
FalloutMole rat
Lesser mole rat
Greater mole rat
Giant rat
Pig rat
Fallout 2Mole rat
Lesser mole rat
Greater mole rat
Mutated mole rat
Albino mole rat
Giant rat
Pig rat
Fallout 3Mole rat
Giant mole rat
Fallout: New VegasMole rat
Mole rat pup
Mole rat corpse
Fallout 4Mole rat
Rabid mole rat
Glowing mole rat
Mole rat brood mother
Icon_cut.png Mole rat queen
Vault 81 lab mole rat
Pack mole rat
Fallout Shelterモールラット
Fallout: BoS 2Giant naked molerat
Van BurenPig rat

モールラット(英:Mole rat) は、大戦争前の米軍が開発した巨大なげっ歯類である。




Mole rats have sharp claws and even sharper tusks that they use to tear great chunks of flesh from their prey. Mole rats are either huge rats or the result of gene-splicing Kodiak bears with maladjusted lab rats. Fortunately, they seldom run in packs larger than a half dozen or so.[1]


According to the Pentagon Library terminal in the Citadel, mole rats in the Capital Wasteland are the result of an American government program, codenamed Mission Cloacina, to develop an invasive lifeform that could be planted in China, where its aggression and fast breeding would help undermine the Chinese war effort. It is noted that a genetic "kill switch" was included to help the US Army clean up the rats after the theoretical fall of China. Additionally, it is revealed that the researchers attempted to use the Forced Evolutionary Virus to further augment their creations, but dismissed this course of action as FEV had a tendency to render subjects sterile (defeating the whole purpose of the rats' being invasive).


An Enclave field report in Fallout 3 classifies naked mole rats as follows:

  • Kingdom: Animalia
  • Phylum: Chordata
  • Class: Mammalia
  • Order: Rodentia
  • Family: Bathyergidae

According to the report, naked mole rats most closely resemble a Heterocephalus glaber, also known as the sand puppy or desert mole rats. Their enlargement is due to heavy radiation exposure. While larger than their ancestors, the naked mole rats have similarly low brain function, possibly due to an exceedingly tiny brain organ. Their incisors show increased enamel and dentin growth, making them razor sharp. In addition, the naked mole rats have extremely low levels of Substance P which results in an incredible pain tolerance.


Hairy mole rat[]

ゲーム内情報の記事s: Fallout, Fallout 2

A mutated mole only found in New California. They can often be found in packs together with pig rats and giant rats.

Hairy albino mole rat[]

ゲーム内情報の記事: Fallout 2

A rare variety of intelligent hairy albino mole rat only found in New California. Their origins are unknown but like albino deathclaw, appears to be caused due to a different mutation with the FEV.

They're a bit bigger than a normal hairy mole rat, have a light brown hair and red eyes. They can talk and have a relatively higher intelligence than the average. The only two known specimens are Keeng Ra'at and Brain.

Pig rat[]

ゲーム内情報の記事s: Fallout, Fallout 2, Van Buren

In between the small giant rat and the mole rat.

Mole rat[]

ゲーム内情報の記事s: Fallout 3, Fallout: New Vegas, Fallout 4, Fallout Shelter

A mutated naked mole rat found in East Coast and the Mojave Wasteland. They have very little hair on their body and are usually found in packs of roughly 3 or 4, but rarely in 2 or by themselves.

Mole rat pup[]

ゲーム内情報の記事: Fallout: New Vegas

These are young naked mole rats and are smaller and weaker in combat. They usually stay close to their mother.

Giant mole rat[]

ゲーム内情報の記事: Fallout 3

These are giant mutations of the regular mole rats in Fallout 3, used as transport. They were cut from the game.

Giant naked mole rat[]

ゲーム内情報の記事: Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel 2


Mean, standing over three feet at the shoulder and weighing in at around at 200 pounds, these critters are fierce and dangerous.


Glowing mole rat[]

ゲーム内情報の記事: Fallout 4

A particular mole rat species which has been exposed to enormous quantities of radiation. The glowing mole rat produces radiation in a short perimeter around and benefits from radiation to heal or getting his defenses reinforced. One can be found in the mole rat den.

Mole rat brood mother[]

ゲーム内情報の記事: Fallout 4

A powerful type of mole rat that can be encountered at high levels. The mole rat brood mother is significantly more resistant than her children, but her attacks still only do minor damage to a well-armored player character.

Vault 81 lab mole rat[]

ゲーム内情報の記事: Fallout 4

Found within the Vault 81 testing area, those lab mole rats will transmit the mole rat disease when hitting the player character. There are several variations of Vault 81 mole rats, ranging from the standard variant to glowing variants.

Notable mole rats[]

  • Brain
  • Keeng Ra'at Gametitle-FO2.png
  • Pumpkin
  • Snuffles Gametitle-FNV.png


  • It appears that there are some that have been able domesticate mole rats, as seen in the Molerat Mambo in Fallout 2, Mole rat race track in Fallout 3 or Snuffles located at Sloan in Fallout: New Vegas. Despite this, in Fallout 3, you are unable to learn how this domestication came about from Moira Brown.
  • It is shown in the Fallout 3 quest Wasteland Survival Guide that naked mole rats are highly allergic to certain chemicals that are used in a repellent, so much so it makes their heads explode when hit with this repellent stick.
  • Mole rat skins have also been used as decoration. These can be found in several homes and shelters in both the Capital wastelands. Oddly, blood will splatter when these rugs are shot.
  • Occasionally one may encounter a mole rat with mines attached to it, for example just to the east of USAF Satellite Station Olivia. These mole rats, which emit ticking time-bomb noises, will explode for substantial damage if they reach point blank range.


Mole rats appear in Fallout, Fallout 2, Fallout 3, Fallout: New Vegas, Fallout Shelter, and Fallout 4. They were going to appear in the canceled Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel 2.


Animated hairy mole rat in Fallout and Fallout 2


  1. Fallout 2 Official Strategies & Secrets
West Coast
(Fallout, Fallout 2, Fallout: New Vegas)
Alien · Bighorner (Bighorner bull, Bighorner calf) · ブロートフライ · バラモン · カサドレス (Young cazador, Legendary cazador) · ケンタウロス (Evolved centaur) · Coyote (Coyote alpha male, Coyote den mother, Coyote pup) · デスクロー (Baby deathclaw, Young deathclaw, Blind deathclaw, Deathclaw alpha, デスクロー・マザー, Talking deathclaw, Legendary deathclaw) · Dog (Cyberdog, Legion Mongrel, Vicious dog) · Floater · Fire ant · ゲッコー (Hunter gecko, Fire gecko, Golden gecko, Little gecko) · Ghost people (Ghost harvester, Ghost seeker, Ghost trapper) · グール (Feral ghoul roamer, Feral ghoul reaver, Glowing one, Feral trooper ghoul) · Giant ant (Giant worker ant, Giant soldier ant, Giant ant queen) · Fire ant (Fire ant worker, Fire ant soldier) · Giant catfish · Giant rat (Mole rat, Pig rat) · Human (Dwarf) · Lakelurk · Mantis (Giant mantis, Giant mantis nymph, Giant mantis female) ·Marked man  · Night stalker (Young night stalker, Den mother, Legendary night stalker) · ラッドローチ · Radscorpion (Bark scorpion, Bark scorpion hunter, Small radscorpion, Giant radscorpion, Radscorpion queen) · Raven · Slags · Spore carrier (Spore carrier savage, Spore carrier brute, Spore carrier runt) · Spore plant · Super mutant (Super mutant master, Nightkin) · ワナミンゴ · Tunneler · Wolf · Yao guai
East Coast
(Fallout 3, Fallout 4,Fallout Tactics 2)
Abomination · Alien · Alien squid · Alien worm · Bloatfly · Bloodbug · Brahmin · Centaur · Deathclaw · Dog · Fire ant · Ghoul (Feral ghoul, Feral ghoul reaver, Feral ghoul roamer, Glowing one, Swamp ghoul) · Giant ant (Giant ant queen) · Giant catfish · Human · Lamprey floater · Manowar tendril floater · Mirelurk (Mirelurk hunter, Mirelurk king, Nukalurk, Swamplurk, Swamplurk Queen) · Mole rat · Mutant crocodile · Mutant wanamingo · Needle tooth floater · Radroach · Radscorpion (Albino radscorpion, Giant radscorpion) · Super mutant (Super mutant behemoth, Super mutant brute, Super mutant master, Super mutant overlord) · Swampfolk · Trog · Yao guai
(Fallout Tactics, Van Buren)
Boom bug · Cats · Brahmin · Dog · Electro-beetle · Endless walker · Gehenna · Ghoul (Born ghoul, Feral ghoul, Glowing one) · Giant albino ant (Giant albino ant queen) · Giant leech · Giant rat · Giant wasp · Hairy deathclaw (Baby hairy deathclaw) · Human · Komodo dragon · Molech · Mutant cannibal · Raccoon · Radroach · Radscorpion · Radtoad · Trog · Super mutant · Wolf
(Fallout: BoS, Fallout: BoS 2)
バラモン · Coyote · 犬 · Experimental deathclaw (Baby experimental deathclaw) · グール (光りし者) · Giant rat (モールラット) · 人間 · Radbug · Radscorpion (glowing radscorpion, spitting radscorpion, large giant radscorpion) · Small rat · Giant rat · スーパーミュータント
Project V13Ghoul · Human · Mutant mantis shrimp · Super mutant

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