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Primary statistic
Vault Boy icon in Fallout 3 and Fallout: New Vegas
Fallout, Fallout 2, Fallout Tactics
modifiesHit Points, Poison & Radiation Resistance, Healing Rate
related perksFaster Healing, Flower Child, Life Giver, Pathfinder, Rad Resistance, Snakeater, Strong Back, Toughness
related traitsChem Resistant
Fallout 3
modifiesHit Points, Poison Resistance, Radiation Resistance, Big Guns, Unarmed, Oxygen Counter When Diving
related perksLead Belly, Life Giver, Rad Resistance, Size Matters, Solar Powered, Strong Back, Toughness, Rad Absorption, Rad Tolerance
Fallout: New Vegas
modifiesUnarmed, Survival, Hit Points, Radiation Resistance, Poison Resistance, Implants
related perksLead Belly, Lifegiver, Long Haul, Old World Gourmet, Rad Absorption, Rad Resistance, Solar Powered, Stonewall, Strong Back, Toughness
Fallout 4
modifiesHit Points rate
Action Points that deplete by while sprinting.
related perks?
related traits?
Van Buren, J.E. Sawyer's Fallout RPG
related perks?
related traits?
Fallout version

Stamina and physical toughness. A character with a high Endurance will survive where others may not.

”— Fallout In-game description

Endurance is one of the seven primary statistics in the SPECIAL system.


Fallout, Fallout 2, Fallout Tactics[]

Modifies: Hit Points, Poison & Radiation Resistance, Healing Rate, and the additional Hit Points per level.

Ways to increase Endurance[]

  • In Fallout, the Brotherhood of Steel in Lost Hills can perform an operation to permanently increase Endurance by 1, assuming the Vault Dweller can afford it.
  • Endurance can be permanently raised in Fallout 2 and Fallout Tactics via the Gain perk.
  • Endurance can be temporarily raised by 3 in Fallout and Fallout 2 by using Buffout.
  • The Elixir of Life from Fallout Tactics gives +1 EN and +15 HP.

Fallout 3[]

Modifies: Hit Points, Poison & Radiation resistance (but not damage resistance) and the Big Guns and Unarmed Skills. Endurance also determines the speed the character's oxygen counter counts down when they are holding their breath underwater.


"Always be ready to take one for the team."

ValueResistanceStarting HealthSkill Modifiers
10%120Big Guns +2, Unarmed +2
22%140Big Guns +4, Unarmed +4
34%160Big Guns +6, Unarmed +6
46%180Big Guns +8, Unarmed +8
58%200Big Guns +10, Unarmed +10
610%220Big Guns +12, Unarmed +12
712%240Big Guns +14, Unarmed +14
814%260Big Guns +16, Unarmed +16
916%280Big Guns +18, Unarmed +18
1018%300Big Guns +20, Unarmed +20

Endurance-based perks[]

PerkRequirementLevelAdditional Requirements
Lead Belly56
Rad Resistance58
Size Matters58
Strong Back58Strength 5
Life Giver612
Solar Powered720
Rad Tolerance726
Rad Absorption728

Ways to increase Endurance[]

  • Bobblehead - Endurance (+1)
  • Intense Training perk (+1)
  • Gametitle-FO3_BS.png No Weaknesses perk (will raise base to 5 if below 5.)
  • Almost Perfect perk (will raise base to 9 if below 9.)
  • Armor and clothing
    • Brahmin-skin outfit, Mechanist's costume, wasteland settler outfit, wasteland wanderer outfit (+1)
    • Gametitle-FO3_TP.png Laborer outfit, tattered slave outfit, worn slave outfit (+1)
    • All-nighter nightwear (+1)
  • Buffout (+3)

Fallout: New Vegas[]

Endurance determines a character's environmental resistances (poison, radiation), Hit Points, and Healing Rate, as well as the starting levels of the Unarmed and Survival skills. It also determines the number of implants allowed.

Endurance-based perks[]

PerkRequirementLevelAdditional Requirements
Old World Gourmet Gametitle-FNV_DM.png62Survival 45
Lead Belly56
Rad Resistance58Survival 40
Stonewall68Strength 6
Strong Back58Strength 5
Life Giver612
Long Haul612Barter 70
Atomic! 620
Solar Powered720
Irradiated Beauty Gametitle-FNV_LR.png822
Rad Absorption728
Burden to Bear 630Strength 6
Implant GRX Gametitle-FNV_OWB.png830

Level names and statistics[]

ValueNameStarting HPPoison/Rad ResistSkill Modifiers
1Basically Dead1200%/0%Survival/Unarmed +2
2Crumbly1405%/2%Survival/Unarmed +4
3Do Not Bend16010%/4%Survival/Unarmed +6
4Handle with Care18015%/6%Survival/Unarmed +8
5Stain-resistant20020%/8%Survival/Unarmed +10
6Hardy22025%/10%Survival/Unarmed +12
7Tough-as-nails24030%/12%Survival/Unarmed +14
8Flame Retardant26035%/14%Survival/Unarmed +16
9Bulletproof28040%/16%Survival/Unarmed +18
10Unstoppable30045%/18%Survival/Unarmed +20

Ways to increase Endurance[]

  • Endurance Implant available at the New Vegas medical clinic (+1)
  • Intense Training perk (+1)
  • Completing the quest The Apocalypse or The End will allow raising any one primary statistic by 1.
  • Armor and clothing
    • Brahmin-skin outfit, wasteland legend outfit, wasteland settler outfit, wasteland wanderer outfit (+1)
    • Gametitle-FNV_OWB.png Atomic-valence tri-radii-oscillator, Valence radii-accentuator (+1)
    • Advanced riot gear, Courier duster, marked trooper armor (+1)
  • Traits
    • Gametitle-FNV_OWB.png Claustrophobia (+1 while outdoors, but -1 indoors)
    • Early Bird (+2 between 6am and 12pm, but -1 between 6pm and 6am)
  • Buffout (+3)
  • Gametitle-FNV_DM.png Sierra Madre martini (+4)


  • If the Courier's Endurance stat is the most extreme (highest or lowest), Doc Mitchell will either say it explains how the Courier is still alive: being "built solid as an oak." (for highest) or that a stiff breeze would tear them in two but a couple of bullets making them "right as rain." (For lowest)
  • An Endurance of 9 will guarantee the ability to get every implant in the game, the 9 implants by Dr. Usanagi as well as those offered as Perks. This level of Endurance can be reached by initial S.P.E.C.I.A.L. allocation or raising it by the Intense Training Perk or the raise awarded by finishing the Lonesome Road add-on.
  • The Endurance Implant by Dr. Usanagi *WILL NOT* raise the number of possible implants, although it counts as a permanent raise of the base Endurance score for all other practical purposes, no matter if chosen first.

Fallout 4[]

Modifies: Hit Points and the rate that Action Points deplete by while sprinting.

Fallout Shelter[]

Modifies: Dweller's maximum Hit Points.

On each level-up Dweller's maximum HP increases according formula:

M a x H i t P o i n t s + = ( B a s e E n d u r a n c e + O u t f i t E n d u r a n c e ) ∗ 0.5 + 2.5 {\displaystyle MaxHitPoints+=(BaseEndurance+OutfitEndurance)*0.5+2.5} ;

Dwellers with higher Endurance perform better in Nuka-Cola bottler.

Ways to increase Endurance[]


By training Endurance in fitness room.


By equipping outfits that raises Endurance, e.g. wasteland gear.


Primary statistics
Strength · Perception · Endurance · Charisma · Intelligence · Agility · Luck

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