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the alien species については、Alien をご覧ください。


Fo4 alien.png






base id


ref id


Aliens are extraterrestrial beings found in the Commonwealth in the 23rd century.[1] One can be located in a cave near the Crashed UFO.



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Jack Cabot also suggests the presence of 'ancient aliens' as a precursor to original human civilizations such as Assyria, that guided humanity to develop. His findings are enormously compounded by an 'artifact' discovered by his father, Lorenzo Cabot, which granted him incredible abilities of telekinesis, 'immortality' which could be replicated by extracting his blood and transforming it into mysterious serum, and incredible strength. Lorenzo's artifact itself utilized an ancient Egyptian scarab to focus the ordinary Gamma Gun into a powerful kinetic blast. In Jack's terminal notes, he speaks of a location his father may have relayed to him - Ubar - which is a legendary 'Atlantis of the Sands' believed to have been located and lost somewhere in Arabia.


主要記事: UFO crash site

The only alien that appears in the Commonwealth in 2287 is the survivor of a crash landing just to the east of Oberland station. The Alien is inside of an unmarked cave just North of the crash site. If the alien is targeted in VATS, the display will show that its right leg is crippled, presumably a result of its apparent crash landing. On sight, the alien will immediately attack the Sole Survivor. If killed, its body can be looted for an Alien blaster pistol and 400-500 alien blaster rounds. Next to the alien is a human skeleton and a Ham radio that might be the source of a nearby Garbled Radio Beacon, although the beacon can be disabled using the radio.

As of yet the origin and original intent of the Alien is unknown.



The alien appears as a humanoid creature roughly the height of an average human. It possesses 4 limbs: two arms which end in 3 fingered hands with opposable (or at least prehensile) thumbs, and two legs whose digits can not yet be discerned. Possibly the most notable feature is the alien's relatively large head which features two apparently pitch-black eyes, pointed ears, a flat nose with two nostrils, and a mouth with 9 pointed teeth. The alien's skin is a pale yellowish-green hue with dark splotches scattered about. If the alien's head is damaged some of the skeletal structure of its head can be viewed along with what appears to be blue brain matter or some form of blue organ. The alien is apparently capable of breathing within earth's atmosphere, however, it is currently unknown if the alien's suit is what enables it to do so.

Interestingly, the alien's blood appears to be a light green while the blood that leads to the cave appears much darker, however, this could be attributed to coagulation or perhaps poor lighting conditions within the cave.

Gameplay attributes[]

必要な項ですが、まだ十分ではありません。「編集」からFallout Wikiを手伝うことが出来ます。



必要な項ですが、まだ十分ではありません。「編集」からFallout Wikiを手伝うことが出来ます。
名前 (Base ID)ステータスAIパターン攻撃方法所持アイテム
Unaggressive: Will not initiate combat.Icon_optional.pngIcon_optional.png
Cowardly: Will always avoid combat/flee.Icon_optional.pngIcon_optional.png
Helps nobody: Will not help anyone.Icon_optional.png
Melee (0 Icon_damage.png)
  • Icon_dead.png エイリアンブラスターピストル
  • エイリアンブラスター弾


  • While possessing similar equipment, the alien found is noticeably very different from the species encountered in Fallout 3's Mothership Zeta, with a much more rounded head and sharp teeth. However, this could simply be a graphical update or artistic revision, as seen with other things that appear in both games, such as mirelurks or feral ghouls. Furthermore, the loading screens refer to them as Zetans, further connecting them to the aliens from Mothership Zeta.
  • Interestingly, despite possessing an alien faction, if two aliens are spawned near each other they will fire on each other until one remains. (This is probably caused because aliens have an aggression of 3, being hostile to everyone.)
  • The Alien is supposed to mimic the 1950s "little green men".
  • The corpse of the alien can be eaten if the Sole Survivor has the Cannibal perk at level two or higher.
  • Encountering the alien has no effect on the conversation while initially meeting Jack Cabot or Tinker Tom.


Aliens appear in Fallout 4.



  1. 1:03 -

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West Coast
(Fallout, Fallout 2, Fallout: New Vegas)
Alien · Bighorner (Bighorner bull, Bighorner calf) · ブロートフライ · バラモン · カサドレス (Young cazador, Legendary cazador) · ケンタウロス (Evolved centaur) · Coyote (Coyote alpha male, Coyote den mother, Coyote pup) · デスクロー (Baby deathclaw, Young deathclaw, Blind deathclaw, Deathclaw alpha, デスクロー・マザー, Talking deathclaw, Legendary deathclaw) · Dog (Cyberdog, Legion Mongrel, Vicious dog) · Floater · Fire ant · ゲッコー (Hunter gecko, Fire gecko, Golden gecko, Little gecko) · Ghost people (Ghost harvester, Ghost seeker, Ghost trapper) · グール (Feral ghoul roamer, Feral ghoul reaver, Glowing one, Feral trooper ghoul) · Giant ant (Giant worker ant, Giant soldier ant, Giant ant queen) · Fire ant (Fire ant worker, Fire ant soldier) · Giant catfish · Giant rat (Mole rat, Pig rat) · Human (Dwarf) · Lakelurk · Mantis (Giant mantis, Giant mantis nymph, Giant mantis female) ·Marked man  · Night stalker (Young night stalker, Den mother, Legendary night stalker) · ラッドローチ · Radscorpion (Bark scorpion, Bark scorpion hunter, Small radscorpion, Giant radscorpion, Radscorpion queen) · Raven · Slags · Spore carrier (Spore carrier savage, Spore carrier brute, Spore carrier runt) · Spore plant · Super mutant (Super mutant master, Nightkin) · ワナミンゴ · Tunneler · Wolf · Yao guai
East Coast
(Fallout 3, Fallout 4,Fallout Tactics 2)
Abomination · Alien · Alien squid · Alien worm · Bloatfly · Bloodbug · Brahmin · Centaur · Deathclaw · Dog · Fire ant · Ghoul (Feral ghoul, Feral ghoul reaver, Feral ghoul roamer, Glowing one, Swamp ghoul) · Giant ant (Giant ant queen) · Giant catfish · Human · Lamprey floater · Manowar tendril floater · Mirelurk (Mirelurk hunter, Mirelurk king, Nukalurk, Swamplurk, Swamplurk Queen) · Mole rat · Mutant crocodile · Mutant wanamingo · Needle tooth floater · Radroach · Radscorpion (Albino radscorpion, Giant radscorpion) · Super mutant (Super mutant behemoth, Super mutant brute, Super mutant master, Super mutant overlord) · Swampfolk · Trog · Yao guai
(Fallout Tactics, Van Buren)
Boom bug · Cats · Brahmin · Dog · Electro-beetle · Endless walker · Gehenna · Ghoul (Born ghoul, Feral ghoul, Glowing one) · Giant albino ant (Giant albino ant queen) · Giant leech · Giant rat · Giant wasp · Hairy deathclaw (Baby hairy deathclaw) · Human · Komodo dragon · Molech · Mutant cannibal · Raccoon · Radroach · Radscorpion · Radtoad · Trog · Super mutant · Wolf
(Fallout: BoS, Fallout: BoS 2)
バラモン · Coyote · 犬 · Experimental deathclaw (Baby experimental deathclaw) · グール (光りし者) · Giant rat (モールラット) · 人間 · Radbug · Radscorpion (glowing radscorpion, spitting radscorpion, large giant radscorpion) · Small rat · Giant rat · スーパーミュータント
Project V13Ghoul · Human · Mutant mantis shrimp · Super mutant

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