Athena & judgement 💵 青龍 = East
🐅寅 in 十二支
source: god law
ⅲ Common Truth = Count Common unit
🐅if we admit
= we count quantity of object,
with unit numbers
🐅if we admit
- Truth = what we able to certificate, to anyone
- what we observe before => what we able to certificate
- if what we observe is not common, certification impossible
= truth, is common.
Ⅲ 共通 = Common = Truth
what is common truth ?
at night, player one observe move of star.
player two observe move of wolfs.
at usual, 2 observation is truth.
what is common profit between us ?
= money 💵
we rely to money, when we trade.
profit is countable.
our public profit, is countable.
countable profit example:
money 💵 < = > unit: $
water 💧 < = > unit: Gram
grocery🍕 < = > unit: Gram
petroleum 🛢 < = > unit: Gram
🍕 sum of profit of us
= profit on planet 🌎
🌎 to keep resource on planet plus,
resource increase > resource decrease
🌎 resource increase ?
if country A create 5000 ton grocery / year 🍕 + 5000 ton
if country B consume 500 ton grocery / year🍕 -500 ton
sum = 4500 ton grocery / year🍕 +4500 ton ok
🌎 resource decrease ?
if country A create 24 ton petroleum / year 🛢 + 24 ton
if country B consume 15 ton petroleum / year 🛢 - 35 ton
sum = 9 ton petroleum / year 🛢 + 9 ton ok
🍸how we increase total profit ?
💵 when exchange,
total profit sometimes increase.
💵 when gold in country increase,
if value of gold = resource,
total profit increase
💵 resuorce increase,
energy become object, 👉Black hole
if object become energy, 👈Nuclear fusion
Energy = mass × ( speed of light ) × ( speed of light )
Lucifer |
Abenomics ( decrease debt budget with inflation ) |
Jules-Henri Poincaré | |
Nikola Tesla | La France achève la re nationalisation des compagnies d’électricité (Kyodo News) --Yahoo ! News |
🐅 point:
➀ total money will not changes, even when we purchase.
② total money will not changes, even when stock prize changes.
③ total money will not changes, even when we find new diamond.
③ total money, sometimes increase, when we trade international.
🐻💵 we had print money too much ...
how we maintain $ Value ?
🐻standard system
= exchange money & something
= value of money, get some support from value of something
🐻standard system example:
1⃣ exchange money with Gold
2⃣ exchange money with Silver
3⃣ exchange money with petroleum
🍷 when sum of budget = MINUS,
what happens?
🍷 1⃣ tax evation
➀ Income Tax is HIGH
② some wealthy people, try to hide profit.
③ profit of your company, dissapear from account book.
=> if we sum profit in account book, profit dissapears.
=> usually, that wont apppear in accountbook, again
🍷 2⃣ sum of our debt, become your debt.
⓪ if people bankrupt, personal debt => bank's debt
① country pay debt of bank
② tax from country increase
= movement of debt
you can think,
total profit increase
is our common wish.
🍷 3⃣ if sum of our gold < 0,
🏳country vs 🏭company
happens in economy.
if total budget < 0
💵 economy = seesaw game.
➀ if 🏳country wins,
・🏭 industrial power in your country, become small
・ country power become small
② if 🏭company wins,
・country will bankrupt,
・country's money value, become small.
🍷 4⃣ if sum of our gold < 0,
debt move in 1 planet
= debt moves, just like water.
=> sum of our gold > 0,
necessary to survive.
🤝when you wants to gather gold,
1⃣ group helps
to gather gold
= stock system, from Great Britain
① plan product within group
② gather gold from public, with pay certificate ( stock )
③ return = stock price increase
🤝 when stock value increase, 💵 company budget become stable.
2⃣ cloud gold gathering
① gather gold from public
② return product to public, who had support gather gold
🐻 we attend conference,
profit increase.
support graphs
1⃣ total income to company not changes
2⃣ salary of worker same
1⃣ + 2⃣ = number of workers, limited
1⃣ currency rate changes
2⃣ currency rate returnes
1⃣ + 2⃣ = when exchange,
① total gold quantity, sometimes increase .
② total gold quantity, sometimes decrease .
12 articles of reason, why we can observe object ?
TrueTheory CertificateWith TrueTheory |
logical tie between certification |
Unit is reason of experiment |
Truth = Common info |
static to search theory |
from truthes to laws | memory system |
power within everyone |
infinity concept |
non certain information |
Property Of World |
observation questions |
I | Ⅴ | ⅵ | Ⅶ | ⅷ | ⅸ | Ⅹ |
writer write info at common.