⚖️🐢Black hole = compression limit = atom & space unit exist
when all black hole will solve,
there is llimit of compression
source: Democritus - Wikipedia, Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar - Wikipedia,
➀ pull power of blackhole = blackhole's gravity
② if blackhole remains, blackhole's gravity, continue increase
③ if blackhole resolves, there is limit of compression.
🐢blackhole = limit of compression of object
🐢1⃣ if atom not exist,
blackhole with fermion become heavier and heavier. ➀
🐢2⃣ if space unit not exist,
blackhole with bozon become heavier and heavier. ②
fermion: particle, which can not exist at same location example: Oxigen, Hydrogen, etc...
bozon: particle, which can exist at same location example: 🔦
🐢3⃣ if all blackhole stop compression,
➀ is not true.
② is not true.
🐢➀ is not true = atom exist,
🐢② is not true = space unit exist,
next article: ⌚time unit, come from Einstein & Newton s equation
⚖️physical base theory
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