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その他のFallout seriesに登場するミニ・ニューク については、mini nuke をご覧ください。
Fallout 4 ammunition

Mini nuke

Fo4 mini nuke.png




base id


ミニ・ニュークはFallout 4に登場する、フットボールサイズの小型戦術核弾頭である。





Weapons using this ammunition[]

  • Fat Man
  • Big Boy


  • BADTFL regional office - Locked in the evidence locker with a Fat Man.
  • Big John's Salvage - Found in the fridge in the trailer at the top of the container pile.
  • Boston Airport - Upstairs next to some skeletons after clearing out the feral ghouls.
  • Boston mayoral shelter - Attached room east of the basketball court, on a cabinet next to a generator with a fusion core.
  • Bunker Hill - Utility basement, lowest level, southwest corner behind some crates.
  • Cabot House - In the basement in Edward Deegan's room on the dresser.
  • Cambridge Police Station - Pile of rubble, on walkway near the Vertibird landing pad.
  • C.I.T. ruins - On the floor in a pile of dirt in the Rotunda.
  • Coast Guard Pier - On the roof behind the box next to the meat bag.
  • Combat Zone - Nestled in a seat in the upper section of the theater overlooking the cage.
  • Concord Civic Access - Parts to a mini nuke can be found when entering the Concord Civic after killing the deathclaw in the mission When Freedom Calls.
  • Corvega assembly plant - In a Pulowski Preservation shelter outside the building, in the skeleton's arms.
  • Croup Manor - In the basement sitting on a couch next to the staircase.
  • Dunwich Borers - Two are located at the bottom of the watery pit in the end of the dig site after the named feral ghouls, they are sitting on an altar next to the unique melee weapon Kremvh's Tooth.
  • East Boston Preparatory School - On the second floor, in the classroom in the middle of the map, near a chemistry station.
  • Federal ration stockpile - In the locked rations room, near the starred green chest. It's on a shelf on the rusty machine that's immediately adjacent.
  • Federal surveillance center K-21B - At the very bottom on the floor near the power suit.
  • Fort Hagen - In the armory along with a Fat Man.
  • Fort Strong - Southwest corner in the armory.
  • Goodneighbor - Two can be found behind the desk, beside KL-E-0. They can only be stolen.
  • Gorski cabin - In the basement at the highly irradiated area, there are some pieces of one that are junk but weigh nothing lying on a cabinet below a tool rack.
  • Lexington - Outside Lexington Apartments in a Pulowski Preservation shelter in a skeletons arms, and another carried by a Raider up above on a catwalk.
  • Malden Center - Underneath a staircase near the chained door that leads back to the starting area.
  • Mass Pike Tunnel East - Found in an alcove near the large broken pipe in the irradiated generator room.
  • Outpost Zimonja - One can be found in the dirt by the tatos and two can be looted off the named raider in power armor if he is killed before firing his Fat Man. Found at level 16 with second rank Scrounger perk.
  • Robotics Disposal Ground - At the front gate on the right side behind a pile of tires.
  • Rocky Cave - Underneath the shelf next to the terminal.
  • Salem - Underneath the terminal controlling the church top turrets.
  • Sentinel site - On the bottom floor. In the room with the MK. 28 nuclear bombs in a knocked over crate.
  • Settlements - Build a weapons emporium and occasionally they will sell one mini nuke.
  • Spectacle Island - Inside the crumbling house on the first floor. Is sitting in some rubble. Pretty out in the open really.
  • The Castle - Two are found (one with a Fat Man) in the armory, and sometimes sold by Ronnie Shaw.
  • The Prydwen - Three on the lower catwalk of the main deck, near mini nukes crates, after completing Show No Mercy.
  • The Shamrock Taphouse - Inside the middle pocket of a pool table on the second floor.
  • USAF Satellite Station Olivia - In the intel room, on the table (behind an advanced terminal). Respawns.
  • Vault 81 - In the hidden portion of the vault.
  • Wreck of the FMS Northern Star - In the wood building on top of the ship, left of the terminal.
  • Wreck of the USS Riptide - At the front of the ship, topside, in a pile of debris.
  • Vault-Tec Regional HQ - After taking the lift to the basement, find the raised area, and on the left of the exit door is a washroom, with a mini nuke in the toilet bowl.
  • Zephyr Ridge Camp - A high-level trapper at the tower's top level carries a Fat Man and at least two mini nukes every time he respawns.


  • Super mutant suiciders intrinsically carry mini nukes with them. If the player character manages to kill a suicider without hitting its right arm or before it can detonates the held mini nuke, it can be looted off its corpse afterwards.
  • In the town of Lexington, there is a regularly respawning raider in power armor equipped with a Fat Man on the bridge between two buildings overlooking the town square. Upon death, a mini nuke can be found in his inventory.
  • Mini nukes can be bought from dedicated weapons merchants (including weapon emporiums built in settlements).
  • Mini nukes can be (rarely) found in ammo boxes. When found, they will contain either 3 or 4 mini nukes, which is influenced by the player character's Scrounger perk rank.
  • There is also a mini nuke melee weapon. It can only be acquired by using the console (PC) to either add it to the inventory (player.additem 10E689 1) or by visiting the room that contains every item in the game (coc qasmoke). It cannot be modded in any way. The weapon uses base punching animations and is lazily mounted on the player character's right hand. It has no weight and thus will not risk encumbering the Sole Survivor.


An assortment of Mini nuke parts and 2 Mini nukes in Fort Strong
Ammunition in Fallout 4
Guns.308口径弾 · .38口径弾 · .44口径弾 · .45口径弾 · .45-70口径弾 · .50口径弾 · 10mm弾 · 5.56mm弾 · フレア · レールスパイク · ショットガンシェル · シリンジャー弾薬
Big guns5mm弾 · 大砲の弾 · フュージョンコア · ミニ・ニューク · ミサイル
Energy weapons2mm EC · エイリアンブラスター・ラウンド · クライオセル · 火炎放射器燃料 · フュージョンセル · ガンマ弾 · プラズマカードリッジ

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