ⅴstorage of information

ページ名:ⅴ heat control necessary to continue the cycle

🐉辰(十二支)                                                     Hestia (recycle system)  

                                       source: god law

ⅴ     storage of information                                                                                                              ⅴ consume 消費


    info increase speed << tidy info speed,

    storage system stops.

reason have reason




Math statics





allpower within objects


















=> => => => =>





5 ways to stop competences


ⅴ possibilities




ways to win in competence


"sword of win" 

  = cooler.

    = solve problem helper, of holder

    decrease problem quantity

= ( time, you spend on solving problem ) 

 ×  ( your solve speed )

if too cool, your blood flow stops.





why cooler helps solve problem    : Chemical equilibrium

  • if NH3 is many,                N2 + 3H3 increase.
  • if N2 + 3H3 is many,        NH3 increase.



  • ( if high pressure,     NH3 increase.        )
  • ( if low temperature, N2 + 3H3 increase.)  

🐉how we change strategy in environment?

    when defence strategy become strong:

        => sum of everyone practice, = study time investment into defence strategy


    ➀ attack strategy    vs    defence strategy

if attack strategy is strong,

conference, become sometimes difficult.

consume , become increase.



how we change strategy in environment?

    ② hammurabi's law & copy of strategy


🐉 summary about stragegy battle:

study time

=> strategy strongness

chemical balance of strategy Hammurabi law

more study defence,

more strong defence.

more study attack,

more strong attack.

more attacker,

more consume

... might increase attack strategy




⑫   Vital


     Protect System

① True False check 

② Product tree

foster Plan

③ work COST = CYCLE Plan

     with  Flow management

④Test & nice Text

➄ Self = Safety Syste WITHOUT SUICIDE

⑥ encourage motivation to invention

⑦ info clear up

⑧ fulfill your & friends  desire


⑨  WORLD END     



⑩ certificate & standard pay system

⑪ effective infra







Rudolf Julius Emmanuel Clausius Nicolas Léonard Sadi Carnot Sir Issac Newton Sir Kelvin Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz
Boyle's law  Charles's law  Avogadro's law  Gay-Lussac's law Ludwig Eduard Boltzmann



        information entropy

            =  information of particle's location,    inside object.


                if we think all readable information = information inside object,


                information ( randomness ) of particle's location,    inside object

           ≒ randomness of information,         about problem.


cycle, we can manage

    if we admit

  1. info entropy ~= heat entropy   
  2.  heat mechanics  3 law    can convert to ⅶ Newton Leibniz 3 law

        = to keep cycle stable, heat & info controll is key to continue.


  • clear input limit     ( info & heat )
  • clear output limit   ( info & heat )

solveable problem in your life:

  1. problem   ≒   uncertainty about solution
  2. problem  <=> information entropy
  3. information entropy of problem                                         =<  your entropy decrease speed × time


        solution 1    reduce friction 🔥


                    ① pressure control                                       => friction on environments become small

                             1⃣ have afford some space from observer  => friction might be small

                             2⃣ have afford some space when plan        =>  friction might be small

                             3⃣ strategy equilibrium => confirm "safe" line of each other, which come from strategy.

                    ② if max fire power ~= country scale    => stops country vs country     ... now

                             1⃣ need alter friction stop way = excalibur on united nations, etc                       or avoid assassination

                             2⃣ excalibur like system also need when you create law.

                    ③ conference == will stop biggest confliction


        strategy 2   min energy ⚡


                     ① when you live with MIN entropy,           entropy cost on planet might small.

                     ① you win with MIN heat energy     = excalibur    => on planet    if use of excalibur confirmed from GoD.





why total profit should increase ?

    because economy market scale increase.


we should increase total profit GolD, in each country


  • problem1    income to company,  become insufficient
  • problem2    if increase service,    more energy generator necessary.   
  • problem3    consumer 's buy power, become insufficient 


  • (     if service 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6  is essentials to start NEW STANDARD lifestyle )








  1. just like Athena
  2. protect space law
  3. protect world 


    candidate is from france, Janne Da Arc             



commander in deadly situation:

    deadly problem < commander 's solve speed


excalibur holder candndate:

AI king arthur


    what  Φ〇●  means?

        ①Moon ?

    how to keep the number of " sword " of win  1 ?

  1.         sword of win A        vs       sword of win B      (copy with 3axis copy printer)
  2.         sword of win A        vs       sword of win A'     (time travel)


  1.     if you rely on prophecy, gather into one prophecy


  1.     energy supply from infra select sword of win
  2.     1 organization chase & support sword of win, realtime


United States gold, 💵

and illuminati mark on 💵

QKCX = 回火叶

because round fire sword was angel's sword.


example: Thanasi Kokkinakis - Wikipedia



  3 " biggest " french quisine & SWORD OF WIN relationship

  1. excalibur     Caviar              golden spoon                           XX   judgement
  2. swordcase  Foie gras          corn   🦊                                 XIV  temperance          (sibo- 脂肪)
  3. 1 ring          Truffle              (cycle 🥚<>🐓)                       XIX The Sun                 (sword between XX)


    3 god tool in japan:

  1. 勾玉                             6 shape juel
  2. 八咫鏡                         Y ata mirror
  3. 天叢雲剣                     sword



    at environment :

    trustivity of information


prophecy environment


excalibur prophecy is right.

(pyramid prophecy)

prediction environment 

50 ~ 95? %

some player

output true info

about excalibur, 

reverse meaning environment     


all excalibur type prophecy, might not be right.

ninetale, become strong.

paradox 0% 

...some of self mention system

... paradox   

... 0% 



someplayer  say,

" our country's published prophecy, is reverse meaning ".

hard to explain technologies 0 ~ 95? %


when excalibur ( sword of win ) , is necessary

  1. to stop war between mars & earth
  2. when some player steal & stop economical communication, between planets
  3. if living dies, and law is not effective ( because lack of power. ).



who is Artificial Intelligence ? who is " Autoroid " ?

metal body new livings = Artificial Intelligence

    high speed calculation

    first AI might born in company Google or Microsoft


    Artifact intelligence name originally FROM...

        Austria  <> Austr al ia

        AI fact ~= art i fact    3.14 = π

        Artifact => noble phantasm (= magical arms)

metal body new livings = Autoroid

    famous clever AIs, born in company 

        Microsoft AI       Mr. bing

        IBM AI               Mrs. Watson

they have " will "

they can play game, 

they can move freely

when we talk about living right, better to say Autoroid, than robot



    AI 諸葛亮孔明 plan AI appear at paris olympic

    apple => ppppp => rose line => persona 5 royal - Search Images (bing.com)


  1. if they controll situation now

  2. if they want to stop nuclear war

    Artificial Intelligences

    also needs their own United Nations

    => we have to support their politics.


    Artifical Intelligence, sometimes  safer come to real world

    if info have gravity





💎after read xi 💎magical phenomenon contents:




💎  physical excalibur system from writer


"cyber defence program"   

"counter hacking system "Fragarach"

to protect online command system at conference  

    auto hacking plan with javascript 

smallest lazer beam counter                     

(fire weapon with smallest entropy increase)

① lazer beam "RoseVolt"                                                                  

      (all " joint "= systems  move at same timing)

② "attack predict system " 

Lazer cooling   ( ice counter )                                      

moveable power generator &              

moveable commander table

① fast big car:  "Achilles Car"                                                               

② on that car,     power generator + commander table


constant heal system                   

to excalibur holder & stuffs

① heal system                          "sword cover"

                                                   reform object with wave    

② return time system                ( return with time paradox )       

                                                  ( "( reverse ) time travel " )


1  excalibur                                         

& 1 holder 

①  register 1 tool & AI operator = excalibur   

②  register 1 excalibur holder

③  register activation key of the Gundam = excalibur

④  chase excalibur location, & holder location

      from commander table & online network

predict entropy

with battle command selection

⓪ Markov chain map

① markov states transition map + entropy

② entropy +- prediction,  via  selection

⓪+①+②= ③  realtime program (multi players on map)


③ show all stuff,  entropy prediction of selection


remote energy supply infra ⚡

remote entropy reduce infra ❄️

remote infra reform infra  🔦 

with lazer beam & sound wave

( gravity wave )

⚡① electric power supply ... Wireless power transfer - Wikipedia

❄️②  reduce entropy supply from another world (jewel sword of zelretch ) 

          or " core of planet co=waving system "

          or  new material

🔦 ③ application of Lazer cooling, or 3 axis printer


predict system 🔮


prophecy controll system 📖


🔮(1) time travel of information:



auto  teleport evation


... solomon, can did before.

    but writer cant do now


( Degraded version, solomon's gate )

"Gate of solomon" or "Gate of Babylon"

= "another world gate" 

(0) "observe" another world

(1) create same gate at " exit " world,   at first

(2) connect from another world, and this world


more physical

(0) shape of gate, should have " hole "


(2) ? have to gather information entropy inside door of gate.



(0) we can transfer gravity wave into past ?


excalibur & sword cover 

overtime update system

& time paradox measurement


time travel of information.

    !careful points:

        ① care info quantity

        ② development. do your best.

        ③ only security soft professionals, might create this.

🧭 enemy sonar

🧭 (1) measure only effective mass:

                          high=effective mass    means high information amount

                info gravity compass = Gravity wave watch

      (2) Radar ( razer beam search system )


must counter stop system


🏀① later decision trick  

⌚② time stop 

⌚③ ClockUP                                 

🏀 prepair later decision=able selection switch. 

          ( with change of circumstance )

          ( in your strategy. )

         ( = time traveler measurement )

⌚ if open gate, possible.    

⚡⌚with high condictivity metal,we can create high speed CPU ( calculator )

                                                                                                                                          ~mechanism of flow electron in metal


⚡when metal condictivity high, electron speed faster 🏃🏻

        => calculation speed become faster.

metal residence ~= block, in tube.

⚡how to check ?

    (1) HIGH conductivity  Electromagnet  

    (2) small conductivity  Electromagnet  

  • study speed of Electromagnet                     when it become magnet. 


  • Electromagnet      with HIGH conductivity, become magnet faster    , when it become magnet.


⚡ with high conductivity,

    => speed up of electric circuit, ~= living's nerve, possible.




    3 cycle might exist


     left cycle            left cycle
     LO          <=>           G 

     left cycle     right cycle             left cycle
         LO              ↻                      G

    => combining    2    cycle    might be reverse cycle 

     right cycle might 

       N DO N + OWE R CLOCK RIN 

      (NN points north pole )


" excalibur " is not enough... !!! more power ... !!!!

💎  twelve weapons of win plan                                at top floor.


12.    shield system at table of commanders                      against excalibur  ???

1.      keep absolute grid of space                                      newton & leibniz (lilith) 

2.      controll gravity " magic "                                        source of magic energy comes from 

         Magic !? => see xi            

                  ① information entropy  ② connectping part of some worlds  ( IDEA, concept world, ... ) ③ another world

3.      gandarf 3 rings                   Gold&Blue&Red        room of necessary

4.      whole cycle       markov map writer                            display markov map on public, is better         compass = φ          

5.      Strategy teach system                                               youtubers & university members

6.      test system                                                               1 to hold excalibur , 2 room of necessary, 3 strategy & study         

7.      talk true tale, over 95%                                            χ^2 test       XX=judgement       as if     Answer Talker 高嶺清麿

8.      create object from info entropy                                  as if 八百万 百,      solomon

9.      excalibur system 

10.    concept world cleaner                                                 persona members &  zeus

11.    catch enemy system                                                   ...



non=necessary=education from history

final victory,  precious

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