Icon disambig.svg | このページは the Rust Devil faction appearing in Fallout 4's Automatron についてのものです。 the Rust Devil character については、Rust Devil をご覧ください。 |
Appearing in the Commonwealth near the arrival of The Mechanist, the Rust Devils' use of robots differentiates them from the typical raider gangs. To further their capabilities, groups of the Rust Devils scavenge throughout the Commonwealth for functional robots and parts. Any robots they can't capture or reprogram, they strip down either repurposing them as armor, or for parts to maintain their existing cohort.
They are openly hostile to other raider gangs, as Rust Devils and [[Raider (Fallout 4)|Raiders) are seen fighting each other upon arrival to the General Atomics factory. Their main outpost is the Fort Hagen satellite array, until the Sole Survivor arrives and has to kill them in order to get to one of the Mechanist's robobrains, Jezebel. Their leader Ivey is also among the casualties sustained, as well as a heavily modified sentry bot named Ahab. Their presence is largely minimal from then on, limited to their robots ambushing caravans and trying to take down random robots across the Commonwealth.
The robots they reprogram are then heavily customized and used for raids or for the defense of their base at the satellite array.
服装 | 武器 | その他のアイテム | 死体 |
Robot armor Assaultron helmet Sentry bot helmet Eyebot helmet | Common raider weapons Gamma Gun | Various | Various |
Rust Devils appear only with the Fallout 4add-onAutomatron installed.
50_Vault-Tec_C.E.O..png | 情報はunverified behind the scenes informationに基いています が,Falloutの正史には含まれない情報です. |
Rust Devils are a Wasteland tribe who run the bounty-hunting game for Wasteland Weekend.
unverified behind the scenes informationに基く最終的な情報です |
Mbox_stub.png | 拡張が必要 この記事は「Rust Devils」の情報を十分に提供していません。「編集」からFallout Wikiを手伝うことが出来ます。 |
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