


  • 第一幕
  • 第二幕
  • 第三幕





























冒険者ランク40、UI_Quest.png第一章・第三幕「迫る客星」、天下人の章・第二幕「須臾百夢」、UI_Quest.png 天ノ牛の章・第一幕「赤金魂」、 世界任務「何処より降りし霊石」、UI_Quest.png 世界任務「翠石の玉壺・一[Note 1]

冒険者ランク40、第三章・第五幕「虚空の鼓動、熾盛の劫火」、UI_Quest.png 紅葉の章・第一幕「阡陌で故人を知る者無し
  1. 険路怪跡イベント期間中、冒険者ランクの条件が28に緩和され、須臾百夢赤金魂翠石の玉壺・一をクリアしなくても任務を開始できる「クイックスタート」を利用することができるようになった。



編集 ボタンをクリックして、知っていることを追加しましょう!

Several months later, as the Traveler continues to be in pursuit of their sibling, the Traveler overhears Ningguang's announcement to rebuild the Jade Chamber; she requires Sunset Vermillionite, Wonder Core, and Adepti Sigils. In return for the first three people who could acquire these materials for her, she would allow them to ask any question and she would honestly answer them in response, gaining the excitement of all present. The Traveler then approaches Ningguang, who is pleased to see them and that they're intending to participate, clarifiying that she would answer the question to the best of her ability.

As Ningguang takes her leave, the Traveler and Paimon spot two men talking to a young woman; believing them to have information, they decide to follow them. They arrive just slightly outside of Bubu Pharmacy, where the discover that the two "brokers", Scar Liu and Qiang the Brave, are trying to fleece the woman of her money to pay off their gambling debts. Paimon then points to a Millelith on duty to ask for help. Qiang is worried that they have bitten off more than they can chew as he feels terribly anxious; as Scar tries to use force, the woman begins to activate some exorcist sigils. The Millelith, Zheng, recognizes Scar and Qiang and apprehends them.

The woman then introduces herself as Shenhe, having heard of them before and thanks them for their assistance, although if she had it her way, she would have smashed their heads until they understood, which Paimon finds violent. Shenhe's stomach begins growling and Paimon recalls overhearing the two men commenting on her eating "spree" around the city. It is soon revealed that Shenhe was not interested in the food, as she prefered Qingxin, Violetgrass and Glaze Lilies, much to Paimon's surprise. They then take her to Bubu Pharmacy for the herbs.

Inside, Shenhe orders the herbs and consumes them all in one sitting to everyones' astonishment, although she finds the experience bitter. She had come to Liyue Harbor to assist in rebuilding the Jade Chamber, but had no interest in participating in the contest. However, to repay the Traveler's kindness, she wishes to assist and proposes that they eliminiate the other contestants, much to Paimon's astonishment.

As they argue, Baizhu comes in, saying he wanted to fetch the wound dressing that Ningguang ordered. Baizhu then mentions that the Sunset Vermillionite is a very rare item and that the Feiyun Commerce Guild would have more information on the item. The Traveler and Paimon thank him, and then they go to the guild.


Meanwhile, Xu arrives to inform Xingqiu about a problem; the Guild has received some strange orders recently and wants him to deal with them. Just then, the Traveler, Paimon and Shenhe arrive, and Xu leaves so that Xingqiu can 'entertain' them. Xingqiu is surprised to learn that the Traveler is participating in the contest and that they do have a piece of Sunset Vermillionite on auction, but discourages them from taking part in the auction as he anticipates the transaction to be at least 500 million Mora, none of which they can avoid. However, he tells them of an adepti, Sea Gazer, who had an abode rumored to be filled with the material, which he believes is in the Lisha area after cross-referencing multiple books. Shenhe states that Sea Gazer was close to Mountain Shaper, while Paimon is worried about disrespecting the deceased adepti. Shenhe states that Sea Gazer was open-minded and wouldn't mind, surprising Xingqiu. As she takes her leave, Xingqiu notes that she's awfully familiar and reminds the Traveler that the abode is likely to be well-defended and infested with monsters.

Upon arrival, Shenhe uses an art to dispel the magic surrounding the area, revealing a seelie that the group pursues into the adepti's adobe. When they enter, Paimon is surprised at the sudden change of the atmosphere as the seelie disappears into the clouds. Shenhe states that they'll need to destroy the mechanisms maintaining the "clouds" if they wish to go deeper inside. They destroy two mechanisms before reaching the bottom, destroying one final mechanism to find the interior of the adepti's abode. They also spot the Sunset Vermillionite, with Shenhe taking the massive rock herself to the building area; the Traveler and Paimon catch up to her there.

Shenhe delievers the Vermillionite, much to the surprise of everyone present, believing her to be an adeptus. Baiwen asks Shenhe for her name, believing that she is participating in the contest. Shenhe states that she was just delivering it when the Traveler and Paimon arrive; Baiwen is impressed with the Traveler's talent, as the Vermillionite is the largest and highest quality for the project. She also tells them that Ningguang provided all the contestants with lodging before leaving. As Paimon asks Shenhe how she felt when the people complimented her, she gives a plain response and becomes slightly irritated by her fellow people worshipping her as something she isn't. Paimon suggests she take a rest, which she does out in the wilderness, but Paimon insists she take a rest with the provided accomodations.

Arriving at the hotel, Ju'an tells them that one room is still being prepared. The Traveler and Paimon let Shenhe take the vacant room and decide to go get a snack for her when they spot Cloud Retainer landing above. Cloud Retainer is bewildered when Paimon asks her what Shenhe's adepti name is and states that she is just a human. She then proceeds to explain about her past and reveals herself as Shenhe's master and caretaker. She tells them to take good care of Shenhe and that she came to see how Ningguang would deal with the contract between Liyue and its people, as the adepti sense a calamity coming soon; if she is unable to rectify the it, the adepti would not hesitate to seize control.

In the morning, they meet up with Shenhe again, who says her master has already relayed the situation to her and apologizes for not explaining sooner. She knew because she did not see the Traveler going in, and when she went out, she noticed her master talking with the Traveler. The group then decides to go to the building site to see how the progress is going.


They arrive to find the Jade Chamber built, though tied down because it's not finished yet. After Baiwen finishes briefing up the work, Beidou introduces her new friend Yun Jin, who has joined the contest in order to be able to ask Ningguang about the place for her opera, titled "The Divine Damsel of Devastation". Yun Jin proposes to split up the reward to three people asking a question to which both sides agree. Beidou decides to split up to find the raw materials for the Wonder Core. Yun Jin, the Traveler, and Shenhe decides to go to town to ask for questions.

They find Master Zhang in town and asks him for questions. He replies that he needs the Starsplinter Iron and Subrosium in order to make the Wonder Core, and recalls that last time the Starsplinter Iron was collected was on Mt. Tianheng, though he doesn't know where to find the Subrosium, citing that the people around the area had some trick that allowed them to collect the mineral.

After arriving to the destination, Yun Jin reminisces herself about how she was brought here once by her father when she was little, and says the area is the inspiration for her father's opera. She explained the story of the opera, which was slightly close to Shenhe's real story. After listening to the summary of the plot, Shenhe says that she doesn't think the little girl in the opera was as brave as she made it out to be, which Yun Jin takes in consideration, given that the opera has a degree of deviation from the true story.

After obtaining the iron, Yun Jin suggests asking around in the village for the Subrosium. Mingjun is silent when the group tries asking him for clues, however he is surprised to learn that Shenhe is alive and that the rumors were true. He actually gives the clues, and the rest leave to find the ore while he talks with Shenhe about the old times. Yun Jin collects the first part of the father's diary and is surprised to learn that the damsel was actually Shenhe herself. She now understands why; it wasn't because of the courage, but rather because she was forced into it, and mumbles that her father would need to revise the opera. The third piece reveals the location of the ore, and they return to Shenhe just as she finishes talking to Mingjun. Yun Jin comes forward to apologize to Shenhe, but Shenhe says she likes Yun Jin's fictional version of her own story more. They get the Subrosium, and they return to the Liyue Harbor to have the ore be crafted. Next to the Subrosium is Xiao and says he is preparing for danger in the sea but cannot get involved.


After successfully crafting the Wonder Core and the Adepti Sigils, the group goes to Baiwen to hand in the items, and they are regarded as the winner of the contest. After being led up to the Jade Chamber, Ningguang thanks them for the hard work. She offers to Yun Jin to host an opera in the Jade Chamber after the rebuilding, as it would provide a good view, both in the air and from below. Ningguang then answers the Traveler's question, although she says with disappointment that she hasn't found any leads regarding their sibling, so she answers Paimon's question instead. She says that in the future, if there is any need for financial assistance, she would pay them at the highest cost possible.

Paimon asks Shenhe if she had any question, and although with some relucance she asks Ningguang if she could fit in the Liyue Harbor to which she says the key is to develop a sense of belonging. Just then, Beidou arrives and asks if preparations are done, replying to Paimon that she was forced to help the Tianquan, who reassures her that preparations are done. The Traveler is curious to know what is going on, but Ningguang says that it would be better to not know.

Just as the Jade Chamber finally ascends into the air, a storm suddenly comes and with it, a large monster appears once again; this time it is Beisht, the wife of Osial. She admits to knowing it, as Beidou warned her months prior, and thus she was preparing for its arrival. This time however, she says she would rely on her own people of Liyue to fight it instead of the adepti. With her monologue, the Tianquan attacks Beisht with the projectiles, assisted by Keqing, Ganyu and the Millelith. The creature roars and creates a tsunami. The Traveler suddenly leaps forward in order to intercept the monster, however it fires a beam, launching the Traveler into one of the stone pillars and causing them to lose consciousness as they are grabbed by Shenhe; she suddenly remember a flashback of her father leaving her to death and Retainer's words.

Furious, Shenhe summons a talisman to freeze giant tsunami, allowing the Jade Chamber the chance to fire it, weakening it further as Shenhe then dives into the vortex. She is startled to see the Traveler and Paimon going in as well to help her. After defeating the creature, Ningguang commends them on the hard work and orders the soldiers to rest up. Cloud Retainer then comes in after being seen by the Tianquan and commends her for being able to make prior preparations, which was considerable progress compared to last time even though she says that Shenhe had contributed significantly. Ningguang decides to host a victory banquet at the Jade Chamber, inviting the Traveler and Shenhe over.

In the night, Paimon is happy to be able to eat at the Jade Chamber just as Ningguang addresses the guests and Yun Jin performs "The Divine Damsel of Devastation" to everyones applause. A drunken Zhu Tao then tries to interact with the group, only to be rebuked by Shenhe.
























編集 ボタンをクリックして、知っていることを追加しましょう!

During their journey across Teyvat, Paimon suggests to the Traveler that they go visit Nahida as they have many questions left unanswered, such as the "Descenders". As they make their way to the Sanctuary of Surasthana, they find Aqaba and Sawada arguing over the Tatarasuna mystery. The mention of Tatarasuna gets their attention and they walk in as the two had just mentioned how they could help with the mystery.

The two scholars wonder if they could help, but Paimon tells them that they had overheard the topic and wanted to learn more from them. Aqaba states that his teacher had decided to choose Tatarasuna because not even Inazumans knew much about it. Sawada offers the entire script but Aqaba decides against it and gives them a summary; Mikoshi Nagamasa had created a fine blade but then threw it into the fire and slew Katsuragi for reasons unknown. There was also the mention of a kabukimono, the Inazuman term for an eccentric. Sawada states that he had confirmed with a government friend of his that all of the people in the records did live around the time of the incident and also mentions Niwa Hisahide, a government official at Tatarasuna. He explains that Niwa was a distant relative of the Kaedehara Clan, thus making them a practitioner of the Isshin Art. With the current circumstances of the Kaedehara Clan's downfall, he suspects a connection between all the events. Aqaba then scolds him for forgetting the most important part, that the kabukimono was not a human, but a puppet instead.

The Traveler deduces the puppet to be Scaramouche, although they question what he could've been doing back then. The two are nearly discovered for having additional information, but Paimon manages to bluff that how they narrated it was more of a ghost story. After reading their drafts, they leave to a more quiet location. As Paimon remarks on how Aqaba should change his topic, she spots Scaramouche walking by, with the Traveler quickly following up to. Worried that he might've escaped, they follow him into the sanctuary, where they warn Nahida just as they spot him inside too.

Nahida tells them that she made a deal with Scaramouche to investigate Irminsul on her behalf. Scaramouche escalates the situation by stating that he had expected them to kill him once the job had been done. She states that he wouldn't do anything drastic, since he was still considerably weakened. Scaramouche had learned of her deal with Dottore, in which Nahida states that she gained valuable information and promises to disclose it over time.

Nahida also reveals that following Scaramouche's defeat, he had been discarded by Dottore and the others. As such, Scaramouche needed a backup plan for himself now that he had no one to trust. Nahida suggests they join forces, but he refuses, since the Traveler and Paimon are wary of him. Nahida stops the argument and begins to prepare a trial run. She explains that despite losing most of his powers, he could still connect to Irminsul and his connections as a Harbinger could allow him to access information about their twin that they might be hiding from her. However, she asks them to supervise him just incase he misuses his privileges before teleporting them into Irminsul.

Inside, they catch up with Scaramouche and get into another argument before Nahida stops them and reminds them of their tasks. She opens a connection to the interior of Irminsul, which they manage to locate the heart and connect to. Nahida then privately talks with the Traveler and Paimon, where she intends to have him discover answers for himself. The Traveler explains what they saw in Haypasia's vision to her, which she confirms as the lies that made Scaramouche who he is. The Traveler and Paimon then talk about the two scholars, leaving Nahida surprised but states that they got one topic correct; Tatarasuna had been sabotaged. Scaramouche then interrupts them, having known that they were talking about him. The Traveler asks if they found anything about them, which he denies but then pulls up strange data.

A flashback occurs with an official talking with Niwa over the Tatarasuna furnace, leaving Scaramouche surprised as the memory goes deeper in, with Niwa talking to Escher about the use of Crystal Marrow to forge Inazuman blades and thus making the area prosperous. However, the conversation takes a dark turn when Niwa confronts Escher over the dangers of Tatarasuna, as it is causing workers to become sick or die. As such, Scaramouche had been sent to request an audience with the Shogun. He then calls him out for his alternate identity as Escher stabs him in the back.

Escher is then revealed to be Dottore, who intends to use the furnace to corrupt Scaramouche with malevolent spirits. Niwa tells Dottore that if he intends to use his heart, he should tell the kabukimono that he and Nagamasa see him as a human before he dies. Dottore then informs Pierro of his successful task and that he would be experimenting with a puppet that would be brought in. Scaramouche then realizes the truth and becomes enraged, so the Traveler and Paimon give him some space and are appalled by Dottore's cruelty. After waiting a while for Scaramouche to calm down, they approach him. He resumes his search and finds nothing, but reveals that when their sibling arrived in Khaenri'ah, they had lived with Pierro for a time, who served as a royal mage in the Khaenri'ah court.

Scaramouche then erects a barrier to keep Nahida away before asking for the Traveler's hand. He asks if it was possible to change the past, but when the Traveler hesitates to answer, he had already gotten what he needed and heads into the Irminsul heart to remove himself completely, as Niwa and the others deserved a second chance at life. The Traveler and Paimon search for him to no avail as Nahida reconnects and learns what happened before taking them out of Irminsul as she goes to address the problem herself.

In full panic over the situation, Paimon passes the time by talking about food. When she wakes up, she asks what they were doing and the Traveler reminds her. She does not remember Scaramouche, leaving the Traveler alarmed and they head to Inazuma to see if anything had changed.


The first stop in Inazuma is the Amenoma Smithy, where they find Amenoma Tougo and ask him about the Raiden Gokaden. Tougo tells them that there was still a catastrophic event 400 years ago, but Niwa and another smith were able to purge the corruption in the furnace at the cost of their lives. However, the smith's son was left orphaned and became enraged at the thought of the Shogun refusing to help, passing nothing but his hatred to his future generations. Roughly 100 years ago, the then-head of the family snapped and began to kill the smiths of the Raiden Gokaden, only to be foiled by the Kamisato and Kaedehara Clans, who killed him. The Traveler asks Tougo if he saw Kazuha, who states that he just had tea with him, much to their relief.

The next stop is the Kamisato Estate, where they learn from Hirotatsu and Furuta that Ayato and Ayaka are still leading the clan and commission.

The final stop is the Tatarigami furnace itself, where they catch up with Xavier and ask for the history of the furnace. Xavier states that there had also been someone back then who worked on the furnace, confirming that Dottore was still present and sabotaged it back then. The Traveler then asks of a kabukimono in the story, which Xavier does not recollect. With all the information acquired, they decide to head back to Nahida.


As they return to Nahida, the Traveler stops by Aqaba and Sawada, who give them their papers and note that there was no mention of Scaramouche in them. They then tell the two what they learned from Tougo, leaving them astonished. They then enter the sanctuary and ask Nahida about Scaramouche, but she fails to remember him, as he had erased himself before she could act. With no other choice, the Traveler tells her and Paimon about him. Paimon is left surprised while Nahida states that Scaramouche could have erased himself, thus revising Irminsul. However, as it had no information on the Traveler, any revisions would not affect them.

Nahida grabs a record and confirms that what the Traveler is saying was true, as she had made a backup of Scaramouche's memories that would be unaffected by any revisions. Due to his revision, Nahida is unsure as to how the Harbingers would be affected. Deciding to take a small break, they head to the Grand Bazaar to get a snack. During this time, the Traveler recalls that Rukkhadevata told them that one could not completely erase themselves and thus realizes that Scaramouche is still alive.

Overhearing a merchant yell at an employee, the Traveler realizes that Scaramouche is in front of them and follow him. After returning to the merchant, Nahida catches up to them and shows Scaramouche his past, which he eventually accepts. As the sudden surge of painful memories flows through him, the Shouki no Kami emerges to attack, but Scaramouche manages to compose himself and eliminates the false god with his newly acquired Anemo Vision. With the recovery a success, they leave the dream to discuss it further.


With Scaramouche now finally accepting himself, he disowns himself from the Fatui. Nahida promises to continue sifting through Irminsul for any data regarding their sibling's travels. Scaramouche then asks the Traveler why they went to Inazuma, in which they tell him that they wanted to see what he changed. After hearing their explanation, he decides to consider it a favor to be owed. Nahida encourages him to look towards the future and not the past, so he decides to comply and agrees to help them wherever he could too. Nahida then decides that he should have a name and the Traveler picks out a suitable name for him.

After giving Scaramouche his new name, he decides to get revenge on Dottore for his manipulation. Nahida urges moderation as he still needs time to compose himself. Before he leaves, Scaramouche asks the Traveler to inform the descendants of the Raiden Gokaden that he was responsible for their downfall, as they deserved to know the truth and accepts whatever punishment they have for him. As the Traveler and Paimon return to the inn from earlier, they notice that the vase that Paimon had broken earlier was still broken and wonders why. Suddenly, a strange voice tells both the Traveler and Paimon that the fate of Teyvat could not be easily changed and that they should believe their own eyes before fading away, leaving the Traveler wondering what awaits them in the future.



言語正式名称直訳の意味 (英語)
英語Interlude Chapter
Interlude Chapter
ロシア語Промежуточный том
Promezhutochnyy tom
Intermediate Volume
Interlude Chapter
ベトナム語Chương Đệm
ドイツ語ZwischenkapitelIntermediate Chapter
インドネシア語Chapter InterludeInterlude Chapter
ポルトガル語Capítulo de Interlúdio






  • 終に訪れし花神誕祭
  • すでに訪れし花神誕祭
  • 流れ延びゆく花神誕祭
  • 意志を輪廻せし花神誕祭
  • 運命を因果せし花神誕祭
  • 空幻に響く花神誕祭
  • 終に終りし花神誕祭
  • 黎明 (エピローグ)
  • 行方不明になったグラマパラ
  • 魔鱗病病院の泣き声
  • 熱砂の中の秘密
  • 運命のような出会い
  • 運命を嘲弄する資格
  • 運命の終点で涙を零す者
  • 既に記された運命
  • 瓊台玉閣
  • 鳴海栖霞
  • 過去は塵のごとし
  • 心安らかな処
  • 予期せぬ客
  • 岩下の迷境
  • 危険だらけ
  • 窮途末路
  • 活路を開け
  • 夜を飛ぶ鳥は三段へと落ちる
  • 乱世輪舞
  • 幕切——傾奇の末
  • 朝露のように

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