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Consus)はイス[1] であり、鍛冶の神ヘパイストスの弟子で天才科学者として知られている。統一への戦争での犠牲者を救うためエデンの布のプロトタイプ聖骸布を制作する。後に老いによる死への恐怖から聖骸布にその精神をアップロードした。[2]1500年代初期、ボルジア家に生まれたアサシン、ジョヴァンニ・ボルジアの庇護者のような役割を持っていた。Towards the end of his natural life Consus, afraid of death, transferred his conciousness into his prototype Shroud of Eden. In the early 1500s, he became a guardian of sorts to Giovanni Borgia, an Assassin born into the notorious Borgia family.
1498年 生まれたばかりのジョヴァンニ・ボルジアは先天的な障害により数日の命だとされていた。父親であるアサシン、ペロット・カルデロンは息子を癒やすことが出来るかもしれない聖骸布を盗み出し、まとわせた。[3]
Giovanni and Consus spying on Fiora and Cesare
Throughout his childhood thereafter, Giovanni would have delusions of seeing a nonexistent being, whom he befriended and called Consus. Consus often spoke in Giovanni's head and gave him advice, even once allowing Giovanni to read a letter given to him, though the boy himself did not know how at the time.[4]
1503年 フィオラ・カヴァツァがアサシンのためにエデンのリンゴを取り戻しに来た時、コーンススはジョヴァンニにリンゴを彼女へ渡すように説得しようとした。,[5] その後ジョヴァンニはフランチェスコ・ヴェツェッリオの勧めでアサシン教団に加わることになる[4]
Though these hallucinations did not appear to occur later in his life, Giovanni did not forget them. Upon bringing the Crystal Skull to Bombastus in 1520, he met a madman by the name of Johan who, upon seeing him, called out to Consus, causing Giovanni to demand him for an explanation of using the name. However, the Assassin received none, as Johan fearfully mumbled that he had mentioned "consent".[6]
博識の神[]Giovanni's face being altered
When Giovanni and Maria Amiel traveled to the Temple of Pythagoras in the late 16th century, the Vault within it reacted to Giovanni as it would to a descendant of the First Civilization, shining with symbols and glyphs.[7]
When Giovanni fell unconscious and awoke soon after, his face had changed into that of a seemingly ancient entity. He spoke in a distant and unfamiliar voice, where he claimed himself to be Consus, the Erudite God.[7]
2014末 聖骸布はパリの研究所を襲ったショーン・ヘイスティングス、ガリナ・ヴォロニナによってアルヴァーロごと破壊されるが、コーンススは最後の力でアルヴァーロを修復する。[2]
Years after his death, during the Human-First Civilization War, it was Consus' transference of his own conciousness into a Piece of Eden that inspired Juno to place her faith in a similar solution to help her species survive the impending Catastrophe. She attempted to transfer the conciousness of her husband, Aita, into a synthetic body, but the result left him comatose; he was euthanized shortly thereafter.[8]
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