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アンク | |
概要 | |
種類 | |
能力 | 復活 |
現在地 | 不明 |
歴史 | |
作成者 | かつて来たりし者 |
制作年 | 先史時代 |
It also acted as a recording device, storing the mannerisms of a living person and being able to return those mannerisms to a corpse.
Initially used by the Egyptian goddess Isis to resurrect her husband Osiris and to help Egyptian pharaohs, the Ankh was later transported to Rome after having been looted from a pyramid. There, the Ankh wound up around Lugdunum, in the hands of the Assassins, who held on to it despite Templar attempts to take it.
もともとアンクはイシスが所持し、災禍からエジプトの王を守る為に使った。 The Ankh was originally owned by Isis, who used its mystical powers to protect the kings of Egypt from harm.
After Osiris passed away, Isis used the Ankh to resurrect him for one more night of intimacy; an act that led to the conception of Isis' son, ホルス.[1]
200年後 アンクはローマの商人によってピラミッドから奪われた。結局ローマが(で)終わるまで何人もの手に渡った。[1]200 years later, the Ankh was recovered from a pyramid by Roman plunderers, who sold it to a merchant. The Ankh switched hands many times, before eventually ending up in Rome。[1]
ある時アンクはアラマン族のアサシンアクシピターの手に渡る。 彼はそれをアクイラスに渡し、アクイラスは持ち帰り父ルシウスに渡した。
At one point, the Ankh came into the hands of the Alaman Assassin, Accipiter. He then passed it on to Aquilus, who brought it back home to his father Lucius. Lucius locked it in a box, but the very same day, he was killed by his associate Caïus Fulvus Vultur, a secret member of the Templar Order, who stole the Ankh for himself.[2]
Aquilus later retook the Ankh from Vultur when he killed him in Rome.
Later, when Aquilus was studying the Ankh with his wife Valeria, they were arrested by Roman soldiers, who took the Ankh from the couple. After an assault on the convoy by Accipiter, Valeria was able to reclaim the Ankh from one of the dead soldiers.[1]
On Accipiter's request, she took the Ankh with her and hid it somewhere, due to Accipiter himself being in the middle of a war.[1]
14世紀 テンプル騎士団の一組織ブラザー・オブ・ザ・クロスは黒死病から保護するためにヨーロッパ中をめぐり旅をしていた。
, the Brothers of the Cross, a Templar organization, traveled across Europe to offer protection from the plague. Lukas Zurburg, a German Assassin, suspected them to be after the Ankh, which was rumored to be located in central Europe at the time.[3]
1350年 ルーカスとブラザー・オブ・ザ・クロス同時にその存在を消した。
In 1350, the Brothers of the Cross and Lukas both disappeared.[3]
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