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このページは翻訳が必要な箇所があります。「編集」からFallout Wikiを手伝うことが出来ます。固有名詞の翻訳は固有名詞一覧を、見出しなどは用語一覧を参考にしてください。
FalloutFloating eye bot
Fallout 2Floating eye bot
Fallout 3Eyebot
Fallout: New VegasCut content Eyebot
Eyebot duraframe subject E
ED-E (clone)
Destroyed eyebot Gametitle-FNV_LR.png
Medical eyebot
Icon_cut.png Repair eyebot
Icon_cut.png Broken eyebot
Fallout 4Eyebot
Van BurenFloating eye bot

Eyebots spread President Eden's pre-recorded Enclave message throughout the Capital Wasteland.

”— Fallout 3 loading screen






Floating eye bot[]

ゲーム内情報の記事s: Fallout, Fallout 2, Van Buren



ゲーム内情報の記事s: Fallout 3, Fallout: New Vegas

東海岸のEnclaveがウェイストランドの人々のためにプロパガンダ、大統領演説、愛国的な行進曲からなるEnclave Radioを放送するために使用しています。このロボットはゲーム内のロボットの中で最も体力が少なく、AEP7 laser pistolと同等の武器を持っているので、ほとんどのプレイヤーにとってほとんど無害な存在です。しかし、低レベルのプレイヤーにとっては危険であり、ゲーム後半では破壊されるとEnclaveのパトロールを呼んでしまう厄介な習性を持つアイボットもいます。

Brotherhood Outcast eyebot[]

情報はFallout 3 cut contentに基いています が,Falloutの正史には含まれない情報です.

開発中、EyebotはEnclave専用のロボットではなく、Protectronなどと同じ汎用ロボットとして扱われました。Outcastバージョンのテクスチャ、U.S. Army、Brotherhood、Enclaveバージョンのテクスチャなしモデル(ゲーム内で使われているのはEnclaveではなく汎用バージョン)が存在します。これらのロボットはいずれも改造しないとゲーム内で召喚できません。

At one point in development, it appeared that the Eyebot was a generic robot just like the Protectron, etc., as opposed to an Enclave-specific robot. There are textures for an Outcast version (but not a model or unused GECK creature) and textureless models for U.S. Army, Brotherhood, and Enclave versions (the model used in-game is the generic version, not Enclave). None of these robots can be summoned in-game without modding.

Fallout 3 cut contentに基く最終的な情報です

Eyebot duraframe subject E[]

ゲーム内情報の記事: Fallout: New Vegas

The eyebot duraframe subject E (also known as ED-E) is an Enclave eyebot from the East Coast,[1] built by Whitley at Adams Air Force Base. ED-E is a prototype "Duraframe" model, and he has been enhanced for regular combat as opposed to the original model, which functions primarily as a mobile radio transmitter. However, since the war with the Capital Wasteland Brotherhood of Steel necessitated increased production of Enclave Hellfire armor, eyebot production was stopped, and ED-E became the last surviving model. Whitley uploaded an enormous amount of valuable data on Poseidon Energy and his duraframe research into ED-E's logs, then dispatched it on a cross-country journey to Navarro, past Rockville, Hagerstown, The Pitt, Dog Town and many others.[2] ED-E is superior to any other eyebot in combat, both in terms of armor and firepower.

Eyebot duraframe subject E (clone)[]

ゲーム内情報の記事: Fallout: New Vegas

This eyebot is found at the start of the Lonesome Road add on, in the Hopeville silo bunker. He stays with the character throughout, and is necessary to progress, opening doors and also commissary terminals for the Courier. Once upgraded (see Camarader-E) his upgrades are sent to the original ED-E in the Mojave. He also has an onboard Workbench and reloading bench (these will be available on ED-E after download of Lonesome Road).

He differs from the original ED-E in that he is armed with a player specific Arc welder, and appears to be much less battered, with a fresh-looking paint job, a smaller grill, and a cleaner casing. He still retains the same basic characteristics and personality, as he is just a copy of ED-E in another body.

Prototype eyebot[]

ゲーム内情報の記事: Fallout: New Vegas

The model for this eyebot is found inside the REPCONN headquarters building, just past the first few rooms of displays, however it is not operational. It is said to have advanced facial and voice recognition. It also differs to the other models in the way it actually has a screen, instead of a grille at the front (presumably to act as a television screen). It is accompanied by a prototype Mister Handy model, experimental protectron model, and a prototype variant of the sentry bot.


ゲーム内情報の記事: Lonesome Road

Five destroyed eyebots, lying scattered throughout The Divide, carry the upgrade components for Lonesome Road's ED-E.

Medical eyebot[]

ゲーム内情報の記事: Lonesome Road

Medical eyebots appear in the battle against Ulysses, and will constantly heal the damage the player deals to him. Also to note, that the color of their lasers are similar to the one belonging to the AER14 prototype.After being destroyed they will continually respawn unless the player manually shuts them off.

Repair eyebot[]

ゲーム内情報の記事: Lonesome Road

Repair eyebots appear in several nuclear silos spread out across The Divide, maintaining everything that needs to be repaired before eventual launches.After being destroyed they will continually respawn unless the player manualy shuts them off.

Icon_cut_content.png情報はFallout: New Vegas cut contentに基いています が,Falloutの正史には含まれない情報です.

Sunset Sarsaparilla eyebot[]

ゲーム内情報の記事: Fallout: New Vegas

This cut content eyebot was intended to be a sentry alarm, within the Sunset Sarsaparilla factory and warehouse.

Broken eyebot[]

ゲーム内情報の記事: Lonesome Road

Cut eyebot, similar in appearance to the destroyed eyebot.

Icon_cut_content.pngFallout: New Vegas cut contentに基く最終的な情報です


  1. Bethesda Podcast Episode 3 (2:00-2:30)
  2. Adams Air Force Base to Navarro - Google Maps

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