifier · Find the missing people for Marcus · Break Manson and Franc out of prison · Blow up the mine's air purifier · Divert more electrical power to Eric's home · Beat Francis at armwrestling · Defeat the professor's radscorpion in three challenges · Typhon's Treasure · Become an Expert Excrement Expeditor
The DenFind out how Becky can sell her booze for such low prices · Sabotage Becky's still · Get car part for Smitty · Return Anna's locket · Collect money from Fred · Get book from Derek · Deliver a meal to Smitty for Mom · Lara wants to know what is being guarded in the church · Get permission from Metzger for gang war · Find weakness in Tyler's gang guarding the church · Help Lara attack Tyler's gang · Listen to Stacy's kitty story · Free Vic from his debt by getting his radio from his house in Klamath and paying Metzger · Listen to Leanne's story about the Master · Kill Metzger · Free the Metzger slaves
Gecko · Klamath · Modoc · Navarro
GeckoSolve the Gecko powerplant problem · Optimize the powerplant · Retrieve the Economy Disk and deliver it to McClure in Vault City · Get super repair kit for Skeeter · Get 3-step plasma transformer for Skeeter · Find Woody the ghoul for Percy. Try the Den
KlamathRefuel the still · Rescue Smiley the Trapper · Guard the brahmin · Rustle the brahmin · Kill the rat god · Rescue Torr
ModocSomething strange is happening at the farm northeast of Modoc. Investigate and report back to Jo · Cornelius has lost his gold pocket watch. Find it and return it to him · Farrel wants you to find Cornelius's gold pocket watch. Find it and return it to Farrel · Jonny is missing. Find him and bring him home to Balthas · Jonny's in the Slag caves. Find a way to get Jonny back home to Balthas · Farrel has a rodent problem in his garden. Remove the infestation · Deliver Slag message to Jo in Modoc · Jo is suspicious of the Slags. Find out about the dead bodies at the Ghost Farm and find out what happened to Karl · Go to the Den and tell Karl it's alright to come back home
NavarroDeal with the deathclaw · Fix K-9 · Retrieve the FOB from the base Commander
New California Republic · New Reno · Redding
NCRRetrieve Parts/Gain Access to Vault 15 · "Take care of Officer Jack" for Mira · Stop officer Jack from blowing up the power plant · Complete brahmin drive · Retrieve papers from Dr Henry · Test mutagenic serum on a super-mutant. Try Broken Hills · Eliminate Mr. Bishop · Deliver Westin's holodisk to Lynette in Vault City · Get the map from the NCR Rangers, for Vortis the slaver · Free the slaves in the slave pen, for the Rangers · Deliver Hubologist's field report to AHS-9 in San Francisco · Kill Hubologist in NCR for Merk · Stop brahmin raids
New RenoRecover your stolen car · Find out who was responsible for Richard Wright's overdose · Suspect: Jagged Jimmy J · Suspect: Jules · Suspect: Lil' Jesus Mordino · Suspect: Renesco · Find a way into the Sierra Army Base · Track down Pretty Boy Lloyd, recover the stolen money, and make an… example of him · Go visit Renesco the Rocketman and collect Mr. Salvatore's tribute of $1000 · Help guard a secret transaction taking place in the desert · Find some endorphin blockers to make a cure for Jet · Bust up Wright's still beneath the train station · Assassinate Westin in NCR without making it look like a murder · Murder Carlson in NCR · Deliver ten Cat's Paw magazines to Miss Kitty · Deliver a laser pistol to Eldridge · Deliver Big Jesus's package to Ramirez at the Stables · Collect tribute from the Corsican Brothers · Assassinate Boss Salvatore for Big Jesus Mordino · Purchase the Kesting Special · Become a Prizefighter · Become a Porn Star · Bring Renesco some glasses · Learn about Vault City and education from Mrs. Bishop
ReddingFind out who cut the whore · Find the excavator chip · Break up the bar brawl · Kill Frog Morton · Clear Wanamingo Mine · Golden Trail · Evict the widow
San Francisco · Vault 13 · Vault 15 · Vault City
San FranciscoThe tanker needs fuel · The navigation computer needs the NavComp part to work · You need to use a FOB to access the navigation computer · Kill the Shi Emperor · The Hubologists need plans for a vertibird from Navarro · Steal the vertibird plans from the Shi · The Hubologists need fuel for their spaceship · Kill Badger so the tanker vagrants will embrace the Hub · Kill the AHS-9 · The Shi need plans for a vertibird from Navarro · Steal the vertibird plans from the Hubologists · Find Badger's girlfriend in the hold below the ship · The Dragon wants you to take out Lo Pan - hand to hand · Lo Pan wants you to take out the Dragon - hand to hand, if possible · Get Chip's spleen · Get some hardened power armor from Crockett · Get the vertibird plans for the Brotherhood of Steel
Vault 13Fix the Vault 13 computer · Talk to Goris
Vault 15Rescue Chrissy · Kill Darion · Complete Deal with NCR · Give Spy Holodisk to authority in NCR
Vault CityGet a plow for Mr. Smith · Deliver Moore's briefcase to Mr. Bishop in New Reno · Deliver a sample of jet to Dr. Troy · Solve the Gecko powerplant problem · Deliver Lynette's holodisk to Westin in NCR · Rescue Amanda's husband, Joshua · Deliver beer and booze (10 each) to Lydia · Deliver pliers (tools) and a wrench to Valerie · Scout the eight sectors around Gecko and return to Stark · Enter NCR and return to Stark · Find Mr. Nixon · Gain combat implants · Stop Bishop's raider band from attacking Vault City · Resolve the problem with the nearby village Icon_cut.png
CharactersCitizensFirst Citizen Joanne Lynette · Senior Councilor McClure · Proconsul Gregory · Troy · Stark · Randal · Valerie · Barkus · Melinda · Steve · Wallace · Skeev · Thomas Moore · Kohl · Holden · Lydia · Phyllis · Ben Wade · Darrow · Martin · Vault City citizen · Vault City slave
Non-citizensJohn Cassidy · Joshua · Amanda · Bar patron · Curtis · Happy Harry · Mr. Smith · Mrs. Smith · Andrew · Ed · Charlie · Vault City guard
CutOld Joe · Connar · Chet
LocationsCourtyard · Downtown (Amenities office, Corrections Center, Servant Allocation Center, Information office, Tap House) · Central Council (Parlor Room, Council building) · Vault 8
QuestsGet a plow for Mr. Smith · Deliver Moore's briefcase to Mr. Bishop in New Reno · Deliver a sample of jet to Dr. Troy · Solve the Gecko powerplant problem · Deliver Lynette's holodisk to Westin in NCR · Rescue Amanda's husband, Joshua · Deliver beer and booze (10 each) to Lydia · Deliver pliers (tools) and a wrench to Valerie · Scout the eight sectors around Gecko and return to Stark · Enter NCR and return to Stark · Find Mr. Nixon · Help Charlie · See Phyllis

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