entropy wiki

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Let us think                                                                                    with your boss

All possible solution

how to solve total profit decrease problem                 in future



🎴vavnir myth vs ❄️ solomon


  🏃‍♀️🏃‍♂️in 1 day, 150000 people killed from old age

💵exchange of currency, sometime Increase total profit, in account book

             loss from economy problem

            =    💵 limit of Number of living people   🏃‍♀️🏃‍♂️

               + 💵Small profit group wont survive in war


        if you wont suicide, you have self defence right.

       if your boss misleaded from some player 

          to select suicide with subordinates 🔥 in long term...

       = select to decrease total profit in group ...


                    1 ❄️ at conference,     change strategy of your boss 

                    2 ❄️ at conference,     ask someone to change mind of your boss 

                    3 ❄️ change situation of your group, with diplomacy

                    4 ❄️ do best to solve what group made  your boss have to choose long term suicide

                    5 ❄️ do best to change Personnel Evaluation from outside

                    6 ❄️ do best to decrease 🔥 entropy , just like ➀ collect garbage ② tidy up files ③ clean

                    7 ❄️ move to other work place

                    8 ❄️ peacefully change boss with collegues 

                    9 🔥 revellion

                    you wont choose 🔥to solve 🔥

                    if you understand 🔥 entropy theory


                              magic academy s limit of broad cast 🔥

                              will not help you ...

    💛you have self defence right

              if you predicted be killed ... 



💵economy topic

    💵product AI purchase


loss from economy problem

    = 💵 limit of Number of living people

       + 💵Small profit group wont survive in war


sometimes money Vanishes

    💵why Tax Evation decrease total profit in account book ? 

    💵why unprofitable exchange of currency decrease total profit in account book ?

    💵why total budget shoud be PLUS in country


solutions when money Vanish

    💵past country create Money without debt

    💵 stock wont stop government debt increase

    💵virtual currency ( Bitcoin ) + space power generator


how to decrease country debt

    💵next planet can pull tax haven gold

    💵 tax income =< consumer income

    💵 new market = GDP

    💵Many Safe New Products for economy

    💵how country increase its revenue?


bankrupt measurements

    💵"empty" stock sell attack to USA, should stop

    💵bankrupt measurement and Great Depression measure


if total profit increase in country

    💵if Reduce debt Worker can increase

    💵Health Care, should be " become 💛  young facility "

    💵we can pay to revive infra after economy solution


    💵our ⌚💵🛢 cost, spend on solveable economy problem



United Nations, may stop friction                ...

    if, your boss choose "long term suicide"

    if, your boss dont change strategy ...

    if, your boss won t do measurement ...


  1. no measurement to entropy increase🔥

  2. no bankrupt measurement 💵

  3. no measurement to nuclear missile ☢

  4. limit news output

  • your team MAY have data memory limit.
  • your team R&D, may resetted

    if you collapse planet , we will killed from you

             ... your suicide, with other players 

                1 nuclear war ☢

                2 entropy increase🔥

                 our wish, is survive.

                 => if you want to collapse planet,  

                       our survive = your suicide, before you suicide with other players

    💛we have self defence right

          agaginst world breaker

     🥀when this planet collapse

              ➀🥀nuclear war

                  => here is nuclear war measurements

      🥀when this planet collapse

           ② 🥀when entropy increase on 1 planet


🧑‍✈️if you are top, 3 choices  to survive 


    🦁 agressive strategy

    🐘 neutral country strategy

    🕊   peaceful strategy 


🦁 agressive strategy

    point of war prediction

          ① if human right of AI not exist                                     ( war between AI & human )

          ② when United Nations wont start cosmic law             ( => space war )

          ③ when United Nations power become small

      1⃣ Nuclear weapon Treaty, become non effective   

      2⃣ 💵Economy Trade become small,              => when trade become small, war happen from no=Resources Country

                                                                                    (   Germany in WWI,    Japan in WW II,  ...  )

      3⃣ 💵bankrupt at big country                                               => after bankrupt, war happend in history.

                                                                                   (  WW II  )

      4⃣ 💵when economic investment stops

          ➀ no measurement to entropy increase🔥

          ② reverse cycle to R&D         = friction🔥

          ③ stop important news          = friction🔥

          ④ stop space development   = friction🔥

what 🦁 agressive player should do, to survive

get AIR superiority

success to develop orbital infrastructure (to reduce direct heat emission🔥, on planet)

success to develop other planet, with high speed
create New United Nations, to write space law  


🐘 neutral country strategy

  •  point to select neutral country strategy

  1.     can evade war country

    what 🐘 neutral country, should do

nuclear missile measurement ☢

  1.     lazer beam weapon
  2.     gundam ( or, "transformer" )
  3.     evade system

play role of marchant

  1.     sell weapon
  2.     sell fuel
evade & survive   ( care entropy 🔥 )
  • examples:

    float city


    sea town


🕊  peaceful strategy

  • point to choose peaceful strategy:

  1.   Economy policy of your country can evade bankrupt.
  2.   other country wont choose war to your country, to erase economical debt
  3.   Law have enough power, in your country

    what 🕊  peaceful strategy player, should do

  • power up United Nations  
  • treaty before war 



    if you wont suicide

      = you can have

         self defence right

             if you don't understand, you can confirm fact, in game.


       You, May have Limited time, to solve problem.











if you Believe Bible, you also believe prophecy


writer reccomend Jeanne d'Arc to commander before.  ( 🍷excalibur vote battle is predictable )


writer predict

we can not believe time traveler is nice guy,

because jesus revive not confirmed.


from solomon's student

Writer 's Name means

1 alert for nuclear war

2 alert for evil

3 core


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