Pax Charge
Update 24.0 (11-08-2018)
Pax Charge is an Arcane Enhancement for a Kitgun that changes the magazine type to a rechargeable battery, like that of the Cycron.
Rank | Recharge Delay |
0 | 12.5% |
1 | 25% |
2 | 37.5% |
3 | 50% |
旧友以上の地位になるとRude Zuudから 一つ10,000ReputationLargeBlack.png10,000で購入できる。 他のアルケイン同様、パックスアルケインも完成品を購入できる。
- Similar to Arch-guns and the Cycron, base recharge delay is equal to the reload time displayed on the weapon.
- Recharge delay is further reduced (stack additively) by reload speed mods like QuickdrawMod_TT_20px.png Quickdraw and Stunning Speed Stunning Speed.
- Despite being described as able to reduce the recharge delay by +50%, at max rank, it only reduces the recharge delay by 33.3%または better described as increases the reload speed by 50% the way normal reload mods function. See Reload Speed for the details.
- Reduced reload time (effective recharge delay) can actually be seen in the Arsenal upon equipping Pax Charge.
- For example, with a Kitgun that has a reload time of 2.1 seconds:
- Unranked Pax Charge will result in a recharge delay of ~1.87 seconds (reduced by 11.1%), though this number is probably rounded up in the game.
- Rank 3 Pax Charge will result in a recharge delay of 1.4 seconds (reduced by 33.3%).
- Recharge rate for chambers will not be affected by mods:
- Prevents the weapon from receiving benefit from reload-triggered mods or Arcanes such as Pressurized MagazineMod_TT_20px.png Pressurized Magazine or アルケイン アウェイクニング アルケイン アウェイクニング.
- Pax Charge is useful for prolonged missions due to never requiring actual ammunition, however this also means you are limited to essentially your original magazine size of ammo before having to recharge.
- Pax Charge can be used in conjunction with Synth ChargeMod_TT_20px.png Synth Charge to reload only the last shot in the magazine, however it will often reload multiple shots before the player is able to fire them with semi-auto kitguns.
- A Kitgun equipped with Pax Charge always requires a longer time to fully recharge the magazine than the actual normal reload of the weapon.
- With rank 3 Pax Charge:
- Rattleguts pairing with Deepbreath needs ~2.47 seconds in total to fully recharge the magazine of 67 ammo, while normal reload only take 1.7 seconds.
- Tombfinger pairing with Zip needs ~0.93 seconds for the magazine of 9 ammo, while normal reload takes 0.9 seconds.
- It is somewhat safe to say that a Kitgun with a shorter reload time and smaller magazine is less penalized and has a greater benefit. This is especially true for a Kitgun with higher damage per ammo.
- Recharge delay can be reduced by abilities that affect reload speed, but recharge rate will not be affected. Recharge delay is affected by:
- Inscription on Pax Charge is Solari Language, reading "CHUHD" forming the sound "Charge".
Hotfix 27.0.7 (12-20-2019)
- Fixed Kitguns with the 'Gaze' Chamber type and Pax Charge Arcane not recharging correctly.
Hotfix 25.8.1 (10-09-2019)
- Fixed Pax Recharge sounds not playing properly.
Update 24.2 (12-18-2018)
- Increased the recharge rate of Pax Charge when used with all Chambers apart from Catchmoon.
Update 24.0 (11-08-2018)
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