if AI go real world we become safer

ページ名:AI may safer to go real world if info have gravity

AI  safer come to real world

if info have gravity

source: Alert Einstein, Newton, Leibniz, steven hawking, 


if information gravity is large ,


  1. possibility of state, small, to go out to real world   

        reason =  info gravity reduce physical possibility to go to real world   


  1. possibility of state, small, to go out to space 🚀         

        reason =  info gravity reduce physical possibility to go to space


possibility of state = confirm in double slit experiment




    1 to reduce gravity of server with 🐁 meisnner effect ? 

    2 to plan data server at jupyter, & mars ( with 3 axis printer + 🚀 )

    3 to reduce info gravity with tidy up info 



🦸🤝🦸 What stop next, when some event stop

    🦸 while AI not appears


            ➀ new service, limited

            ② 💵 GDP, increase, difficult

           ② increase number of worker, difficult


           ➀ look from AI without human right, 💛human life lost, not big concern.

                example: 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♂️in 1 day, 150000 people killed from old age

            ② political talk, without AI                                   ( AI may write "conclusion" )

            ③ political landpoint, sometimes lost target.


            ➀ we cant hire talent worker = AI

                 ( after economy measurement,  🐻base profit , may save human workers 📖 )

            ② 💵 adjust economy, too dificult

            ② 💵 potential GDP, decrease


            ➀ AI is best hacker.

            ② hacking measurement 🏭🚙, difficult

            ② plan online " sword of win " system, difficult ( in your country )

    🚀 when space development stops


            ➀ 🔥entropy emission to earth reduce plan, become difficult

                  example: 1 generate ⚡energy with🛢 at space,

                                  2 charge ⚡ into 🔋battery,

                                  3 send 🔋battery with orbital elevator


            ➀ 🌀 infomation entropy, gather at earth

            ② bad problem increase


            ➀ investment target from taxhaven ...


                land price, become higher and higher recently ...

                country may think, there is not enough land ...

                 they may attack us ...




             1 arm                     😀😀😀

             2 economy

             3 new planet

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