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”— マグス・ブラックオペレーターズはヌカ・ワールドの3つのレイダーの内の1つで、マグス・ブラックとウィリアム・ブラックの姉弟の2名をリーダーとした集団です。
The Operators can be easily classified as an organized crime group or can also be referred to as a gang, or crime syndicate, with their main motivation being profit. They appear less savage and bloodthirsty than The Disciples and Pack, with more functional outfits compared to the outlandish garb of their counterparts, resembling more of a paramilitary organization. Additionally, they have a more approachable and reasonable demeanor compared the other factions.
Unfortunately for them, they became trapped in the theme park, along with the other two Nuka-World raider gangs. They are unable to expand their operations due to the lack of action by Overboss Colter, who decided to not follow through with Porter Gage's original plan. However they are an effectively dangerous group, who should not to be underestimated.
The Operators are one of the gangs the Sole Survivor can choose to help during in the Fallout 4add-onNuka-World. They can do odd jobs ranging from slavery to defending their own, and help give them new territories around the park as well as giving them settlements in the Commonwealth. Depending on the ending for the raiders, they can either remain allies alongside either the Disciples or Pack, or end up opposing the player character.
Alternately, they and the two other raider groups can be destroyed in Open Season.
名前 (Base ID) | ステータス | AIパターン | 攻撃方法 | 所持アイテム | |
Operator xx00be4b |
名前 (Base ID) | ステータス | AIパターン | 攻撃方法 | 所持アイテム | |
Operator scavver xx02e800 |
名前 (Base ID) | ステータス | AIパターン | 攻撃方法 | 所持アイテム | |
Operator waster xx02e802 |
名前 (Base ID) | ステータス | AIパターン | 攻撃方法 | 所持アイテム | |
Operator survivalist xx02e804 |
名前 (Base ID) | ステータス | AIパターン | 攻撃方法 | 所持アイテム | |
Operator veteran xx02e806 |
名前 (Base ID) | ステータス | AIパターン | 攻撃方法 | 所持アイテム | |
Operator pillager xx02e808 |
名前 (Base ID) | ステータス | AIパターン | 攻撃方法 | 所持アイテム | |
Operator tormentor xx02e80a |
名前 (Base ID) | ステータス | AIパターン | 攻撃方法 | 所持アイテム | |
Operator butcher xx02e80c |
The Operators appear in the Fallout 4add-onNuka-World.
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