「descendant」を含むwiki一覧 - 1ページ

東風谷早苗 - 東方Project Wiki

風谷 早苗(こちや さなえ) (♫)Sanae KochiyaAlternate spellings:Sanae Kotiya種族:人間, descendant of a goddess能力:奇跡を起こす程度の能力Power to cause miracles to occur年

珊瑚宮家 - 原神 非公式攻略wiki

from other major Inazuman clans, the Second Shou clan claims to be a descendant of the mainland samurai Minamoto no Tametomo (1139–1170), w

Y染色体A00系統 - 遺伝子ペディア -世界は大きな家族だった-

Y染色体A00系統 Y染色体ハプログループA00系統 【最古系】 最古系のY染色体を持つ人物 アフリカ系アメリカ人の子孫のY染色体を解析したところ、33万8千年前に遡る系統(注1)(注2)であることが明らかとなり、新たにハプログループA00(A00-L1090)と名付けられ

大巨獣ガッパ - 日活 Wiki


Vault_City - Fallout Wiki

tary Forces[]主要記事: Vault City guardThe Vault City guard is the direct descendant of Vault security team - a Vault police force. Vault City g

Falloutシリーズ - Fallout Wiki

in 2241, 80 years after the original game, Fallout 2 centers around a descendant of the Vault Dweller, the protagonist of Fallout. The playe

貴族 - Halopedia日本語版

y" of the Middle-Ages and is today recognized as the description of a descendant of one of 7,000 families with hereditary titles in Britain

Dogmeat_(Fallout_3) - Fallout Wiki

initialVault 101 - main家族Original Dogmeat - ancestorDogmeat's puppy - descendantデータ登場作品Fallout 3キャラクターデータカルマNeutralS.P.E.C.I.A.L.7 ST, 8 PE,

Fallout_2 - Fallout Wiki

record. Faced with this hardship, the village elder asked the direct descendant of the Vault Dweller, referred to as the Chosen One, to per

アニムス - ASSASSIN'S CREED wiki

ransferring thoughts, skills and experiences from the ancestor to the descendant.[1]Continued and uninterrupted use of the Animus often resu

モリガン - ハリー・ポッター 辞典Wiki

)は運命をつかさどる人物であり、特に戦争や、死の予告をする。彼女はカラスの姿で戦場の上空をとんでいる[3]。登場ポッターモア脚注↑ Her descendant Isolt was said to be born of two pure-blood families so Mor

アサシン - ASSASSIN'S CREED wiki

ath at Cross' hands.That same year, a child codenamed Daniel Cross, a descendant of the Assassin Nikolai Orelov, was kidnapped by Abstergo's

アニムス計画 - ASSASSIN'S CREED wiki

2][3]The project mainly included the kidnapping of Assassins or their descendants via the Department of Lineage Discovery and Acquisition,[2

藤原妹紅 - 東方Project Wiki

Bamboo Forest of Lost.Recently, Akyu met Mokou, who reminded her of a descendant of such a group.It is said that Mokou never ages and can't

洩矢諏訪子 - 東方Project Wiki

the reason she can create miracles is because she is Suwako's distant descendant. Despite this, she does not seem to understand why there ar

コーンスス - ASSASSIN'S CREED wiki

6th century, the Vault within it reacted to Giovanni as it would to a descendant of the First Civilization, shining with symbols and glyphs.

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