Patch_3.1.0 - World of Warcraft Wiki
ke chance.Sacred Cleansing moved to tier-8.ProtectionArdent Defender: Reduced to 3 ranks for 10/20/30%.Avenger's Shield: Base damage and sca
ke chance.Sacred Cleansing moved to tier-8.ProtectionArdent Defender: Reduced to 3 ranks for 10/20/30%.Avenger's Shield: Base damage and sca
e Third War: Stamina bonus reduced to 1/2/3%.FrostBlood of the North: Reduced to a 3-point talent. Increases Blood Strike and Frost Strike d
として11.6% ATKを与える。 (Phase 2)水: DMG type converted to Hydro; Impact DMG Reduced to 23.3% ATK; Explosions removed; Leaves a moderately-sized Hy
表·話·編Fallout 76 overviewsAtomic ShopS.C.O.R.E.Nuclear WinterDaily OpsGameplay SPECIAL Derived stats MultiplayerPerks Legendary perksCombat D
ld be placed simultaneously Fixed one of the shops not spawning items Reduced the amount of ammo secondary weapons drain from ammo boxes by
t ModReq RankBase IDLighter BuildReduces Weight.+5 AP-2–00194439PaddedReduced damage from explosions.+2.5–00245ab5PocketedImproves carrying
ts and ammo, and any Meks inside a Cryopod.pngCryopod will not deploy.Reduced Pistol Damage versus Tamed Creatures by 30%.Rocket boosting sh
Improved range.None001877f2Boosted capacitorUnchangedImproved damage. Reduced ammo capacity.None001877f3Photon agitatorUnchangedSuperior cri
rk will now always show up to protect her sharkittens if she is alive.Reduced amount of Floaty Boaty Knights spawned via the “chessnavy” com
in preparation for Primary Kitguns coming in the Scarlet Spear update!Reduced the pulsing FX frequency and size on the Eidolon Vomvalysts in
when using a controller.Partially constructed Robot can be teleported.Reduced memory spike on save.Dryrack in interiors will still work when
Then it will be just the top yellow button to watch the video.BalanceReduced the base price of the first 4 equipments to improve the early
率 増加 15% to 16%.クリティカル確率 増加 from 25% to 28%.Hotfix 22.0.6 (10-18-2017)Reduced the headshot damage of the Snipetron series in Conclave.Update
te 22.12 (02-09-2018)マスタリーランク 増加 from 0 to 3Hotfix 22.0.6 (10-18-2017)Reduced the headshot damage of the Vulkar series in Conclave.Update 22
013)Sniper Mods can now be applied to LankaHotfix (06-07-2013)Reduced フィールドロン cost for Lanka Rifle.See also[]CorpusSniperRifle.pngSn
ixed Embolist that played reload sounds twice.Update 10.1 (09-20-2013)Reduced Embolist crafting costs:Mutagen: 7 to 5.Forma: 2 to 1.Update 1
d indicating the hulls in which they're located.Balance changes:- Reduced loot in wrecks.- Difficulty affects the amount of loot.- Reduc
ジ増加 from 175 to 180状態異常確率 増加 from 10% to 12%Hotfix 22.0.6 (10-18-2017)Reduced the headshot damage of the Snipetron series in Conclave.Update
skins not applying to the clip when previewed.Update 19.5 (12-22-2016)Reduced Magazine Size: 100 to 50 in Conclave.Update 19.4.2 (12-20-2016
rippleCripple001d4ab7CR Glowing OneGlowing One perk000f75e3CR Gorilla Reduced Damage002458beCR Mirelurk Spawn Damage 500016962eCR No Fall Da
自体は上記のPSOやKPMを導入したほうが向上する もちろん見やすくするために併用も可能 underfall00 Reduced Particle Effects 天候などで表示される粒子を半減する パフォーマンス向上は同様に限定的 天
e stuff of the earth."Berry_Bush.pngBerry Bush (normal and burning)- "Reduced to eating berries. Sigh."Berry_Bush_Picked.pngBerry Bush (pick
inutes (2012 - 2019)テンプレート:SkinGallery更新履歴[]Hotfix 27.2.2 (03-06-2020)Reduced the following AoE weapons Radial Damage Falloff from central i
the way normal reload mods function. See Reload Speed for the details.Reduced reload time (effective recharge delay) can actually be seen in
tor Tribute) Video 1テンプレート:SkinGallery更新履歴[]Hotfix 27.2.2 (03-06-2020)Reduced the following AoE weapons Radial Damage Falloff from central i
rovement in the stat summary in the Arsenal.Hotfix 27.2.2 (03-06-2020)Reduced the following AoE weapons Radial Damage Falloff from central i
1Screw x2Spring x1Steel x3001a8a4cLight frame receiverLighter weight. Reduced damage.Light-5––––-4.1+8–Adhesive x1Aluminum x5Gears x2Oil x3S
メインページ>Actions>Witch Hunter Actions名称PathRankType消費APRangeCast TimeCooldownAccusation蓄積効果Flee--BuffNo costNoInstant30s-戦闘から離脱する際に,走る速度を10秒間3
Rift when using Titania’s Razorwing.Update 21.0 (06-29-2017)Conclave: Reduced the Duration of Titania's Spellbound in Conclave.Fixed various
個性一覧(作成中) 個性 English 効果 Temtem 適応 Adaptive 1バトルに1回、こうげきを受けると、このテムテムの二つ目の系統が受けたワザの系統に変わり、SPATK+2を得る Arachnyte
Minor Weapon Legacy-con Minor Weapon Legacy: Reduced Cooldown for Battle Frenzyアカウントにバインド使用すると消費する『どんな Legacy (伝来) でも Tier 2 Reduced Cooldow
いてウィンドウズ、フルスクリーン、ウィンドウズドフルスクリーンが選べるようになります。Gameplay changes:ゲームバランス調整 Reduced level requirement and price of the Sleigh decoration. ソリの要求レベル
Rift when using Titania’s Razorwing.Update 21.0 (06-29-2017)Conclave: Reduced the Duration of Titania's Spellbound in Conclave.Fixed various
Minor Weapon Legacy-con Minor Weapon Legacy: Reduced To-Hit Movement penalty for Javelin Skillsアカウントにバインド使用すると消費する『どんな Legacy (伝来) でも Tier 2
causing-the-weapon-to-be-completely-useless/Hotfix 27.2.2 (03-06-2020)Reduced the following AoE weapons Radial Damage Falloff from central i
them.Clip size reduced to 50.マスタリーランク 増加 to 9.Update 19.5 (12-22-2016)Reduced Buzlok's magazine size from 75 to 40 in Conclave.Update 19.4.2
Minor Weapon Legacy-con Minor Weapon Legacy: Reduced Cooldown for Battle Frenzyアカウントにバインド使用すると消費する『どんな Legacy (伝来) でも Tier 2 Reduced Cooldow
Minor Weapon Legacy-con Minor Weapon Legacy: Reduced To-Hit Movement penalty for Javelin Skillsアカウントにバインド使用すると消費する『どんな Legacy (伝来) でも Tier 2
Translation.gifこのページは、本家 WoW Wiki(英語)より翻訳したものです。本家サイトのページはこちらです。Classes:IconSmall Druid.gifIconSmall_Mage.gifIconSmall_Priest.gifIconSmall_S
magazine reduced from 35 to 20 in Conclave.Hotfix 18.5.5 (03-08-2016)Reduced the damage of MK-1 Furis in the Conclaves.Update 17.10 (11-04-
the damage typeについては、Damage/Corrosive Damage をご覧ください。Corrosive ProjectionUntransmutableStatisticsIntroducedUpdate 8.0 (05-23-2013)極性Rarityア
ステーションを生成します。1時間持続します。5 Guild_Merit.png1,000 Guild_Research_6.png1日15_Reduced_Waypoint_Costs_for_24_Hours.png 15% Reduced Waypoint Costs for
n choose to join in the execution by using Teleport on a marked enemy.Reduced energy cost of Bladestorm's Marks. 12 Energy / Mark when Visib
en health reaches 25% (90 second cooldown).Quick TrapsShadow ArtsMajorReduced trap arm time. (not in yet)Shadowy StrengthShadow ArtsMajorWhe
Icon_required.pngIcon_attack.png格闘(2 )Icon_attack.png射撃武器Icon_eye.png Reduced perception -8%Icon_radiation.png Radiation resistance 85%Radia
n choose to join in the execution by using Teleport on a marked enemy.Reduced energy cost of Bladestorm's Marks. 12 Energy / Mark when Visib
(02-09-2018)マスタリーランク decreased from 3 to 2.Hotfix 22.0.6 (10-18-2017)Reduced the headshot damage of the Vectis series in Conclave.Update 22
サバイバルモードはFallout 4で最も難しいゲームモードである。他のゲームプレイモードとは大きく異なっている。目次1 サバイバルモード1.1 特徴1.2 Gameplay differences1.3 Wellness2 Notes3 Bugs4 See also5 Exte
above the needed amount to extract (ex. 5/4).Update 26.0 (10-31-2019)Reduced the number of Kavor Defector squads required for a reward in D
nisher on enemies (notably with the Redeemer).Update 19.7 (01-18-2017)Reduced the firing sounds of the Redeemer when fired by other players.