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a list of unique weapon locations in Fallout 4 については、Fallout 4 unique weapons をご覧ください。
a list of legendary effects for weapons については、Legendary weapon effects をご覧ください。
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  • このページでは、Fallout 4Falloutシリーズ最新作)におけるweaponをすべて掲載しています。
    • このページで記載している内容は概略に過ぎません。詳細は、それぞれの記事を参照してください。
    • 他のFalloutゲームのweaponについては、「Weapon」を参照してください。
    • Fallout 4については、「Portal:Fallout 4」を参照してください。



    Fallout 4では、過去作とは異なりノーマル武器,レジェンダリ武器,ユニーク武器の3種類に分類されます。ノーマル武器は特別な効果等はついておらず素の性能となりますが、レジェンダリ武器に部類される武器には特殊な効果がランダムでついており、伝説と名のつくNPCが一定確立で所持しています。ユニーク武器に部類される武器は、レジェンダリ武器同様特殊な効果が固定でついており、さらに固有の名前がついています。ユニーク武器は一部の商人が販売してる他、フィールド上に落ちていたり、クエスト報酬としてもらうことが出来ます。武器は基本的に名前を変更することが出来ますが、一部のユニーク武器は名前が固定されており、名前を変更することが出来ません。

    All stats are given with standard weapon modifications. Values in parentheses are the maximum (minimum for weight and AP cost) values in class (some weapons, like the pipe pistol, become short rifles when changed from a grip to a stock weapon). Note that not all maximum values will come from the same gun - for example, maximum damage and maximum rate of fire will typically require mutually exclusive mods.

    - Damage: This information comes straight from the G.E.C.K. and shows the damage caused by a single click of the mouse/trigger. For most small guns, that's a single bullet, but for shotguns it's a single shell (containing several small pellets), and for the Gatling laser it's a single beam. This stat is most useful for comparing semi-automatic weapons like rifles, where you can see the full damage caused by a single shot, regardless of how long it takes to load and fire the next one.
    Icon_dps.png - Damage per second: The maximum cyclic damage dealt in one second, expressed as rate of fire times damage. Weapons that require a reload every shot have damage per second shown including reload times; all others show sustained rates without reloads.
    - Rate of fire: The maximum cyclic number of shots/attacks per second, without considering reloading.
    Icon_spread.png - Spread: This is the Min Spread stat from the G.E.C.K. (the Spread stat is not used). It refers to the accuracy of a ranged weapon. 0 means the weapon can potentially fire perfectly straight, if stance, weapon skill, and weapon condition are optimal. Anything above 0 means the shots may deviate from center by that many degrees regardless of stance, skill, or condition.
    - Critical chance multiplier: The multiplier applied to your character's critical hit chance. This modifier applies to each individual attack you make (e.g. each 5mm bullet fired from your minigun). For example, if your character has a critical hit chance of 5%, and the weapon you're using has a CRIT % MULT of x2, then each shot has a 5% x 2 =10% chance to critically hit. For automatic weapons (assault rifles, SMGs, miniguns, etc.) the Crit % Mult stat in the G.E.C.K. is divided by the G.E.C.K.'s Fire Rate stat, hence the very small multiplier for automatic weapons. This is done to compensate for the sheer number of bullets being fired. Note that a single V.A.T.S. attack with automatic weapons only checks for a critical hit once, applying the damage bonus to all bullets in the attack on a critical.
    Icon_critical_damage.png - Critical hit Damage: The amount of damage that is added when you score a critical strike. The more specialized Sneak Attack Critical deals twice the damage of a common critical strike.
    - Action Point cost: The number of Action Points used per shot in V.A.T.S.
    Icon_explosion.png - Area of effect: The blast radius of the explosion in units of measurement displayed in the G.E.C.K.
    - Ammunition used: The type of ammunition the weapon uses.
    Icon_mag.png - Magazine capacity: The maximum ammunition capacity of the weapon. Shots per reload: The maximum number of shots possible from a full magazine.
    - Weapon weight: Weight value of the weapon that applies to encumbrance.
    FO76_ui_trading_team.png - Weapon value in caps: Base value of the weapon in caps. Resale value is effected by Barter skill.
    - Value to weight ratio: The ratio of the base weapon value in caps to the weapon weight.
    Unique weapon entries are shaded.



    FO76_iconwheel_pistol.pngIcon_dps.pngIcon_range.pngIcon_critical_damage.pngIcon_dap.pngSpecial effectIcon_mag.pngFO76_ui_trading_team.pngForm ID
    Fo4_44_Pistol.png.44 pistol4828.8611966351.2.44 round64.29923.6000ce97d
    Eddie's Peace4828.861258126.2550% more limb damage..44 round6545490.800225ae9
    Kelloggs_pistol.pngKellogg's pistol4828.8611970AP refilled on critical hit..44 round64.3449104.400225ac1
    The Gainer4828.861197415 points of fire damage..44 round64.6468101.700225ae7
    Early_Retirement.pngEarly Retirement 11970+25% damage towards synths..44 roundxx000c33
    Fallout4_10mm_pistol.png10mm pistol1882.8468360211.510mm round123.55014.300004822
    Wastelander's Friend27124.24610778+50% more limb damage.10mm round247.3772128.7001f61e6
    FO4CC_Gen-4_10mm_pistol.pngGen-4 10mm pistol +50% more damage to robots.10mm roundxx000da0
    The_Deliverer.pngDeliverer25165665367261.69Improved VATS hit chance,

    25% less AP cost.

    10mm round124.4774175.9000dc8e7
    Silver Sidearm Gametitle-FO4_CC.png256610mm roundxx001202
    Classic 10mm pistol Gametitle-FO4_CC.png2841119622810mm roundxx000f99
    Ultimatum Gametitle-FO4_CC.png+50 radiation damage.10mm roundxx00081d
    Flare gun103314674400.25Flare125025001025ac
    WesternPistol.pngWestern revolver 6036666400.25.44 round65.29919xx0415b3


    FO76_iconwheel_pistol.pngIcon_dps.pngIcon_range.pngIcon_critical_damage.pngIcon_dap.pngSpecial effectIcon_mag.pngFO76_ui_trading_team.pngForm ID
    Fo4CC_anti-materiel_rifle.pngAnti-materiel rifle 5010211971261.91.50 caliber312554.58fe0xxf9c
    AssaultrifleFO4.pngAssault rifle301204011972320.945.56mm3013.1144110000463f
    CR-74L Gametitle-FO4_CC.png3313541.45fe0xxf99
    Combat rifle33108.93311970251.32.452011.111710.5000df42e
    Fallout4_Combat_rifle.pngDecember's Child 3313541Lighter, uses 5.56mm,

    25% faster fire rate, 15% faster reload.

    Overseers_Guardian.pngOverseer's Guardian554959010976Shoots an additional projectile..452011.111710.5001f61e7
    Gauss rifle1107266619169403.672mm EC715.822814.4000d1eb0
    The_Last_Minute.pngThe Last Minute1926620311250% more limb damage.2mm EC2021.66500300.10022b603
    Prototype Gauss rifleGametitle-FO4_CC.png100606191812mm EC31826514.7fe0xxfa0
    Handmade rifle Gametitle-FO4_NW.png321284011972327.62 round1012.813610.6xx033b60
    The Problem Solver Gametitle-FO4_NW.png57565918592Increased damage after each

    consecutive hit on same target.

    7.62 roundxx036c24
    Splattercannon Gametitle-FO4_NW.png51576.311389108Increased damage after each

    consecutive hit on same target.

    7.62 round7523.66855290.5xx04e424
    Hunting rifle3711.1313171281.32.30859.6555.70004f46a
    Reba II6425.642159250% more damage against mirelurks

    and bugs.

    Tinker_Tom_Special.pngTinker Tom Special3716.53185112Higher VATS accuracy if not

    in combat, higher AP cost.

    Lever-action rifle Gametitle-FO4_FH.png3517.5512272261.35.45-705915016.7xx02c8b0
    Lucky Eddy Gametitle-FO4_FH.png3517.5512272+2 Luck when equipped..45-705920122.3xx045675
    Old Reliable Gametitle-FO4_FH.png7035512261Shoots an additional projectile..45-705980189xx05158f
    Manwell carbine Gametitle-FO4_CC.png69227.73311970.308168fe0xxfc2
    Manwell rifle Gametitle-FO4_CC.png902973311962.308611.1fe0xx94b
    Radium rifle Gametitle-FO4_FH.png27+50Icon_radiation.png1084011972251.08.452011.1807.2xx025fc4
    Kiloton radium rifle Gametitle-FO4_FH.png27108401197215 points of explosive damage..452011.1xx05158e
    Radical Conversion Gametitle-FO4_FH.png271084011972Ignores 30% of target's damage

    and energy resistance.

    Railway rifle1001001011969205Railway spike1014.429020.1000fe268
    Railway_rifle_%28Fallout_4%29.pngPrototype railway rifle11211971205Railway spike114.429020.100221235
    Submachine gun1012712710763350.28.455012.71098.60015b043
    Silver_submachine_gun.pngSilver submachine gun1012712710763.455013.81218.8001b28f7
    Spray n' Pray33419.1127776915 points of explosive damage..4519108457.1001f61e3
    Syringer.pngSyringerVariableVariable21197235Syringer ammo6.213221.30014d09e


    Icon_damage.pngIcon_attack.pngIcon_spread.pngIcon_dap.pngSpecial effectIcon_mag.pngFO76_ui_trading_team.pngForm ID
    Fo4_combat_shotgun_standard.pngCombat shotgun8x6.25=50100204723321.56Shotgun shell811.1877.80014831c
    Justice50100203528Chance to stagger on hit.Shotgun shell15.5107669.4001f61e4
    Le_Fusil_Terribles.pngLe Fusil Terribles62124207129+25% damage/ limb damage,

    Increased recoil.

    Shotgun shell15.738924.800225771
    Double-barrel shotgun8x5.625=45162364716271.67Shotgun shell29394.3300092217
    Handmade_shotgun.pngHandmade shotgun 4516236471630Shotgun shell29394.33fe0xx804
    Triple-barrel_handmade_shotgun.pngTriple-barrel handmade shotgun 5018036471630Shotgun shell39606.67fe0xx803

    Pipe weapons[]

    FO76_iconwheel_pistol.pngIcon_dps.pngIcon_range.pngIcon_critical_damage.pngIcon_dap.pngSpecial effectIcon_mag.pngFO76_ui_trading_team.pngForm ID
    Fo4_pipe_bolt-action.pngPipe bolt-action346.829563291.17.30863.2309.40014831a
    Pipe gun1371.5558357300.43.38122.3208.700024f55
    Pipe_revolver.pngPipe revolver2414.468361350.68.4564.2256.00014831b

    Heavy weapons[]

    Icon_damage.pngIcon_attack.pngIcon_spread.pngIcon_ap.pngSpecial effectIcon_ammo.pngFO76_icon_weight.pngIcon_ratio.pngForm ID
    Fat Man46889.43111763607.8Mini nuke130.751216.7000bd56f
    Fallout4_Fat_man.pngBig Boy486111739Shoots an additional projectile.Mini nuke130.712405404.070021a53e
    The Striker Gametitle-FO4_FH.png100111763601.6650% chance to cripple target's leg.Modified bowling ball130.7251281.82xx031702
    Nuka-nuke launcher Gametitle-FO4_NW.png794111763Nuka-nuke13665018.06xx05178f
    Flamer12Icon_electrical.png10890475330Flamer fuel10016.11378.51000e5881
    Sergeant Ash Gametitle-FO4_FH.png1311790475320% to cripple target's leg.Flamer fuel10016.1xx051599
    Harpoon_gun.pngHarpoon gun 15021436340Harpoon116.320512.58xx010b81
    Harpoon_gun.pngAdmiral's Friend 15021436340x2 damage if target is at full health.Harpoon116.3100561.66xx05158b
    Harpoon_gun.pngSkipper's Last Stand 16521436340+150 damage resistance while


    Harpoon_gun.pngDefender's Harpoon Gun 15021436340Ignores 30% of target's damage

    and energy resistance.

    Fo4CC_Heavy_incinerator.pngHeavy incinerator 30+43Icon_electrical.png175.2242353Flamer fuel616.1fe0xx809
    Junk Jet40201197530Most junk items29.92856.2000e942b
    Ashmaker9281.7313773915 points of fire damage.5mm50028.7175561.1001f252e
    Missile_launcher_%28Fallout_4%29.pngMissile launcher15022036545Missile12131414.950003f6f8
    Partystarter150219110750% more damage against humans.Missile28.54822 ??001f61e5
    Missile_launcher_%28Fallout_4%29.pngDeath From Above15122036575% increased movement speed when aiming down sights.Missile214479213.2900225969


    Cryolator2018090716620Cryo cell2513.230222.900171b2b

    A quick note on damage types: The flamer and heavy incinerator do not deal fire damage like an Incendiary weapon does or ballistic damage like a Molotov cocktail, instead dealing energy (and, for the incinerator, ballistic) damage; the Cryolator deals neither cryo damage nor ballistic damage (like a cryo mine and cryogenic grenade do), instead dealing energy damage (and ballistic when crystallizing); the Fat Man does not deal any sort of radiation damage (like a nuke mine or Nuka-grenade do).


    Icon_heavy_weapon.pngIcon_dps.pngIcon_range.pngIcon_critical_damage.pngIcon_dap.pngSpecial effectIcon_mag.pngFO76_ui_trading_team.pngForm ID
    Paddle ball


    12511151Paddle ball string202105xx00a6c0

    Energy weapons[]




    Icon_spread.pngIcon_ap.pngSpecial effectIcon_ammo.pngFO76_icon_weight.pngIcon_ratio.pngForm ID

    Institute laser219966717025Fusion cell303.95012.8001633cc
    Virgils_rifle.pngVirgil's rifle33217.86622785+50% damage to super mutants.Fusion cell7.238453.300225aba
    Laser musket30186717030Fusion cell112.6574.50001dacf
    Fallout4_laser_pistol.pngLaser gun24120507125Fusion cell303.56919.70009983b
    Old Faithful29145507171x2 damage if target is at full health.Fusion cell304.5929206.4001f61e2
    Fallout_4_Survivors_Special.pngSurvivor's Special2619444742Does more damage the lower the

    player's health.

    Fusion cell4.834070.800225abc
    Protectron's Gaze Gametitle-FO4_AUT.png54307.857474425% faster fire rate, 15% faster reload.Fusion cell305.135269xx001f06
    Good Intentions21237.311319482Frenzy enemies on critical hit.Fusion cell7.939349.70022537b
    Fallout_4_Laser_Rifle.pngPrototype UP77 "Limitless Potential"241205022796Unlimited ammo capacity.Fusion cellInfinite6.535554.60023e5ee
    Righteous Authority261305020376x2 critical shot damage, critical meter

    fills 15% faster.

    Fusion cell275.532659.300225963
    Salvaged_assaultron_head.pngSalvaged Assaultron head 35-165Icon_electrical.png119365Irradiates user by 50 per discharge; while equipped, thrown grenades do the same thing when thrown.Fusion cellCharged single shot8405xx0100b7
    Fallout_4_Laser_Rifle.pngWazer Wifle552755030276Unlimited ammo capacity.Fusion cellInfinite6.336457.800225965
    Gatling laser14380.827220330Fusion core50019.380441.7000e27bc
    Gatling_laser_%28Fallout_4%29.pngFinal Judgment144763402034825% faster fire rate, 15% faster reload.Fusion core50019.33804197.100225abe
    Aeternus Gametitle-FO4_NW.png24355.54525163Unlimited ammo capacity, unlimited ammo.Fusion core50039.34799122.1xx04ec35


    Icon_damage.pngIcon_attack.pngIcon_spread.pngIcon_ap.pngSpecial effectIcon_ammo.pngFO76_icon_weight.pngIcon_ratio.pngForm ID
    Plasma gun24+24115.53311930Plasma cartridge303.912331.500100ae9
    Plasma_gun.pngExperiment 18-A25+256801362031406.625% faster fire rate, 15% faster reload.Plasma cartridge001f61e9
    Sentinel's Plasmacaster24+24270.633119148x2 damage if target is at full health.Plasma cartridge4.8602125.400225967


    All these weapons count as non-automatic weapons and thus work with either Gunslinger, Rifleman, or Sniper, except the Cryolator, which is counted as a heavy gun and thus works with Heavy Gunner.

    FO76_iconwheel_pistol.pngIcon_dps.pngIcon_range.pngIcon_ap.pngSpecial effectIcon_ammo.pngFO76_icon_weight.pngIcon_ratio.pngForm ID
    Alien atomizer Gametitle-FO4_CC.png5454010015570Alien blaster round or Fusion cell453.01536512fe0xx84e
    Alien blaster pistol5050010011979202.5Alien blaster round or Fusion cell422.51551620.4000ff995
    Alien_blaster_pistol.pngHub's Alien Blaster 5858010014976202.9x2 critical shot damage, critical meter

    fills 15% faster.

    Alien blaster round or Fusion cell422.527511100.4xx043416
    Fo4CC_alien_disintegrator.pngAlien disintegrator 552204015572Alien blaster round or Fusion cell504.71770376.6fe0xxf99
    BFG9000.pngBFG 9000 50 + 250 Icon_electrical.png661152Argent plasma cell10fe0xx800
    Cosmic cannon Gametitle-FO4_CC.png36907772Fusion cell335.59517.3fe0xx864

    Cryolator2018090716621Cryo cell2513.230222.900171b2b
    Solar_cannon.pngSolar cannon 30+351041615576Fusion cell1631.6fe0xxf99
    Fo4CC_Tesla_cannon.pngTesla cannon 601202039562Fusion cell152131414.9fe0xxf99
    Tesla_rifle.pngTesla rifle 38152408370Fires electrical charge that arcs between targets.Fusion cell158.19011.1xx003e07
    Thirst_Zapper.pngThirst Zapper VariesVaries100Squirt of water/
    Weaponized Nuka-Cola/
    Weaponized Nuka-Cherry/
    Weaponized Nuka-Cola Quantum
    Thunderbolt.pngThunderbolt Fusion cell15fe0xx824

    Radiation weapons[]

    These weapons produce radiation damage, including both direct damage from explosions and damage over time from exposure and poisoning. There is some variance in how damage is dealt within this class of weapon; please consult each weapon's page for specific details. See the radiation page for how radiation damage is handled by the game. These are affected by the perk Nuclear Physicist in terms of radiation damage.


    FO76_iconwheel_pistol.pngIcon_dps.pngIcon_range.pngIcon_critical_damage.pngIcon_dap.pngSpecial effectIcon_mag.pngFO76_ui_trading_team.pngForm ID
    Gamma_gun_%28Fallout_4%29.pngGamma gun10Icon_damage.png + 100Poison_Icon.png (direct hit) + 23Icon_damage.png (aoe)121661196930Gamma round8315652000ddb7c
    Lorenzos_artifact_gun.pngLorenzo's Artifact gun10Icon_damage.png+2538.5662036930Stuns target on hit, area of effect.Gamma round84.5753167.3002266f7
    Gamma_gun_%28Fallout_4%29.pngZeta gun10Icon_damage.png (direct hit) + 11.5Icon_damage.png (aoe)62.7661196930Gamma round83.115650002266fc

    Poison weapons[]

    Poison weapons utilize the poison damage type to deal ongoing damage to targets.

    Icon_damage.pngIcon_attack.pngIcon_spread.pngIcon_ap.pngSpecial effectIcon_ammo.pngFO76_icon_weight.pngIcon_ratio.pngForm ID
    Acid Soaker Gametitle-FO4_NW.png11?663594???Acid concentrate20312542xx007bc6


    Explosives have a maximum range of 93 and behave as if hitting an invisible wall at their maximum range. Explosives benefit from the Bloody Mess, Demolition Expert and SCAV! - Cautionary Crafts perks, but only for their "primary" damage effects (which also includes the "Explosive" legendary prefix.) This is why the pulse grenade and pulse mine are not affected by any of the three.


    Icon_damage.pngFO76_icon_weight.pngIcon_ratio.pngForm ID
    Baseball grenade101 Icon_attack.png1404000107bd6
    Cryogenic_grenade.pngCryogenic grenade151 Icon_explosion.png0.550100000ff21d
    Fragmentation grenade151 Icon_attack.png0.550100000eebed
    FragmentationMIRV-NukaWorld.pngFragmentation grenade MIRV 1Icon_attack.png + ?x151Icon_attack.png17575xx033905
    Smart_fragmentation_grenade.pngSmart fragmentation grenade 151 Icon_attack.png0.660100xx0346fc
    HalluciGen_gas_grenade.pngHalluciGen gas grenade1 Icon_explosion.png13535000e98e5
    Fury grenade Gametitle-FO4_NW.png1 Icon_explosion.png13535xx02618b
    Persuasion grenade Gametitle-FO4_NW.png1 Icon_explosion.png13535xx023e60
    Predator grenade Gametitle-FO4_NW.png1 Icon_explosion.png13535xx025b0a
    Homing beacon1 Icon_attack.png + ???10000065dec
    FO4_Institute_Pulse_grenade.pngInstitute EM pulse grenade 150 Icon_electrical.png0.51002000018325e
    Fo4_Molotov_cocktail.pngMolotov cocktail51 Icon_explosion.png0.520400010c3c6
    Nuka grenade301 Icon_attack.png + 100 Icon_radiation.png0.5100200000e5750
    NukaCherryGrenade-NukaWorld.pngNuka Cherry grenade Icon_cut.png201 Icon_explosion.png0.550100xx040cdd
    Nuka Quantum grenade Gametitle-FO4_NW.png301 Icon_explosion.png0.550100xx040cde
    Plasma grenade150 Icon_attack.png + 150 Icon_electrical.png0.51352700010a33d
    Fallout4_Pulse_grenade.pngPulse grenade150 Icon_explosion.png, Secondary0.5100200000ff21f


    Icon_damage.pngAOEFO76_ui_trading_team.pngForm ID
    Bottlecap_mine_%28Fallout_4%29.pngBottlecap mine301 0.5751500010771f
    Fallout4_Cryo_mine.pngCryo mine101 + Unknown chance to slow by unknown amount for unknown seconds.0.5501000010c669
    Fallout4_Fragmentation_mine.pngFragmentation mine101 0.550100000e56c2
    Nuke_mine.pngNuke mine301 + 100 Icon_radiation.png0.51002000010a340
    Plasma mine150Icon_attack.png + 1500.51002000010a342
    Fallout4_Pulse_mine.pngPulse mine1500.51002000010a344

    Faction explosives[]

    FO76_iconwheel_grenade.pngAOEFO76_icon_weight.pngIcon_ratio.pngForm ID
    Artillery smoke grenade1 Icon_attack.png0.5000012e2ca
    Institute beacon1 Icon_attack.png0.50000174f8f
    Synth relay grenade1 Icon_attack.png0.550100000589f2
    Vertibird signal grenade1 Icon_attack.png0.5102000056917



    Placed trap nameAOEFO76_icon_weight.pngIcon_ratio.pngForm ID
    Bear trap Gametitle-FO4_FH.png8xx054072
    Bleeding bear trap Gametitle-FO4_FH.png8xx0540f7
    Caltrops Gametitle-FO4_FH.png0.5xx05406e
    Poisoned caltrops Gametitle-FO4_FH.png0.5xx0540ed

    Melee weapons[]

    In the table below, damage listed is base weapon damage, which gains a +10% bonus for every point of Strength. Unless otherwise noted, Strength will not modify energy, bleedIcon_bleed.png, or other damage values. Several perks can further increase the damage displayed for a melee weapon; as a general rule, perks will apply to energy and radiationIcon_radiation.png, but not bleed or poisonIcon_poison.png.


    Bladed weapons can dismember limbs of humanoid opponents, permanently damaging the limb and disarming the target. Like all melee weapons, bladed weapons benefit from Big Leagues and Strength. Bladed weapons can be Medium (attack speed 1 attack per 1.1180 seconds, equivalent to a ranged weapon with a fire rate of 8.94, which would display as 8), Fast (attack speed 1 attack per 0.7718 seconds, equivalent to a ranged weapon with a fire rate of 12.96, which would display as 12), or Very Fast; because all Very Fast weapons are also automatic, in practice they have an attack rate of 4.5364 attacks per second, which is equivalent to 1 attack per 0.2204 seconds, or a ranged weapon with an attack rate of 45.364, which would display as 45.

    Icon_damage.pngIcon_attack.pngIcon_ap.pngSpecial effectFO76_icon_weight.pngIcon_ratio.pngForm ID
    Assaultron blade Gametitle-FO4_AUT.png1719.8Medium3535016.7xx008b8e
    Chinese officer sword1618.7Medium350.4635016.700147be4
    Chinese_officer_sword_%28FO4%29.pngGeneral Chao's Revenge2834Medium350.8+50% more damage to robots.3775258.300248387
    Sword of Wonders Gametitle-FO4_NW.png16MediumIgnores 30% of target's damage

    and energy resistance.

    Zao's sword1622Medium350.4635016.7001f0860
    Fallout4_Combat_knife.pngCombat knife911.66Fast200.4512525000913ca
    Serrated combat knife15 + 10 (2/sec, 5 sec)19.44 + 12.96Icon_bleed.png0.75 + 0.53737
    Stealth blade combat knife+0.5x Sneak Attack Damage4343
    Pickmans_Blade.pngPickman's Blade15 + 35 (2/sec, 5 sec)19.44 + 45.35Icon_bleed.pngFast200.75 + 1.75 (2/sec, 5 sec)+0.5x Sneak Attack Damage11431430022595f
    Fo4DisciplesBlade_HackingBladeMod.pngDisciples blade 20Fast2011.58053.3xx01aabc
    Fo4DisciplesBlade_HackingBladeMod.pngThroatslicer 20Fast201+25 points of bleeding damage.1.5xx04e422
    FO4_Grognak_axe.pngGrognak's axe25 + 10 (2/sec, 5 sec)29.8 + 11.92Icon_bleed.pngMedium201.25 + 0.5+50% chance to Stagger.101001000183fcd
    Serrated machete24 + 10 (2/sec, 5 sec)21.47 + 8.94Icon_bleed.pngMedium300.8 + 0.3323718.5
    Kremvh%27s_Tooth.pngKremvh's Tooth28 + 3 50.2Medium300.93 + 0.1 Icon_poison.png+3 points of poison damage.2210022576d
    Mr. Handy buzz blade Gametitle-FO4_AUT.png526.2Very Fast4010505xx0020f8
    Revolutionary sword1618.7Medium350.4635016.700143ab5
    Shem_Drowne_sword.pngShem Drowne sword16 + 9 20.4Medium350.46 + 0.26 Icon_radiation.pngTargets are irradiated on hit.32508.30000364a
    Ripper418.25Very Fast40 for 7 hits0.76508.3000fa2f6
    Curved Ripper627.381.05+25% chance to disarm7.1659.2
    Extended Ripper7 + 10Icon_bleed.png (2/sec, 5 sec)31.94 + 45.631.225 + 1.75Icon_bleed.png9758.3
    Reckoning425Very Fast4015% less damage while standing and

    not moving.

    Ripper_%28Fallout_4%29.pngThe Harvester 4Very Fast40Chance to stagger on hit.625041.7xx04fa7e
    Shishkebab_%28Fallout_4%29.pngShishkebab13 + 13 15.3Medium350.37 + 0.37 Icon_electrical.png320067000fa2fb
    Serrated switchblade14 + 10Icon_bleed.png (2/sec, 5 sec)18.14 + 12.960.7 + 0.5Icon_bleed.png3030
    Steel sword Gametitle-FO4_CC.png35MediumIncreased damage after each

    consecutive hit on same target.

    Pint-Sized Slasher knife Gametitle-FO4_CC.png13Fast20+50% more damage to humans.1.5200fe0xx809


    Blunt weapons tend to stagger opponents more frequently than bladed weapons. Like all melee weapons, blunt weapons benefit from Big Leagues and Strength. Blunt weapons are always Medium (attack speed 1 attack per 1.118 seconds, equivalent to a ranged weapon with a fire rate of 8.94, which would display as 8) or Slow (attack speed 1 attack per 1.7641 seconds, equivalent to a ranged weapon with a fire rate of 5.67, which would display as 5).

    Icon_damage.pngIcon_attack.pngIcon_ap.pngSpecial effectFO76_icon_weight.pngIcon_ratio.pngForm ID
    Alien shock baton Gametitle-FO4_CC.png11 + 23 Medium300.37 + 0.77 Icon_electrical.png2fe0xx84f
    Baseball bat169.07Slow350.463258.330008e736
    Cedar_Baseball_Bat.png2076 World Series baseball bat1616.5Slow350.466% chance to send targets flying.3325108.300226438
    Cito's Shiny Slugger Gametitle-FO4_NW.png31Slow350.89Refills AP on critical hit.7.517528.3xx04f084
    Fencebuster Gametitle-FO4_FH.png16Slow350.46Ignores 30% of target's damage

    and energy resistance.

    Bladed board29 + 10Icon_bleed.png (2/sec, 5 sec)16.44 + 5.67Slow330.88 + 0.3Icon_bleed.png4.5306.67
    Commie Whacker Gametitle-FO4_NW.png108.94Medium250.422512.5xx052926
    Lead pipe119.84Medium300.373155000fc9c3
    Fallout4_Pipe_wrench.pngPipe wrench1311.63Medium350.3723015000d83bf
    Big Jim1311.63Medium350.3720% to cripple target's leg.2150750023e5ec
    Pole_hook.pngPole hook 30Slow400.757527.4xx009582
    Pole_hook.pngBloodletter 30Slow400.75+25 points of bleeding damage.7527.4xx034e7b
    Pole_hook.pngThe Fish Catcher 30Slow241.2540% less AP cost in VATS.731244.6xx05158d
    Fallout4_Pool_cue.pngPool cue137.37Slow300.4311010000fa3e8
    Sharp pool cue17 + 10 (2/sec, 5 sec)9.64 + 5.67Icon_bleed.pngSlow300.57 + 0.331.21310.83
    Fallout4_Rolling_pin.pngRolling pin119.84Medium250.441101000142fab
    Sharp aluminum rolling pin17 + 10Icon_bleed.png (2/sec, 5 sec)15.21 + 8.94Medium250.68 + 0.4Icon_bleed.png11616
    Super_sledge_%28Fallout_4%29.pngSuper sledge4022.67Slow450.89201809000ff964
    Stunning super sledge40 + 2722.67 + 15.31Icon_electrical.pngSlow450.89 + 0.625% chance to paralyze.2054027
    Atoms_Judgement.pngAtom's Judgement 40 + 100 Icon_radiation.pngSlow450.89 + 2.22 +100 radiation damage.20xx03a388
    Bladed Swatter36 + 10 (2/sec, 5 sec)20.41 + 5.67Icon_bleed.pngSlow351.03 + 0.294.5429.33
    Rockville_Slugger.pngRockville Slugger2212.7Slow211.0540% less AP cost in VATS.3.513338001f2674
    Tire iron1210.73Medium250.4822512.500185d25
    Fallout4Tire_Iron_Bladed.pngBladed tire iron21 + 10 (2/sec, 5 sec)18.78 + 8.94Icon_bleed.pngMedium250.84 + 0.433712.33
    Walking_cane.pngWalking cane108.94Medium200.52105000fdc7d

    Unarmed weapons[]

    Unarmed weapons benefit from the Iron Fist perk as well as from Strength. Note that unarmed weapons cannot be equipped while wearing power armor. All unarmed weapons are speed Medium (attack speed 1 attack per 1.118 seconds, equivalent to a ranged weapon with a fire rate of 8.94, which would display as 8). Buffs to melee damage won't modify damage, but because it ignores all resistance, it is included as equivalent to "real" damage. 30% armor penetration, when the target has damage resistance reasonably close to the damaging attack, works like a 10% damage increase.

    Icon_blunt.pngIcon_dps.pngIcon_critical_damage.pngIcon_dap.pngSpecial effectFO76_ui_trading_team.pngForm ID
    Fallout4_boxing_glove.pngBoxing glove98.05Medium2250.36110100016498f
    Spiked boxing glove11 (behaves like 12.1 due to penetration)10.82 (after penetration)Medium2250.48 (after penetration)30% Armor Penetration1.21310.83
    Puncturing boxing glove13 (behaves like 14.3 due to penetration)12.79 (after penetration)Medium2250.57 (after penetration)30% Armor Penetration1.31410.77
    Lead lined boxing glove1614.31Medium2250.64+25% limb damage, +20% chance to cripple1.71710
    Deathclaw gauntlet2522.36Medium2400.6310757.5000d8576
    Large deathclaw gauntlet3127.73Medium2400.78+25% chance to Disarm.12979.7000d8576
    Sharp knuckles12 + 10 (2/sec, 5 sec)10.73 + 8.94Icon_bleed.pngMedium2250.48 + 0.40.61321.67
    Bladed knuckles17 + 10Icon_bleed.png (2/sec, 5 sec)15.21 + 8.94Medium2250.68 + 0.4Icon_bleed.png0.71521.43
    Meat hookGametitle-FO4_FH.png2017.89Medium2300.6723216xx04b5f4
    Large meat hook2522.36Medium2300.83+25% chance to Disarm.2.44117.08
    Butcher's HookGametitle-FO4_FH.png20Medium300.67AP refills on critical hit.2xx05158c
    Power fist2017.89Medium2350.574100250011b336
    Puncturing power fist30 (behaves like 33 due to penetration)29.52 (after penetration)Medium2350.94 (after penetration)30% Armor Penetration5.114528.43
    Heated power fist20 + 20Icon_electrical.png17.89 + 17.89Medium2350.57 + 0.57Icon_electrical.png420050

    Renaming weapons[]

    In Fallout 4 the player is able to rename any weapon, including unique weapons, at any weapons workbench. However, the Silver submachine gun, the Survivor's Special, Ashmaker, and Grognak's axe cannot be renamed, nor will they pick up any prefixes from modding (if they can be modded). Renaming weapons does not affect any weapon stats. This primarily adds a level of personalization to weapons and can help avoid accidentally disassembling a favored weapon.

    • Special and accented characters (i.e. alt-codes) can be used when renaming a weapon, but some of those will be replaced with "?".
    • Since patch 1.3, HTML tags (e.g. , ) can no longer be used to change the appearance of the weapon's name.


    Weapons may be modified in Fallout 4. Each weapon has modification "slots" (e.g. barrel, grip, magazine, sights) that may be modified with increasingly powerful or useful mods by the player character based on their perks. However, the player character may salvage useful mods that are not yet available via the player character's perk level by simply modifying any weapon that already has the mod of interest.[1] By replacing the mod of interest with any available mod the original mod goes into inventory and may then be used to alter the player character's chosen weapon without regard for their perk level. Unique weapons do not offer this capability; their special mods are 'reserved' and since they are unique, no other examples are available to be salvaged. However it is possible to do the reverse, that is, to transfer standard mods from standard weapons onto unique and legendary weapons.


    If a player character puts any weapons, including unique and legendary weapons, in a container in a settlement, nearby NPCs, like settlers or even enemy attackers, can randomly take them and they may be irretrievable. This cannot be totally prevented by any form of barrier or obstacle. Store valuable weapons in an unpopulated settlement, in an interior cell, or on a weapon rack.


    • Sometimes, when starting the game, gunfire cannot be heard on certain weapons. This can be fixed by re-starting the game or re-loading to a previous save file.[verified]
    • Sometimes, when using a night vision scope, the night vision effect will stick around after going out of the scope.[verified]

    See also[]

    In Fallout 4[]

    In the rest of the Fallout series[]

    • Fallout weapons
    • Fallout 2 weapons
    • Fallout 3 weapons
    • Fallout: New Vegas weapons
    • Fallout 76 weapons
    • Fallout Tactics weapons
    • Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel weapons


    1. Notes from page for Gun Nut perk

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