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an overview of eyebots in the Fallout series of games については、eyebot をご覧ください。 |
Eyebots are a type of robot found in the Commonwealth.
Eyebots are floating, spherical robots with a large speaker on their front ends, various antennae, and a small, very weak laser weapon hanging from their undersides.
Eyebots encountered throughout the wasteland are found broadcasting radio stations, pre-war advertisement loops, or static.
Eyebots cannot be "activated" (spoken to or pickpocketed), but they can be killed or hacked via the Robotics Expert perk. They are one of the weakest enemies in the game and can generally be killed with a single hit from most weapons. Unlike the eyebots encountered in previous Fallout titles, eyebots in the Commonwealth do not explode upon death.
The basic eyebot model, it can be seen roaming Diamond City and random places in the Commonwealth.
名前 (Base ID) | ステータス | AIパターン | 攻撃方法 | 所持アイテム | |||||
Eyebot 000efbb4 |
Servomech eyebots are yellow versions which serve under the Mechanist. Some may carry and play the Mechanist holotape.
名前 (Base ID) | ステータス | AIパターン | 攻撃方法 | 所持アイテム | ||||
Servomech eyebot Gametitle-FO4_AUT.png xx000000 |
An eyebot which is distinguishable by its appearance. This eyebot serves the Mechanist and uses a laser gun as a weapon to attack the Sole Survivor, although the eyebot has pretty low health on lower difficulties, and can become elusive due to it randomly moving to another location very quickly to attack you.
名前 (Base ID) | ステータス | AIパターン | 攻撃方法 | 所持アイテム | |||||
Cybermech eyebot xx000000 |
During the final fight of Restoring Order, some variations of the eyebot may appear with the name of "Trashbot." These eyebots are visually identical to the servomech and cybermech variants, but are significantly weaker.
名前 (Base ID) | ステータス | AIパターン | 攻撃方法 | 所持アイテム | ||||
Trashbot Gametitle-FO4_AUT.png xx000000 |
The eyebot was designed after the Sputnik-era satellites, predominately the Sputnik 1, an artificial Earth satellite launched by the Soviet Union in 1957.
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