英語版スッタニパータ - あなごクンのうぃき
e orwhat are the qualities which make a person so, the brahmin, rathersurprisingly, says that he does not. Moreover, he addresses the Buddha
e orwhat are the qualities which make a person so, the brahmin, rathersurprisingly, says that he does not. Moreover, he addresses the Buddha
”–Webber, examining a Jet Quill Float.Warly_Portrait.png“Feathers are surprisingly useful for fishing!”–Warly, examining a Jet Quill Float.“
a peek...”–WendyWX-78_Portrait.png“GIVE ME MY PRIZE”–WX-78“There is a surprisingly varied selection to choose from.”–WickerbottomWoodie_Port
urnt)- "Charred to a crisp."Driftwood_Piece.pngDriftwood Piece- "It's surprisingly light."Lune Tree- "What a strange looking tree."Lune_Tree
Harp Statue.pngこの記事は未完成のため加筆依頼が出されています。(理由:情報不足)編集による加筆、訂正またはコメントによる意見をお願いします。I WIN. GOOD.“I SHALL DOMINATE ALL CREATURES”–WX-78このページはプレイヤーが
Harp Statue.pngこの記事は未完成のため加筆依頼が出されています。(理由:情報不足)編集による加筆、訂正またはコメントによる意見をお願いします。"Magnificent! What a marvel of engineering!"“Ah! The world is
p shot of Mirei. 映画:スウィートホーム2She did her role, as a female nurse (and surprisingly the only female cast included), in order to escape the el
ma- pada Commentary story these insulting words caused Māgandiyā— not surprisingly—to hate the Buddha and to seek her revenge on him by burn
u expect her to refuseand leave without answering your questions, but surprisingly, sherelents. According to Ichtaca, her people have spent
_icon.pngスタック数1020 デバッグ用コード"turf_carpetfloor"Wilson_Portrait.png“It's surprisingly scratchy.”–Wilson“The ground is boring.”–WillowWolfgang_P
have been in love. It's still crazy hot.”–Walani“It is lifeless, yet surprisingly hot to touch.”–WarlyWoodlegs_Portrait.png“Th'heart o'th'f
png“How are you doing, little guy?”–Walani, when held.“It's soft, and surprisingly calm.”–Warly, when held.Woodlegs_Portrait.png“Woodlegs'll
t.png“It shows me a fifth of infinite possibilities...”–Wilson“It was surprisingly hard to pull that thing apart.”–WillowWolfgang_Portrait.p
e sea's depths!”–Wigfrid“Easy piece-y.”–WebberWarly_Portrait.png“It's surprisingly light.”–Warly“Going for swim, friend?”–WormwoodWinona_Por
登場作品:Reign_of_Giants_icon.pngReign of Giants・Hamlet・Don%27t_Starve_Together_icon.pngDon't Starve TogetherEyebrella"An eye on the sky keeps y
登場作品:Reign_of_Giants_icon.pngReign of Giants・Shipwrecked・Hamlet_icon.pngHamlet・Don't Starve TogetherBattle Helm"The unicorn is what protects
Leafy Meat / Cooked Leafy Meat生 Leafy Meat.png調理後 Cooked Leafy Meat.png01Hunger_Meter.png12.518.75-100Rot.png6日10日食材ポイント(×1 Don%27t_Starve_T
empt at sophistication."Barnacle_Linguine.pngBarnacle Linguine- "It's surprisingly delicious."Stuffed Fish Heads- "I suppose anything is "fo
Grass Suit"Provides a small amount of protection."材料×10 Twigs.png×2 タブフィルターDon%27t_Starve_Together_icon.png難度常に作成可能耐久値225 hp158 hp Don%27t_S
登場作品:Don%27t_Starve_Together_icon.pngDon't Starve Together この記事は書きかけです。是非とも、この記事に加筆してみてください。Figgy Frogwich8満腹度回復18.7515Crock_Pot.png20秒1Rot.
oof of PurchaseDeerclops DuffelA backpack shaped like Deerclops. It's surprisingly cute!使用例Glommer Pack IconProof of PurchaseGlommer PackThi
Batilisk Wing / Cooked Batilisk Wing生 Batilisk Wing.png調理後 Cooked Batilisk Wing.png38Hunger_Meter.png12.518.75-100Rot.png6日10日食材ポイント×0.5 Don
ies!”–WurtWalter_Portrait.png“Spiders are pretty useful.”–Walter“It's surprisingly durable.”–WandaSilk_on_ground.pngSilk(糸) は主にクモから取得できる素材です
t the Teahouse and Its Owner.ogg Paimon: The Komore Teahouse is doing surprisingly well. They have a great number of visitors every day.Paim
m you in the future."Kimura's Message: "P.S. Roasted Lavender Melon — surprisingly good!" Leave.Icon_Dialogue_Talk.svg Leave.(Check Safety P
guard arrived. Though he was quite visibly drunk, his footsteps were surprisingly steady.(Choose the correct raven)http://genshin-impact.fa
m you in the future."Kimura's Message: "P.S. Roasted Lavender Melon — surprisingly good!"Icon_Dialogue_Talk.svg Leave. Leave.(Check Safety P
_Portrait.png“Sorry, I'm eatin' this whole thing myself.”–Woodie“It's surprisingly delicious.”–MaxwellWigfrid_Portrait.png“It slays my hunge
TEENY SPEAR”–Wilba“Smells pointy”–WormwoodWheeler_Portrait.png“Smells surprisingly good.”–Wheeler“I'm not fussy.”–WinonaWortox_Portrait.png“
DOES DESIGN EXCELLENT MACHINES”–WX-78“A rather eccentric design, yet surprisingly effective.”–WickerbottomWoodie_Portrait.png“If it works,
dreadful monster'. She stabbed the monster with her knife.""However, surprisingly, the monster started laughing.""'What's so funny?' Even b
現実世界(制作視点での記事)スター・トレック:イントゥ・ダークネスStar Trek Into Darkness公開日: 2013年5月16日←スタートレック映画全13作中12作目 ←全エピソード通算729中728番目 STID_domestic_poster.jpg脚本ロベルト
登場作品:Hamlet_icon.pngHamlet この記事は書きかけです。是非とも、この記事に加筆してみてください。Platapine Quill入手スタック数40デバッグ用コード"bill_quill"Wilson_Portrait.png“It's boring.”–Wi
."これは使えるね~Obsidian_Armor.pngObsidian Armor- "This brittle material is surprisingly protective."Flup- "Stop staring!"Placeholder.png トリビア[]Wa
intriguing. We were able to defuse the initial encounter withher, and surprisingly, she helped guide us through the jungle,only to disappear
ir Agricola mining robots in the operation of the dumping ground. Not surprisingly, the Agricola lab turns out to be a pretty good bunker as
35#.png35#.pngPreviousガスマインの反乱FIRST STRIKE作戦Concurrent第1次ハイチャリティ攻防コヴナント大分裂地球攻防戦オニキス攻防Nextマレ・エリュシウム攻防デルタヘイローの攻防Conflictコヴナント戦争 コヴナント大分裂Date25
Icon_disambig.svgAutomatron に登場する敵対者 については、Mechanist (Automatron) をご覧ください。Fallout 4の架空の人物 については、Mechanist (Fallout 4) をご覧ください。Fallout 3 char
東方妖々夢Perfect Cherry BlossomPerfect Cherry Blossom開発者ZUN発行者上海アリス幻樂団発売体験版Plus:2002年12月30日(C63)Web体験版:2003年1月26日完成版:2003年8月17日(C64)ジャンル弾幕型シューティ
3 version of the Myth: The Fallen Lords CD, also from Bungie.That was surprisingly easy. Pretty lax security around here, for all the talk.
ssive wingspan, Torgos arcam is not suitable as a pack animal, and is surprisingly light. Some survivors have even been known to keep a tame
登録日:2011/04/11 Mon 01:43:49更新日:2023/09/29 Fri 13:41:45NEW!所要時間:約 3 分で読めます▽タグ一覧"日本語でおk"(Nihongo de ok). This phrase is useful when you have n
as they are in large hives. However, if left alone, hoarding bugs are surprisingly neutral and pose little danger.Hoarding bugs(ハチ目に属する)は大型の
e when provoked, dealing four points of damage with one hit. They are surprisingly fast and can outrun the player if he is walking; the play
while you track the Tuso down. Their damage output and resistance are surprisingly high while packed together, and the bleed effect they cau
]Stendari patrol the Mines on foot, and while it cannot fly, it jumps surprisingly high. Once in range, it fires a weaker version of the Fir
e.”–Wilson, Examining a stone wall item.Willow_Portrait.png“These are surprisingly heavy.”–Willow, Examining a stone wall item.“Piles of roc
mlet この記事は書きかけです。是非とも、この記事に加筆してみてください。Weevole Mantle"Kinda gross, but surprisingly strong."材料×4 Chitin.png×2 タブ難度Alchemy_Engine.png耐久値900 HP
them out the Pew-matic."Cooked_Asparagus.pngCooked Asparagus- "Smells surprisingly good."Bean Bugs- "Bugs or beans or something in between?"