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トップページ - kontferocのうぃき

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シーン02 - Leon the professional

LEON: [in the subway; getting milk from a shop]CLERK:「Ah, amigo! Two milk as usual, eh?」レオン、またミルク2パックだな?["Ballad For Mathilda"][Le

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within the night time he reduce out the work, and went to bed early, that he could likely get up and beginbetimes next day; however he chang

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106.7 - CR_examplesのうぃき

Some abilities produce mana based on the type of mana another permanent or permanents "could produce." The type of mana a permanen

107.4g - CR_examplesのうぃき

In rules text, the Phyrexian symbol {P} with no colored background means any of the five Phyrexian mana symbols.Rage Extractor. Rage Extract

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The symbol {0} represents zero mana and is used as a placeholder for a cost that can be paid with no resources. (See rule 117.5.)Mana cost o

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The snow mana symbol {S} represents one generic mana in a cost. This generic mana can be paid with one mana of any type produced by a snow p

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